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- Another Issue (oleaut32.dll -> CreateTypeLib2)
- From: Michael Peddemors <michael@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Wine and RedHat 9
- From: Georg Meyer <Gorgeus090581@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Wine and RedHat 9
- From: Georg Meyer <Gorgeus090581@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Wine and RedHat 9
- From: "Philipp Wollermann" <phil_wo@xxxxxxx>
- Wine and RedHat 9
- From: Georg Meyer <Gorgeus090581@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Better wineoss error messages.
- From: Pouech Eric DMI AEI CAEN <pouech-eric@xxxxxxxxxx>
- Better wineoss error messages.
- From: Robert Reif <reif@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Change direct dsound DLL version to 8
- From: Robert Reif <reif@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Printig from Lotus Notes
- From: Michele Orsenigo <morse@xxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Using WIN32 DLL from Unix library
- From: Vittorio Ballestra <vittorio.ballestra@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Xlib error
- From: "Adam Savage" <Adam_Savage@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: WineDbg : list of errors
- From: Sylvain Petreolle <spetreolle@xxxxxxxx>
- Config wine is a so difficult job
- From: Linux G Shang <LinuxShang@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- winewrap: simplify wrapper
- From: "Dimitrie O. Paun" <dpaun@xxxxxxxxxx>
- Add and fix few stubs in ws2_32 + error constants
- From: Vitaliy Margolen <wine-patch@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
- support CJK text copy from wine to KDE and vice versa (again)
- From: liu spider <liuspider@xxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Quicken 2003 Basic and Wine 20030318
- From: "Jade E. Deane" <jade.deane@xxxxxxxxx>
- Wine release 20030408
- From: Alexandre Julliard <julliard@xxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Printig from Lotus Notes
- From: Sylvain Petreolle <spetreolle@xxxxxxxx>
- Printig from Lotus Notes
- From: Michele Orsenigo <morse@xxxxxxxxxxx>
- MaskBlt implementation.
- From: Jaekil Lee <Jaekil.Lee@xxxxxxx>
- Quicken 2003 Basic and Wine 20030318
- From: "Jade E. Deane" <jade.deane@xxxxxxxxx>
- Re: PATCH: Winemaker's --wrap option
- From: Javier López <jalopg@xxxxxxxx>
- Re: PATCH: Winemaker's --wrap option
- From: Javier López <jalopg@xxxxxxxx>
- Re: PATCH: Winemaker's --wrap option
- From: Javier López <jalopg@xxxxxxxx>
- Re: PATCH: Winemaker's --wrap option
- From: Javier López <jalopg@xxxxxxxx>
- Re: PATCH: Winemaker's --wrap option
- From: Javier López <jalopg@xxxxxxxx>
- Re: PATCH: Winemaker's --wrap option
- From: Javier López <jalopg@xxxxxxxx>
- Re: PATCH: Winemaker's --wrap option
- From: Javier López <jalopg@xxxxxxxx>
- Re: PATCH: Winemaker's --wrap option
- From: Javier López <jalopg@xxxxxxxx>
- Re: PATCH: Winemaker's --wrap option
- From: Javier López <jalopg@xxxxxxxx>
- Re: PATCH: Winemaker's --wrap option
- From: Javier López <jalopg@xxxxxxxx>
- Re: PATCH: Winemaker's --wrap option
- From: Javier López <jalopg@xxxxxxxx>
- Re: PATCH: Winemaker's --wrap option
- From: Javier López <jalopg@xxxxxxxx>
- Re: PATCH: Winemaker's --wrap option
- From: Javier López <jalopg@xxxxxxxx>
- Re: PATCH: Winemaker's --wrap option
- From: Javier López <jalopg@xxxxxxxx>
- Re: PATCH: Winemaker's --wrap option
- From: Javier López <jalopg@xxxxxxxx>
- Re: PATCH: Winemaker's --wrap option
- From: Javier López <jalopg@xxxxxxxx>
- Re: PATCH: Winemaker's --wrap option
- From: Javier López <jalopg@xxxxxxxx>
- Re: PATCH: Winemaker's --wrap option
- From: Javier López <jalopg@xxxxxxxx>
- Re: PATCH: Winemaker's --wrap option
- From: Javier López <jalopg@xxxxxxxx>
- Re: PATCH: Winemaker's --wrap option
- From: Javier López <jalopg@xxxxxxxx>
- Re: PATCH: Winemaker's --wrap option
- From: Javier López <jalopg@xxxxxxxx>
- Re: PATCH: Winemaker's --wrap option
- From: Javier López <jalopg@xxxxxxxx>
- Re: PATCH: Winemaker's --wrap option
- From: Javier López <jalopg@xxxxxxxx>
- Re: PATCH: Winemaker's --wrap option
- From: Javier López <jalopg@xxxxxxxx>
- Re: PATCH: Winemaker's --wrap option
- From: Javier López <jalopg@xxxxxxxx>
- Re: PATCH: Winemaker's --wrap option
- From: Javier López <jalopg@xxxxxxxx>
- Anyone working on these Fixme's?
- From: Michael Peddemors <michael@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Using WIN32 DLL from Unix library
- PATCH: commctrl.h tag
- From: Juraj Hercek <juraj@xxxxxxxxxx>
- PATCH: Winemaker's --wrap option
- From: Juraj Hercek <juraj@xxxxxxxxxx>
- small fix in GetCurrentLocation : take 2
- From: Rein Klazes <rklazes@xxxxxxxxx>
- small fix in GetCurrentLocation
- From: Rein Klazes <rklazes@xxxxxxxxx>
- LISTBOX_FindStringPos fix
- From: Rein Klazes <rklazes@xxxxxxxxx>
- Another update to winapi_check
- From: Hans Leidekker <hans@xxxxxxxx>
- Prevent dereferencing null fd
- From: Bill Medland <billmedland@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Winlib, winebuild and linux shared libraries questions
- my dmusic and dpnhpast work, revised and resent
- From: "Rok Mandeljc" <rokmandeljc@xxxxxxxxxxx>
- Implements GradientFill /GdiGradientFill
- From: Maxime Bellengé <maxime.bellenge@xxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: dlls/msvcrtd/msvcrtd.spec breaks portability
- From: Gerald Pfeifer <pfeifer@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Fix SGML errors in documentation
- From: Tom Hughes <thh@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: MS-Project and latest Wine on FreeBSD-stable
- From: Felix Kronlage <fkr@xxxxxxxxxxx>
- DestroyMenu doesn't remove the link between window and menu undersome conditions...
- From: Marco Pietrobono <pietrobo@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Fix Maskedit from Delphi - part 2
- From: Brad Campbell <brad@xxxxxxxxxxx>
- some ntdll functions (4) - part 2: tests
- From: thomas.mertes@xxxxxx
- some ntdll functions (4) - part 1: functions
- From: thomas.mertes@xxxxxx
- PATCH: protect the text section of DLLs from writes
- From: Adam Gundy <arg@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- PATCH: client side SuspendThread() handling when using valgrind
- From: Adam Gundy <arg@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Fix winapi_check
- From: Hans Leidekker <hans@xxxxxxxx>
- Update winapi_check
- From: Hans Leidekker <hans@xxxxxxxx>
- [REDUNDANT/ARCHIVAL] Ntdll atom tests.
