On Fri, Apr 26, 2019 at 6:27 PM Kaleb Keithley <kkeithle@xxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
On Fri, Apr 26, 2019 at 8:21 AM Harold Miller <harold@xxxxxxxxxx> wrote:Has Red Hat security cleared the Slack systems for confidential / customer information?If not, it will make it difficult for support to collect/answer questions.I'm pretty sure Amar meant as a replacement for the freenode #gluster and #gluster-dev channels, given that he sent this to the public gluster mailing lists @gluster.org. Nobody should have even been posting confidential and/or customer information to any of those lists or channels. And AFAIK nobody ever has.
Yep, I am only talking about IRC (from freenode, #gluster, #gluster-dev etc). Also, I am not saying we are 'replacing IRC'. Gluster as a project started in pre-Slack era, and we have many users who prefer to stay in IRC. So, for now, no pressure to make a statement calling Slack channel as a 'Replacement' to IRC.
Amar, would you like to clarify which IRC channels you meant?
Thanks Kaleb. I was bit confused on why the concern of it came up in this group.
On Fri, Apr 26, 2019 at 6:00 AM Scott Worthington <scott.c.worthington@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:Hello, are you not _BOTH_ Red Hat FTEs or contractors?
Yes! but come from very different internal teams.
Michael supports Gluster (the project) team's Infrastructure needs, and has valid concerns from his perspective :-) I, on the other hand, bother more about code, users, and how to make sure we are up-to-date with other technologies and communities, from the engineering view point.
On Fri, Apr 26, 2019, 3:16 AM Michael Scherer <mscherer@xxxxxxxxxx> wrote:Le vendredi 26 avril 2019 à 13:24 +0530, Amar Tumballi Suryanarayan a
écrit :
> Hi All,
> We wanted to move to Slack from IRC for our official communication
> channel
> from sometime, but couldn't as we didn't had a proper URL for us to
> register. 'gluster' was taken and we didn't knew who had it
> registered.
> Thanks to constant ask from Satish, Slack team has now agreed to let
> us use
> https://gluster.slack.com and I am happy to invite you all there.
> (Use this
> link
> <
> https://join.slack.com/t/gluster/shared_invite/enQtNjIxMTA1MTk3MDE1LWIzZWZjNzhkYWEwNDdiZWRiOTczMTc4ZjdiY2JiMTc3MDE5YmEyZTRkNzg0MWJiMWM3OGEyMDU2MmYzMTViYTA
> >
> to
> join)
> Please note that, it won't be a replacement for mailing list. But can
> be
> used by all developers and users for quick communication. Also note
> that,
> no information there would be 'stored' beyond 10k lines as we are
> using the
> free version of Slack.
Aren't we concerned about the ToS of slack ? Last time I did read them,
they were quite scary (like, if you use your corporate email, you
engage your employer, and that wasn't the worst part).
Also, to anticipate the question, my employer Legal department told me
to not setup a bridge between IRC and slack, due to the said ToS.
Again, re-iterating here. Not planning to use any bridges from IRC to Slack. I re-read the Slack API Terms and condition. And it makes sense. They surely don't want us to build another slack, or abuse slack with too many API requests made for collecting logs.
Currently, to start with, we are not adding any bots (other than github bot). Hopefully, that will keep us under proper usage guidelines.
Michael Scherer
Sysadmin, Community Infrastructure
Gluster-users mailing list
Gluster-users mailing list
Gluster-users mailing list
Amar Tumballi (amarts)
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