Pulseaudio Discussion - Date Index
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- Dynamic range compression
- From: mmorfikov@xxxxxxxxx (Mikhail Morfikov)
- Mixer connection when switching users
- From: tanuk@xxxxxx (Tanu Kaskinen)
- Mixer connection when switching users
- From: david.henningsson@xxxxxxxxxxxxx (David Henningsson)
- After Installing version7.0
- From: tanuk@xxxxxx (Tanu Kaskinen)
- After Installing version7.0
- From: lakshmi.raju@xxxxxxxxx (LakshmiNarayanan Raju)
- [PATCH 2/2] card: Use pa_xnew0 when creating a card
- From: david.henningsson@xxxxxxxxxxxxx (David Henningsson)
- [PATCH 1/2] client: Use pa_xnew0 when creating a client
- From: david.henningsson@xxxxxxxxxxxxx (David Henningsson)
- [PATCH 00/11] Introduce memfd support
- From: david.henningsson@xxxxxxxxxxxxx (David Henningsson)
- [PATCH 09/11] pulsecore: memexport/memimport: Introduce memfd blocks support
- From: tanuk@xxxxxx (Tanu Kaskinen)
- [PATCH 09/11] pulsecore: memexport/memimport: Introduce memfd blocks support
- From: darwish.07@xxxxxxxxx (Ahmed S. Darwish)
- [PATCH 09/11] pulsecore: memexport/memimport: Introduce memfd blocks support
- From: tanuk@xxxxxx (Tanu Kaskinen)
- [PATCH] build-sys: fix the default bash completion directory
- From: arun@xxxxxxxxxxxx (Arun Raghavan)
- [PATCH] build-sys: fix the default bash completion directory
- From: tanuk@xxxxxx (Tanu Kaskinen)
- [PATCH 08/11] pulsecore: Standardize memory-types annotation using pa_mem_type_t
- From: tanuk@xxxxxx (Tanu Kaskinen)
- Allowing anonymous structs and unions
- From: darwish.07@xxxxxxxxx (Ahmed S. Darwish)
- [PATCH 07/11] pulsecore: Introduce memfd support
- From: tanuk@xxxxxx (Tanu Kaskinen)
- Allowing anonymous structs and unions
- From: arun@xxxxxxxxxxxx (Arun Raghavan)
- Allowing anonymous structs and unions
- From: tanuk@xxxxxx (Tanu Kaskinen)
- Why is pulsecore installed in libdir instead of pkglibdir?
- From: arun@xxxxxxxxxxxx (Arun Raghavan)
- Why is pulsecore installed in libdir instead of pkglibdir?
- From: fsateler@xxxxxxxxxx (Felipe Sateler)
- Allowing anonymous structs and unions
- From: darwish.07@xxxxxxxxx (Ahmed S. Darwish)
- Treating remapped sinks as separate devices?
- From: chrno-sphered@xxxxxxxxxxx (紅 蒼穹)
- [ANNOUNCE] PulseAudio 7.0 released
- From: arun@xxxxxxxxxxxx (Arun Raghavan)
- [PATCH v2 2/2] scripts: Plot memory benchmarks using gnuplot
- From: darwish.07@xxxxxxxxx (Ahmed S. Darwish)
- [PATCH v2 1/2] scripts: Introduce benchmark_memory_usage.sh
- From: darwish.07@xxxxxxxxx (Ahmed S. Darwish)
- Allowing anonymous structs and unions
- From: arun@xxxxxxxxxxxx (Arun Raghavan)
- Allowing anonymous structs and unions
- From: patrakov@xxxxxxxxx (Alexander E. Patrakov)
- Allowing anonymous structs and unions
- From: darwish.07@xxxxxxxxx (Ahmed S. Darwish)
- Multimedia that *just works*, pretty please!
- From: david.henningsson@xxxxxxxxxxxxx (David Henningsson)
- Allowing anonymous structs and unions
- From: darwish.07@xxxxxxxxx (Ahmed S. Darwish)
- [PATCH 06/11] pulsecore: Extract generic bits from pa_shm into its parent pa_mem
- From: tanuk@xxxxxx (Tanu Kaskinen)
- [PATCH 05/11] pulsecore: Provide an abstract interface for pa_shm and pa_privatemem
- From: tanuk@xxxxxx (Tanu Kaskinen)
- Allowing anonymous structs and unions
- From: patrakov@xxxxxxxxx (Alexander E. Patrakov)
- Allowing anonymous structs and unions
- From: arun@xxxxxxxxxxxx (Arun Raghavan)
- Allowing anonymous structs and unions
- From: tanuk@xxxxxx (Tanu Kaskinen)
- [PATCH 04/11] pulsecore: Split pa_shm mempool backend into pa_shm and pa_privatemem
- From: tanuk@xxxxxx (Tanu Kaskinen)
- [PATCH 03/11] pulsecore: Transform pa_mempool_new() into a factory method
- From: tanuk@xxxxxx (Tanu Kaskinen)
- [PATCH 02/11] pulsecore: srbchannel: Introduce per-client SHM files
- From: tanuk@xxxxxx (Tanu Kaskinen)
- [PATCH 00/11] Introduce memfd support
- From: alexl@xxxxxxxxxx (Alexander Larsson)
- [PATCH 01/11] pulsecore: Cache daemon shm size inside pa_core
- From: tanuk@xxxxxx (Tanu Kaskinen)
- [PATCH] bootstrap.sh: Do a make only if configure has succeeded
- From: tanuk@xxxxxx (Tanu Kaskinen)
- [PATCH 00/11] Introduce memfd support
- From: darwish.07@xxxxxxxxx (Ahmed S. Darwish)
- [RFC] Dynamically created PCM devices for HDMI/DisplayPort
- From: tanuk@xxxxxx (Tanu Kaskinen)
- [RFC] Dynamically created PCM devices for HDMI/DisplayPort
- From: arun@xxxxxxxxxxxx (Arun Raghavan)
- coverity and pa_asser_se
- From: fsateler@xxxxxxxxxx (Felipe Sateler)
- [RFC] Dynamically created PCM devices for HDMI/DisplayPort
- From: tanuk@xxxxxx (Tanu Kaskinen)
- Ready for 7.0?
- From: fsateler@xxxxxxxxxx (Felipe Sateler)
- [PATCH 00/11] Introduce memfd support
- From: alexl@xxxxxxxxxx (Alexander Larsson)
- where to find pa_simple_new functions
- From: tanuk@xxxxxx (Tanu Kaskinen)
- Ready for 7.0?
- From: arun@xxxxxxxxxxxx (Arun Raghavan)
- [PATCH DEBUG] pulse: Enable memfd for client palyback
- From: darwish.07@xxxxxxxxx (Ahmed S. Darwish)
- [PATCH 11/11] pulsecore: srbchannel: Enable memfd support; pump protocol version
- From: darwish.07@xxxxxxxxx (Ahmed S. Darwish)
- [PATCH 10/11] pulsecore: pstreams: Introduce memfd blocks support
- From: darwish.07@xxxxxxxxx (Ahmed S. Darwish)
- [PATCH 09/11] pulsecore: memexport/memimport: Introduce memfd blocks support
- From: darwish.07@xxxxxxxxx (Ahmed S. Darwish)
- [PATCH 08/11] pulsecore: Standardize memory-types annotation using pa_mem_type_t
- From: darwish.07@xxxxxxxxx (Ahmed S. Darwish)
- [PATCH 07/11] pulsecore: Introduce memfd support
- From: darwish.07@xxxxxxxxx (Ahmed S. Darwish)
- [PATCH 06/11] pulsecore: Extract generic bits from pa_shm into its parent pa_mem
- From: darwish.07@xxxxxxxxx (Ahmed S. Darwish)
- [PATCH 05/11] pulsecore: Provide an abstract interface for pa_shm and pa_privatemem
- From: darwish.07@xxxxxxxxx (Ahmed S. Darwish)
- [PATCH 04/11] pulsecore: Split pa_shm mempool backend into pa_shm and pa_privatemem
- From: darwish.07@xxxxxxxxx (Ahmed S. Darwish)
- [PATCH 03/11] pulsecore: Transform pa_mempool_new() into a factory method
- From: darwish.07@xxxxxxxxx (Ahmed S. Darwish)
- [PATCH 02/11] pulsecore: srbchannel: Introduce per-client SHM files
- From: darwish.07@xxxxxxxxx (Ahmed S. Darwish)
- [PATCH 01/11] pulsecore: Cache daemon shm size inside pa_core
- From: darwish.07@xxxxxxxxx (Ahmed S. Darwish)
- [PATCH 00/11] Introduce memfd support
- From: darwish.07@xxxxxxxxx (Ahmed S. Darwish)
- where to find pa_simple_new functions
- From: rblickle@xxxxxx (Rainer Blickle)
- Multimedia that *just works*, pretty please!
- From: martin@xxxxxxxxxxxx (Martin Steigerwald)
- Multimedia that *just works*, pretty please!
- From: gheskett@xxxxxxxx (Gene Heskett)
- Multimedia that *just works*, pretty please!
- From: martin@xxxxxxxxxxxx (Martin Steigerwald)
- no mic peak meter bar in sound settings (custom ASoC driver)
- From: maruthi.srinivas.b@xxxxxxxxx (maruthi srinivas)
- [PATCH] bootstrap.sh: Do a make only if configure has succeeded
- From: darwish.07@xxxxxxxxx (Ahmed S. Darwish)
- Mixer connection when switching users
- From: tanuk@xxxxxx (Tanu Kaskinen)
- [PATCH 2/2] volume: Add LFE balance API
- From: tanuk@xxxxxx (Tanu Kaskinen)
- [PATCH 2/2] volume: Add LFE balance API
- From: david.henningsson@xxxxxxxxxxxxx (David Henningsson)
- [PATCH 2/2] volume: Add LFE balance API
- From: david.henningsson@xxxxxxxxxxxxx (David Henningsson)
- [PATCH 2/2] volume: Add LFE balance API
- From: tanuk@xxxxxx (Tanu Kaskinen)
- [PATCH 2/2] volume: Add LFE balance API
- From: superquad.vortex2@xxxxxxxxx (Raymond Yau)
- Pulse Audio - on AWS
- From: arun@xxxxxxxxxxxx (Arun Raghavan)
- [PATCH 2/2] volume: Add LFE balance API
- From: david.henningsson@xxxxxxxxxxxxx (David Henningsson)
- [PATCH 1/2] volume: Refactor get/set balance/fade
- From: david.henningsson@xxxxxxxxxxxxx (David Henningsson)
- Pulse Audio - on AWS
- From: lakshmi.raju@xxxxxxxxx (LakshmiNarayanan Raju)
- Pulseaudio + BruteFIR-convolver howto
- From: ml@xxxxxxxxxxxxx (Rene Bartsch)
- Set, lock and hide volume controls of sinks, sources, streams and applications?
