Agreed. Heartbeat is likely the easiest way to achieve your active/passive desired configuration. If you want to introduce load balancing, you can take a look at LVS for Linux or a more expensive, hardware based solution like F5's BigIP. Josh -----Original Message----- From: Henrik Nordström [mailto:henrik@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx] Sent: Monday, June 21, 2010 11:00 AM To: Nick Cairncross Cc: squid-users@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Subject: Re: Active/Backup Squid cluster mån 2010-06-21 klockan 14:11 +0100 skrev Nick Cairncross: > One thing though is that I'm not wanting to NLB - just have the failover capability if I want it. Does your setup still allow that? Then you only need heartbeat with a VIP for each client VLAN. Regards Henrik