Squid Proxy Cache Users
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- RE: possible SOAP problem with 3.1.4, (continued)
- Time error,
- TCP_DENIED/407 when using NCSA-AUTH and video streaming,
Werner Opriel
- Setting up new Squid server,
- squid_db_auth to support md5 encrypted passwords patch,
Milen Pankov
- Ideal partition size for good hit ratio ?,
sameer khan
- Invalid argument,
M. Robert Spryn
- TPROXY4 + Fedora 13,
Damian O'Neill
- Transparent vs. Intercept,
- FTP connection hang at second try,
新宸 惠
- squid with yp,
Jigar Raval
- Squid with ntlm_authgives 2nd login,
Wittassek, Dominik
- Squid reverse proxy with https,
Phil McDonnell
- Kerberos-authentication and ntlm-fallback with AD-group-membership-checking,
Tom Tux
- OpenBSD storeSwapOutFileClosed,
Robert E. Ressl
- Question regarding Squid - iis 6.0 and cache-control,
- Conf squid cache [,
Restrict some user,
Donny Christiaan
Squid - cache_peer,
Blocking SSL Port does not work,
Malvin Rito
Question regarding stats,
Markus Meyer
Squid tcp_outgoing_address.,
Squid 3 external ACL with tag=,
Scott Horsley
auth issue with chrome,
ACL blocks, browser retries constantly,
David Parks
Bug 2973 - Memory leak when handling pathless http requests,
Richard Wall
unable to compile squid-3.1.5 on debian lenny,
Zeller, Jan (ID)
Squid 3.1.5 is available,
Amos Jeffries
Error Compiling Squid 3.1.4,
Babelo Gmvsdm
IE6 and Kerberos-Authentication doesn't work,
Tom Tux
Authenticate domain user,
Nick Cairncross
Squid 3.1.4 keeps giving Access Denied intermittently,
Log dns error,
Luis Daniel Lucio Quiroz
Errors with sasl while compiling Squid 3.1.4,
Babelo Gmvsdm
squid_kerb_ldap -> "Error while initialising credentials from keytab",
Tom Tux
Multiple separate caches?,
storeurl.pl in squid3.1.xx,
what's the configuration with vim when developing squid 2.7?,
Weibin Yao
Forwarding loop detected,
from ufs to aufs,
Zeller, Jan (ID)
Acceptable Service Times?,
Baird, Josh
msktutil: Error: ldap_set_option (option=) failed (Can't contact LDAP server),
Tom Tux
squid_kerb_auth (parseNegTokenInit failed with rc=102),
Squid to work on two ISP?,
Roland RoLaNd
icap loadbalacing,
Squid load testing,
Make a Default Home Page,
John Dakos
measure using the proxy cache,
Ricardo Barbosa
Good overall monitoring tools for squid?,
Anushan Rajakulasingam
Philippe Dhont
Same cached copy for multiple TLDs,
Rebecca Denham
Centos 5.5 + kernel 3.1 + Tproxy + Squid 3.1.4,
squid3 configuration,
Philippe Dhont
FTP Access,
Malik Madni
setsockopt(IP_TOS) not supported on this platform,
Tproxy working,
"url_rewrite_access"-directive bypasses everything,
Tom Tux
c-icap vs Havp,
DNS server setup for squid/kerberos,
Fwd: Re: About proxy_auth alc,
Alberto Cappadonia
Squid Custom Cache-Key,
Sharad Ganapathy
Unable to telnet to port 3218 from the squid box itself,
Tejpal Amin
Sarg don't generate reports,
Sam Przyswa
maxage/s-maxage on reverse proxy mode,
sheng zheng
problems access some pages,
Vernon A. Fort
Optimized Squids,
Seann Clark
Skype block,
Riccardo Castellani
Cannont Access SSL sites,
Jorge Perez
Squid is not aware of logged and anonymous users,
Daniel Gomez
DNS Issues with Squid,
Anushan Rajakulasingam
Squid Concerns,
Streaming MMS,
ML Alasta
New to "Squid.conf", basic help,
Parshwa Murdia
delay_access and rep_mime_type,
Alex Crow
Redirector 302 Redirects not working for CONNECT method,
Baird, Josh
Refresh contents eith ETAG in Squid,
Daniel Gomez
Active/Backup Squid cluster,
Nick Cairncross
Squid 3.1 supporting NTLMv1 and v2 using negotiate,
Rob Price
swap.state eating the entire slice,
Eugene M. Zheganin
Squid NT compile,
Flexible configurations,
Joaquim Pedro França Simão
Round Robin Local Public IP,
how to cache podcasts with '?' in URL using squid?,
David Wetzel
regular expression help,
Shahid Hussain
Squid parent proxy authentication,
Susmit Saraswat
How to block Adobe Flash Player Videos,
Georg Roelli
filter URL - regex help,
Shahid Hussain
Jakob Curdes
HTTP header order,
Markus Moeller
Cache_peer HTTP Digest authentication problem,
Chitresh Kakwani
Build Fail for 3.1.4 on IBM PowerPC64,
301 too slow,
Luis Daniel Lucio Quiroz
Squid-Cache-Error with NTLM: "got NTLMSSP command 3, expected 1",
Tom Tux
IE8 and wrong encoding of ftp username in URL,
Giovanni Panozzo
Problem with Backslash,
Dave Forster
blocking linkedin,