- From: "György 'Nog' Jeney" <nog@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- [REDUNDANT/ARCHIVAL] Ntdll atom stuff
- From: "György 'Nog' Jeney" <nog@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Winlib, winebuild and linux shared libraries questions
- From: Paulo de Carvalho <plc@xxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: MS-Project and latest Wine on FreeBSD-stable
- From: Sylvain Petreolle <spetreolle@xxxxxxxx>
- Re: dlls/msvcrtd/msvcrtd.spec breaks portability
- From: Adam Gundy <arg@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- ntdll/kernel32: #18
- From: Eric Pouech <pouech-eric@xxxxxxxxxx>
- tests for ntdll
- From: Eric Pouech <pouech-eric@xxxxxxxxxx>
- ntdll/kernel32: #17
- From: Eric Pouech <pouech-eric@xxxxxxxxxx>
- the rest of dmusic stubs
- From: "Rok Mandeljc" <rokmandeljc@xxxxxxxxxxx>
- shlwapi: add two new exported APIs and fix a possible 0 reference bug in SHLWAPI_436
- From: "Rolf Kalbermatter" <rolf.kalbermatter@xxxxxxxxxx>
- winedos / Small bug fixes
- From: Jukka Heinonen <jhei@xxxxxx>
- Re: Patch - Fix building rpcrt4 on mingw
- From: Steven Edwards <Steven_Ed4153@xxxxxxxxx>
- Patch - Fix building rpcrt4 on mingw
- From: Steven Edwards <Steven_Ed4153@xxxxxxxxx>
- shell32: SHFileOperation reimplementation in Unicode and calling it from SHFileOperationA
- From: "Rolf Kalbermatter" <rolf.kalbermatter@xxxxxxxxxx>
- X-Files - The Game
- From: Roland Häder <webmaster@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- [msimg32] Implements GradientFill
- From: Maxime Bellengé <maxime.bellenge@xxxxxxxxxxx>
- RtlAtom tests further improved
- From: "György 'Nog' Jeney" <nog@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Resend: Implements languagegroups functions
- From: Maxime Bellengé <maxime.bellenge@xxxxxxxxxxx>
- DSOUND: another buffer underrun patch
- From: Jerry Jenkins <Jerry_J_Jenkins@xxxxxxxxxxx>
- Resend: Implements languagegroups functions
- From: Maxime Bellengé <maxime.bellenge@xxxxxxxxxxx>
- support CJK text copy from wine to KDE and vice versa
- From: liu spider <liuspider@xxxxxxxxx>
- cleaning the source tree when compiling outside the source tree
- From: Eric Pouech <pouech-eric@xxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: RtlAtom tests improved
- From: "György 'Nog' Jeney" <nog@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- RtlAtom tests improved
- From: "György 'Nog' Jeney" <nog@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: wine: lsta /some/directory/wine/conf/wineserver-tux/socket :No such file or directory
- From: Rob Hughes <rob@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- wine: lsta /some/directory/wine/conf/wineserver-tux/socket : No suchfile or directory
- From: Rodolfo M Moreno <rmoreno@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Using WIN32 DLL from Unix library
- From: Vittorio Ballestra <vittorio.ballestra@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Bookman font is replaced by Courier New.
- From: Erik Enge <eenge@xxxxxxxxx>
- MS-Project and latest Wine on FreeBSD-stable
- From: Felix Kronlage <fkr@xxxxxxxxxxx>
- dsound multiple device fix
- From: Robert Reif <reif@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Implements languagegroups functions
- From: Maxime Bellengé <maxime.bellenge@xxxxxxxxxxx>
- Support for pkgconfig
- From: Mike Hearn <mike@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- InvalidateNLSCache - stub
- From: Michal Janusz Miroslaw <M.Miroslaw@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Memory leaks
- From: Alberto Massari <amassari@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
- PATCH: dlls/rasapi32/rasapi.c
- From: Gerald Pfeifer <pfeifer@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- add tests for ntdll atom functions
- From: "György 'Nog' Jeney" <nog@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- OSS fix
- From: Eric Pouech <pouech-eric@xxxxxxxxxx>
- add ntdll atom defines to winternl.h
- From: "György 'Nog' Jeney" <nog@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- PATCH: provide MSVCRTD.DLL debugging C runtime DLL (second try)
- From: Adam Gundy <arg@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- DGA and input devices
- From: warekala@xxxxxxxxxx
- Missing BN_* constants
- From: "Dimitrie O. Paun" <dpaun@xxxxxxxxxx>
- ntdll/kernel32: #16
- From: Eric Pouech <pouech-eric@xxxxxxxxxx>
- dpnhpast stubs
- From: "Rok Mandeljc" <rokmandeljc@xxxxxxxxxxx>
- fake directx files
- From: "Rok Mandeljc" <rokmandeljc@xxxxxxxxxxx>
- ddraw and d3d8 version
- From: "Rok Mandeljc" <rokmandeljc@xxxxxxxxxxx>
- dmusic version
- From: "Rok Mandeljc" <rokmandeljc@xxxxxxxxxxx>
- using cheatng deat and CS with wine
- From: Boldizsar Nagy <boldi01_levlist@xxxxxxxxxxx>
- Fix MaskEdit from Delphi
- From: Vitaliy Margolen <wine-patch@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Wine
- From: Sylvain Petreolle <spetreolle@xxxxxxxx>
- Re: Bookman font is replaced by Courier New.
- From: Sylvain Petreolle <spetreolle@xxxxxxxx>
- SMATCH: missing HeapFree's
- From: Michael Stefaniuc <mstefani@xxxxxxxxx>
- SMATCH: Returning with freed result
- From: Michael Stefaniuc <mstefani@xxxxxxxxx>
- direct sound enumeration fix
- From: Robert Reif <reif@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- dsound.h patch
- From: Robert Reif <reif@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Implement stubs for BeginUpdateResource() and EndUpdateResource()
- From: Paul McNett <p@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Use the new swapvp function
- From: Steven Edwards <Steven_Ed4153@xxxxxxxxx>
- Bookman font is replaced by Courier New.
- From: Erik Enge <eenge@xxxxxxxxx>
- PATCH: dlls/ntdll/ntdll_misc.h and struct timeval
- From: Gerald Pfeifer <pfeifer@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- wave test patch
- From: Robert Reif <reif@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- dsound primary.c fix
- From: Robert Reif <reif@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- dsound.spec patch
- From: Robert Reif <reif@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Use the new swapvp function
- From: "Dimitrie O. Paun" <dimi@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- fix buffer overflow in datetime
- From: Vitaliy Margolen <wine-patch@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
- PATCH: fix uninitialized memory returned by TOOLBAR_GetButton()
- From: Adam Gundy <arg@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- PATCH: provide MSVCRTD.DLL debugging C runtime DLL
- From: Adam Gundy <arg@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: wine/ tools/winewrap.c tools/winegcc.c include ...
- From: "Dimitrie O. Paun" <dimi@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Implement some ACE functions
- From: "Robert Shearman" <R.J.Shearman@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- spelling patch
- From: Andreas Mohr <andi@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- resent: menu capture tracking fix
- From: Andreas Mohr <andi@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- docu patch
- From: Andreas Mohr <andi@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- another stab at stabs parsing
- From: Eric Pouech <pouech-eric@xxxxxxxxxx>
- ADVAPI32.dll, GetCurrentHwProfileW
- From: Damian Gerow <damian@xxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: PATCH: /dlls/ntdll/cdrom.c -- portability breakage
- From: Eric Pouech <pouech-eric@xxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Setup failed to launch installation ...
- From: Sylvain Petreolle <spetreolle@xxxxxxxx>
- Crash in joystick API without joystick installed ?
- From: Sylvain Petreolle <spetreolle@xxxxxxxx>
- Re: What the config tool that Knoppix comes with?
- From: Muralikrishnan B <Muralikrishnan_B@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: PATCH: /dlls/ntdll/cdrom.c -- portability breakage
- From: Waldeck Schutzer <schutzer@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- valgrind for WINE
- From: Adam Gundy <arg@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- IP Multicast
- From: Mike Hearn <m.hearn@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: wine/ tools/winewrap.c tools/winegcc.c include ...
- From: "Dimitrie O. Paun" <dpaun@xxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: FindFirstFileExW
- From: Mike Hearn <m.hearn@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- FindFirstFileExW
- From: Mike Hearn <m.hearn@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: FindFirstFileExW
- From: Andreas Mohr <andi@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Setup failed to launch installation ...
- From: "Michael Wagner" <cygwin@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- (no subject)
- From: "J.M.Piulachs" <joanm@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Diablo 2?
- From: Roland Häder <webmaster@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Wine 20030318, glibc 2.3.2, RH (not phoebe)
- From: Kevin DeKorte <kdekorte@xxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Diablo 2?
- From: Alan Bort <333101@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Wine 20030318, glibc 2.3.2, RH (not phoebe)
- From: Rob Hughes <rob@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Wine 20030318, glibc 2.3.2, RH (not phoebe)
- From: Rob Hughes <rob@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Wine Printing Problem
- From: Sylvain Petreolle <spetreolle@xxxxxxxx>
- Re: Diablo 2?