- From: ml@xxxxxxxxxxxxx (Rene Bartsch)
- [PATCH] alsa-mixer: Recognize "Dock Line Out" jack
- From: tanuk@xxxxxx (Tanu Kaskinen)
- [PATCH] bluetooth: bluez4: Remove the unused "auto_connect" parameter as it is not used in bluez4
- From: tanuk@xxxxxx (Tanu Kaskinen)
- [PATCH] Fix test-suite failure on Alpha
- From: arun@xxxxxxxxxxxx (Arun Raghavan)
- [PATCH v2] log: Fix compilation error on non-systemd systems
- From: david.henningsson@xxxxxxxxxxxxx (David Henningsson)
- [PATCH] alsa-mixer: Add "Mic Boost" and "Line Boost" to analog-input.conf
- From: david.henningsson@xxxxxxxxxxxxx (David Henningsson)
- [PATCH] Fix test-suite failure on Alpha
- From: david.henningsson@xxxxxxxxxxxxx (David Henningsson)
- [PATCH] lfe-filter: Deal with empty input chunks
- From: david.henningsson@xxxxxxxxxxxxx (David Henningsson)
- [PATCH] lfe-filter: Deal with empty input chunks
- From: arun@xxxxxxxxxxxx (arun@xxxxxxxxxxxx)
- [PATCH v2] log: Fix compilation error on non-systemd systems
- From: darwish.07@xxxxxxxxx (Ahmed S. Darwish)
- [PATCH] log: Fix compilation error on non-systemd systems
- From: darwish.07@xxxxxxxxx (Ahmed S. Darwish)
- [PATCH] pulsecore: Introduce PULSE_LOG_JOURNAL environment variable
- From: darwish.07@xxxxxxxxx (Ahmed S. Darwish)
- [PATCH] pulsecore: Introduce PULSE_LOG_JOURNAL environment variable
- From: tanuk@xxxxxx (Tanu Kaskinen)
- [PATCH] pulsecore: Introduce PULSE_LOG_JOURNAL environment variable
- From: darwish.07@xxxxxxxxx (Ahmed S. Darwish)
- [PATCH v2 04/12] daemon: No need to check optarg, -p requires argument
- From: pmeerw@xxxxxxxxxx (Peter Meerwald)
- [PATCH v2 04/12] daemon: No need to check optarg, -p requires argument
- From: tanuk@xxxxxx (Tanu Kaskinen)
- [PATCH v2 04/12] daemon: No need to check optarg, -p requires argument
- From: pmeerw@xxxxxxxxxx (Peter Meerwald)
- [PATCH] pulsecore: Introduce PULSE_LOG_JOURNAL environment variable
- From: tanuk@xxxxxx (Tanu Kaskinen)
- [PATCH] pulsecore: Introduce PULSE_LOG_JOURNAL environment variable
- From: david.henningsson@xxxxxxxxxxxxx (David Henningsson)
- [PATCH v2 04/12] daemon: No need to check optarg, -p requires argument
- From: arun@xxxxxxxxxxxx (Arun Raghavan)
- [PATCH v2 04/12] daemon: No need to check optarg, -p requires argument
- From: tanuk@xxxxxx (Tanu Kaskinen)
- [PATCH v2 00/12] patches addressing some Coverity issues
- From: arun@xxxxxxxxxxxx (Arun Raghavan)
- [PATCH v2 12/12] alsa: Check pa_modargs_get_value_boolean() retval for use_ucm
- From: pmeerw@xxxxxxxxxx (Peter Meerwald)
- [PATCH v2 11/12] stream: Check pa_tagstruct_get_format_info() retval in pa_create_stream_callback()
- From: pmeerw@xxxxxxxxxx (Peter Meerwald)
- [PATCH v2 10/12] tests: Check pa_rtpoll_run() return value
- From: pmeerw@xxxxxxxxxx (Peter Meerwald)
- [PATCH v2 09/12] modules: Check pa_threaded_mainloop_start() return value
- From: pmeerw@xxxxxxxxxx (Peter Meerwald)
- [PATCH v2 08/12] modules: Use pa_assert_se() to check return value of dbus_message_iter_close_container()
- From: pmeerw@xxxxxxxxxx (Peter Meerwald)
- [PATCH v2 07/12] core: Add missing return on protocol error
- From: pmeerw@xxxxxxxxxx (Peter Meerwald)
- [PATCH v2 06/12] modules: Cleanup get_sinks() in module-equalizer-sink
- From: pmeerw@xxxxxxxxxx (Peter Meerwald)
- [PATCH v2 05/12] modules: Fix entry leak in module-card-restore
- From: pmeerw@xxxxxxxxxx (Peter Meerwald)
- [PATCH v2 04/12] daemon: No need to check optarg, -p requires argument
- From: pmeerw@xxxxxxxxxx (Peter Meerwald)
- [PATCH v2 03/12] tests: Assert fillrate > 0 in alsa-time-test
- From: pmeerw@xxxxxxxxxx (Peter Meerwald)
- [PATCH v2 02/12] core: Assert that memblockq's base is != 0
- From: pmeerw@xxxxxxxxxx (Peter Meerwald)
- [PATCH v2 01/12] modules: Fix unchecked return in module-card-restore
- From: pmeerw@xxxxxxxxxx (Peter Meerwald)
- [PATCH v2 00/12] patches addressing some Coverity issues
- From: pmeerw@xxxxxxxxxx (Peter Meerwald)
- [PATCH] alsa-mixer: Add "Mic Boost" and "Line Boost" to analog-input.conf
- From: tanuk@xxxxxx (Tanu Kaskinen)
- [PATCH] Fix test-suite failure on Alpha
- From: arun@xxxxxxxxxxxx (Arun Raghavan)
- [PATCH] Fix test-suite failure on Alpha
- From: david.henningsson@xxxxxxxxxxxxx (David Henningsson)
- [PATCH] alsa-mixer: Add "Mic Boost" and "Line Boost" to analog-input.conf
- From: david.henningsson@xxxxxxxxxxxxx (David Henningsson)
- no mic peak meter bar in sound settings (custom ASoC driver)
- From: arun@xxxxxxxxxxxx (Arun Raghavan)
- [PATCH] Fix test-suite failure on Alpha
- From: arun@xxxxxxxxxxxx (Arun Raghavan)
- [PATCH 0/8] patches addressing some Coverity issues
- From: arun@xxxxxxxxxxxx (Arun Raghavan)
- [PATCH 6/8] modules: Fix entry leak in module-card-restore
- From: arun@xxxxxxxxxxxx (Arun Raghavan)
- [PATCH 2/8] modules: Fix dead code in oss-util
- From: arun@xxxxxxxxxxxx (Arun Raghavan)
- [PATCH 8/8] core: Add missing return on protocol error
- From: pmeerw@xxxxxxxxxx (Peter Meerwald)
- [PATCH 7/8] modules: Cleanup get_sinks() in module-equalizer-sink
- From: pmeerw@xxxxxxxxxx (Peter Meerwald)
- [PATCH 6/8] modules: Fix entry leak in module-card-restore
- From: pmeerw@xxxxxxxxxx (Peter Meerwald)
- [PATCH 5/8] daemon: No need to check optarg, -p requires argument
- From: pmeerw@xxxxxxxxxx (Peter Meerwald)
- [PATCH 4/8] tests: Assert fillrate > 0 in alsa-time-test
- From: pmeerw@xxxxxxxxxx (Peter Meerwald)
- [PATCH 3/8] core: Assert that memblockq's base is != 0
- From: pmeerw@xxxxxxxxxx (Peter Meerwald)
- [PATCH 2/8] modules: Fix dead code in oss-util
- From: pmeerw@xxxxxxxxxx (Peter Meerwald)
- [PATCH 1/8] modules: Fix unchecked return in module-card-restore
- From: pmeerw@xxxxxxxxxx (Peter Meerwald)
- [PATCH 0/8] patches addressing some Coverity issues
- From: pmeerw@xxxxxxxxxx (Peter Meerwald)
- [PATCH RESEND] loopback: Fix the obviously-wrong "buffer+=buffer" logic
- From: tanuk@xxxxxx (Tanu Kaskinen)
- [PATCH RESEND] loopback: Fix the obviously-wrong "buffer+=buffer" logic
- From: patrakov@xxxxxxxxx (Alexander E. Patrakov)
- [ANNOUNCE] PulseAudio 6.99.2
- From: tanuk@xxxxxx (Tanu Kaskinen)
- [PATCH 1/2] scripts: Introduce helper utility benchmark_memory_usage.sh
- From: tanuk@xxxxxx (Tanu Kaskinen)
- [PATCH 1/2] pa_get_fqdn: always free addrinfo
- From: tanuk@xxxxxx (Tanu Kaskinen)
- [PATCH 2/2] pa_*_volume_change_push: Do not dereference freed memory when freeing the next events
- From: fsateler@xxxxxxxxxx (Felipe Sateler)
- [PATCH 1/2] pa_get_fqdn: always free addrinfo
- From: fsateler@xxxxxxxxxx (Felipe Sateler)
- [PATCH 2/3] pa_get_fqdn: always free addrinfo
- From: fsateler@xxxxxxxxxx (Felipe Sateler)
- Enabling automatic coverity scans for pulseaudio via travis
- From: fsateler@xxxxxxxxxx (Felipe Sateler)
- [PATCH 3/3] pa_*_volume_change_push: Do not dereference freed memory when freeing the next events
- From: fsateler@xxxxxxxxxx (Felipe Sateler)
- [PATCH 2/3] pa_get_fqdn: always free addrinfo
- From: fsateler@xxxxxxxxxx (Felipe Sateler)
- [PATCH 1/2] scripts: Introduce helper utility benchmark_memory_usage.sh
- From: tanuk@xxxxxx (Tanu Kaskinen)
- [PATCH 1/2] scripts: Introduce helper utility benchmark_memory_usage.sh
- From: darwish.07@xxxxxxxxx (Ahmed S. Darwish)
- [PATCH 1/3] Fix return code check of pa_append_to_home_dir
- From: tanuk@xxxxxx (Tanu Kaskinen)
- [PATCH 1/3] Fix return code check of pa_append_to_home_dir
- From: tanuk@xxxxxx (Tanu Kaskinen)
- [PATCH 2/3] pa_get_fqdn: always free addrinfo
- From: tanuk@xxxxxx (Tanu Kaskinen)
- [PATCH 3/3] pa_*_volume_change_push: Do not dereference freed memory when freeing the next events
- From: david.henningsson@xxxxxxxxxxxxx (David Henningsson)
- Enabling automatic coverity scans for pulseaudio via travis
- From: pmeerw@xxxxxxxxxx (Peter Meerwald)
- [PATCH 1/3] Fix return code check of pa_append_to_home_dir
- From: pmeerw@xxxxxxxxxx (Peter Meerwald)
- [PATCH 3/3] pa_*_volume_change_push: Do not dereference freed memory when freeing the next events
- From: fsateler@xxxxxxxxxx (Felipe Sateler)
- [PATCH 2/3] pa_get_fqdn: always free addrinfo
- From: fsateler@xxxxxxxxxx (Felipe Sateler)
- [PATCH 1/3] Fix return code check of pa_append_to_home_dir
- From: fsateler@xxxxxxxxxx (Felipe Sateler)
- Enabling automatic coverity scans for pulseaudio via travis
- From: fsateler@xxxxxxxxxx (Felipe Sateler)
- [PATCH 1/2] scripts: Introduce helper utility benchmark_memory_usage.sh
- From: tanuk@xxxxxx (Tanu Kaskinen)
- [PATCH] build-sys: fix order of libraries installation
- From: tanuk@xxxxxx (Tanu Kaskinen)
- no mic peak meter bar in sound settings (custom ASoC driver)
- From: maruthi.srinivas.b@xxxxxxxxx (maruthi srinivas)
- Enabling automatic coverity scans for pulseaudio via travis
- From: pmeerw@xxxxxxxxxx (Peter Meerwald)
- Enabling automatic coverity scans for pulseaudio via travis
- From: arun@xxxxxxxxxxxx (Arun Raghavan)
- [ANNOUNCE] PulseAudio 6.99.1
- From: arun@xxxxxxxxxxxx (Arun Raghavan)
- [PATCH] Fix test-suite failure on Alpha
- From: mcree@xxxxxxxxxxxx (Michael Cree)
- [ANNOUNCE] PulseAudio 6.99.1
- From: fsateler@xxxxxxxxxx (Felipe Sateler)
- [PATCH] module: Always remove freed module from modules_pending_unload
- From: tanuk@xxxxxx (Tanu Kaskinen)
- [PATCH] module: Always remove freed module from modules_pending_unload
- From: david.henningsson@xxxxxxxxxxxxx (David Henningsson)
- about module-suspend-on-idle (feature request: split modules for analog/digital?)
