For this you can use msn-proxy
Best regards.
On 06/22/2010 05:34 PM, Luis Daniel Lucio Quiroz wrote:
Le mardi 22 juin 2010 14:13:43, Henrik Nordström a écrit :
tis 2010-06-22 klockan 14:05 -0500 skrev Juan Cardoza:
Do you know if there a way to sniff the MSN packets through the squid
At this moment the MSN is working through the squid server.
Kind regards
wireshark is a quite nice sniffing tool for inspecting any kind of
traffic, proxied or not.
I think what he is trying to do is something like this:
user -> proxy -> internet
-IM logging
basically the problem is that M$ msn client sucks, it use a non HTTP at-all
msn protocol, so it is kind of weird to get messages without all garbage.
However there is an other solution that could be quite easy:
you may use inconjution with squid an socks proxy like SS5 to let ms client
use native msnp.