Dear David,
Q: RAM holds data that is recently accessed - how much of that will you have?
Ans: Kindly confirm, as per your question “RAM holds data that is recently accessed” : How we figured out that how much data we will have. Is it depends of Total WAL files (total "checkpoint_segment" I have given 32), am I correct or thinking wrong, please clarify to me.
Right now we have 10 GB RAM for first database server and 3 GB RAM for another database server.
Q: Cores help service concurrent requests - how many of those will you have? How fast will they complete?
Ans: It’s means, if we have more core then we can do our work fast. Like from 9.3 onwards for pg_dump as example, if machines having multiple cores as the load can be shared among separate threads.
So if possible to us then more core should be available on database server for better performance, please clarify the benefit of more core to me.
Right now we have 1 core for first database server and 2 core for another database server.