- From: tom.ty89@xxxxxxxxx (Tom Yan)
- [PATCH 2/2] pulsecore: srbchannel: Introduce per-client SHM files
- From: darwish.07@xxxxxxxxx (Ahmed S. Darwish)
- sound is distorted when pulseaudio system timer scheduling is used (tsched=1)
- From: superquad.vortex2@xxxxxxxxx (Raymond Yau)
- [PATCH 2/2] scripts: Plot memory usage data using Gnuplot
- From: darwish.07@xxxxxxxxx (Ahmed S. Darwish)
- [PATCH 1/2] scripts: Introduce helper utility benchmark_memory_usage.sh
- From: darwish.07@xxxxxxxxx (Ahmed S. Darwish)
- [PATCH 2/2] pulsecore: srbchannel: Introduce per-client SHM files
- From: darwish.07@xxxxxxxxx (Ahmed S. Darwish)
- [PATCH 2/2] pulsecore: srbchannel: Introduce per-client SHM files
- From: david.henningsson@xxxxxxxxxxxxx (David Henningsson)
- [PATCH 2/2] pulsecore: srbchannel: Introduce per-client SHM files
- From: darwish.07@xxxxxxxxx (Ahmed S. Darwish)
- [PATCH 2/2] pulsecore: srbchannel: Introduce per-client SHM files
- From: david.henningsson@xxxxxxxxxxxxx (David Henningsson)
- [PATCH 2/2] pulsecore: srbchannel: Introduce per-client SHM files
- From: darwish.07@xxxxxxxxx (Ahmed S. Darwish)
- [PATCH 1/2] pulsecore: Cache daemon shm size inside pa_core
- From: darwish.07@xxxxxxxxx (Ahmed S. Darwish)
- [PATCH 0/2] Create srbchannel SHM files on a per-client basis
- From: darwish.07@xxxxxxxxx (Ahmed S. Darwish)
- sound is distorted when pulseaudio system timer scheduling is used (tsched=1)
- From: jiada_wang@xxxxxxxxxx (Jiada Wang)
- [ANNOUNCE] PulseAudio 6.99.1
- From: david.henningsson@xxxxxxxxxxxxx (David Henningsson)
- [ANNOUNCE] PulseAudio 6.99.1
- From: tanuk@xxxxxx (Tanu Kaskinen)
- [ANNOUNCE] PulseAudio 6.99.1
- From: nazar@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx (Nazar Mokrynskyi)
- [PATCH] build-sys: fix order of libraries installation
- From: zavadovsky.yan@xxxxxxxxx (Zavadovsky Yan)
- [ANNOUNCE] PulseAudio 6.99.1
- From: tanuk@xxxxxx (Tanu Kaskinen)
- HFP bluetooth profile isn't working
- From: georg@xxxxxxxx (Georg Chini)
- HFP bluetooth profile isn't working
- From: neytan@xxxxxxxxxxx (Eytan Naim)
- HFP bluetooth profile isn't working
- From: georg@xxxxxxxx (Georg Chini)
- [pulseaudio-commits] 6 commits - src/modules src/pulsecore
- From: tanuk@xxxxxx (Tanu Kaskinen)
- [pulseaudio-commits] 6 commits - src/modules src/pulsecore
- From: arun@xxxxxxxxxxxx (Arun Raghavan)
- HFP bluetooth profile isn't working
- From: neytan@xxxxxxxxxxx (Eytan Naim)
- Noise when trying to record audio
- From: lars@xxxxxxxxxx (Lars Hupel)
- module-combine-sinks latency
- From: 3016536501@xxxxxxxxxxx (3016536501@xxxxxxxxxxx)
- module-combine-sinks latency
- From: magic.lixin@xxxxxxxxx (golden)
- Scale Volume to 153%
- From: johnywhy@xxxxxxxxx (johny why)
- [PATCH] Run a user specified program on suspend/resume.
- From: joonas.govenius@xxxxxxxxx (Joonas Govenius)
- [PATCH v2 0/6] ucm: Add support for "JackHWMute"
- From: tanu.kaskinen@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx (Tanu Kaskinen)
- [PATCH] alsa-mixer: Add "Front Line Out" and "Rear Line Out"
- From: tanuk@xxxxxx (Tanu Kaskinen)
- [PATCH] alsa-mixer: Add "Front Line Out" and "Rear Line Out"
- From: david.henningsson@xxxxxxxxxxxxx (David Henningsson)
- [PATCH] build-sys: make error message visible
- From: david.henningsson@xxxxxxxxxxxxx (David Henningsson)
- [PATCH] alsa-mixer: Add descriptions for analog-stereo-input and analog-stereo-output mappings
- From: david.henningsson@xxxxxxxxxxxxx (David Henningsson)
- module-role-cork and mp3s
- From: tanuk@xxxxxx (Tanu Kaskinen)
- module-role-cork and mp3s
- From: tanuk@xxxxxx (Tanu Kaskinen)
- [PATCH] pulsecore: Introduce PULSE_LOG_JOURNAL environment variable
- From: tanuk@xxxxxx (Tanu Kaskinen)
- [PATCH v4] pulse: Document client libraries logging behavior
- From: tanuk@xxxxxx (Tanu Kaskinen)
- pulseaudio a2dp disconnect problem
- From: tanuk@xxxxxx (Tanu Kaskinen)
- pulseaudio a2dp disconnect problem
- From: georg@xxxxxxxx (Georg Chini)
- pulseaudio a2dp disconnect problem
- From: neytan@xxxxxxxxxxx (Eytan Naim)
- pulseaudio a2dp disconnect problem
- From: georg@xxxxxxxx (Georg Chini)
- pulseaudio a2dp disconnect problem
- From: georg@xxxxxxxx (Georg Chini)
- pulseaudio a2dp disconnect problem
- From: neytan@xxxxxxxxxxx (Eytan Naim)
- pulseaudio a2dp disconnect problem
- From: georg@xxxxxxxx (Georg Chini)
- pulseaudio a2dp disconnect problem
- From: neytan@xxxxxxxxxxx (Eytan Naim)
- module-role-cork and mp3s
- From: georg@xxxxxxxx (Georg Chini)
- module-role-cork and mp3s
- From: mmorfikov@xxxxxxxxx (Mikhail Morfikov)
- module-role-cork and mp3s
- From: georg@xxxxxxxx (Georg Chini)
- [PATCH] stream_intercaction: interact if a stream starts corked
- From: georg@xxxxxxxx (Georg Chini)
- [PATCH] pulsecore: Introduce PULSE_LOG_JOURNAL environment variable
- From: darwish.07@xxxxxxxxx (Ahmed S. Darwish)
- [PATCH v4] pulse: Document client libraries logging behavior
- From: darwish.07@xxxxxxxxx (Ahmed S. Darwish)
- [PATCH v3] pulse: Document client libraries logging behavior
- From: darwish.07@xxxxxxxxx (Ahmed S. Darwish)
- module-role-cork and mp3s
- From: georg@xxxxxxxx (Georg Chini)
- [PATCH] Removed exclamation marks from user-visible messages.
- From: tanuk@xxxxxx (Tanu Kaskinen)
- [PATCH 1/2] daemon: Use Type=notify for systemd service
- From: tanuk@xxxxxx (Tanu Kaskinen)
- pulseaudio a2dp disconnect problem
- From: tanuk@xxxxxx (Tanu Kaskinen)
- module-role-cork and mp3s
- From: mmorfikov@xxxxxxxxx (Mikhail Morfikov)
- module-role-cork and mp3s
- From: georg@xxxxxxxx (Georg Chini)
- module-role-cork and mp3s
- From: mmorfikov@xxxxxxxxx (Mikhail Morfikov)
- module-role-cork and mp3s
- From: georg@xxxxxxxx (Georg Chini)
- [PATCH 2/2] pulseaudio.1: document that systemd notification only works without daemonization
- From: fsateler@xxxxxxxxxx (Felipe Sateler)
- [PATCH 1/2] daemon: Use Type=notify for systemd service
- From: fsateler@xxxxxxxxxx (Felipe Sateler)
- module-role-cork and mp3s
- From: mmorfikov@xxxxxxxxx (Mikhail Morfikov)
- module-role-cork and mp3s
- From: georg@xxxxxxxx (Georg Chini)
- Audio unstable using HFP profile on IMX6
- From: georg@xxxxxxxx (Georg Chini)
- module-role-cork and mp3s
- From: tanuk@xxxxxx (Tanu Kaskinen)
- [PATCH v3] pulse: Document client libraries logging behavior
- From: tanuk@xxxxxx (Tanu Kaskinen)
- pulseaudio a2dp disconnect problem
- From: neytan@xxxxxxxxxxx (Eytan Naim)
- Pulseaudio panel works but no daemon and no sound at int speakers (sound at log in)
- From: tanuk@xxxxxx (Tanu Kaskinen)
- Pulseaudio panel works but no daemon and no sound at int speakers (sound at log in)
- From: playf1.manager@xxxxxxxxx (PlayF1 Manager)
- module-role-cork and mp3s
- From: mmorfikov@xxxxxxxxx (Mikhail Morfikov)
- [PATCH v3] pulse: Document client libraries logging behavior
- From: darwish.07@xxxxxxxxx (Ahmed S. Darwish)
- [PATCH v2] pulse: Document client libraries logging behavior
- From: darwish.07@xxxxxxxxx (Ahmed S. Darwish)
- [PATCH] pulse: Document client libraries logging behavior
- From: darwish.07@xxxxxxxxx (Ahmed S. Darwish)
- Pulseaudio panel works but no daemon and no sound at int speakers (sound at log in)
- From: playf1.manager@xxxxxxxxx (PlayF1 Manager)
- pulseaudio a2dp disconnect problem
- From: tanuk@xxxxxx (Tanu Kaskinen)
- Audio unstable using HFP profile on IMX6
- From: mallory.daries@xxxxxxxxxxx (Mallory Daries)
- [PATCH] Rename functions with "tostring" in the name to one with "to_string" to conform with the convention.