- From: Sylvain Petreolle <spetreolle@xxxxxxxx>
- Re: Wine 20030318, glibc 2.3.2, RH (not phoebe)
- From: Rob Hughes <rob@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Wine 20030318, glibc 2.3.2, RH (not phoebe)
- From: Sylvain Petreolle <spetreolle@xxxxxxxx>
- Re: valgrind for WINE (part 1 - architecture) - PATCH RESEND
- From: Adam Gundy <adam@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Compiling WINE - Hopeless situation? :)
- From: Sylvain Petreolle <spetreolle@xxxxxxxx>
- Re: Compiling WINE - Hopeless situation? :)
- From: Sylvain Petreolle <spetreolle@xxxxxxxx>
- Re: Compiling WINE - Hopeless situation? :)
- From: Sylvain Petreolle <spetreolle@xxxxxxxx>
- Re: Compiling WINE - Hopeless situation? :)
- From: Sylvain Petreolle <spetreolle@xxxxxxxx>
- Re: Compiling WINE - Hopeless situation? :)
- From: Sylvain Petreolle <spetreolle@xxxxxxxx>
- Unicode strings termination cleanup
- From: Vitaliy Margolen <wine-patch@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Compiling WINE - Hopeless situation? :)
- From: Sylvain Petreolle <spetreolle@xxxxxxxx>
- Fix a regression in registry
- From: Maxime Bellengé <maxime.bellenge@xxxxxxxxxxx>
- FindFirstFile on Root directory should fail
- From: Uwe Bonnes <bon@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Some Setupapi stubs
- From: Uwe Bonnes <bon@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- winedos / More int21 stuff
- From: Jukka Heinonen <jhei@xxxxxx>
- winecfg
- From: "Dimitrie O. Paun" <dpaun@xxxxxxxxxx>
- bin2rc
- From: "Dimitrie O. Paun" <dpaun@xxxxxxxxxx>
- Fix the compiling documentation
- From: Francois Gouget <fgouget@xxxxxxx>
- WineHQ: small typos
- From: Francois Gouget <fgouget@xxxxxxx>
- Re: Contributing page needs fixing
- From: Francois Gouget <fgouget@xxxxxxx>
- Cleanup resources
- From: Francois Gouget <fgouget@xxxxxxx>
- dib.c - random segfaults
- From: Vitaliy Margolen <wine-patch@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
- RE: Suggestions for a Working WINE Installation
- From: "Sven Almgren" <blindmatrix@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Diablo 2?
- From: Roland Häder <webmaster@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Diablo 2?
- From: Roland Häder <webmaster@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Compiling WINE - Hopeless situation? :)
- From: Michael Stefaniuc <mstefani@xxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Compiling WINE - Hopeless situation? :)
- From: Michael Stefaniuc <mstefani@xxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Compiling WINE - Hopeless situation? :)
- From: Ian Schmidt <ischmidt@xxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Resolving font trouble, how?
- From: Muralikrishnan B <Muralikrishnan_B@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Compiling WINE - Hopeless situation? :)
- From: Ian Schmidt <ischmidt@xxxxxxxxxx>
- winearts the position of play cursor patch
- From: Jerry Ji <JerryJz@xxxxxxxxxxx>
- running a program that needs java
- From: Rajarshi Guha <rajarshi@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Compiling WINE - Hopeless situation? :)
- From: phrostie <pfrostie@xxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Wine Printing Problem
- From: Duane Clark <dclark@xxxxxxxxxxx>
- huge documentation patch
- From: Andreas Mohr <andi@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- sound3d: doppler effect
- From: "Rok Mandeljc" <rokmandeljc@xxxxxxxxxxx>
- Small improvement in dmusic code
- From: "Rok Mandeljc" <rokmandeljc@xxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: PATCH:
- From: Gerald Pfeifer <pfeifer@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- shell32: ILGetDisplayName corrections
- From: "Rolf Kalbermatter" <rolf.kalbermatter@xxxxxxxxxx>
- Use regedit instead of regapi
- From: Sylvain Petreolle <spetreolle@xxxxxxxx>
- shlobj.h: move declaration for SHBindToParent from undocshell.h to shlobj.h
- From: "Rolf Kalbermatter" <rolf.kalbermatter@xxxxxxxxxx>
- SHFileOperation Test fix
- From: "Rolf Kalbermatter" <rolf.kalbermatter@xxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Wine Printing Problem
- From: Peter Møller Neergaard <peter@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Suggestions for a Working WINE Installation
- From: Jason Voegele <jason@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
- fix up CryptDeriveKey trace
- From: Andreas Mohr <andi@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- fix for nameless struct compilation error in dlls/ntdll/sync.c
- From: Eric Pouech <pouech-eric@xxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Accessing printer/parallel port
- From: Sylvain Petreolle <spetreolle@xxxxxxxx>
- Accessing printer/parallel port
- From: Sameer Morar <smorar@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Invisible Ownerdrawn buttons
- From: Arnaud ANDRE <aandr@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: No support for german keyboard
- From: Bjoern Jacke <wine@xxxxxx>
- Wine Printing Problem
- From: Emmanuel Khamissian <ekhamissian@xxxxxxxxxxx>
- From: Marcus Roeckrath <marcus.roeckrath@xxxxxx>
- Wine 20030318, glibc 2.3.2, RH (not phoebe)
- From: Rob Hughes <rob@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: valgrind for WINE (part 2 - uninitialized memory fixes) PATCHRESEND TAKE 2
- From: Adam Gundy <adam@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- DGA ?
- From: Dominik Witczak <kbi@xxxxxxxx>
- ntdll/kernel32: #15
- From: Eric Pouech <pouech-eric@xxxxxxxxxx>
- fork in road solved, one small question
- From: Richard Benedict <richard.benedict@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Fix incorrect documentation
- From: Mike Hearn <m.hearn@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Suggestions for a Working WINE Installation
- From: Jason Voegele <jason@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
- valgrind for WINE (part 1 - architecture)
- From: Adam Gundy <arg@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- valgrind for WINE (part 2 - uninitialized memory fixes)
- From: Adam Gundy <arg@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- [OT} OpenOffice (was Re: Excel needed with vba)
- From: Keith Matthews <keith_m@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Resolving font trouble, how?
- From: Shachar Shemesh <wine-users@xxxxxxxxxxx>
- Resolving font trouble, how?
- From: Peter Møller Neergaard <peter@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- ImageList - dirty hack
- From: Vitaliy Margolen <wine-patch@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Fwd: WINE and gcc 3.2
- From: Sylvain Petreolle <spetreolle@xxxxxxxx>
- ole32.dll DllRegisterServer et. al.
- From: "John K. Hohm" <jhohm@xxxxxxx>
- wrc: -B -d -r -U -W
- From: "Dimitrie O. Paun" <dpaun@xxxxxxxxxx>
- fix errno linkage
- From: "Dimitrie O. Paun" <dpaun@xxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Java in wine?
