Nadeem Semaan wrote:
Hello All,
I have facing a problem with blocking linkedin website and its been
driving me crazy. I have an external acl for blocking sites, the acl
.linkedin .linkedin. linkedin.
as well as
.facebook .facebook. facebook.
Facebook gets blocked but for some weird reason linkedin does not. I
have also tried putting the site in a dstdomain url_regex instead of
dstdom_regex and still the same problem. The weird thing is that the
linkedin outlook connector in Office 2010 gets blocked. I also
checked (and quadruple checked) and there are no exceptions made for
Your confusion is showing.
external acl - (AKA external_acl_type) is a program or script which
returns OK/ERR and is used as an ACL test.
"dstdomain url_regex" - no such thing.
dstdomain - is a text test matching the domain of a request
url_regex - is a regular expression match against the entire full-URL.
dstdom_regex - is a regular expression match against teh domain name of
a request.
What I think you want is this:
acl block dstdomain
You then use the "block" ACL in http_access rules to allow/deny requests.
Please be using
Current Stable Squid 2.7.STABLE9 or 3.1.4