- From: tanuk@xxxxxx (Tanu Kaskinen)
- [PATCH] patcl: Error msg from pactl not quite accurate for 'mute' commands
- From: tanuk@xxxxxx (Tanu Kaskinen)
- [PATCH] pacmd: Placeholders describing command line options should not have spaces
- From: tanuk@xxxxxx (Tanu Kaskinen)
- [PATCH] core-util: improve comments in pa_machine_id()
- From: tanuk@xxxxxx (Tanu Kaskinen)
- pulseaudio a2dp disconnect problem
- From: neytan@xxxxxxxxxxx (Eytan Naim)
- [PATCH] core: Fallbacks for machine-id in filesystem
- From: tanuk@xxxxxx (Tanu Kaskinen)
- [PATCH] always-sink: Don't unload ourselves if a filter sink shows up
- From: tanuk@xxxxxx (Tanu Kaskinen)
- [PATCH] Use Type=notify for systemd service
- From: tanuk@xxxxxx (Tanu Kaskinen)
- [PATCH] Use Type=notify for systemd service
- From: fsateler@xxxxxxxxxx (Felipe Sateler)
- [PATCH] Use Type=notify for systemd service
- From: tanuk@xxxxxx (Tanu Kaskinen)
- Pulseaudio panel works but no daemon and no sound at int speakers (sound at log in)
- From: playf1.manager@xxxxxxxxx (PlayF1 Manager)
- [pulseaudio-discuss] module-combine-sink: downmix of channels?
- From: ml@xxxxxxxxxxxxx (Rene Bartsch)
- [PATCH] build-sys: make error message visible
- From: tanuk@xxxxxx (Tanu Kaskinen)
- [PATCH] Added support for Creative SoundBlaster Omni Surround 5.1 USB sound card. Mic and Line in inputs were not working at all.
- From: tanuk@xxxxxx (Tanu Kaskinen)
- module-combine-sink: downmix of channels?
- From: ml@xxxxxxxxxxxxx (Rene Bartsch)
- Pulseaudio panel works but no daemon and no sound at int speakers (sound at log in)
- From: playf1.manager@xxxxxxxxx (PlayF1 Manager)
- Problem with software player squeezelite
- From: a.pessoa@xxxxxxx (Antonio Pessoa)
- No sound Lubuntu 14.02
- From: webmaster@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx (Stefan Lamby)
- No sound Lubuntu 14.02
- From: superquad.vortex2@xxxxxxxxx (Raymond Yau)
- No sound Lubuntu 14.02
- From: webmaster@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx (Stefan Lamby)
- No sound Lubuntu 14.02
- From: superquad.vortex2@xxxxxxxxx (Raymond Yau)
- No sound Lubuntu 14.02
- From: webmaster@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx (Stefan Lamby)
- [PATCH] Added support for Creative SoundBlaster Omni Surround 5.1 USB sound card. Mic and Line in inputs were not working at all.
- From: superquad.vortex2@xxxxxxxxx (Raymond Yau)
- [PATCH] Use Type=notify for systemd service
- From: fsateler@xxxxxxxxxx (Felipe Sateler)
- [PATCH] Added support for Creative SoundBlaster Omni Surround 5.1 USB sound card. Mic and Line in inputs were not working at all.
- From: nazar@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx (Nazar Mokrynskyi)
- [PATCH] alsa-mixer: Add descriptions for analog-stereo-input and analog-stereo-output mappings
- From: tanuk@xxxxxx (Tanu Kaskinen)
- [PATCH] Added support for Creative SoundBlaster Omni Surround 5.1 USB sound card. Mic and Line in inputs were not working at all.
- From: tanuk@xxxxxx (Tanu Kaskinen)
- [PATCH] Added support for Creative SoundBlaster Omni Surround 5.1 USB sound card. Mic and Line in inputs were not working at all.
- From: tanuk@xxxxxx (Tanu Kaskinen)
- [PATCH] Use Type=notify for systemd service
- From: pmeerw@xxxxxxxxxx (Peter Meerwald)
- [pulseaudio-discuss] Virtual sink to pipe audio stream to STDIN of shell-command?
- From: ml@xxxxxxxxxxxxx (Rene Bartsch)
- Patch review status wiki page updated (long time ago)
- From: tanuk@xxxxxx (Tanu Kaskinen)
- [pulseaudio-discuss] Virtual sink to pipe audio stream to STDIN of shell-command?
- From: ml@xxxxxxxxxxxxx (Rene Bartsch)
- Virtual sink to pipe audio stream to STDIN of shell-command?
- From: patrakov@xxxxxxxxx (Alexander E. Patrakov)
- [pulseaudio-discuss] Virtual sink to pipe audio stream to STDIN of shell-command?
- From: rene@xxxxxxxxxxxxx (Rene Bartsch)
- Strange hardware: XFX nForce 780i SLI MCP
- From: superquad.vortex2@xxxxxxxxx (Raymond Yau)
- Virtual sink to pipe audio stream to STDIN of shell-command?
- From: patrakov@xxxxxxxxx (Alexander E. Patrakov)
- Virtual sink to pipe audio stream to STDIN of shell-command?
- From: ml@xxxxxxxxxxxxx (Rene Bartsch)
- Patch review status wiki page updated (long time ago)
- From: patrakov@xxxxxxxxx (Alexander E. Patrakov)
- Equalizer for microphone input?
- From: patrakov@xxxxxxxxx (Alexander E. Patrakov)
- Equalizer for microphone input?
- From: dcent@xxxxxxx (Philipp Lorenz)
- sound cracks when watching youtube videos
- From: belegdol@xxxxxxxxx (Julian Sikorski)
- [PATCH] Use freedesktop.org standard icon name
- From: stickster@xxxxxxxxx (Paul W. Frields)
- [PATCH] Use Type=notify for systemd service
- From: pmeerw@xxxxxxxxxx (Peter Meerwald)
- [PATCH] Use Type=notify for systemd service
- From: fsateler@xxxxxxxxxx (Felipe Sateler)
- patch: fix JACK source/sink backwards
- From: superjoe30@xxxxxxxxx (Andrew Kelley)
- patch: fix JACK source/sink backwards
- From: tanuk@xxxxxx (Tanu Kaskinen)
- patch: fix JACK source/sink backwards
- From: superjoe30@xxxxxxxxx (Andrew Kelley)
- [pulseaudio-commits] 3 commits - Makefile.am configure.ac src/pulsecore
- From: arun@xxxxxxxxxxxx (Arun Raghavan)
- PulseAudio hackfest / BoF at GUADEC, August 11th
- From: arun@xxxxxxxxxxxx (Arun Raghavan)
- Stuttering sound while recording more then one audio stream
- From: hector@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx (hector@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx)
- pavucontrol: outdated links on www.freedesktop.org/software/pulseaudio/pavucontrol/
- From: pmattern@xxxxxxxx (Peter Mattern)
- [pulseaudio-commits] 3 commits - Makefile.am configure.ac src/pulsecore
- From: tanuk@xxxxxx (Tanu Kaskinen)
- [PATCH] build-sys: Fix up setting the bash completion dir
- From: arun@xxxxxxxxxxxx (arun@xxxxxxxxxxxx)
- [pulseaudio-commits] 3 commits - Makefile.am configure.ac src/pulsecore
- From: arun@xxxxxxxxxxxx (Arun Raghavan)
- pavucontrol: outdated links on www.freedesktop.org/software/pulseaudio/pavucontrol/
- From: pmattern@xxxxxxxx (Peter Mattern)
- PulseAudio hackfest / BoF at GUADEC, August 11th
- From: tanu.kaskinen@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx (Tanu Kaskinen)
- Avoid ALSA devices exclusively used by Pulseaudio?
- From: patrakov@xxxxxxxxx (Alexander E. Patrakov)
- Avoid ALSA devices exclusively used by Pulseaudio?
- From: ml@xxxxxxxxxxxxx (Rene Bartsch)
- [ALC668]: Asus N751JK - surround 21 and surround40 pulseaudio bug
- From: superquad.vortex2@xxxxxxxxx (Raymond Yau)
- Stuttering sound while recording more then one audio stream
- From: laurens.nikolaisen@xxxxxx (Laurens Nikolaisen)
- [PATCH 4/5] protocol-native: add access checks
- From: david.henningsson@xxxxxxxxxxxxx (David Henningsson)
- [PATCH 1/5] tagstruct: add copy method
- From: david.henningsson@xxxxxxxxxxxxx (David Henningsson)
- Conditional loading of sink-dependant modules with pluggable (USB) devices?
- From: ml@xxxxxxxxxxxxx (Rene Bartsch)
- [PATCH] combine-sink: Fix unsafe message handling
- From: tanuk@xxxxxx (Tanu Kaskinen)
- [PATCH] xen:Resource leak in local function alloc_gref() - alloc_fd and dev_fd
- From: pmeerw@xxxxxxxxxx (Peter Meerwald)
- [PATCH] utils: Avoid possible deadlock. Unlocked i->mainloop before returning from default case.
- From: pmeerw@xxxxxxxxxx (Peter Meerwald)
- Disable channels of multi-channel devices in profile mapping
- From: ml@xxxxxxxxxxxxx (Rene Bartsch)
- DLNA sharing without gstlaunch
- From: belegdol@xxxxxxxxx (Julian Sikorski)
- [pulseaudio-discuss] module-mmkbd-evdev/module-lirc: unit of volume_limit/volume_step?
- From: ml@xxxxxxxxxxxxx (Rene Bartsch)
- [PATCH 0/5] Add access control to protocol-native
- From: david.henningsson@xxxxxxxxxxxxx (David Henningsson)
- pulseaudio log ? and [pulseaudio] pid.c: Daemon already running. [pulseaudio] main.c: Ha fallado pa_pid_file_create().
- From: ionic@xxxxxxxx (Mihai Moldovan)
- [pulseaudio] pid.c: Daemon already running. [pulseaudio] main.c: Ha fallado pa_pid_file_create().
- From: luminariascba@xxxxxxxxx (LUMINARIAS FOTON)
- pulseaudio log ?
