On 7/19/22 10:26 AM, Achilleas Mantzios wrote:
Thank you Adrian!
Actually thank:
Στις 19/7/22 18:36, ο/η Adrian Klaver έγραψε:
On 7/19/22 03:38, Achilleas Mantzios wrote:
I reformatted queries to see thing better.
AND numrange(ceptl.min_alarm::numeric, ceptl.max_alarm::numeric, '()')
@> cept.value::numeric
So the above fails. In your title when you say there is no infinity
that means the cept.value, ceptl.min_alarm or ceptl.max_alarm fields
do not have any '-infinity' or 'infinity' values, correct?
There is infinity in cept.value , just not in this result set.
I got confused and wrongly assumed that since the result set (without
the filter in the WHERE clause including cept.value::numeric) did not
contain any infinity it should also work with the filter in the WHERE
clause. Apparently a subplan executes this conversion in the WHERE
before the other filters. I did not do any analyze to prove this.
Have you tried:
NULLIF(cept.value, 'inf')::numeric
Achilleas Mantzios
DBA, Analyst, IT Lead
Dynacom Tankers Mgmt
Adrian Klaver