Hi Guys, We have an application that updates and grabs a manifest xml file from a web server. When it makes the request, it has been hard coded to use \MANIFEST.XML at the end of the address. The application that calls this URL does not run through Internet Explorer so it won't correct the backslash. When this URL is passed to Squid it comes back with a 404 error. This is because the URL should actually reference /MANIFEST.XML. The application is a government application and "can't be changed"! Is there a way to make Squid parse all backslashes in URLs as forwardslashes??? Any help would be appreciated! Cheers, Dave Forster Infrastructure Engineer 58 Ord Street West Perth WA 6005 PO Box 1752 West Perth WA 6872 Phone: (08) 9463 1313 Fax: (08) 9486 1357 Mobile: 0429 579 418 While we have used various programs to alert us to the presence of computer viruses, we cannot guarantee that this email and any files transmitted with it are free from them. Any person who opens any file does so at his or her own risk. This transmission, or any part of it, is intended solely for the named addressee. It is confidential and may contain legally privileged information. The copying or distribution of this transmission or any information it contains, by anyone other than the addressee, is prohibited. Each page attached hereto must be read in conjunction with any disclaimer which forms part of it. If you have received this transmission in error, please let us know by telephoning (08) 9486 1244, or by reply email to the sender. If you are not the named addressee, you must destroy the original. Please think of the environment before printing this email.