- From: luminariascba@xxxxxxxxx (LUMINARIAS FOTON)
- module-mmkbd-evdev/module-lirc: unit of volume_limit/volume_step?
- From: ml@xxxxxxxxxxxxx (Rene Bartsch)
- [PATCH] core: Fallbacks for machine-id in filesystem
- From: tanuk@xxxxxx (Tanu Kaskinen)
- When select 2.1 profile in pulseaudio, how do pulseaudio select notebook 's internal subwoofer or 5.1 external speaker ?
- From: superquad.vortex2@xxxxxxxxx (Raymond Yau)
- Strange hardware: XFX nForce 780i SLI MCP
- From: superquad.vortex2@xxxxxxxxx (Raymond Yau)
- [ALC668]: Asus N751JK - surround 2.1 does not automatically selected when external subwoofer is plugged
- From: superquad.vortex2@xxxxxxxxx (Raymond Yau)
- progress bar freezes
- From: is@xxxxxxxx (is@xxxxxxxx)
- Strange hardware: XFX nForce 780i SLI MCP
- From: superquad.vortex2@xxxxxxxxx (Raymond Yau)
- Strange hardware: XFX nForce 780i SLI MCP
- From: raptorthedk@xxxxxxxxx (Nick Orn)
- Strange hardware: XFX nForce 780i SLI MCP
- From: superquad.vortex2@xxxxxxxxx (Raymond Yau)
- Strange hardware: XFX nForce 780i SLI MCP
- From: patrakov@xxxxxxxxx (Alexander E. Patrakov)
- Strange hardware: XFX nForce 780i SLI MCP
- From: superquad.vortex2@xxxxxxxxx (Raymond Yau)
- Strange hardware: XFX nForce 780i SLI MCP
- From: patrakov@xxxxxxxxx (Alexander E. Patrakov)
- [RFC] Dynamically created PCM devices for HDMI/DisplayPort
- From: patrakov@xxxxxxxxx (Alexander E. Patrakov)
- [RFC] Dynamically created PCM devices for HDMI/DisplayPort
- From: tanuk@xxxxxx (Tanu Kaskinen)
- don't arrive to play rythmbox on my stereo ussing raop
- From: benoist.hitier@xxxxxxxxx (Benoist HITIER)
- snd_pcm_htimestamp error
- From: magic.lixin@xxxxxxxxx (golden)
- disable warning message?
- From: superjoe30@xxxxxxxxx (Andrew Kelley)
- snd_pcm_htimestamp error
- From: arun@xxxxxxxxxxxx (Arun Raghavan)
- disable warning message?
- From: arun@xxxxxxxxxxxx (Arun Raghavan)
- disable warning message?
- From: superjoe30@xxxxxxxxx (Andrew Kelley)
- disable warning message?
- From: arun@xxxxxxxxxxxx (Arun Raghavan)
- change default sink (pulseaudio runs on remote server)
- From: odror7@xxxxxxxxx (Oz Dror)
- don't arrive to play rythmbox on my stereo ussing raop
- From: benoist.hitier@xxxxxxxxx (Benoist HITIER)
- [RFC] Dynamically created PCM devices for HDMI/DisplayPort
- From: patrakov@xxxxxxxxx (Alexander E. Patrakov)
- [RFC] Dynamically created PCM devices for HDMI/DisplayPort
- From: tanuk@xxxxxx (Tanu Kaskinen)
- disable warning message?
- From: superjoe30@xxxxxxxxx (Andrew Kelley)
- [PATCH] utils: Avoid possible deadlock. Unlocked i->mainloop before returning from default case.
- From: srivastava.d@xxxxxxxxxxx (Deepak Srivastava)
- [PATCH] xen:Resource leak in local function alloc_gref() - alloc_fd and dev_fd
- From: manish.sogi@xxxxxxxxxxx (Manish Sogi)
- snd_pcm_htimestamp error
- From: magic.lixin@xxxxxxxxx (golden)
- [RFC] Dynamically created PCM devices for HDMI/DisplayPort
- From: superquad.vortex2@xxxxxxxxx (Raymond Yau)
- [RFC] Dynamically created PCM devices for HDMI/DisplayPort
- From: patrakov@xxxxxxxxx (Alexander E. Patrakov)
- [RFC] Dynamically created PCM devices for HDMI/DisplayPort
- From: tanu.kaskinen@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx (Tanu Kaskinen)
- pulseaudio newbie questions
- From: georg@xxxxxxxx (Georg Chini)
- [PATCH] combine-sink: Fix unsafe message handling
- From: tanuk@xxxxxx (Tanu Kaskinen)
- [PATCH] combine-sink: Fix unsafe message handling
- From: georg@xxxxxxxx (Georg Chini)
- [PATCH] combine-sink: Fix unsafe message handling
- From: tanuk@xxxxxx (Tanu Kaskinen)
- [Intel-gfx] [PATCH 3/4] snd: add support for displayport multi-stream to hda codec.
- From: liam.r.girdwood@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx (Liam Girdwood)
- [Intel-gfx] [PATCH 3/4] snd: add support for displayport multi-stream to hda codec.
- From: tanu.kaskinen@xxxxxxxxx (Kaskinen, Tanu)
- Need help with Behringer Firepower FCA610 profile
- From: ml@xxxxxxxxxxxxx (Rene Bartsch)
- Need help with Behringer Firepower FCA610 profile
- From: rene@xxxxxxxxxxxxx (Rene Bartsch)
- [Intel-gfx] [PATCH 3/4] snd: add support for displayport multi-stream to hda codec.
- From: tanu.kaskinen@xxxxxxxxx (Kaskinen, Tanu)
- [alsa-devel] [Intel-gfx] [PATCH 3/4] snd: add support for displayport multi-stream to hda codec.
- From: tanu.kaskinen@xxxxxxxxx (Kaskinen, Tanu)
- Need help with Behringer Firepower FCA610 profile
- From: superquad.vortex2@xxxxxxxxx (Raymond Yau)
- [PATCH] core: Remove redundant core argument from pa_module_unload()
- From: srivastava.d@xxxxxxxxxxx (Deepak Srivastava)
- dbus interface trouble
- From: chmorgan@xxxxxxxxx (Chris Morgan)
- dbus interface trouble
- From: chmorgan@xxxxxxxxx (Chris Morgan)
- Need help with Behringer Firepower FCA610 profile
- From: ml@xxxxxxxxxxxxx (Rene Bartsch)
- [alsa-devel] [Intel-gfx] [PATCH 3/4] snd: add support for displayport multi-stream to hda codec.
- From: liam.r.girdwood@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx (Liam Girdwood)
- Need help with Behringer Firepower FCA610 profile
- From: superquad.vortex2@xxxxxxxxx (Raymond Yau)
- [alsa-devel] [Intel-gfx] [PATCH 3/4] snd: add support for displayport multi-stream to hda codec.
- From: tanu.kaskinen@xxxxxxxxx (Kaskinen, Tanu)
- jack detection for ASoC based driver
- From: maruthi.srinivas.b@xxxxxxxxx (maruthi srinivas)
- [alsa-devel] [Intel-gfx] [PATCH 3/4] snd: add support for displayport multi-stream to hda codec.
- From: liam.r.girdwood@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx (Liam Girdwood)
- [Intel-gfx] [PATCH 3/4] snd: add support for displayport multi-stream to hda codec.
- From: tanu.kaskinen@xxxxxxxxx (Kaskinen, Tanu)
- Need help with Behringer Firepower FCA610 profile
- From: ml@xxxxxxxxxxxxx (Rene Bartsch)
- Need help with Behringer Firepower FCA610 profile
- From: o-takashi@xxxxxxxxxxxxx (Takashi Sakamoto)
- Need help with Behringer Firepower FCA610 profile
- From: benjaminosm@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx (Benjamin Tegge)
- PCM Capture Source of usb audio not supported by pulseaudio
- From: superquad.vortex2@xxxxxxxxx (Raymond Yau)
- Need help with Behringer Firepower FCA610 profile
- From: ml@xxxxxxxxxxxxx (Rene Bartsch)
- pulseaudio newbie questions
- From: patrakov@xxxxxxxxx (Alexander E. Patrakov)
- [Intel-gfx] [PATCH 3/4] snd: add support for displayport multi-stream to hda codec.
- From: tiwai@xxxxxxx (Takashi Iwai)
- [Intel-gfx] [PATCH 3/4] snd: add support for displayport multi-stream to hda codec.
- From: tanu.kaskinen@xxxxxxxxx (Kaskinen, Tanu)
- 2.1 profile does not work on usb 5.1 device ?
- From: nazar@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx (Nazar Mokrynskyi)
- 2.1 profile does not work on usb 5.1 device ?
- From: superquad.vortex2@xxxxxxxxx (Raymond Yau)
- PCM Capture Source of usb audio not supported by pulseaudio
- From: superquad.vortex2@xxxxxxxxx (Raymond Yau)
- PCM Capture Source of usb audio not supported by pulseaudio
- From: nazar@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx (Nazar Mokrynskyi)
- PCM Capture Source of usb audio not supported by pulseaudio
- From: superquad.vortex2@xxxxxxxxx (Raymond Yau)
- S24_3LE not support in try_auto of set_format
- From: superquad.vortex2@xxxxxxxxx (Raymond Yau)
- S24_3LE not support in try_auto of set_format
- From: david.henningsson@xxxxxxxxxxxxx (David Henningsson)
- PCM Capture Source of usb audio not supported by pulseaudio
- From: nazar@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx (Nazar Mokrynskyi)
- S24_3LE not support in try_auto of set_format
- From: nazar@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx (Nazar Mokrynskyi)
- PCM Capture Source of usb audio not supported by pulseaudio
- From: superquad.vortex2@xxxxxxxxx (Raymond Yau)
- pulseaudio newbie questions
- From: r.mud@xxxxxxxxx (Rick Mud)
- S24_3LE not support in try_auto of set_format
- From: superquad.vortex2@xxxxxxxxx (Raymond Yau)
- [PATCH] Added support for Creative SoundBlaster Omni Surround 5.1 USB sound card. Mic and Line in inputs were not working at all.
- From: nazar@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx (Nazar Mokrynskyi)
- [PATCH] alsa-mixer: Recognize "Dock Line Out" jack
- From: superquad.vortex2@xxxxxxxxx (Raymond Yau)
- [PATCH] Added support for Creative SoundBlaster Omni Surround 5.1 USB sound card. Mic and Line in inputs were not working at all.
- From: superquad.vortex2@xxxxxxxxx (Raymond Yau)
- [PATCH] Added support for Creative SoundBlaster Omni Surround 5.1 USB sound card. Mic and Line in inputs were not working at all.
