Postgresql Users
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- Re: Get the table creation DDL, (continued)
- range with infinity bound data type disallow extra empty white space.,
jian he
- Database designs,
Zahid Rahman
- postgresql bug,
- CPU is 100% azure rds postgreSQL-11,
Pavan Kumar S
- Why does pg_statio_user_tables report heap_blks_hit after index only scan?,
Aleksander Łukasz
- Error when pasting function blocks into psql,
Ludwig Isaac Lim
- postgresql generate ddl returns FK with `<?>()` in it,
Roman Gavrilov
- - operator overloading not giving expected result,
Rajesh S
- About revoking large number of privileges; And the PUBLIC role.,
Dominique Devienne
- unable to understand query result,
Stefan Froehlich
- ADD COLUMN ts tsvector GENERATED too slow,
Florents Tselai
- Seems to be impossible to set a NULL search_path,
Bryn Llewellyn
- How to upgrade postgres version 8 to 13,
shashidhar Reddy
- Re: How to upgrade postgres version 8 to 13,
Michael Nolan
- Re: How to upgrade postgres version 8 to 13,
Laurenz Albe
General Inquiry,
Cloete, F. (Francois)
lifetime of the old CTID,
Matthias Apitz
Getting data from a record variable dynamically,
Rhys A.D. Stewart
Postgresql 13.7 hangs down,
Bogdan Siara
Beginner Question:Why it always make sure that the postgres better than common csv file storage in disaster recovery?,
Wen Yi
plpgsql_check issue while upgrading from postgres version 12 to 13.7,
shashidhar Reddy
pg_amcheck warnings after upgrade to 14.4,
Aleš Zelený
Fatel: unsupported frientend protocol error,
eswar reddy
Function inside query status,
Rama Krishnan
Question on pg_auto_failover extension,
User's responsibility when using a chain of "immutable" functions?,
Bryn Llewellyn
GIN index operator ?(jsonb,text) not working?,
jian he
Libpq question related to allocated resources,
Karl Denninger
Unique index prohibits partial aggregates,
Bos, Fred
Different sort result between PostgreSQL 8.4 and 12.5,
help for pg_wal issue,
Özge Özyavuz
Table space not returned to the OS ?,
Florents Tselai
How can I set up Postgres to use given amount of RAM?,
Question about attention to pgsql-hackers@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx,
Differences in Escaped bytea's when creating a plain pg_dump,
Tuning a query with ORDER BY and LIMIT,
Dirschel, Steve
ERROR: new collation (en_US.UTF-8) is incompatible with the collation of the template database (en_US.utf-8),
Tomas Pospisek
PostgreSQL with Patroni not replicating to all nodes after adding 3rd node (another secondary),
Zb B
Source code test data folder don't have CSV files. How to get the CSV file.,
jian he
How to use 32 bit ODBC driver,
Aditya Bhardwaj
Reminder: Call for Papers for PostgreSQL Conference Europe 2022 is closing soon!,
Andreas 'ads' Scherbaum
INSERT ALL with DML ERROR Logging replacement in PostgreSQL,
Jagmohan Kaintura
accessing postgres from c++,
Rino Mardo
AIX and EAGAIN on open(),
Christoph Berg
A error happend when I am clone the git repository,
Wen Yi
Outer joins and NULLs (old subject "ERROR: failed to find conversion function from key_vals_nn to record[]"),
Bryn Llewellyn
Index creation,
Дмитрий Иванов
Postgresql error : PANIC: could not locate a valid checkpoint record,
Mahendrakar, Prabhakar - Dell Team
Any way to understand state after data corruption failures during startup.,
Harinath Kanchu
Operators on ranges with a domain subtype do not implicitly cast operands of the domain's base type,
Daniel Popowich
[no subject],
Rama Krishnan
- Re:,
Adrian Klaver
- Re:,
Abdul Qoyyuum
ERROR: failed to find conversion function from key_vals_nn to record[],
Bryn Llewellyn
Automatic autovacuum to prevent wraparound - PG13.5,
Mauro Farracha
PostgreSQL 12.2 on Linux ubuntu 20.4 / s390,
Ian Dauncey
Recent 11.16 release change,
Daniel Brinzila
Postgres NOT IN vs NOT EXISTS optimization,
Dirschel, Steve
Tools to convert timestamp data to another time zone in PostgreSQL,
Joel Rabinovitch
"A block containing an EXCEPTION clause is significantly more expensive to enter and exit than a block without one",
Bryn Llewellyn
Markur Sens
multiple entries for synchronous_standby_names,
Nitesh Nathani
newbie db design question,
Rino Mardo
Need optimization in query,
Shubham Mittal
How to get response message,
Rama Krishnan
How to drop a subscription inside a stored procedure?,
Thomas Kellerer
A function to find errors in groups in a table,
Shaozhong SHI
Cluster OID Limit,
Fwd: message log merge (streaming replication),
Peter Adlersburg
Sharing DSA pointer between parallel workers after they've been created,
Ma, Marcus
gawk extension linux missing stuff in package manager fedora 36,
Jim McNamara
FATAL: could not receive timeline history file from the primary server: ERROR: could not open file "pg_wal/0000000x.history": No such file or directory,
pgdba pgdba
[no subject],
Jim McNamara
- Fwd:,
Jim McNamara
- Re:,
Ian Lawrence Barwick
