Gluster Development
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Query regards to expose client-pid to fuse process,
Mohit Agrawal
CfP: Software Defined Storage devroom at FOSDEM 2020, Niels de Vos
[Gluster-Maintainers] GlusterFS - 7.0RC3 - Test day (14th Oct 2019), Rinku Kothiya
Re: RDMA in GlusterFs,
Rafi Kavungal Chundattu Parambil
Question on dht_filter_loc_subvol_key() function (in dht-helper.c),
Yaniv Kaul
Release 5.10: Expected tagging on 7th October, Hari Gowtham
[Gluster-Maintainers] GlusterFS - 7.0RC1 - Test day Postponed,
Rinku Kothiya
0-management: Commit failed for operation Start on local node,
Re: Geo-rep start after snapshot restore makes the geo-rep faulty,
Aravinda Vishwanathapura Krishna Murthy
[Gluster-Maintainers] GlusterFS - 7.0RC1 - Test day (26th Sep 2019),
Rinku Kothiya
request for access, Yati Padia
kadalu - k8s storage with Gluster, Amar Tumballi
Minutes of Gluster Community Meeting (APAC) 10th September 2019, Sheetal Pamecha
Updated invitation: Invitation: Gluster Community Meeting @ Tue Sep 10, 2019 ... @ Tue Sep 10, 2019 11:30am - 12:25pm (IST) (gluster-devel@xxxxxxxxxxx),
Invitation: Invitation: Gluster Community Meeting @ Tue Sep 10, 2019 ... @ Tue Sep 10, 2019 11:30am - 12:25pm (IST) (gluster-devel@xxxxxxxxxxx), spamecha
How does Gluster works - Locating files after change sin cluster,
Barak Sason Rofman
[Gluster-users] Minutes of Gluster Community Meeting (APAC) 27th August 2019, Shwetha Acharya
Invitation: Gluster Community Meeting @ Tue Aug 27, 2019 11:30am - 12:30pm (IST) (gluster-devel@xxxxxxxxxxx), sacharya
Fwd: [Gluster-Maintainers] Build failed in Jenkins: regression-test-burn-in #4710, Atin Mukherjee
[Gluster-Maintainers] glusterfs-7.0rc0 released,
Rinku Kothiya
Proposal: move glusterfs development to github workflow, completely,
Amar Tumballi
Upstream nightly build on Centos is failing with glusterd crash,
Bala Konda Reddy Mekala
geo-replication won't start,
[RFC] alter inode table lock from mutex to rwlock,
Changwei Ge
Re: [Gluster-users] du output showing corrupt file system,
Jim Kinney
Re: Glusterfs performance regression with quota enabled, Xie Changlong
Glusterfs performance regression with quota enabled, Changwei Ge
URGENT: Release 7 blocked due to patches failing centos regression,
Rinku Kothiya
Invitation: Gluster Community Meeting @ Tue Aug 13, 2019 11:30am - 12:25pm (IST) (gluster-devel@xxxxxxxxxxx), sunkumar
【replace-brick failed but make there’re two same client-id of the gluster cluster, which lead can’t mount the gluster anymore】, Frank Yu
Announcing Gluster release 5.9, Hari Gowtham
Announcing Gluster release 6.5, Hari Gowtham
Change in the release Schedule., Hari Gowtham
Important: Debian and Ubuntu packages are changing,
Kaleb Keithley
Cancelled: Gluster Community Meeting (APAC friendly hours) @ Monday, 13 May 2019,
Canceled event: Gluster Community Meeting (APAC friendly hours) @ Every 2 weeks from 11:30am to 12:30pm on Tuesday 15 times (IST) (gluster-devel@xxxxxxxxxxx), pgurusid
[RFC] What if client fuse process crash?,
Changwei Ge
Release 5.9: Expected tagging on 5th August, Hari Gowtham
Release 6.5: Expected tagging on 5th August,
Hari Gowtham
Ongoing issue with, Michael Scherer
Jenkins security reboot for plugins, Michael Scherer
Announcing Gluster release 5.8, Hari Gowtham
[PATCH, RESEND3] fuse: require /dev/fuse reads to have enough buffer capacity (take 2),
