ons 2010-06-23 klockan 18:09 +0900 skrev sheng zheng: > But the expiry time of the dynamic page will be different in each of > squid, so the content of the page will be also different. By removing > "Cache-Control" header and replacing with "Expires" header , can make > all squids have a same expiry time of the page. But "Expires" header > can't set the expiry time of cache for browser(max-age) or > squid(s-maxage) separately. Set s-maxage = intended_cache_expires - now. > I have tried "nonhierarchical_direct off" , but still not work. All > requests seems to be sent to originserver first. No ICP_QUERY between > the sibling squids. > > We are using squid/2.6.STABLE21 (Red Hat modified). First action would be to upgrade. 2.6 were officially end of life two years ago when 2.7 was released. Not going to look into how 2.6 behaves. Regards Henrik