Linux Kernel Development Newbies
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- Re: Measuring time in range of microseconds., (continued)
- Bug:scheduling while atomic..,
sandeep kumar
- Query about Enhanced Out-Of-Memory handling,
- PCI device disappeared, Vimal
- What is Backing device used for?,
- which context can't use queue_work() function?,
- USB SDCardReader hangs, Jalil Karimov
- problem sending INIT_SIPI_SIPI through code, Vaibhav Jain
- About signal handler install info,
naveen yadav
- Understanding kmap/kunmap,
Kai Meyer
- VFAT i_pos value,
Kai Meyer
- modify bootlog in linux,
Mayank Agarwal
- Forwarding an Altered Packet !!!, Kesava Srinivas
- What is RTNL lock?,
Doubt in CDROM Ejecting Program,
Niamathullah sharief
TSO support for veth, Vimal
Please help me..., shibin k reeny
What is the purpose of parse_elf() in misc.c,
Graeme Russ
vmlinuz newbie questions,
Jason T. Slack-Moehrle
Ownership of sk_buff,
issues regarding using initramfs for entire root fs?, Robert P. J. Day
How to hook the system call?,
Geraint Yang
plz help with the serial port pgm....,
shibin k reeny
GPL-only symbol Error,
Sengottuvelan S
Serial console temporarily garbled,
Neil Baylis
x86 kernel build chain - how bzImage gets created,
Graeme Russ
busybox utility,
naveen yadav
Path for STOLEN Packets!!!,
Kesava Srinivas
x86: Executing a raw vmlinux image (embedded environment),
Graeme Russ
Freeing work_struct memory,
Kai Meyer
sock_buff is NULL !,
Kesava Srinivas
serial: 8250: RX hang issue,
Pradeep Kumar
LPC bus access howto,
Andre Haupt
Queries about Net-Filter Hooks !!!,
Kesava Srinivas
how set_user_nice() function is called,
Enes Albay - انس الباى
Regarding data transfer per beat in AXI., mindentropy
Is an IRQ line disabled on local CPU or globally?,
Re: Kernelnewbies Digest, Vol 12, Issue 25, Sazzad
Can I get the information of bounce limit from sys?, loody
Filtering USB storage data in kernel module,
Abhijit Pawar
Getting Information from Multiple nodes,
Praveen kumar
Registering for only Specific Packets from Net-Filter!!!!,
Kesava Srinivas
User Mode Linux,
Vishal Thanki
Locking IOCTL,
Praveen kumar
contribute to linux kernel,
Mayank Agarwal
FIQ support in Linux Kernel, Konstantin Zertsekel
put a message and wait a key on kernel boot,
Albert Wesker
Memory mapping in X86,
Sathishkumar Duraisamy
pseudo device, Srinidhi Rao
How can I know what is tainting my kernel,
Daniel Hilst Selli
Obtaining a list of open sockets from "struct task_struct",
Pin configuration, Stefan Schick
why tasklet cant sleep,
santhosh kumars
About kernel memory limit,
Geraint Yang
sumeet gandhare
Re SD/MMC subsystem resources,
Asutosh Das
When Are Free Pages Zeroed?,
Patrick Simmons
Spinlocks and interrupts,
Kai Meyer
Guidance on writing device drivers,
suraj khurana
Char device initialization,
Daniel Hilst Selli
Getting a block from a block device?,
Dan Luedtke
Re: Getting a block from a block device?, Javier Martinez Canillas
Mailing list for 802.15.4,
Prajosh Premdas
building linux kernel 3.0.4,
ashish anand
Contributing for the first time,
Alexandru Juncu
What's the meaning of PREEMPT_ACTIVE in preempt_count?, Parmenides
Problem in configuring the kernel,
Naman Shekhar Mishra
How to refer to the unamed structure in page struct,
Jimmy Pan
The meaning of acronym of PIO in kernel?,
why does the kernel use mutex to protect the address_space structure,
Zheng Da
when and how Notifier Chains calling?,
some questions about block and scatterlist,
Question on CDROM access,
sahlot arvind
spin_lock behavior,
Prajosh Premdas
generic I/O,
Kai Meyer
ext4 extents,
Mike Gibson
Kernel Module from C program,
Luis Morales
Question on Memory Leak: very tough problem,
Sri Ram Vemulpali
Workqueue and kernel panic on device disconnect,
Frank Schäfer
Fix procmail rule in ML wikipage, chandanrmail
Please help me about the default rootfs, Renjun Qu
Linux 0.02 version download,
Venkateswarlu P
some question about request queue in blok device, loody
Is there a way to build a cross reference with kernel file,
Jimmy Pan
I am hoping to develop the linux kernel, which version should I modify,
Jimmy Pan
Is there a tool which can generate a small and simple source tree after config?,
seagate drive and i/o errors,
Littlefield, Tyler
how to check kernel is configured with preemption or not,
How to interpret cat /proc/meminfo,
sandeep kumar
Getting physical address of memory allocated by vmalloc(),
Jacky Lam
print contents of runqueue, kashish bhatia
a few questions regarding acpi and kernel configuration,
Littlefield, Tyler
How can I test if a physical address is already mapped or not.,
Question about USB gadget driver usage, Mikhail Boiko
calculating ring buffer size,
Amit Nagal
sample USB Driver / Probe not getting called,
Abhijit Pawar
power profiling ( /proc/acpi/processor .. missing),
pankaj singh
why does the 'break_lock' field of spinlock exist for preemptive kernel?, Parmenides
