B. Cook wrote:
Optimization tip #3: use fastest disk IO method available.
Fedora being a linux that would be AUFS.
see tip #3. AUFS makes use of multi-core threads, diskd process is
single-threaded even if it runs additional to the Squid main thread.
What would it be for FreeBSD?
http://wiki.squid-cache.org/Features/DiskDaemon - is diskd still the
best choice for a BSD?
I know 3.x had some issues (about a year ago) with aufs and coss..
COSS still has issues in 3.x.
What would be the recommended for a BSD? (FreeBSD, OpenBSD, NetBSD.. )
diskd unfortunately.
and does i386 and amd64 make a difference?
Well, in so far as 32-bit imposes limits on a lot of things ...
... only the usual 32-bit vs 64-bit stuff.
(devils advocate question.. )
does just compiling with aufs make squid make use of multi-core threads?
- As in would there be a difference with squid performance (other than
non-caching) if cache_dir null /tmp is set? - with and without aufs..
No AUFS does not affect the non-disk parts of Squid.
Using a memory to cache is simply faster than a disk cache. By the same
factor as I/O to the underlying storage media. There just isn't enough
of it to go around in most installs.
Please be using
Current Stable Squid 2.7.STABLE9 or 3.1.4