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Re: Is Client connections via ca.crt only possible?

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On 2022-08-01 04:12, Rejo Oommen wrote:
Requirement is to use only ca.crt and connect to postgres

Server.crt, Server.key and ca.crt are configured at the postgres server for tls connection.

Connection successful while using
psql ‘host= dbname=test user=postgres sslmode=verify-ca sslcert=/tmp/server.crt sslkey=/tmp/server.key sslrootcert=/tmp/ca.crt port=5432’

For clients to connect, can they use only ca.crt and connect to the DB. Tried and got the below error

psql ‘host= dbname=test user=postgres sslmode=verify-ca sslrootcert=/tmp/ca.crt port=5432’ psql: error: connection to server at “”, port 50001 failed: FATAL:  connection requires a valid client certificate

Hi Rejo,

I don't think you understand fully how mutual TLS auth works. For the client to authenticate using a certificate, it needs a valid certificate and key too, where the certificate is signed by a CA your server trusts (usually the same CA that signed your server cert) and with a proper subject (that bears the certificate owner's user name, the user you will use to grant privileges in the database). You shouldn't even need to pass a username, it will be in the certificate.

I'm talking purely from a generic view, I'm not familiar with any of the specifics of PostgreSQL configuration but TLS authentication requires a secret and a CA certificate isn't secret. Your server certificate authenticates the server, but nothing authenticates the client.



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