How to compile an older kernel?, Parmenides
Query on Rx Frame processing,
amit mehta
Linux System Calls vs writing device drivers,
Ashok Sharma
mmap local APIC address,
Vaibhav Jain
Problem with a UDP server implements,
Why can the kernel be stuck by a busy kernel thread ?,
Customized kernel and nVidia binary drivers,
Cihangir Aktürk
How to avoid volatiles,
Prabhakar Lad
Re: How to avoid volatiles, Srivatsa Bhat
Getting 'bad file number' error writing to device driver,
Philip Anil-QBW348
Heap memory is not re-claiming.,
/proc/(PID)/maps (access permissions),
bob jonny
System scheduling, signals, etc., dpc@xxxxxxxxxx
Questions about User Mode Linux,
Re: Questions about User Mode Linux, tao jiang
kernel version incorporating a particular feature,
amit mehta
Linux kernel networking stack,
Abu Rasheda
Writing a USB driver for a non working device,
madav maddy
Finding out when a process has died,
What is the significance of __releases & __acquires in rpm_callback() of power/runtime.c ?,
kernel 5.5 kernel and tg3 driver,
Re Likely and Unlikely Macro,
Asutosh Das
When is to preempt safe?,
understand the result of lockstat,
Zheng Da
problem mapping physical address from /dev/mem,
Vaibhav Jain
[PATCH] hwmon class driver registration with a device number,
Himanshu Chauhan
Message not available
How to open and write to a block driver within a character driver?,
Yang Xiang
schedule history between 2 interrupts,
Amit Nagal
how does linux restores a thread's stack pointer, program counter and return address.,
Smital Desai
Re: Kernelnewbies Digest, Vol 10, Issue 39,
chao peng
Current and correct CPU clock and asm("cpuid"),
Peter Senna Tschudin
where's the linux-staging tree ?,
Víctor M. Jáquez L.
interpret the result of perf stat,
Zheng Da
What's the meaning of SUBDIRS ?,
Backtrace Call Stack,
Harish G. Naik
What is "__attribute__()" in kernel code,
sandeep kumar
Getting dirtied pages info,
Prateek Sharma
Kernel not showing in grub2,
Prevent a process from opening a file more than once,
Venkatram Tummala
Evicting Anonymous pages.,
Prateek Sharma
Including library in the Linux open source,
Sahana B Adiga - ERS, HCL Tech
generic-usb: probe of 0003:074D:3576.0002 failed with error -22, Stanislav Stratu
Issue about setting interface flag on network device.,
Automatic module insert in boot time,
Yacob Hassidim
download 2.6.11 ver.,
esmaeil mirzaee
Why do processes with higher priority to be allocated more timeslice?,
What's wrong on this mmap() ?,
Andrea Gasparini
How to traverse or walk, the kernel's page table without mem_map?,
Jeff Donner
Optimizing the performance of the Scheduler in the Kernel 3.0,
Edward Alvarez
Hooking exec system call,
Abhijit Pawar
what does sys_sync() function do when suspend is called?,
sandeep kumar
Debugging IP packet through Linux stack,
Abu Rasheda
Daniel Baluta
load balancing scheduler on linux,
Murali N
File change notification along with user,
How to deal with two tasks with the same virtual time, Parmenides
question on memory mapping one page at a time,
Sri Ram Vemulpali
reading devices with input.h, Volker Poplawski
do_gettiimeofday query,
2.6.39 Kernel Changes for FileSystem, get_sb removed,
Abhijit Pawar
profiling functions called in interrupt context,
Amit Nagal
regarding disable of CONFIG_DEBUG_FS,
Amit Nagal
kernel crash dump analysis using crash utility,
amit mehta
how to use hashmap in kernel module?,
Jon Zhou
Regarding mmap synchronization.,
Why do the CFS chase fairness?,
using the kmsg_dumper., sandeep kumar
thread_info address calculation,
Vijay Chauhan
No human readable MCE decoding support on this CPU type, Jon Zhou
Project on USB OTG,
madav maddy
How to create some threads running tha same function,
Cannot read using USB Skeleton Driver,
Felix Varghese
writing on mmap() ?, Andrea Gasparini
looking for 3.0 source,
Littlefield, Tyler
CPU usage accounting,
perf hardware events, Andreas Leppert
Enabling USB OTG,
madav maddy
error : no symbol version for "function",
kashish bhatia
maintenance time and git error,
esmaeil mirzaee
Code Generator,
userspace address to bus address,
Florian Bauer
kthread Working,
Gaurav Mahajan
Understanding pipes and blocking calls,
Kristian Evensen
the cost of vmalloc,
Zheng Da
how diff between hardlink trees works?,
Vaibhav Jain
Watchdog timer expired, but panic logs not seen,
sandeep kumar
compile kernel,
esmaeil mirzaee
Re: compile kernel, Mulyadi Santosa
pci_request_regions erring out,
Giriprasad Deviprasad
2 mods with same PCI-ID table, one installs, other fails modprobe, Jim Cromie
Filesystem allocation bitmap, Kai Meyer
adding preprocessor defines in module makefiles,
Christopher Harvey
Why the PF_SUPERPRIV flag is cleared?,
Query about custom fedora build process,
Vaibhav Jain
Doubt regarding asmlinkage,
rohan puri
Doubt fork system call,
rohan puri
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