Kirill Smelkov
Announcing Gluster release 4.1.10, Hari Gowtham
Announcing Gluster release 6.4, Hari Gowtham
Gluster on RHEL 8,
Barak Sason
Minutes of Gluster Community Meeting (APAC) 23rd July 2019, Hari Gowtham
Updated invitation: Invitation: Gluster Community Meeting (APAC friendly hour... @ Tue Jul 23, 2019 11:30am - 12:25pm (IST) (gluster-devel@xxxxxxxxxxx), hgowtham
Invitation: nvitation: Gluster Community Meeting (APAC friendly hours... @ Tue Jul 23, 2019 10am - 11am (IST) (gluster-devel@xxxxxxxxxxx), hgowtham
Assistance setting up Gluster,
Barak Sason
Re: [Gluster-users] "du" and "df -hT" commands output mismatch,
Hari Gowtham
[Fwd: [Gluster-infra] Regarding the recent arrival of emails on list], Michael Scherer
Re: [Gluster-users] No healing on peer disconnect - is it correct?, Strahil
No healing on peer disconnect - is it correct?,
Re: Failure during “git review –setup”, Saleh, Amgad (Nokia - US/Naperville)
Invitation: End Date for Feature/Scope proposal for Release-7 @ Wed May 22, 2019 11am - 12pm (IST) (gluster-devel@xxxxxxxxxxx), rkothiya
VMs blocked for more than 120 seconds,
Martin Toth
gluster-devel, rkothiya@xxxxxxxxxx recommends that you use Google Calendar, rkothiya
[Gluster-Maintainers] Release 7: Kick off!, Rinku Kothiya
Re: [Gluster-users] Proposing to previous ganesha HA clustersolution back to gluster code as gluster-7 feature,
Requesting reviews [Re: Release 7 Branch Created],
Jiffin Tony Thottan
Rebase your patches to avoid fedora-smoke failure, Atin Mukherjee
directory filehandles,
Emmanuel Dreyfus
Announcing Gluster release 6.3, Hari Gowtham
Release 5.7 or 5.8,
Hari Gowtham
Re-Compile glusterd1 and add it to the stack,
David Spisla
[Announcement] Gluster Community Update, Amar Tumballi Suryanarayan
Gluster Community Meeting : 2019-07-09, Ashish Pandey
Release 4.1.10: Expected tagging on July 15th,
Hari Gowtham
Release 6.3: Expected tagging on July 15th,
Hari Gowtham
Gluster Community Meeting (APAC friendly hours),
Ashish Pandey
GlusterFS 8+: Roadmap ahead - Open for discussion, Amar Tumballi
Migration of the builders to Fedora 30,
Michael Scherer
Fwd: [Gluster-Maintainers] Build failed in Jenkins: regression-test-burn-in #4631, Atin Mukherjee
Fwd: [Gluster-Maintainers] Build failed in Jenkins: regression-test-burn-in #4632, Atin Mukherjee
Release 7 Branch Created, Rinku Kothiya
fallocate behavior in glusterfs,
FNU Raghavendra Manjunath
Re: [Gluster-infra] New workflow proposal for glusterfs repo, Amar Tumballi Suryanarayan
Invitation: Gluster Community Meeting (APAC friendly hours) @ Tue Jun 25, 2019 11:30am - 12:30pm (IST) (gluster-devel@xxxxxxxxxxx), hgowtham
Re: Quick question about the latest glusterfs and client side selinux support,
Jiffin Thottan
Upgrade of some builder nodes to F30, Michael Scherer
Solving Ctime Issue with legacy files [BUG 1593542],
Kotresh Hiremath Ravishankar
Quick Update: a cleanup patch and subsequent build failures, Amar Tumballi Suryanarayan
[Gluster-Maintainers] Release 7: Regression health for and release-7,
Rinku Kothiya
Project Update: Containers-based distributed tests runner,
Seems like Smoke job is not voting,
Amar Tumballi Suryanarayan
DNS issue on, causing outage,
Michael Scherer
Gerrit is down, Deepshikha Khandelwal
Fwd: Details on the June 2019 Upgrade,
Atin Mukherjee
Removing glupy from release 5.7,
Hari Gowtham