- From: nazar@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx (Nazar Mokrynskyi)
- [PATCH] alsa-mixer: Recognize "Dock Line Out" jack
- From: superquad.vortex2@xxxxxxxxx (Raymond Yau)
- [PATCH] module: Warn about modules loaded after unload
- From: david.henningsson@xxxxxxxxxxxxx (David Henningsson)
- playback from loopback over network fades, dies every few minutes and then comes back
- From: georg@xxxxxxxx (Georg Chini)
- playback from loopback over network fades, dies every few minutes and then comes back
- From: spam1@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx (Nick)
- playback from loopback over network fades, dies every few minutes and then comes back
- From: spam1@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx (Nick)
- [PATCH] alsa-mixer: Recognize "Dock Line Out" jack
- From: david.henningsson@xxxxxxxxxxxxx (David Henningsson)
- snd_pcm_avail no reliable
- From: superquad.vortex2@xxxxxxxxx (Raymond Yau)
- [PATCH] alsa-mixer: Recognize "Dock Line Out" jack
- From: superquad.vortex2@xxxxxxxxx (Raymond Yau)
- playback from loopback over network fades, dies every few minutes and then comes back
- From: georg@xxxxxxxx (Georg Chini)
- [PATCH] alsa-mixer: Recognize "Dock Line Out" jack
- From: tiwai@xxxxxxx (Takashi Iwai)
- [PATCH] bluetooth: bluez4: Remove the unused "auto_connect" parameter as it is not used in bluez4
- From: manish.sogi@xxxxxxxxxxx (Manish Sogi)
- [PATCH] Removed exclamation marks from user-visible messages.
- From: srivastava.d@xxxxxxxxxxx (Deepak Srivastava)
- playback from loopback over network fades, dies every few minutes and then comes back
- From: spam1@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx (Nick)
- Buzzy noise on HDMI using passthrough
- From: kugel@xxxxxxxxxxx (Thomas Martitz)
- playback from loopback over network fades, dies every few minutes and then comes back
- From: georg@xxxxxxxx (Georg Chini)
- Flat volume research paper
- From: patrakov@xxxxxxxxx (Alexander E. Patrakov)
- playback from loopback over network fades, dies every few minutes and then comes back
- From: spam1@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx (Nick)
- Best way to add a delay to playback
- From: georg@xxxxxxxx (Georg Chini)
- Best way to add a delay to playback
- From: hector@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx (hector@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx)
- snd_pcm_avail no reliable
- From: arun@xxxxxxxxxxxx (Arun Raghavan)
- snd_pcm_avail no reliable
- From: magic.lixin@xxxxxxxxx (golden)
- [PATCH] Rename functions with "tostring" in the name to one with "to_string" to conform with the convention.
- From: srivastava.d@xxxxxxxxxxx (Deepak Srivastava)
- Flat volume research paper
- From: saivert@xxxxxxxxxxx (Nicolai Syvertsen)
- [PATCH] echo-cancel: Add config.h in adrian-aec.c
- From: arun@xxxxxxxxxxxx (Arun Raghavan)
- [PATCH] stream: Check sample spec validity before abiding PULSE_LATENCY_MSEC
- From: arun@xxxxxxxxxxxx (Arun Raghavan)
- [PATCH] stream: Check sample spec validity before abiding PULSE_LATENCY_MSEC
- From: david.henningsson@xxxxxxxxxxxxx (David Henningsson)
- [PATCH] echo-cancel: Add config.h in adrian-aec.c
- From: david.henningsson@xxxxxxxxxxxxx (David Henningsson)
- Best way to add a delay to playback
- From: georg@xxxxxxxx (Georg Chini)
- Best way to add a delay to playback
- From: hector@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx (hector@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx)
- Enabling automatic coverity scans for pulseaudio via travis
- From: fsateler@xxxxxxxxxx (Felipe Sateler)
- Enabling automatic coverity scans for pulseaudio via travis
- From: arun@xxxxxxxxxxxx (Arun Raghavan)
- [PATCH] module: Warn about modules loaded after unload
- From: david.henningsson@xxxxxxxxxxxxx (David Henningsson)
- [PATCH] patcl: Error msg from pactl not quite accurate for 'mute' commands
- From: srivastava.d@xxxxxxxxxxx (Deepak Srivastava)
- Enabling automatic coverity scans for pulseaudio via travis
- From: pmeerw@xxxxxxxxxx (Peter Meerwald)
- [PATCH] pacmd: Placeholders describing command line options should not have spaces
- From: manish.sogi@xxxxxxxxxxx (Manish Sogi)
- [PATCH] pulseaudio.1: fix reference to --daemonize option
- From: arun@xxxxxxxxxxxx (Arun Raghavan)
- Enabling automatic coverity scans for pulseaudio via travis
- From: arun@xxxxxxxxxxxx (Arun Raghavan)
- [PATCH] stream: Support extended API with PULSE_LATENCY_MSEC if possible
- From: arun@xxxxxxxxxxxx (Arun Raghavan)
- [PATCH] stream: Support extended API with PULSE_LATENCY_MSEC if possible
- From: david.henningsson@xxxxxxxxxxxxx (David Henningsson)
- [PATCH] stream: Support extended API with PULSE_LATENCY_MSEC if possible
- From: arun@xxxxxxxxxxxx (arun@xxxxxxxxxxxx)
- [PATCH] stream: Support extended API with PULSE_LATENCY_MSEC if possible
- From: arun@xxxxxxxxxxxx (arun@xxxxxxxxxxxx)
- [PATCH] stream: Check sample spec validity before abiding PULSE_LATENCY_MSEC
- From: arun@xxxxxxxxxxxx (Arun Raghavan)
- [PATCH] pulseaudio.1: fix reference to --daemonize option
- From: fsateler@xxxxxxxxxx (Felipe Sateler)
- [PATCH] stream: Check sample spec validity before abiding PULSE_LATENCY_MSEC
- From: david.henningsson@xxxxxxxxxxxxx (David Henningsson)
- [PATCH] always-sink: Don't unload ourselves if a filter sink shows up
- From: arun@xxxxxxxxxxxx (arun@xxxxxxxxxxxx)
- snd_pcm_avail no reliable
- From: superquad.vortex2@xxxxxxxxx (Raymond Yau)
- [PATCH 3/4] echo-cancel: Handle underlying sink going away better when autoloaded
- From: arun@xxxxxxxxxxxx (Arun Raghavan)
- Erratic read callbacks on nullsink monitor
- From: gonesurfingnc@xxxxxxxxx (Eric Thornton)
- [PATCH] Added support for Creative SoundBlaster Omni Surround 5.1 USB sound card. Mic and Line in inputs were not working at all.
- From: superquad.vortex2@xxxxxxxxx (Raymond Yau)
- Unable to attach to mixer hw:2, 1, 0: No such file or directory
- From: nazar@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx (Nazar Mokrynskyi)
- [PATCH] core: Fallbacks for machine-id in filesystem
- From: pmeerw@xxxxxxxxxx (Peter Meerwald)
- [PATCH] Added support for Creative SoundBlaster Omni Surround 5.1 USB sound card. Mic and Line in inputs were not working at all.
- From: nazar@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx (Nazar Mokrynskyi)
- (alsa-lib)pcm_hw.c: SNDRV_PCM_IOCTL_HW_PARAMS failed (-5)
- From: nazar@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx (Nazar Mokrynskyi)
- Filters, autoloading, profile changes and crashes
- From: rocketraman@xxxxxxxxx (Raman Gupta)
- Filters, autoloading, profile changes and crashes
- From: rocketraman@xxxxxxxxx (Raman Gupta)
- [PATCH 3/4] echo-cancel: Handle underlying sink going away better when autoloaded
- From: patrakov@xxxxxxxxx (Alexander E. Patrakov)
- snd_pcm_avail no reliable
- From: superquad.vortex2@xxxxxxxxx (Raymond Yau)
- snd_pcm_avail no reliable
- From: patrakov@xxxxxxxxx (Alexander E. Patrakov)
- snd_pcm_avail no reliable
- From: superquad.vortex2@xxxxxxxxx (Raymond Yau)
- snd_pcm_avail no reliable
- From: magic.lixin@xxxxxxxxx (golden)
- snd_pcm_avail no reliable
- From: arun@xxxxxxxxxxxx (Arun Raghavan)
- [PATCH 4/4] equalizer: Handle underlying sink going away better when autoloaded
- From: arun@xxxxxxxxxxxx (arun@xxxxxxxxxxxx)
- [PATCH 3/4] echo-cancel: Handle underlying sink going away better when autoloaded
- From: arun@xxxxxxxxxxxx (arun@xxxxxxxxxxxx)
- [PATCH 2/4] always-sink: Ignore filter sinks
- From: arun@xxxxxxxxxxxx (arun@xxxxxxxxxxxx)
- [PATCH 1/4] sink, source: Add a helper function to check whether this is a filter
- From: arun@xxxxxxxxxxxx (arun@xxxxxxxxxxxx)
- Filters, autoloading, profile changes and crashes
- From: arun@xxxxxxxxxxxx (arun@xxxxxxxxxxxx)
- snd_pcm_avail no reliable
- From: superquad.vortex2@xxxxxxxxx (Raymond Yau)
- snd_pcm_avail no reliable
- From: arun@xxxxxxxxxxxx (Arun Raghavan)
- snd_pcm_avail no reliable
- From: superquad.vortex2@xxxxxxxxx (Raymond Yau)
- snd_pcm_avail no reliable
- From: superquad.vortex2@xxxxxxxxx (Raymond Yau)
- snd_pcm_avail no reliable
- From: patrakov@xxxxxxxxx (Alexander E. Patrakov)
- snd_pcm_avail no reliable
- From: magic.lixin@xxxxxxxxx (golden)
- snd_pcm_avail no reliable
- From: superquad.vortex2@xxxxxxxxx (Raymond Yau)
- snd_pcm_avail no reliable
- From: magic.lixin@xxxxxxxxx (golden)
- snd_pcm_avail no reliable
- From: superquad.vortex2@xxxxxxxxx (Raymond Yau)
- snd_pcm_avail no reliable
- From: magic.lixin@xxxxxxxxx (golden)
- Fwd: [alsa-devel] Front speakers doesn't work in multichannel output, regression in ALC888
- From: superquad.vortex2@xxxxxxxxx (Raymond Yau)
- progress bar freezes
- From: is@xxxxxxxx (is@xxxxxxxx)
- [alsa-devel] Front speakers doesn't work in multichannel output, regression in ALC888
- From: superquad.vortex2@xxxxxxxxx (Raymond Yau)
- [PATCH] Added support for Creative SoundBlaster Omni Surround 5.1 USB sound card. Mic and Line in inputs were not working at all.