- From: Sylvain Petreolle <spetreolle@xxxxxxxx>
- From: Gerald Pfeifer <pfeifer@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- WinInet entry point
- From: Alberto Massari <amassari@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
- add registers for NetBSD sigcontext in dlls/ntdll/signal_i386.c
- From: Yorick Hardy <yh@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- fix compiling of libs/wine/loader.c on NetBSD
- From: Yorick Hardy <yh@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- fix dlls/ntdll/cdrom.c compile on NetBSD
- From: Yorick Hardy <yh@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- add NetBSD total memory information
- From: Yorick Hardy <yh@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: fork in the road
- From: Sylvain Petreolle <spetreolle@xxxxxxxx>
- Fix building on Mingw
- From: Steven Edwards <steven_ed4153@xxxxxxxxx>
- 2 things with the new library system
- From: Steven Edwards <steven_ed4153@xxxxxxxxx>
- fork in the road
- From: Richard Benedict <richard.benedict@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Excel needed with vba
- From: Dirk Gerlach <dgerlach@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: wrc: -a -C -w
- From: "Dimitrie O. Paun" <dpaun@xxxxxxxxxx>
- winemaker: fix wrc flags
- From: "Dimitrie O. Paun" <dpaun@xxxxxxxxxx>
- wpp: export the undefine capability
- From: "Dimitrie O. Paun" <dpaun@xxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Re: printers
- From: Paul McNett <p@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Re: printers
- From: Sylvain Petreolle <spetreolle@xxxxxxxx>
- Re: Re: printers
- From: Paul McNett <p@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Compile error with dib.c
- From: Sylvain Petreolle <spetreolle@xxxxxxxx>
- Debug message fix in msvcrt._wsplitpath
- From: Sylvain Petreolle <spetreolle@xxxxxxxx>
- Re: Compile error with dib.c
- From: Sylvain Petreolle <spetreolle@xxxxxxxx>
- shlwapi: Implement undocumented SHLWAPI_266 and SHLWAPI_271
- From: "Rolf Kalbermatter" <rolf.kalbermatter@xxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Compile error with dib.c
- From: Sylvain Petreolle <spetreolle@xxxxxxxx>
- shell32: small merely cosmetical fixes
- From: "Rolf Kalbermatter" <rolf.kalbermatter@xxxxxxxxxx>
- shell32: Implement CheckEscapesA/W
- From: "Rolf Kalbermatter" <rolf.kalbermatter@xxxxxxxxxx>
- treeview click notification
- From: Mike Hearn <m.hearn@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: printers
- From: Kevin DeKorte <kdekorte@xxxxxxxxx>
- RE: Re: printers
- From: Rick Romero <rick@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
- shell32: create new internal function _ILCreateFromPathA to replace SHSimpleIDListFromPath
- From: "Rolf Kalbermatter" <rolf.kalbermatter@xxxxxxxxxx>
- RE: Re: printers
- From: Alan Bort <333101@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: PATCH: /dlls/ntdll/cdrom.c -- portability breakage
- From: Gerald Pfeifer <pfeifer@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- RE: Re: printers
- From: elwis <elwis@xxxxxxxx>
- comport use with one-wire network
- From: Hans-Willem <hw@xxxxxxxxx>
- wrc: -a -C -w
- From: "Dimitrie O. Paun" <dpaun@xxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Compile error with dib.c
- From: Sylvain Petreolle <spetreolle@xxxxxxxx>
- Re: Compile error with dib.c
- From: Matt Bailey <mattb@xxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Compile error with dib.c
- From: Sylvain Petreolle <spetreolle@xxxxxxxx>
- Compile error with dib.c
- From: Matt Bailey <mattb@xxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: printers
- From: Alan Bort <333101@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Don't check stateMask in treeview
- From: Mike Hearn <m.hearn@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- printers
- From: elwis <elwis@xxxxxxxx>
- treeview invalidation fix
- From: Mike Hearn <m.hearn@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- resend : Stub for EnumSystemLanguageGroups{A|W}
- From: Maxime Bellengé <maxime.bellenge@xxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: not enough virtual memory
- From: Howard Sanner <flagstad@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Outlook and custumization
- From: Sylvain Petreolle <spetreolle@xxxxxxxx>
- From: Javier López <jalopg@xxxxxxxx>
- Re: System.reg problem
- From: Sylvain Petreolle <spetreolle@xxxxxxxx>
- System.reg problem
- From: Andrew Howlett <andrew@xxxxxxxxxxx>
- PATCH: files/directory.c
- From: Gerald Pfeifer <pfeifer@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: position-notify array cleanup for IDirectSoundNotify
- From: Robert Reif <reif@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- PATCH - winebuild import
- From: Steven Edwards <Steven_Ed4153@xxxxxxxxx>
- [commdlg] fix for lookin combo box overlapping the toolbar
- From: Maxime Bellengé <maxime.bellenge@xxxxxxxxxxx>
- Outlook and custumization
- From: "Sven Almgren" <blindmatrix@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Minor Hebrew fix
- From: Shachar Shemesh <wine-patches@xxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Janitorial W->A cleanup objects/metafile.c dlls/gdi/mfdrv/init.c
- From: Huw D M Davies <h.davies1@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- (2nd) Janitorial W->A cleanup objects/metafile.c dlls/gdi/mfdrv/init.c
- From: Tony Lambregts <tony_lambregts@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Janitorial W->A dlls/imm32/imm.c
- From: Tony Lambregts <tony_lambregts@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- I/O Completion Ports (2 of 2)
- From: "Robert Shearman" <R.J.Shearman@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- I/O Completion Ports (1 of 2)
- From: "Robert Shearman" <R.J.Shearman@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Janitorial W->A cleanup objects/metafile.c dlls/gdi/mfdrv/init.c
- From: Tony Lambregts <tony_lambregts@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: not enough virtual memory
- From: "BiGgUn" <fbiggun@xxxxxxxxxxx>
- Adding some missing stuffs #1
- From: "BiGgUn" <fbiggun@xxxxxxxxxxx>
- ntdll/kernel32: #14
- From: Eric Pouech <pouech-eric@xxxxxxxxxx>
- ntdll/kernel32: #13
- From: Eric Pouech <pouech-eric@xxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: ListView - add CACHEHINT notification in OwnerData mode
- From: "Dimitrie O. Paun" <dpaun@xxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: PATCH: Implement some missing stuffs (reformated)
- From: Tony Lambregts <tony_lambregts@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Flash movie
- From: Sylvain Petreolle <spetreolle@xxxxxxxx>
- winegcc: don't attempt to compile .res files
- From: "Dimitrie O. Paun" <dpaun@xxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: not enough virtual memory
- From: Sylvain Petreolle <spetreolle@xxxxxxxx>
- rpcproxy: unneeded extensions
- From: "Dimitrie O. Paun" <dpaun@xxxxxxxxxx>
- shell32: SHInitRestricted() fix boolean error introduced in last patch
- From: "Rolf Kalbermatter" <rolf.kalbermatter@xxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: improved direct sound multiple device support
- From: Jerry Ji <JerryJz@xxxxxxxxxxx>
- (no subject)
- From: Stefan Leichter <sle@xxxxxxxxxxx>
- Get rid of W->A calls: GetPrivateProfileIntA/W
- From: Stefan Leichter <sle@xxxxxxxxxxx>
- PATCH: Implement some missing stuffs (reformated)
- From: "BigBun" <fbiggun@xxxxxxxxxxx>
- PATHC: Implement some missing stuffs
- From: "biggun from the sun" <fbiggun@xxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: not enough virtual memory
- From: Alan Bort <333101@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: not enough virtual memory
- From: "David Jones" <gnome@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: not enough virtual memory
- From: Howard Sanner <flagstad@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- ListView - add CACHEHINT notification in OwnerData mode
- From: Vitaliy Margolen <wine-patch@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Tls handling
- From: Eric Pouech <pouech-eric@xxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: [PATCH] Make use of .half and .asciiz assembler keywords when needed
- From: Christian Costa <titan.costa@xxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: winspool.drv problem
- From: "tom wa" <mrtom@xxxxxx>
- [commdlg] fix for resizing a window with hook
- From: Maxime Bellengé <maxime.bellenge@xxxxxxxxxxx>
- Flash movie
- From: Dinesh Bareja <dinesh@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Implement 'MakeSureDirectoryPathExists'
- From: "P. Christeas" <p_christ@xxxxxx>
- position-notify array cleanup for IDirectSoundNotify
- From: Jerry Ji <JerryJz@xxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: not enough virtual memory
- From: Alan Bort <333101@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- [PATCH] Make use of .half and .asciiz assembler keywords when needed
- From: Christian Costa <titan.costa@xxxxxxxxxx>
- wineinstall: su tweak
- From: "Brian Vincent (C)" <VincentB@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: not enough virtual memory
- From: Howard Sanner <flagstad@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: not enough virtual memory
- From: Alan Bort <333101@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: not enough virtual memory
- From: Howard Sanner <flagstad@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Office 2000 w/ Wine
- From: Sylvain Petreolle <spetreolle@xxxxxxxx>
- Re: winspool.drv problem
- From: Sylvain Petreolle <spetreolle@xxxxxxxx>
- Re: Kazaa Lite (1.7.2) won't work
- From: "Jade E. Deane" <jade.deane@xxxxxxxxx>
- Re: not enough virtual memory
- From: Alan Bort <333101@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Office 2000 w/ Wine
- From: "William R. Lorenz" <wrl@xxxxxxxxxxx>
- winspool.drv problem
- From: "Travis J.I. Corcoran" <tjic@xxxxxxxx>
- not enough virtual memory
- From: Howard Sanner <flagstad@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Kazaa Lite (1.7.2) won't work
- From: Joris Huizer <joris_huizer@xxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Using MS/XML
- From: Sylvain Petreolle <spetreolle@xxxxxxxx>
- ntdll/kernel32: #12
- From: Eric Pouech <pouech-eric@xxxxxxxxxx>
- dmusic stubs
- From: "Rok Mandeljc" <rokmandeljc@xxxxxxxxxxx>
- From: Carlos Hespanhol <hespanhol@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- ntdll/kernel32: #8
- From: Eric Pouech <pouech-eric@xxxxxxxxxx>
- ntdll/kernel32: #9
- From: Eric Pouech <pouech-eric@xxxxxxxxxx>
- ntdll/kernel32: #10
- From: Eric Pouech <pouech-eric@xxxxxxxxxx>
- ntdll/kernel32: #11
- From: Eric Pouech <pouech-eric@xxxxxxxxxx>
- cdrom
- From: Eric Pouech <pouech-eric@xxxxxxxxxx>
- Fix for ArrangeCtrlPositions in commdlg 2
- From: Maxime Bellengé <maxime.bellenge@xxxxxxxxxx>
- Test Again - Patch for on shell32.dll
- From: Steven Edwards <Steven_Ed4153@xxxxxxxxx>
- From: Fabian Cenedese <Cenedese@xxxxxxxx>
- From: Rick Romero <rick@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Change unholy directory message, for good
- From: Andreas Mohr <andi@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- shell32: some new functions in shlfileop
- From: "Rolf Kalbermatter" <rolf.kalbermatter@xxxxxxxxxx>
- shell32: add some W2K shell policies and fix SHRestricted to be Unicode for NT
- From: "Rolf Kalbermatter" <rolf.kalbermatter@xxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Current CVS
- From: Kevin DeKorte <kdekorte@xxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Current CVS
- From: Kevin DeKorte <kdekorte@xxxxxxxxx>
- Current CVS
- From: Kevin DeKorte <kdekorte@xxxxxxxxx>
- How to get a bigger font at tooltips & menus?
