ERROR: cannot convert infinity to numeric
-- has no problem testing against infinity
select ,cept.value::numeric as val, numrange(ceptl.min_alarm::numeric,ceptl.max_alarm:: numeric
,'()') as range from items it, cept_report cept , dynacom.vessels vsl, machdefs md, cept_reportlimits ceptl wh
ere AND md.defid=ceptl.defid AND it.defid=md.defid AND AND vsl.vslstatus='Acti
ve' and md.application = 'Critical Equipment Performance Test' AND cept.systemdate>= (now()-'1 year'::interval
) AND cept.value='inf' ORDER BY 1;
id | val | range
(0 rows)
The column cept.value contains an infinity. I see nothing unusual in any of these queries given that fact. If you try to cast the infinity to numeric it will fail. If that doesn’t happen the query won’t fail.
David J.