Hi, When I access 'https://www.hotmail.com', I get "protocol error" with the following logs: The cache log shows as below: 2014/05/21 11:51:42 kid1| fwdNegotiateSSL: Error negotiating SSL connection on FD 21: error:1411809D:SSL routines:SSL_CHECK_SERVERHELLO_TLSEXT:tls invalid ecpointformat list (1/-1/0) The access log shows as below: 1400652009.479 0 TAG_NONE/503 4185 GET https://login.live.com/login.srf? - HIER_NONE/- text/html 1400652009.573 0 TAG_NONE/400 4064 GET /my-warning - HIER_NONE/- text/html Regards, vin_krish -- View this message in context: http://squid-web-proxy-cache.1019090.n4.nabble.com/Hotmail-issue-in-squid-3-4-4-tp4666020p4666036.html Sent from the Squid - Users mailing list archive at Nabble.com.