Linux 5.2-RC regression bisected, mounting glusterfs volumes fails after commit: fuse: require /dev/fuse reads to have enough buffer capacity,
Sander Eikelenboom - Problem accessing //job/centos7-regression/6404/consoleFull. Reason: Not found, Atin Mukherjee
Regression failure continues: 'tests/basic/afr/split-brain-favorite-child-policy.t`,
Amar Tumballi Suryanarayan
Invitation: Gluster Community Meeting (APAC friendly hours) @ Tue Jun 11, 2019 11:30am - 12:30pm (IST) (gluster-devel@xxxxxxxxxxx), hgowtham
Test failed - due to out of memory on builder201?,
Yaniv Kaul
Bitrot: Segmentation fault found in bitrot stub, David Spisla
CI failure - NameError: name 'unicode' is not defined (related to,
Yaniv Kaul
Update: GlusterFS code coverage, Amar Tumballi Suryanarayan
GETXATTR op pending on index xlator for more than 10 hours, Xie Changlong
Release 6.3: Expected tagging on June 7th, Hari Gowtham
Fwd: [Gluster-Maintainers] Build failed in Jenkins: regression-test-with-multiplex #1357, Atin Mukherjee
Fwd: [Gluster-Maintainers] Build failed in Jenkins: regression-test-with-multiplex #1359,
Atin Mukherjee
Release 5.7: Expected tagging on June 6th, Hari Gowtham
Release 4.1.9 : Expected tagging on June 4th, Hari Gowtham
Should we enable features.locks-notify.contention by default ?,
Xavi Hernandez
making frame->root->unique more effective in debugging hung frames,
Pranith Kumar Karampuri
./tests/basic/gfapi/gfapi-ssl-test.t is failing too often in regression,
Sanju Rakonde
More intelligent file distribution across subvols of DHT when file size is known,
Krutika Dhananjay
glusterfs coredump--mempool, Zhou, Cynthia (NSB - CN/Hangzhou)
./tests/bugs/snapshot/bug-1399598-uss-with-ssl.t generating core very often,
Sanju Rakonde
Memory leak in glusterfs,
Memory leak in glusterfs process, ABHISHEK PALIWAL
nightly builds are available again, with slightly different versioning,
Niels de Vos
tests are timing out in master branch,
Atin Mukherjee
Updated invitation: Gluster Community Meeting (APAC friendly hours) @ Every 2 weeks from 11:30am to 12:30pm on Tuesday 15 times (IST) (gluster-devel@xxxxxxxxxxx), pgurusid
Invitation: Gluster Community Meeting (APAC friendly hours) @ Every 2 weeks at 11:30am on Tuesday 15 times (IST) (gluster-devel@xxxxxxxxxxx), pgurusid
Improve stability between SMB/CTDB and Gluster (together with Samba Core Developer),
David Spisla
Release 6.2: Expected tagging on May 15th,
Hari Gowtham
Meeting Details on footer of the gluster-devel and gluster-user mailing list,
Ashish Pandey
New in GlusterFS,
Rajib Hossen
Coverity scan - how does it ignore dismissed defects & annotations?,
Atin Mukherjee
Weird performance behavior, Xavi Hernandez
gluster-block v0.4 is alive!,
Prasanna Kalever
Should we enable contention notification by default ?,
Xavi Hernandez
inode table destruction, FNU Raghavendra Manjunath
./tests/basic/uss.t is timing out in release-6 branch,
Sanju Rakonde
Backlog/Improvements tracking,
Soumya Koduri
Proposing to previous ganesha HA cluster solution back to gluster code as gluster-7 feature,
Jiffin Tony Thottan
Query regarding dictionary logic,
Mohit Agrawal
Invitation: Gluster Community Meeting (APAC friendly hours) @ Tue Apr 30, 2019 11:30am - 12:30pm (IST) (gluster-devel@xxxxxxxxxxx), aspandey
questions on callstubs and "link-count" in index translator,
Junsong Li
One more way to contact Gluster team - Slack (,