- From: superquad.vortex2@xxxxxxxxx (Raymond Yau)
- Unable to attach to mixer hw:2, 1, 0: No such file or directory
- From: superquad.vortex2@xxxxxxxxx (Raymond Yau)
- (alsa-lib)pcm_hw.c: SNDRV_PCM_IOCTL_HW_PARAMS failed (-5)
- From: superquad.vortex2@xxxxxxxxx (Raymond Yau)
- How to disable HFP support of pulseaudio on Ubuntu 14.04 LTS
- From: jdmc80@xxxxxxxxxxx (Joseph Codadeen)
- Enabling automatic coverity scans for pulseaudio via travis
- From: fsateler@xxxxxxxxxx (Felipe Sateler)
- (alsa-lib)pcm_hw.c: SNDRV_PCM_IOCTL_HW_PARAMS failed (-5)
- From: nazar@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx (Nazar Mokrynskyi)
- (alsa-lib)pcm_hw.c: Invalid PCM state for chmap_get: OPEN
- From: superquad.vortex2@xxxxxxxxx (Raymond Yau)
- (alsa-lib)pcm_hw.c: SNDRV_PCM_IOCTL_HW_PARAMS failed (-5)
- From: superquad.vortex2@xxxxxxxxx (Raymond Yau)
- [PATCH] Added support for Creative SoundBlaster Omni Surround 5.1 USB sound card. Mic and Line in inputs were not working at all.
- From: nazar@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx (Nazar Mokrynskyi)
- [PATCH] Added support for Creative SoundBlaster Omni Surround 5.1 USB sound card. Mic and Line in inputs were not working at all.
- From: superquad.vortex2@xxxxxxxxx (Raymond Yau)
- [PATCH] Added support for Creative SoundBlaster Omni Surround 5.1 USB sound card. Mic and Line in inputs were not working at all.
- From: nazar@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx (Nazar Mokrynskyi)
- [PATCH] Added support for Creative SoundBlaster Omni Surround 5.1 USB sound card. Mic and Line in inputs were not working at all.
- From: superquad.vortex2@xxxxxxxxx (Raymond Yau)
- [PATCH] Added support for Creative SoundBlaster Omni Surround 5.1 USB sound card. Mic and Line in inputs were not working at all.
- From: nazar@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx (Nazar Mokrynskyi)
- spurious underflows?
- From: david.henningsson@xxxxxxxxxxxxx (David Henningsson)
- [PATCH] Added support for Creative SoundBlaster Omni Surround 5.1 USB sound card. Mic and Line in inputs were not working at all.
- From: superquad.vortex2@xxxxxxxxx (Raymond Yau)
- [PATCH] Added support for Creative SoundBlaster Omni Surround 5.1 USB sound card. Mic and Line in inputs were not working at all.
- From: nazar@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx (Nazar Mokrynskyi)
- [PATCH] Added support for Creative SoundBlaster Omni Surround 5.1 USB sound card
- From: superquad.vortex2@xxxxxxxxx (Raymond Yau)
- [PATCH] Added support for Creative SoundBlaster Omni Surround 5.1 USB sound card. Mic and Line in inputs were not working at all.
- From: superquad.vortex2@xxxxxxxxx (Raymond Yau)
- spurious underflows?
- From: superjoe30@xxxxxxxxx (Andrew Kelley)
- [PATCH] Added support for Creative SoundBlaster Omni Surround 5.1 USB sound card. Mic and Line in inputs were not working at all.
- From: superquad.vortex2@xxxxxxxxx (Raymond Yau)
- [PATCH] Added support for Creative SoundBlaster Omni Surround 5.1 USB sound card. Mic and Line in inputs were not working at all.
- From: nazar@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx (Nazar Mokrynskyi)
- [PATCH] Added support for Creative SoundBlaster Omni Surround 5.1 USB sound card. Mic and Line in inputs were not working at all.
- From: superquad.vortex2@xxxxxxxxx (Raymond Yau)
- [PATCH] Added support for Creative SoundBlaster Omni Surround 5.1 USB sound card. Mic and Line in inputs were not working at all.
- From: nazar@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx (Nazar Mokrynskyi)
- 7.0 release blocker bugs - status
- From: arun@xxxxxxxxxxxx (Arun Raghavan)
- 7.0 release blocker bugs - status
- From: david.henningsson@xxxxxxxxxxxxx (David Henningsson)
- Buzzy noise on HDMI using passthrough
- From: arun@xxxxxxxxxxxx (Arun Raghavan)
- Buzzy noise on HDMI using passthrough
- From: kugel@xxxxxxxxxxx (Thomas Martitz)
- Capture volume
- From: klaus@xxxxxxxxxxxxx (Klaus Vink Slott)
- Help needed configuring Bluetooth speaker with system mode
- From: georg@xxxxxxxx (Georg Chini)
- Help needed configuring Bluetooth speaker with system mode
- From: info@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx (Northern Lights Info)
- Capture volume
- From: superquad.vortex2@xxxxxxxxx (Raymond Yau)
- Help needed configuring Bluetooth speaker with system mode
- From: info@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx (Northern Lights Info)
- Help needed configuring Bluetooth speaker with system mode
- From: tanuk@xxxxxx (Tanu Kaskinen)
- Capture volume
- From: tanuk@xxxxxx (Tanu Kaskinen)
- Help needed configuring Bluetooth speaker with system mode
- From: info@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx (Northern Lights Info)
- Help needed configuring Bluetooth speaker with system mode
- From: georg@xxxxxxxx (Georg Chini)
- Help needed configuring Bluetooth speaker with system mode
- From: info@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx (Northern Lights Info)
- Capture volume
- From: klaus@xxxxxxxxxxxxx (Klaus Vink Slott)
- Help needed configuring Bluetooth speaker with system mode
- From: georg@xxxxxxxx (Georg Chini)
- Help needed configuring Bluetooth speaker with system mode
- From: tanuk@xxxxxx (Tanu Kaskinen)
- audio noise using module-loopback
- From: tanuk@xxxxxx (Tanu Kaskinen)
- Help needed configuring Bluetooth speaker with system mode
- From: georg@xxxxxxxx (Georg Chini)
- Help needed configuring Bluetooth speaker with system mode
- From: tanuk@xxxxxx (Tanu Kaskinen)
- Help needed configuring Bluetooth speaker with system mode
- From: georg@xxxxxxxx (Georg Chini)
- How to disable HFP support of pulseaudio on Ubuntu 14.04 LTS
- From: tanuk@xxxxxx (Tanu Kaskinen)
- unable to remove sink or source suspension when switching desktop environment
- From: tanuk@xxxxxx (Tanu Kaskinen)
- audio noise using module-loopback
- From: 3016536501@xxxxxxxxxxx (3016536501@xxxxxxxxxxx)
- audio noise using module-loopback
- From: 3016536501@xxxxxxxxxxx (3016536501@xxxxxxxxxxx)
- audio noise using module-loopback
- From: 3016536501@xxxxxxxxxxx (3016536501@xxxxxxxxxxx)
- audio noise using module-loopback
- From: 3016536501@xxxxxxxxxxx (3016536501@xxxxxxxxxxx)
- audio noise using module-loopback
- From: 3016536501@xxxxxxxxxxx (3016536501@xxxxxxxxxxx)
- audio noise using module-loopback
- From: magic.lixin@xxxxxxxxx (golden)
- Help needed configuring Bluetooth speaker with system mode
- From: info@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx (Northern Lights Info)
- Help needed configuring Bluetooth speaker with system mode
- From: georg@xxxxxxxx (Georg Chini)
- Help needed configuring Bluetooth speaker with system mode
- From: info@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx (Northern Lights Info)
- Split Stereo into two mono channels
- From: caiortp@xxxxxxxxx (Caio)
- How to disable HFP support of pulseaudio on Ubuntu 14.04 LTS
- From: jdmc80@xxxxxxxxxxx (Joseph Codadeen)
- How to disable HFP support of pulseaudio on Ubuntu 14.04 LTS
- From: jdmc80@xxxxxxxxxxx (Joseph Codadeen)
- unable to remove sink or source suspension when switching desktop environment
- From: odror7@xxxxxxxxx (Oz Dror)
- [PATCH 1/2] padsp: Fix wrong condition discovered by -Wlogical-not-parentheses warning
- From: pmeerw@xxxxxxxxxx (Peter Meerwald)
- unable to remove sink or source suspension when switching desktop environment
- From: odror7@xxxxxxxxx (Oz Dror)
- [PATCH] conf-parser: add support for .d directories
- From: pmeerw@xxxxxxxxxx (Peter Meerwald)
- [PATCH] conf-parser: add support for .d directories
- From: tanuk@xxxxxx (Tanu Kaskinen)
- unable to remove sink or source suspension when switching desktop environment
- From: tanuk@xxxxxx (Tanu Kaskinen)
- [PATCH] conf-parser: add support for .d directories
- From: pmeerw@xxxxxxxxxx (Peter Meerwald)
- [PATCH] conf-parser: add support for .d directories
- From: tanuk@xxxxxx (Tanu Kaskinen)
- [PATCH 2/2] core: Work around -Wlogical-not-parentheses warnings
- From: tanuk@xxxxxx (Tanu Kaskinen)
- [PATCH 1/2] padsp: Fix wrong condition discovered by -Wlogical-not-parentheses warning
- From: tanuk@xxxxxx (Tanu Kaskinen)
- [PATCH] conf-parser: add support for .d directories
- From: tanuk@xxxxxx (Tanu Kaskinen)
- [pulseaudio-commits] 3 commits - Makefile.am configure.ac src/pulsecore
- From: tanuk@xxxxxx (Tanu Kaskinen)
- unable to remove sink or source suspension when switching desktop environment
- From: odror7@xxxxxxxxx (Oz Dror)
- [PATCH] conf-parser: add support for .d directories
- From: pmeerw@xxxxxxxxxx (Peter Meerwald)
- [PATCH 2/2] core: Work around -Wlogical-not-parentheses warnings
- From: pmeerw@xxxxxxxxxx (Peter Meerwald)
- [PATCH 1/2] padsp: Fix wrong condition discovered by -Wlogical-not-parentheses warning
- From: pmeerw@xxxxxxxxxx (Peter Meerwald)
- [PATCH] conf-parser: add support for .d directories
- From: david.henningsson@xxxxxxxxxxxxx (David Henningsson)
- [PATCH] lfe-filter-test: Use S16NE format
- From: patrakov@xxxxxxxxx (Alexander E. Patrakov)
- [PATCH] lfe-filter-test: Use S16NE format
- From: david.henningsson@xxxxxxxxxxxxx (David Henningsson)
- [PATCH] build-sys: Show directory for bash completion files installation in configure summary
- From: pmeerw@xxxxxxxxxx (Peter Meerwald)
- [PATCH] biquad: Fix warning, gamma shadows global declaration
- From: pmeerw@xxxxxxxxxx (Peter Meerwald)
- [PATCH] core: Don't export pa_rtpoll_quit(), only used internally
- From: pmeerw@xxxxxxxxxx (Peter Meerwald)
- [PATCH] daemon: Exit with code 0 on SIGINT and SIGTERM