- From: peter chan <to_peter_free@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
- From: Carlos Hespanhol <hespanhol@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Using MS/XML
- From: Fruhwirth Clemens <clemens-dated-1049115762.fa21@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- some ntdll functions (3) - part 2: tests
- From: thomas.mertes@xxxxxx
- some ntdll functions (3) - part 1: functions
- From: thomas.mertes@xxxxxx
- 32/16 bit comparison in int21.c
- From: Rein Klazes <rklazes@xxxxxxxxx>
- PATCH: scheduler/pthread portability
- From: Gerald Pfeifer <pfeifer@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- wrc: -e -J
- From: "Dimitrie O. Paun" <dpaun@xxxxxxxxxx>
- Remove 16 bit driver support from introduction.
- From: Tony Lambregts <tony_lambregts@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: My brain hurts!
- From: Tony Lambregts <tony_lambregts@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Knights and Merchants
- From: Joris Huizer <joris_huizer@xxxxxxxxx>
- My brain hurts!
- From: Thanatopsis <thanatopsis@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- PATCH: files/profile.c -- tweak error message
- From: Gerald Pfeifer <pfeifer@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- wine, visio 2000 & Assign constructor/destructor memid
- From: Alexander Klosch <klooo@xxxxxx>
- Fix copyright in git.c
- From: Mike Hearn <m.hearn@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: TreeView notifications fix (take 2)
- From: Mike Hearn <m.hearn@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: TreeView notifications fix
- From: Mike Hearn <m.hearn@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Wine release 20030318
- From: Alexandre Julliard <julliard@xxxxxxxxxx>
- Crash in Microsoft Excel, using Add-ons
- From: Michael Peddemors <michael@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: cannot run Diablo II LOD with CD.
- From: Alan Bort <333101@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: cannot run Diablo II LOD with CD.
- From: Sylvain Petreolle <spetreolle@xxxxxxxx>
- Re: cannot run Diablo II LOD with CD.
- From: Alan Bort <333101@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Problem with wine
- From: Alan Bort <333101@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Problem with wine
- From: Peter Franz <Peter.Franz@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- some ntdll functions (2b) - part 2: tests
- From: thomas.mertes@xxxxxx
- Re: TBSTYLE_ALTDRAG not implemented
- From: Emmanuel Khamissian <ekhamissian@xxxxxxxxxxx>
- winsock: fix for Winelib apps
- From: "Dimitrie O. Paun" <dpaun@xxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Resend of the Fix for ArrangeCtrlPositions in commdlg
- From: Mike McCormack <mike@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: cannot run Diablo II LOD with CD.
- From: Alan Bort <333101@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: cannot run Diablo II LOD with CD.
- From: Tony Lambregts <tony_lambregts@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: cannot run Diablo II LOD with CD.
- From: Sylvain Petreolle <spetreolle@xxxxxxxx>
- Re: cannot run Diablo II LOD with CD.
- From: Alan Bort <333101@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: cannot run Diablo II LOD with CD.
- From: Sylvain Petreolle <spetreolle@xxxxxxxx>
- Re: cannot run Diablo II LOD with CD.
- From: Alan Bort <333101@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: cannot run Diablo II LOD with CD.
- From: Sylvain Petreolle <spetreolle@xxxxxxxx>
- Re: cannot run Diablo II LOD with CD.
- From: Alan Bort <333101@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- cannot run Diablo II LOD with CD.
- From: Alan Bort <333101@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: TBSTYLE_ALTDRAG not implemented
- From: Sylvain Petreolle <spetreolle@xxxxxxxx>
- TBSTYLE_ALTDRAG not implemented
- From: Emmanuel Khamissian <ekhamissian@xxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: DSOUND: buffer underrun & sound chunks left out (RESEND)
- From: Ove Kaaven <ovek@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: DSOUND: buffer underrun & sound chunks left out (RESEND)
- From: Jerry Ji <JerryJz@xxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: DSOUND: buffer underrun & sound chunks left out (RESEND)
- From: Ove Kaaven <ovek@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
- DSOUND: buffer underrun & sound chunks left out (RESEND)
- From: Jerry Ji <JerryJz@xxxxxxxxxxx>
- Get rid of W->A calls: GetPrivateProfileIntA/W
- From: Stefan Leichter <Stefan.Leichter@xxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Knights and Merchants
- From: Joris Huizer <joris_huizer@xxxxxxxxx>
- wrc: use long options
- From: "Dimitrie O. Paun" <dpaun@xxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Knights and Merchants
- From: Tony Lambregts <tony_lambregts@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Default entry for winamp
- From: Mike Hearn <mike@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- TreeView notifications fix
- From: Mike Hearn <mike@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Tab fix and typo
- From: Mike Hearn <mike@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re Resend fix for ArrangeCtrlPositions in commdlg
- From: Maxime Bellengé <maxime.bellenge@xxxxxxxxxxx>
- Knights and Merchants
- From: Joris Huizer <joris_huizer@xxxxxxxxx>
- Re: win3.1 in wine & suse8.1
- From: Shachar Shemesh <wine-users@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- [patch] CSIDL_PROFILES in shlobj.h
- From: Paul Rupe <prupe@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- [patch] Signed/unsigned mismatch in freetype.c
- From: Paul Rupe <prupe@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Janitorial dlls/commdlg/printdlg W->A cleanup
- From: Tony Lambregts <tony_lambregts@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Some dsound oddness
- From: Duane Clark <dclark@xxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: win3.1 in wine & suse8.1
- From: Duane Clark <dclark@xxxxxxxxxxx>
- [patch] Handle blank protocol in getservbyname/port
- From: Paul Rupe <prupe@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: win3.1 in wine & suse8.1
- From: Tony Lambregts <tony_lambregts@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Some dsound oddness
- From: Tony Lambregts <tony_lambregts@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Some dsound oddness
- From: Duane Clark <dclark@xxxxxxxxxxx>
- win3.1 in wine & suse8.1
- From: Serge Naggar <naggar@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Some dsound oddness
- From: Tony Lambregts <tony_lambregts@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- getopt_long support
- From: "Dimitrie O. Paun" <dpaun@xxxxxxxxxx>
- DSOUND: buffer underrun & sound chunks left out
- From: "Jerry Ji" <JerryJz@xxxxxxxxxxx>
- msvcrt: define the BSD types (resent)
- From: "Dimitrie O. Paun" <dpaun@xxxxxxxxxx>
- Resend of the Fix for ArrangeCtrlPositions in commdlg
- From: Maxime Bellengé <maxime.bellenge@xxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: SHGetFileInfo - fix LargeIcon & add rel. path (try 2)
- From: Vitaliy Margolen <wine-patch@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Some dsound oddness
- From: Duane Clark <dclark@xxxxxxxxxxx>
- SHGetFileInfo - fix LargeIcon & add rel. path
- From: Vitaliy Margolen <wine-patch@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
- ntdll/kernel32: #7 (2nd try)
- From: Eric Pouech <pouech-eric@xxxxxxxxxx>
- ntdll/kernel32: #6 (2nd try)
- From: Eric Pouech <pouech-eric@xxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Trying to run Office97 Setup in Native Wine
- Fwd: API Documentation 2
- From: Jon <jon_p_griffiths@xxxxxxxxx>
- Fwd: API Documentation 1
- From: Jon <jon_p_griffiths@xxxxxxxxx>
- Oleaut32 BSTR 2
- From: Jon <jon_p_griffiths@xxxxxxxxx>
- Re: DPRINTF->TRACE Final (Exceptions - not changed)
- From: Tony Lambregts <tony_lambregts@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: For cut it up (apologies)
- From: Rina e Corrado On BTOpenworld <corradoerina@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- For cut it up
- From: Rina e Corrado On BTOpenworld <corradoerina@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- DPRINTF->TRACE dlls/ddraw/d3ddevice
- From: Tony Lambregts <tony_lambregts@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- DPRINTF->TRACE dlls/ddraw/ddraw/main.c
- From: Tony Lambregts <tony_lambregts@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: fixme:reg:_nt_dump_lf unknown Win XP node id 0x686c: do we need to add support for it ?