Amar Tumballi Suryanarayan
BZ updates,
Nithya Balachandran
./tests/basic/afr/tarissue.t is failing on regression runs, Deepshikha Khandelwal
Announcing Gluster release 6.1, Shyam Ranganathan
Regards glusterd.service is not started automatically after reboot the node,
Mohit Agrawal
glusterfsd memory leak issue found after enable ssl,
Zhou, Cynthia (NSB - CN/Hangzhou)
Possible issues with shared threads, Xavi Hernandez
Be careful before closing fd in a default case, Mohit Agrawal
Invitation: Gluster Community Meeting (NA/EMEA friendly hours) @ Tue Apr 23, 2019 10:30pm - 11:30pm (IST) (gluster-devel@xxxxxxxxxxx), amarts
Invitation: Gluster Community Meeting (APAC friendly hours) @ Tue Apr 16, 2019 11:30am - 12:30pm (IST) (gluster-devel@xxxxxxxxxxx), amarts
Re: [Gluster-users] [External] Replica 3 - how to replace failed node (peer), Karthik Subrahmanya
SHD crash in,
Nithya Balachandran
Re: [Gluster-users] Replica 3 - how to replace failed node (peer),
David Spisla
Re: [Gluster-users] Replica 3 - how to replace failed node (peer), Karthik Subrahmanya
Re: [Gluster-users] Replica 3 - how to replace failed node (peer), Karthik Subrahmanya
Hello, I have a question about the erasure code translator, hope someone give me some advice, thank you!,
glusterd stuck for glusterfs with version 3.12.15,
Zhou, Cynthia (NSB - CN/Hangzhou)
Heketi v9.0.0 available for download, John Mulligan
Release 6.1: Expected tagging on April 10th,
Shyam Ranganathan
Announcing Gluster release 4.1.8, Shyam Ranganathan
rebal-all-nodes-migrate.t always fails now,
Atin Mukherjee
shd multiplexing patch has introduced coverity defects,
Atin Mukherjee
is_nfs_export_available from nfs.rc failing too often?,
Atin Mukherjee
Backporting important fixes in release branches, Atin Mukherjee
Re: [ovirt-users] oVirt Survey 2019 results,
Sahina Bose
Issue with posix locks,
Xavi Hernandez
Quick update on glusterd's volume scalability improvements,
Atin Mukherjee
FUSE client work on Windows, Supra Sammandam
Upgrade testing to gluster 6,
Hari Gowtham
Following up on the "Github teams/repo cleanup",
Sankarshan Mukhopadhyay
POSIX locks and disconnections between clients and bricks,
Raghavendra Gowdappa
Prioritise local bricks for IO?,
Announcing Gluster Release 6, Shyam Ranganathan
Proposal: Changes in Gluster Community meetings,
Amar Tumballi Suryanarayan
GlusterFS v7.0 (and v8.0) roadmap discussion, Amar Tumballi Suryanarayan
Gluster version EOL date,
GF_CALLOC to GF_MALLOC conversion - is it safe?,
Atin Mukherjee
The state of lock heal and inodelk/entrylk heal ?,
Kinglong Mee
Network Block device (NBD) on top of glusterfs,
Xiubo Li
Release 6: Tagged and ready for packaging, Shyam Ranganathan
Coverity scan is back,
Yaniv Kaul
requesting review available gluster* plugins in sos,
Sankarshan Mukhopadhyay
GlusterFS development Environment-Debug,
Rajib Hossen
Re: [Gluster-users] Experiences with FUSE in real world - Presentationat Vault 2019,
Re: [Gluster-users] Gluster : Improvements on "heal info" command,
Different glusterfs clients's data not consistent.,
gfapi: add function to set client-pid,
Ravishankar N
[Gluster-infra] Softserve is up and running, Deepshikha Khandelwal
Github#268 Compatibility with Alpine Linux,
Sankarshan Mukhopadhyay
Removing myself as maintainer, Nigel Babu
Glusterfsd crashed with SIGSEGV,
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