On 7/24/22 17:32, Gavin Flower wrote:
On 25/07/22 12:19, Adrian Klaver wrote:
On 7/24/22 17:15, Gavin Flower wrote:
On 25/07/22 11:56, Taka Taka wrote:
I suspect that most people do not know what 'M365' is, would be good
to explain. Am curious as to what 'M365' is!
New branding and pricing(subscription) of MS Office.
Microsoft 365
Thanks, I use LibreOffice which is free and easier to use -- it runs on
many O/S's including those from Micosoft.
That is what I use also. Unfortunately if you are in a true blue MS shop
LibreOffice will only take you so far at which point you will need MS
365 to get things done. FYI, MS 365 is MS looking at Apple and realizing
that they needed to convert to having users generate a continuous
revenue stream instead of having them hang on to site licensed copy for
Adrian Klaver