Squid Proxy Cache Users
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memory_cache_shared no support for atomic operations,
Cassiano Martin
Reverse proxy with multiple SSL sites,
Roberto Carna
How to build ext_session_acl ?,
problem whith squid and google search engine,
Дмитрий Шиленко
problem whith squid 3.3.1 in transparent mode,
Дмитрий Шиленко
<Possible follow-ups>
problem whith squid and google search engine,
Дмитрий Шиленко
Strange log file message.,
Tom Holder
google picking up squid as,
Squid SSL Bump transparently CONNECT for another proxy,
Jatin Bhasin
problem migrating from 2 to v3 and to new server: video streaming,
Terminating a service(ecap content adaptation) which is intiated by squid at time of squid shutdown,
websocket support,
Stan Holmes
squid smp fails -k reconfigure,
Fernando Lozano
Logformat problem with squid 3.4.5,
Squid 3.3.8 NTLM problems,
Manfred Mayer IT
(104) connection reset by peer on heavy saturated network,
Santiago GOMEZ
squid 3.1.10 https visit bug,
"log_fqdn on" and "logformat" aren't included in the conf. file ?,
Nidal Shater
examples about changing the log formats?,
Nidal Shater
how can I configure squid to do a reverse lookup?,
Nidal Shater
squid 3.4 is caching better than 2.7 ?,
Soporte Técnico
Use squid to vist https website,
Fwd: squid_kerb_ldap trabl,
Valentin G
Problems with Squid 3.5 and freshclam,
DI Peter Burgstaller
Cannot access google search results and other https sites through squid proxy.,
Development Team
basic_ldap_auth problem under Fedora,
Jose-Marcio Martins
Squid 3.4.x Videos/Music Booster,
Reverse proxy: destination hostname different from real hostname,
Roberto Carna
Reverse mode: destination hostname change,
Roberto Carna
R: Re: [squid-users] to test multiple http access,
Riccardo Castellani
How to add banner or popup window to squid 2.7,
Soporte Técnico
Abandoning messages,
Michael Graham
to test multiple http access,
Riccardo Castellani
load average on virtual environment,
Riccardo Castellani
Install Godaddy certificate on squid to use ssl-bumping functionnality,
Antoine Klein
Why not cached ?,
store.cc crashing the squid child,
Farooq Bhatti
Change http header / User-Agent based on Client IP address,
Identification filtering,
ipv6 ssl bump intercept issue.,
jeffrey j donovan
Reverse Proxy and SSL Bump: Advice and Questions,
John Gardner
Jose-Marcio Martins
url_rewrite_program issue,
Alternative to squid to filter HTTPS url path,
Bruno Linhares
Skype issue,
Tom Holder
assertion failed: client_side.cc:1515: "connIsUsable(http->getConn())",
Dan Charlesworth
Another "bug" on Eliezer RPM packages - squid SMP needs /var/run/squid,
Fernando Lozano
swapfile header inconsistent,
Mike Mitchell
Problems with Group detection with ADS,
Puschmann, Sven
Squid 3.4 very high cpu - strace.,
Alex Crow
Error restarting squid from RPM,
Caching based on header/etag,
Tom Holder
Squid without restrictions and problems withs prezi,
Trenta sis
Hotmail issue in squid 3.4.4,
External ACLs strange behavior,
Cassiano Martin
reverse proxy, url_rewrite and stored objects,
Sipos Ferenc
Problem with caching larger files,
Filip Krikava
Acl.cc(26) AuthenticateAcl: authentication not applicable on intercepted requests.,
Error TCP_MISS/504,
Roberto Carna
Intercept HTTPS without using certificates - Just apply a QoS on the connexion,
Antoine Klein
logformat and timestamp in 3.4.5,
Emmanuel LAZARO - S.IM.KO.
Fwd: Squid never (s)quits,
Nico Snyman
Squid giving "(21) Is a directory" error,
Ricardo Lucca
Squid in a WiFi Captive portal scenario,
SQUID 3.3.8 doesn't cache files greater than 50KB,
Joachim Rahm
Sibling selection algorithm (weight),
Mr Clown
Struggling to get https reverse proxy to work - no object data received,
Nico Snyman
Compile error Squid 3.4.5,
Alexander Busam
Squid 24/7 outsourced technical support,
Daniel Niasoff
Squid Documentation,
Oskar Pearson
3.4.4 chroot,
Cinaed Simson
Squid 3.3.8 intercept ssl bumping for mobile apps,
Samir Hasanov
SSL Bump and dynamic SSL generation,
Tom Holder
Best Refresh Rules Contest - No broken sites,
Lawrence Pingree
How to throttle wireless clients MISS,
Advise about cache store in SMP mode, single disk,
configuring Eliezer RPMs for CentOS 6 for SMP,
Intermittent slowness,
Steve Hill
Using Squid to replace apache rewrite rule and mod_proxy rewrite rule,
Kumar, Amit
WIFI Implementation,
Dwijadas Dey
Squid 3.4.5 crashes when adaptation_access is used,
Fwd: Squid/Ecap Adapter unable to open RAW Socket,
Jatin Bhasin
Prefetching HTTP GET requests, but under HTTPS,
Jianshi Huang
Segment violation in 3.4.5,
Dan Charlesworth
Squid 3.4.5 is available,
Amos Jeffries
url_rewrite_program receives empty lines as input,
Javier Amor Garcia
Squid 3.3.8 does not work with mobile app,
help with zph_mode in squid 2.7,
Soporte Técnico
assertion failed: store_swapout.cc:315: "mem->swapout.sio == self,
viral shah
Fwd: cannot bind to any ip address on server only to all ip's,
Skype SSL is incompatible with OpenSSL,
Jay Jimenez
https interception some whitelisted sites not working properly,
Ikna Nou
Some https sites load,
Eric Vanderveer
Issue: client_delay_pools and related directives,
Laz C. Peterson
squid caching dynamic content,
Mario Almeida
Access denied when in intercept mode,
Configure squid proxy,
Dwijadas Dey
anyone configured Squid to allow persistent websocket traffic?,
Bob DeRemer
Broken Apple devices - repeated 407s,
Steve Hill
StoreID - Need help with Yandex videos,
feature requests,
Lawrence Pingree
Squid Advice,
Lee Kemp
Cache-Control: public doesn't cache,
Rob van der Putten
how to use refresh_pattern correct,
How to install der(or other) root CA certificate on an android device?,
Eliezer Croitoru
[Fwd: ssl-bump and tunneling],
James Lay
strange "running out of filedescriptors" problem on MacOSX,
Ambrose LI
HTTPS CONNECT Failing - Squid 3.3.4,
Parent proxy with authentication,
Walter H.
Squid Analysis Performance,
Seprac Nosreme
Fwd: digest authentication and https,
Albert Petit
Help:assertion failed: mem.cc:219: "MemPools[type]",
Ding Guigeng
squid https,
Carlos Defoe
down squid centos,
ricky gutierrez
Squid Active Directory,
SSL Bump and "protocol not available",
Ict Security
RE: Strange misses of cacheable objects [SOLVED],
Force Video content caching?,
Joshua B.
How to split ssl-bump ?,
MISSes on cacheable object,
Timur Irmatov
squid advice needed.,
Squid Non-Responsive With generate-host-certificates.,
Ethan H
How to make Squid 3.3.8 a transparent proxy?,
Tobias Krais
James Lay
Squid 3.4.4 and SSL Bump not working (error (92) Protocol not available),
Ict Security
Happy eyeballs and https,
Rob van der Putten
Squid 3.3.4 - Zero Sized Reply for HTTP POST,
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