,'()') as range from items it, cept_report cept , dynacom.vessels vsl, machdefs md, cept_reportlimits ceptl wh
ere it.id=cept.id AND md.defid=ceptl.defid AND it.defid=md.defid AND it.vslwhid=vsl.id AND vsl.vslstatus='Acti
ve' and md.application = 'Critical Equipment Performance Test' AND cept.systemdate>= (now()-'1 year'::interval
) AND cept.value < -100 ORDER BY 1;
id | val | range
(0 rows)
select it.id ,cept.value::numeric as val, numrange(ceptl.min_alarm::numeric,ceptl.max_alarm::numeric
,'()') as range from items it, cept_report cept , dynacom.vessels vsl, machdefs md, cept_reportlimits ceptl wh
ere it.id=cept.id AND md.defid=ceptl.defid AND it.defid=md.defid AND it.vslwhid=vsl.id AND vsl.vslstatus='Acti
ve' and md.application = 'Critical Equipment Performance Test' AND cept.systemdate>= (now()-'1 year'::interval
) AND cept.value::numeric>'-1' ORDER BY 1;
ERROR: cannot convert infinity to numeric
-- has no problem testing against infinity
select it.id ,cept.value::numeric as val, numrange(ceptl.min_alarm::numeric,ceptl.max_alarm::numeric
,'()') as range from items it, cept_report cept , dynacom.vessels vsl, machdefs md, cept_reportlimits ceptl wh
ere it.id=cept.id AND md.defid=ceptl.defid AND it.defid=md.defid AND it.vslwhid=vsl.id AND vsl.vslstatus='Acti
ve' and md.application = 'Critical Equipment Performance Test' AND cept.systemdate>= (now()-'1 year'::interval
) AND cept.value='inf' ORDER BY 1;
id | val | range
(0 rows)
-- still has problem testing the range
select it.id ,cept.value::numeric as val, numrange(ceptl.min_alarm::numeric,ceptl.max_alarm::numeric
,'()') as range from items it, cept_report cept , dynacom.vessels vsl, machdefs md, cept_reportlimits ceptl wh
ere it.id=cept.id AND md.defid=ceptl.defid AND it.defid=md.defid AND it.vslwhid=vsl.id AND vsl.vslstatus='Acti
ve' and md.application = 'Critical Equipment Performance Test' AND cept.systemdate>= (now()-'1 year'::interval
) AND numrange(ceptl.min_alarm::numeric,ceptl.max_alarm::numeric,'()') @> cept.value::numeric ORDER BY 1;
ERROR: cannot convert infinity to numeric
-- no problem if the query goes into its barrier and the test done outside
with bar as (select it.id ,cept.value::numeric as val, numrange(ceptl.min_alarm::numeric,ceptl.max_a
larm::numeric,'()') as range from items it, cept_report cept , dynacom.vessels vsl, machdefs md, cept_reportli
mits ceptl where it.id=cept.id AND md.defid=ceptl.defid AND it.defid=md.defid AND it.vslwhid=vsl.id AND vsl.vs
lstatus='Active' and md.application = 'Critical Equipment Performance Test' AND cept.systemdate>= (now()-'1 ye
ar'::interval) ORDER BY 1)
select * from bar where NOT range @> val;
-- good data here
-- Achilleas Mantzios DBA, Analyst, IT Lead IT DEPT Dynacom Tankers Mgmt