I'm testing pgbackrest restore.
It works well, but in the pg logs I get the following lines:
could not link file "pg_wal/000000010000015600000098" to "pg_wal/00000001000001570000006E": File exists
In total, I get 18 lines of "could not link file" and 932 lines of "restored log file" lines.
At the end it finishes with:
redo done at 15A/A001710
last completed transaction was at log time 2022-07-15 19:41:05.175573+00
restored log file "000000030000015A0000000A" from archive
selected new timeline ID: 4
archive recovery complete
restored log file "00000003.history" from archive
database system is ready to accept connections
Before going in production, I wanted to ask, if this is correct like this? I mean are those "could not link file" lines anything to worry about?
Thanks and regards,