Nadeem Semaan
Can Squid cache encrypted traffic?,
Saurabh Agarwal
Squid 3 Web Support,
Timothy Webb
Windows Service,
Timothy Webb
Re: Content-Type log erro Help,
Romulo Boschetti
squid + auth ldap,
Exclamation mark (point) doesn't work with url_regex,
Spotify Access Denied,
Francisco Martinez Espadas
ALlow FTP acces to specific set of IP's,
Tejpal Amin
allow subdomain,
Leonardo Carneiro - Veltrac
Squid-3.1.3, ICAP and ACLs when rewriting the hosts of a request.,
Martin Sperl
Confusion regarding regex,
help while using squid,
ning luwen
Help configuriing Squid with delay pools,
Jorge Perez
TPROXY squid and shorewall,
Johnson, S
squid3 NTLM cant find the user but wbinfo does,
Douglas Santos
Request - The Basic flow chart of squid,
Yubraj Sharma Dhakal
empty basic/digest realm,
Khaled Blah
Squid NTML and auth problems with POST,
Dmitrijs Demidovs
sarg index.html,
Kaushal Shriyan
Memory and CPU usage squid-3.1.4,
Martin . Pichlmaier
Forwarding User Authentication parameters to Web GW,
helpers and external acl,
Proyecto ControlAcceso
Join Squid to Windows Domain Controller : Configuring Squid for NTLM with Winbind Authentication on CentOS 5,
Edouard Zorrilla
RE: Join Squid to Windows Domain Controller : Configuring Squid for NTLM with Winbind Authentication on CentOS 5,
Joseph L. Casale
The request or reply is too large,
Does Squid 3.0 support NTLM V2,
Tejpal Amin
auth_param basic program !,
Edouard Zorrilla
Cache squid,
Edouard Zorrilla
Sending squid access.log files as attachments,
Squid Proxy url basis,
Edouard Zorrilla
Blocking HCP?,
Kurt Buff
SOLVED: Re: [squid-users] FTP with squid 3.1.3 failed,
Tom Tux
winbind error,
Prashant K.S
Full cache windows update,
Squid / OWA authentication issues - part 2,
Johnson, S
restrict bandwidth,
Kaushal Shriyan
FTP with squid 3.1.3 failed,
Tom Tux
ERR_INVALID_REQ on www.megaupload.com,
Felipe W Damasio
Rotating logs restarts authentication/acl helpers?,
David Parks
Increased memory usage (memory leak?),
Panagiotis Christias
NTLM authentication pass-through to upstream proxy,
Jeff Silver
Url-encoded passwords,
Luciano Mannucci
squid 3.1.4 + ecap + squid-ecap-gzip,
andre wang
ntlm-authentication with ntlmssp-helper does not work,
Tom Tux
TCP_DENIED/407 with NTLM-Authentication,
Tom Tux
ctx: enter level,
Dean Weimer
unrecognized: 'extension_methods',
Johnson, S
Reverse proxy from LAN IP as well as domain,
Squid 3.1 and strange "Bad header encountered" error,
David B.
Squid 3.1.4 log rotate by squid user not permitted,
Can Squid Version 2.7.STABLE7 do transparent FTP proxy like HTTP?,
Saurabh Agarwal
Can't access www.permatanet.com using squid,
Firdaus Tjahyadi
403 Forbidden from apache server,
Alan Lehman
POST request problem on NTLM authentication,
Mikio Kishi
Digest authentication change from previous version?,
David Parks
Digest authentication helper question,
David Parks
Digest authentication scheme doesn't support concurrency?,
David Parks
Squid + Windows 7 + itunes / BB / MobileMe,
Alex Marsal
cache_mem ?? parametre,
Issues with DNS and Transparent Proxy,
Request for your recommendation for ISP setup,
Khemara Lyn
possible SYN flooding on port 3128. Sending cookies,
Khemara Lyn
Exclude OPTIONS requests from icap_log,
Sean Austin C. Critica
cache_object denied,
David Touzeau
public squid proxy,
Prashant K.S
Help configuring Squid with Kerberos authentication to access Skype service,
Fryer, Huw
COSS as partition,
Chudy Fernandez
Squid configuration for NTLM,
Prashant K.S
ldap auth question,
Gerardo Herzig
Rangel, Luciano
squid 3.1.xx caching youtube ???,
Request for Guidance from Glos University, UK,
Yubraj Sharma Dhakal
[PATCH] Squid 3.1.4 not building under OpenBSD 4.6,
Squid 3.1.x uses considerably more memory than 2.7.x or 3.0.x,
Murilo Moreira de Oliveira
interesting challenge,
Luis Daniel Lucio Quiroz
squid_session logs,
Winfield Henry
creat a groupe in squid and squidGuard,
rtmp protocol in squid is possible ?,
Pedro Silva
SQUID makes few slow connections (see video),
Tytus Rogalewski
Problem: parseHttpRequest: Requestheader contains NULL characters,
Pedro Silva
Accessing OWA or Sharepoint through Squid,
Johnson, S
FTP authenticated using explorer 8,
Luciano Mannucci
high iowait on cache_swap_low,
sameer khan
squid-3,1.4 - dead sibling,
Zeller, Jan (ID)
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