- From: Sylvain Petreolle <spetreolle@xxxxxxxx>
- DPRINTF->TRACE dlls/ddraw/dsurface/main.c
- From: Tony Lambregts <tony_lambregts@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- DPRINTF->TRACE controls
- From: Tony Lambregts <tony_lambregts@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: fixme:reg:_nt_dump_lf unknown Win XP node id 0x686c: do we need to add support for it ?
- From: Alan Bort <333101@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- DPRINTF->TRACE dlls/comcat/information.c
- From: Tony Lambregts <tony_lambregts@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Fix for winedefault.reg
- From: Maxime Bellengé <maxime.bellenge@xxxxxxxxxxx>
- Trying to run Office97 Setup in Native Wine
- From: Michael Peddemors <michael@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- DPRINTF->TRACE dlls/ddraw
- From: Tony Lambregts <tony_lambregts@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: fixme:reg:_nt_dump_lf unknown Win XP node id 0x686c: do we need to add support for it ?
- From: Dan Willemsen <wine@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- DPRINTF->TRACE dlls/dinput/joystick
- From: Tony Lambregts <tony_lambregts@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- DPRINTF->TRACE dlls/dinput/mouse/main.c
- From: Tony Lambregts <tony_lambregts@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- DPRINTF->TRACE dlls/dinput/keyboard/main.c
- From: Tony Lambregts <tony_lambregts@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- DPRINTF->TRACE dlls/odbc32/proxyodbc.c
- From: Tony Lambregts <tony_lambregts@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: fixme:reg:_nt_dump_lf unknown Win XP node id 0x686c: do we need to add support for it ?
- From: Duane Clark <dclark@xxxxxxxxxxx>
- DPRINTF->TRACE dlls/richedit/richedit.c
- From: Tony Lambregts <tony_lambregts@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: fixme:reg:_nt_dump_lf unknown Win XP node id 0x686c: do weneed to add support for it ?
- From: Alan Bort <333101@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Warcraft 3
- DPRINTF->TRACE dlls/version/info.c
- From: Tony Lambregts <tony_lambregts@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- DPRINTF->TRACE dlls/winaspi (resend, forgot winaspi32)
- From: Tony Lambregts <tony_lambregts@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: XIO: fatal IO error 0
- DPRINTF->TRACE dlls/winaspi
- From: Tony Lambregts <tony_lambregts@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: PATCH: /dlls/ntdll/cdrom.c -- portability breakage
- From: Gerald Pfeifer <pfeifer@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: PATCH: dlls/ddraw/ddraw/hal.c
- From: Gerald Pfeifer <pfeifer@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- DPRINTF->TRACE dlls/x11drv/keybord.c
- From: Tony Lambregts <tony_lambregts@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- DPRINTF->TRACE files/smb.c
- From: Tony Lambregts <tony_lambregts@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Warcraft 3
- From: Jens Lehmann <jens.lehmann@xxxxxxxxxxx>
- (resend) some ntdll functions (2a) - part 2: tests
- From: thomas.mertes@xxxxxx
- stub for GetDevicePowerState
- From: Rein Klazes <rklazes@xxxxxxxxx>
- stub for msnet32@57
- From: Rein Klazes <rklazes@xxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Warcraft 3
- From: Anish Mistry <mistry.7@xxxxxxx>
- Re: ListView Part2
- From: "Dimitrie O. Paun" <dpaun@xxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: wnaspi32.dll not loading
- From: Norman Urs Baier <knub@xxxxxx>
- Re: wnaspi32.dll not loading
- From: Sylvain Petreolle <spetreolle@xxxxxxxx>
- wnaspi32.dll not loading
- From: Norman Urs Baier <knub@xxxxxx>
- Re: DLL not loading, msjava.dll, Encyclopedia Britannica
- From: Stephan Matthiesen <stephan@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
- ListView Part2
- From: Vitaliy Margolen <wine-patch@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Need technical help
- Re: Warcraft 3
- DPRINTF->TRACE windows
- From: Tony Lambregts <tony_lambregts@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Oleaut32 Debug Messages
- From: Tony Lambregts <tony_lambregts@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Quicken on SuSE 8.0 and 8.1 FAILED!! :((
- From: Sylvain Petreolle <spetreolle@xxxxxxxx>
- improved direct sound multiple device support
- From: Robert Reif <reif@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- (5th) Janitorial dlls/advapi32/registry.c W->A cleanup
- From: Tony Lambregts <tony_lambregts@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: fixme:reg:_nt_dump_lf unknown Win XP node id 0x686c: do we needto add support for it ?
- From: Tony Lambregts <tony_lambregts@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- ntdll/kernel32: #6
- From: Eric Pouech <eric.pouech@xxxxxxxxxx>
- ntdll/kernel32: #5
- From: Eric Pouech <eric.pouech@xxxxxxxxxx>
- ntdll/kernel32: #7
- From: Eric Pouech <eric.pouech@xxxxxxxxxx>
- ntdll/kernel32: #4
- From: Eric Pouech <eric.pouech@xxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Need technical help
- From: "Alfredo J. Cole" <alfredo@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: fixme:reg:_nt_dump_lf unknown Win XP node id 0x686c: do we needto add support for it ?
- From: Duane Clark <dclark@xxxxxxxxxxx>
- Need technical help
- From: N RAMAKRISHNA <Narendula.Ramakrishna@xxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Warcraft 3
- From: Jens Lehmann <jens.lehmann@xxxxxxxxxxx>
- Quicken on SuSE 8.0 (8.1 also) FAILED:((
- From: Steve Varadi <svaradi@xxxxxxxxxxx>
- Doc
- From: Maxime Bellengé <maxime.bellenge@xxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Office apps (Word and Excel) questions
- From: Alan Bort <333101@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: fixme:reg:_nt_dump_lf unknown Win XP node id 0x686c: do weneed to add support for it ?