SQL state: 42601. Execption handling. ,
GSSAPI authentication,
Niels Jespersen
Logical replication of large objects,
Andreas Joseph Krogh
Call pstrdup() of palloc.h will change source string, please help!,
Window function?,
Robert Stanford
'{"x": 42, "y": null}'::jsonb != '{"x": 42}'::jsonb ... Really?,
Bryn Llewellyn
Why password authentication failed for user "postgres"?,
GIN theory,
Max sane value for join_collapse_limit?,
Andreas Joseph Krogh
Accessing composite type elements,
Garfield Lewis
How to display complicated Chinese character: Biang.,
jian he
Extended multivariate statistics are ignored (potentially related to high null fraction, not sure),
Danny Shemesh
function currtid2() in SQL and ESQL/C to get the new CTID of a row,
Matthias Apitz
unoptimized nested loops,
Tim Kelly
Database trigger (one server to another),
Muhammad Bilal Jamil
Logically replicated table has no visible rows,
Jeff Ross
Build Postgres On AIX,
Mark Hill
pgAdmin 4 v 6.9,
Eric Katchan
The use of partial, expressional indices in pg < 14,
Danny Shemesh
Appending data locally to a logical replication subscriber,
andrew cooke
psql 15beta1 does not print notices on the console until transaction completes,
Alastair McKinley
Function definition regression in 15beta1 when specific parameter name (string) is used,
Alastair McKinley
Showing alternative query planner plans with explain ?,
Danny Shemesh
JSONB index not in use, but is TOAST the real cause of slow query?,
Shaheed Haque
Improve configurability for IO related behavoir,
浩辰 何
autovacuum on primary blocking queries on replica?,
Don Seiler
Determine if range list contains specified integer,
Automatic PK values not added to new rows,
Rich Shepard
"Join Postgres on Slack" ?,
Bryn Llewellyn
Extension pg_trgm, permissions and pg_dump order,
Färber, Franz-Josef (StMUK)
pg_create_logical_replication_slot in DB1 is blocked by a session in DB2,
Fred Habash
Connect to specific cluster on command line,
Carsten Klein
connect permission based on database name,
Rob Sargent
PG 13.6 : Data corruption error message not being sent to syslog,
Abhishek Bhola
link that explain ICU_LOCALE locale concept about local variant code and keywords.,
jian he
Pg14 possible index corruption after reindex concurrently,
Aleš Zelený
About psql \dt unable display same name table which have different schema,
existing row not found by SELECT ... WHERE CTID = ?,
Matthias Apitz
Would it be possible to utilize a GIN index to query for distinct values ?,
Danny Shemesh
cast to domain with default collation issue.,
jian he
Fwd: How is this possible "publication does not exist",
operations i
Can I start Update row in After Insert trigger function?,
psql connect over ssl load balancer,
list tablespaces named in custom format dump,
Rob Sargent
[no subject],
Rama Krishnan
Casting a collation in an ORDER BY ... COLLATE,
Kip Cole
Long living and expiring locks?,
Tim Uckun
No default for (user-specific) service file location on Windows?,
Dominique Devienne
About pg_basebackup,
switchover and switchback assistance ...,
Reasons for not overwriting processed wal archives?,
Koen De Groote
In case of network issues, how long before archive_command does retries,
Koen De Groote
show primary_conninfo unchanged after promotion?,
Wiwwo Staff
Who am I? Where am I connected?,
Dominique Devienne
TO_DATE function between PostgreSQL 8.2 and 9.4,
Parallel not working,
Postgres AST Deparser for Postgres,
Dan Lynch
Alternative to slow SRF in SELECT?,
Markur Sens
Row level security insert policy does not validate update new values/content?,
[no subject],
Rama Krishnan
- Re:,
David G. Johnston
- Re:,
Amul Sul
Logon via GSSAPI from Linux fails, but works from Windows,
Niels Jespersen
generated column cast from timestamptz to timestamp not OK.,
Restricting user to see schema structure,
Neeraj M R
effects of nullifying bytea column on storage,
David Gauthier
consistent postgresql snapshot,
Zwettler Markus (OIZ)
Deferred constraint trigger semantics,
Bryn Llewellyn
Fedora 36,
Kieran McCusker
Question on cast string to date,
Set timeout just on a query?,
Shaozhong SHI
Need to install Postgres Version 14 in Linux server with Client and migration steps.,
Rajamoorthy-CW, Thirumurugan 8361
The P0004 assert_failure exception assert_failure exception seems to be unhandleable,
Bryn Llewellyn
PLPGSQL - extra column existence in trigger,
Hasan Marzooq
How to get value wrapped in json?,
Shaozhong SHI
Vertical partition,
Rama Krishnan
"A transaction cannot be ended inside a block with exception handlers.",
Bryn Llewellyn
Order of rows in statement triggers NEW/OLD tables,
hubert depesz lubaczewski
Psycopg3 fails to resolve 'timezone localtime' on MacOS,
Jerry Sievers
WIN1252 vs UTF8 database encoding,
Displaying chat by punished users only to themselves (db fiddle attached),
Alexander Farber
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