- From: Alan Bort <333101@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Doc
- From: Maxime Bellengé <maxime.bellenge@xxxxxxxxxxx>
- RE: Office apps (Word and Excel) questions
- From: "Steven Broos" <Steven.Broos@xxxxxxxxxx>
- Office apps (Word and Excel) questions
- From: Louis LeBlanc <wine@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Quicken on SuSE 8.0 and 8.1 FAILED!! :((
- From: Steve Varadi <svaradi@xxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Re: sentinel.vxd
- From: Sylvain Petreolle <spetreolle@xxxxxxxx>
- Re: XIO: fatal IO error 0
- From: Norman Urs Baier <knub@xxxxxx>
- error message
- From: elwis <elwis@xxxxxxxx>
- Re: Quicken on SuSE 8.0 and 8.1 FAILED!! :((
- From: Sylvain Petreolle <spetreolle@xxxxxxxx>
- Few fixes for ListView
- From: Vitaliy Margolen <wine-patch@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Quicken on SuSE 8.0 and 8.1 FAILED!! :((
- From: Sylvain Petreolle <spetreolle@xxxxxxxx>
- Quicken on SuSE 8.0 and 8.1 FAILED!! :((
- From: Steve Varadi <svaradi@xxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: fixme:reg:_nt_dump_lf unknown Win XP node id 0x686c: do we need to add support for it ?
- From: Sylvain Petreolle <spetreolle@xxxxxxxx>
- Fix for ArrangeCtrlPositions in commdlg
- From: Maxime Bellengé <maxime.bellenge@xxxxxxxxxxx>
- fixme:reg:_nt_dump_lf unknown Win XP node id 0x686c: do we need toadd support for it ?
- From: Alan Bort <333101@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Warcraft 3
- Re: AOL on Linux
- Re: sentinel.vxd
- From: Sylvain Petreolle <spetreolle@xxxxxxxx>
- Re: Win16Mutex Error
- From: Jens Lehmann <jens.lehmann@xxxxxxxxxxx>
- Shlwapi Header
- From: Jon <jon_p_griffiths@xxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Warcraft 3
- From: Jens Lehmann <jens.lehmann@xxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: XIO: fatal IO error 0
- Re: AOL on Linux
- From: Rick Romero <rick@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: AOL on Linux
- Re: XIO: fatal IO error 0
- From: Norman Urs Baier <knub@xxxxxx>
- Re: AOL on Linux
- From: "Linux World 999" <linuxworld999@xxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: (5th) Janitorial dlls/advapi32/registry.c W->A cleanup
- From: Dmitry Timoshkov <dmitry@xxxxxxxxx>
- sentinel.vxd
- From: "nayan naya" <nayan127@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Warcraft 3
- Re: winlib help - program hangs - one more
- Re: XIO: fatal IO error 0
- From: Sylvain Petreolle <spetreolle@xxxxxxxx>
- Wine 20030219 memory leak?
- From: "Jade E. Deane" <jade.deane@xxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Warcraft 3
- From: Jens Lehmann <jens.lehmann@xxxxxxxxxxx>
- XIO: fatal IO error 0
- From: Norman Urs Baier <knub@xxxxxx>
- Add define for swprintf in include/wine/unicode.h
- From: Tony Lambregts <tony_lambregts@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Warcraft 3
- Re: AOL on Linux
- Re: Debian PPC 3.0.r1 - Wine 1-15-2003 compile errors
- From: Jens Lehmann <jens.lehmann@xxxxxxxxxxx>
- Warcraft 3
- From: Jens Lehmann <jens.lehmann@xxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: AOL on Linux (fwd)
- From: Sylvain Petreolle <spetreolle@xxxxxxxx>
- Re: AOL on Linux (fwd)
- Re: AOL on Linux
- Re: AOL on Linux
- some ntdll functions (2a) - part 2: tests
- From: thomas.mertes@xxxxxx
- Re: Wineboot command line
- From: Shachar Shemesh <wine-patches@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- some ntdll functions (2a) - part 1: functions
- From: thomas.mertes@xxxxxx
- some ntdll functions (2a) - part 3: forwards
- From: thomas.mertes@xxxxxx
- dongle or hardware lock
- From: "nayan naya" <nayan127@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: AOL on Linux
- From: "Linux World 999" <linuxworld999@xxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: AOL on Linux
- From: "Linux World 999" <linuxworld999@xxxxxxxxxxx>
- PATCH: descriptor leakage in comm
- From: Marcus Meissner <meissner@xxxxxxx>
- Wineboot command line
- From: Shachar Shemesh <wine-patches@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Trying to compile on OpenBSD 3.3-CURRENT
- direct sound multiple device support
- From: Robert Reif <reif@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: AOL on Linux
- Add flags for RegRestoreKey to /include/winnt.h
- From: Tony Lambregts <tony_lambregts@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Trying to compile on OpenBSD 3.3-CURRENT
- From: <rinsan@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- AOL on Linux
- From: "Linux World 999" <linuxworld999@xxxxxxxxxxx>
- Unhandled exeption
- From: Phillip John Shelton <phillips@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: wacom support
- From: "David Jones" <gnome@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: winelib help - program hangs
- From: Fabian Cenedese <Cenedese@xxxxxxxx>
- Re: DLL not loading, msjava.dll, Encyclopedia Britannica
- From: Fabian Cenedese <Cenedese@xxxxxxxx>
- (5th) Janitorial dlls/advapi32/registry.c W->A cleanup
- From: Tony Lambregts <tony_lambregts@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- winlib help - program hangs - one more
- From: JaReK <myszewsk@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Fix for file dialog
- From: Maxime Bellengé <maxime.bellenge@xxxxxxxxxx>
- winelib help - program hangs
- From: JaReK <myszewsk@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- c:\\windows\\Profiles\\Administrator
- From: Spider <spider@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Fix for file dialog
- From: Maxime Bellengé <maxime.bellenge@xxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Named Pipe patch
- From: Dan Kegel <dank@xxxxxxxxx>
- GIT implementation
- From: Mike Hearn <mike@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: DLL not loading, msjava.dll, Encyclopedia Britannica
- dsound revision - this time for real
- From: "Rok Mandeljc" <rokmandeljc@xxxxxxxxxxx>
- Avoid SEH messages caused SNOOPimg
- From: Uwe Bonnes <bon@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- typo in comment
- From: Eric Pouech <eric.pouech@xxxxxxxxxx>
- debugger attach
- From: Eric Pouech <eric.pouech@xxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: DLL not loading, msjava.dll, Encyclopedia Britannica
- From: Sylvain Petreolle <spetreolle@xxxxxxxx>
- Stub for SHAutoComplete
- From: Maxime Bellengé <maxime.bellenge@xxxxxxxxxxx>
- wineconsole startup (3rd try)
- From: Eric Pouech <eric.pouech@xxxxxxxxxx>
- Typo in exticon.c
- From: Vitaliy Margolen <wine-patch@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
- SHFileOperation - add ChangeNotify events
- From: Vitaliy Margolen <wine-patch@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Various cosmetic tab fixes
- From: Mike Hearn <mike@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Tab widths
- From: Mike Hearn <mike@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Stubbed out StdGlobalInterfaceTable
- From: Mike Hearn <mike@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- a bit of documentation about consoles
- From: Eric Pouech <eric.pouech@xxxxxxxxxx>
- wineconsole startup (2nd)
- From: Eric Pouech <eric.pouech@xxxxxxxxxx>
- wineconsole
- From: Eric Pouech <eric.pouech@xxxxxxxxxx>
- wave mapper fix
- From: Eric Pouech <eric.pouech@xxxxxxxxxx>
- winedos / Speed up RM software interrupt handling
- From: Jukka Heinonen <jhei@xxxxxx>
- Implement SHRegSetUSValue{A|W}
- From: Maxime Bellengé <maxime.bellenge@xxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Microsoft Installer "Incorrect command line parameters"
- From: Tony Lambregts <tony_lambregts@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Implements SHRegSetUSValue{A|W}
- From: Maxime Bellengé <maxime.bellenge@xxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Microsoft Installer "Incorrect command line parameters"
- From: Jorge Rosa <joca.rosa@xxxxxxx>
- (4th) Janitorial dlls/advapi32/registry.c W->A cleanup
- From: Tony Lambregts <tony_lambregts@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: HTML 3.2 (OT)
- From: Z_God <zeldario@xxxxxxxxxx>
- DLL not loading, msjava.dll, Encyclopedia Britannica
- From: Stephan Matthiesen <stephan@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: HTML 3.2 (OT)
- From: Duane Clark <dclark@xxxxxxxxxxx>
- dsound 3d, part III (conning)
- From: "Rok Mandeljc" <rokmandeljc@xxxxxxxxxxx>
- dsound 3d revision, part I
- From: "Rok Mandeljc" <rokmandeljc@xxxxxxxxxxx>
- dsound 3d revision, part II (panning)
- From: "Rok Mandeljc" <rokmandeljc@xxxxxxxxxxx>
- PATCH: cups soname
- From: Marcus Meissner <meissner@xxxxxxx>
- Re: PATCH: Inserting an item in a listview sometimes generates incorrect messages
- From: Adam Gundy <arg@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: HTML 3.2 (OT)
- From: Keith Matthews <keith_m@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- wineconsole: startup regression fix
- From: Eric Pouech <eric.pouech@xxxxxxxxxx>
- Add messaging for SB_CTL scroll bars SetScroll* functions
- From: Andrew Johnston <johnstonam@xxxxxxxxxx>
- File change notification (take 2)
- From: Mike McCormack <mike@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Microsoft Installer "Incorrect command line parameters"
- From: "Jade E. Deane" <jade.deane@xxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Microsoft Installer "Incorrect command line parameters"
- From: Duane Clark <dclark@xxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Microsoft Installer "Incorrect command line parameters"
- From: "Jade E. Deane" <jade.deane@xxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Microsoft Installer "Incorrect command line parameters"
- From: Duane Clark <dclark@xxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Microsoft Installer "Incorrect command line parameters"
- From: "Jade E. Deane" <jade.deane@xxxxxxxxx>
- Re: HTML 3.2
- From: Z_God <zeldario@xxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: [D3D 97] Some misc fixes...
- From: Lionel Ulmer <lionel.ulmer@xxxxxxx>
- [D3D 97] Some misc fixes...
- From: Lionel Ulmer <lionel.ulmer@xxxxxxx>
- Janitorial dlls/gdi/mfdrv/init.c W->A cleanup
- From: Tony Lambregts <tony_lambregts@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- [OGL] Some new extension function...
- From: Lionel Ulmer <lionel.ulmer@xxxxxxx>
- Janitorial # dlls/gdi/enhmfdrv/init.c W->A cleanup
- From: Tony Lambregts <tony_lambregts@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- ntdll/kernel 3
- From: Eric Pouech <eric.pouech@xxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: HTML 3.2 (OT)
- From: Tony Lambregts <tony_lambregts@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: HTML 3.2
- From: Duane Clark <dclark@xxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Microsoft Installer "Incorrect command line parameters"
- From: Duane Clark <dclark@xxxxxxxxxxx>
- some ntdll functions (2) - part2: tests
- From: thomas.mertes@xxxxxx
- dlls/dsound/tests/dsound.c bug fix and more tests
- From: Robert Reif <reif@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- some ntdll functions (2) - part3: forwards
- From: thomas.mertes@xxxxxx
- some ntdll functions (2) - part 1: functions
- From: thomas.mertes@xxxxxx
- direct sound patches
- From: Robert Reif <reif@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- dlls/winmm/wineoss/audio.c patch
- From: Robert Reif <reif@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- dsound.h FIXME fixed
- From: Robert Reif <reif@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- (3rd) Janitorial dlls/advapi32/registry.c W->A cleanup
- From: Tony Lambregts <tony_lambregts@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- (2nd) Janitorial dlls/advapi32/registry.c W->A cleanup
- From: Tony Lambregts <tony_lambregts@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: HTML 3.2
- From: Sylvain Petreolle <spetreolle@xxxxxxxx>
- More cleanup in scroll.c
- From: Andrew Johnston <johnstonam@xxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Add messaging for SB_CTL bars to scroll.c
- From: Andrew Johnston <johnstonam@xxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: msi.dll
- From: Sylvain Petreolle <spetreolle@xxxxxxxx>
- Janitorial dlls/commdlg/printdlg W->A cleanup
- From: Tony Lambregts <tony_lambregts@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Unreal 1 under Wine
- From: Joe Giles <jgiles@xxxxxxxxxxx>
- Janitorial dlls/comctl32/imagelist.c W->A cleanup
- From: Tony Lambregts <tony_lambregts@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Janitorial dlls/advapi32/registry.c W->A cleanup
- From: Tony Lambregts <tony_lambregts@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Add messaging for SB_CTL bars to scroll.c
- From: Andrew Johnston <johnstonam@xxxxxxxxxx>
- Running Setup.exe files from Wine
- From: Hariraj M R <harirajmr@xxxxxxxxx>
- Microsoft Installer "Incorrect command line parameters"
- From: "Jade E. Deane" <jade.deane@xxxxxxxxx>
- Clarify Patch requirements (3rd try)
- From: Tony Lambregts <tony_lambregts@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Clarify patch requirements (2nd try)
- From: Tony Lambregts <tony_lambregts@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: New conformance test for user32.dll
- From: Tony Lambregts <tony_lambregts@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Add wineconsole FIXME
- From: Eric Pouech <eric.pouech@xxxxxxxxxx>
- PATCH - Import ntdll in Winmm.dll
- From: Steven Edwards <steven_ed4153@xxxxxxxxx>
- ntdll/kernel 2a
- From: Eric Pouech <eric.pouech@xxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: msi.dll
- From: Duane Clark <dclark@xxxxxxxxxxx>
- new add keyboard.c
- From: ricarro@xxxxxxxxxxxx
- PATCH: PatBlt() with negative width or height draws in wrong place
- From: Adam Gundy <arg@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- PATCH: LoadTypeLib() was not cacheing the parsed typelibs
- From: Adam Gundy <arg@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- PATCH: OLE automation wants to coerce VT_DISPATCH into VT_PTR
- From: Adam Gundy <arg@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- PATCH: Templated file dialog does not make dialog big enough
- From: Adam Gundy <arg@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- PATCH: Updating treeview scrollbars with an empty tree SEGVs
- From: Adam Gundy <arg@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- PATCH: Creating a property sheet dialog causes assertion in debug MFC
- From: Adam Gundy <arg@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- PATCH: Toolbar bitmaps are corrupted
- From: Adam Gundy <arg@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- PATCH: Inserting an item in a listview sometimes generates incorrect messages
- From: Adam Gundy <arg@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- PATCH: Menu entries may contain NULL string
- From: Adam Gundy <arg@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Add wineconsole FIXME
- From: Andreas Mohr <andi@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: msi.dll
- From: "Jade E. Deane" <jade.deane@xxxxxxxxx>
- Re: SystemParametersInfo patch
- From: Uwe Bonnes <bon@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- SystemParametersInfo patch
- From: Jon Bright <jon@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- HTML 3.2
- From: tony_lambregts <tony_lambregts@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- PATCH: rtlbitmap fixes
- From: Marcus Meissner <marcus@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: msi.dll
- From: Sylvain Petreolle <spetreolle@xxxxxxxx>
- Re: msi.dll
- From: "Jade E. Deane" <jade.deane@xxxxxxxxx>
- Re: msi.dll
- From: Sylvain Petreolle <spetreolle@xxxxxxxx>
- Re: Quicken 2003 Basic... so close, but so far
- From: "Jade E. Deane" <jade.deane@xxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Quicken 2003 Basic... so close, but so far
- From: Duane Clark <dclark@xxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: msi.dll
- From: Duane Clark <dclark@xxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Quicken 2003 Basic... so close, but so far
- From: "Jade E. Deane" <jade.deane@xxxxxxxxx>
- Re: msi.dll
- From: Tony Lambregts <tony_lambregts@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: msi.dll
- From: Duane Clark <dclark@xxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: msi.dll
- From: Tony Lambregts <tony_lambregts@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Wine errors
- From: "Jade E. Deane" <jade.deane@xxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Wine errors
- From: Tony Lambregts <tony_lambregts@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: msi.dll
- From: "Jade E. Deane" <jade.deane@xxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Quicken 2003 Basic... so close, but so far
- From: "Jade E. Deane" <jade.deane@xxxxxxxxx>
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