- From: pmeerw@xxxxxxxxxx (Peter Meerwald)
- [PATCH] Add --version command line option
- From: pmeerw@xxxxxxxxxx (Peter Meerwald)
- [PATCH] tests: add tolerant variation for comparing the rewind result
- From: david.henningsson@xxxxxxxxxxxxx (David Henningsson)
- [PATCH] tests: add tolerant variation for comparing the rewind result
- From: arun@xxxxxxxxxxxx (Arun Raghavan)
- [V2 PATCH] tests: add tolerant variation for comparing the rewind result
- From: david.henningsson@xxxxxxxxxxxxx (David Henningsson)
- [V2 PATCH] tests: add tolerant variation for comparing the rewind result
- From: patrakov@xxxxxxxxx (Alexander E. Patrakov)
- [V2 PATCH] tests: add tolerant variation for comparing the rewind result
- From: hui.wang@xxxxxxxxxxxxx (Hui Wang)
- [PATCH] tests: add tolerant variation for comparing the rewind result
- From: hui.wang@xxxxxxxxxxxxx (hwang4)
- [PATCH] tests: add tolerant variation for comparing the rewind result
- From: hui.wang@xxxxxxxxxxxxx (hwang4)
- [PATCH] tests: Remove a redundant mempool_new from resampler-test
- From: david.henningsson@xxxxxxxxxxxxx (David Henningsson)
- [PATCH] tests: add tolerant variation for comparing the rewind result
- From: david.henningsson@xxxxxxxxxxxxx (David Henningsson)
- [PATCH] tests: add tolerant variation for comparing the rewind result
- From: patrakov@xxxxxxxxx (Alexander E. Patrakov)
- [PATCH v2 0/6] ucm: Add support for "JackHWMute"
- From: yang.jie@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx (Keyon)
- [PATCH] tests: Remove a redundant mempool_new from resampler-test
- From: hui.wang@xxxxxxxxxxxxx (Hui Wang)
- [PATCH] tests: add tolerant variation for comparing the rewind result
- From: hui.wang@xxxxxxxxxxxxx (Hui Wang)
- [PATCH] alsa-mixer: Add "Line Out" to known mixer controls
- From: superquad.vortex2@xxxxxxxxx (Raymond Yau)
- [PATCH v3 2/2] bluetooth: Add optional heuristic for switching between hsp and a2dp profiles
- From: pali.rohar@xxxxxxxxx (Pali Rohár)
- [PATCH] alsa-mixer: Add "Line Out" to known mixer controls
- From: tanuk@xxxxxx (Tanu Kaskinen)
- [PATCH v3 1/2] bluetooth: Add support for automatic switch between hsp and a2dp profiles
- From: pali.rohar@xxxxxxxxx (Pali Rohár)
- [PATCH] biquad: Make use of M_SQRT2 constant
- From: tanuk@xxxxxx (Tanu Kaskinen)
- [PATCH] biquad: Fix warning, gamma shadows global declaration
- From: tanuk@xxxxxx (Tanu Kaskinen)
- [PATCH] pulse: Document pa_mainloop_quit()'s retval parameter
- From: tanuk@xxxxxx (Tanu Kaskinen)
- [PATCH] daemon: Exit with code 0 on SIGINT and SIGTERM
- From: tanuk@xxxxxx (Tanu Kaskinen)
- [PATCH] Add --version command line option
- From: tanuk@xxxxxx (Tanu Kaskinen)
- [PATCH] macro: Move PA_LIKELY()/PA_UNLIKELY(), PA_CLAMP()/PA_CLAMP_UNLIKELY() to pulse/gccmacro.h
- From: tanuk@xxxxxx (Tanu Kaskinen)
- making a custom mainloop robust to clock changes
- From: barthelemy@xxxxxxxxx (Sébastien Barthélémy)
- making a custom mainloop robust to clock changes
- From: tanuk@xxxxxx (Tanu Kaskinen)
- [PATCH] conf-parser: add support for .d directories
- From: tanu.kaskinen@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx (Tanu Kaskinen)
- [PATCH] build-sys: Show directory for bash completion files installation in configure summary
- From: pmeerw@xxxxxxxxxx (Peter Meerwald)
- [PATCH 19/19] dbus: Add card profile availability info to API
- From: tanuk@xxxxxx (Tanu Kaskinen)
- [PATCH] build-sys: Show directory for bash completion files installation in configure summary
- From: tanu.kaskinen@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx (Tanu Kaskinen)
- [PATCH] core: Don't export pa_rtpoll_quit(), only used internally
- From: tanu.kaskinen@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx (Tanu Kaskinen)
- [PATCH 00/19] Use hooks instead of subscription for module-dbus-protocol
- From: david.henningsson@xxxxxxxxxxxxx (David Henningsson)
- [PATCH 19/19] dbus: Add card profile availability info to API
- From: david.henningsson@xxxxxxxxxxxxx (David Henningsson)
- [PATCH] alsa-mixer: Add "Line Out" to known mixer controls
- From: david.henningsson@xxxxxxxxxxxxx (David Henningsson)
- [PATCH] volume: Fix spelling of PA_DECIBEL_MINFINITY
- From: patrakov@xxxxxxxxx (Alexander E. Patrakov)
- [PATCH] biquad: Fix warning, gamma shadows global declaration
- From: pmeerw@xxxxxxxxxx (Peter Meerwald)
- [PATCH] biquad: Make use of M_SQRT2 constant
- From: pmeerw@xxxxxxxxxx (Peter Meerwald)
- [PATCH] pulse: Document pa_mainloop_quit()'s retval parameter
- From: pmeerw@xxxxxxxxxx (Peter Meerwald)
- [PATCH] echo-cancel: Remove dead code
- From: pmeerw@xxxxxxxxxx (Peter Meerwald)
- [PATCH] daemon: Exit with code 0 on SIGINT and SIGTERM
- From: pmeerw@xxxxxxxxxx (Peter Meerwald)
- [PATCH] build-sys: Show directory for bash completion files installation in configure summary
- From: pmeerw@xxxxxxxxxx (Peter Meerwald)
- [PATCH] Add --version command line option
- From: pmeerw@xxxxxxxxxx (Peter Meerwald)
- [PATCH] volume: Fix spelling of PA_DECIBEL_MINFINITY
- From: pmeerw@xxxxxxxxxx (Peter Meerwald)
- [PATCH] macro: Move PA_LIKELY()/PA_UNLIKELY(), PA_CLAMP()/PA_CLAMP_UNLIKELY() to pulse/gccmacro.h
- From: pmeerw@xxxxxxxxxx (Peter Meerwald)
- [PATCH] core: Don't export pa_rtpoll_quit(), only used internally
- From: pmeerw@xxxxxxxxxx (Peter Meerwald)
- [PATCH 2/2] core-util: include xlocale.h when using strtod_l()
- From: tanu.kaskinen@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx (Tanu Kaskinen)
- [PATCH 1/2] build-sys: check strtod_l instead of strtof_l
- From: tanu.kaskinen@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx (Tanu Kaskinen)
- [PATCH 0/2] Fix strtod_l() usage on FreeBSD
- From: tanu.kaskinen@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx (Tanu Kaskinen)
- calling pa_stream_update_timing_info in another thread
- From: magic.lixin@xxxxxxxxx (golden)
- calling pa_stream_update_timing_info in another thread
- From: magic.lixin@xxxxxxxxx (golden)
- calling pa_stream_update_timing_info in another thread
- From: magic.lixin@xxxxxxxxx (golden)
- calling pa_stream_update_timing_info in another thread
- From: georg@xxxxxxxx (Georg Chini)
- calling pa_stream_update_timing_info in another thread
- From: magic.lixin@xxxxxxxxx (golden)
- changing default pulseaudio output device
- From: sam.carcagno@xxxxxxxxx (Samuele Carcagno)
- changing default pulseaudio output device
- From: tanu.kaskinen@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx (Tanu Kaskinen)
- making a custom mainloop robust to clock changes
- From: barthelemy@xxxxxxxxx (Sébastien Barthélémy)
- [PATCH] alsa-mixer: Make line out path unavailable when "Front Headphone" is plugged in
- From: superquad.vortex2@xxxxxxxxx (Raymond Yau)
- Buzzy noise on HDMI using passthrough
- From: kugel@xxxxxxxxxxx (Thomas Martitz)
- changing default pulseaudio output device
- From: sam.carcagno@xxxxxxxxx (Samuele Carcagno)
- pulseaudio fails to work with bluez5 (SCO/eSCO)
- From: georg@xxxxxxxx (Georg Chini)
- pulseaudio fails to work with bluez5 (SCO/eSCO)
- From: tanuk@xxxxxx (Tanu Kaskinen)
- `LDFLAGS` are not passed down preventing usage of AddressSanitizer (ASan)
- From: paulepanter@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx (Paul Menzel)
- changing default pulseaudio output device
- From: tanu.kaskinen@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx (Tanu Kaskinen)
- `LDFLAGS` are not passed down preventing usage of AddressSanitizer (ASan)
- From: tanu.kaskinen@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx (Tanu Kaskinen)
- [RFC] API for setting (default) port
- From: tanu.kaskinen@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx (Tanu Kaskinen)
- Buzzy noise on HDMI using passthrough
- From: arun@xxxxxxxxxxxx (Arun Raghavan)
- pulseaudio fails to work with bluez5 (SCO/eSCO)
- From: jiangcheng823@xxxxxxxxx (江城)
- [RFC] API for setting (default) port
- From: superquad.vortex2@xxxxxxxxx (Raymond Yau)
- changing default pulseaudio output device
- From: sam.carcagno@xxxxxxxxx (Samuele Carcagno)
- [PATCH] client-conf: Add allow-autospawn-for-root
- From: tanu.kaskinen@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx (Tanu Kaskinen)
- [RFC] API for setting (default) port
- From: david.henningsson@xxxxxxxxxxxxx (David Henningsson)
- Next freeze scheduled for 2015-05-12
- From: tanu.kaskinen@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx (Tanu Kaskinen)
- API: connect stream after disconnect?
- From: tanu.kaskinen@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx (Tanu Kaskinen)
- [RFC] API for setting (default) port
- From: tanu.kaskinen@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx (Tanu Kaskinen)
- [RFC] API for setting (default) port
- From: david.henningsson@xxxxxxxxxxxxx (David Henningsson)
- Next freeze scheduled for 2015-05-12
- From: georg@xxxxxxxx (Georg Chini)
- API: connect stream after disconnect?
- From: superjoe30@xxxxxxxxx (Andrew Kelley)
- R: Re: R: Re: Many differences between pulseaudio built from source and installed from package
- From: tanu.kaskinen@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx (Tanu Kaskinen)
- Next freeze scheduled for 2015-05-12
- From: tanu.kaskinen@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx (Tanu Kaskinen)
- Buzzy noise on HDMI using passthrough
- From: kugel@xxxxxxxxxxx (Thomas Martitz)
- R: Re: Many differences between pulseaudio built from source and installed from package
- From: tanu.kaskinen@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx (Tanu Kaskinen)
- [PATCH 0/3] Multichannel fixes
- From: superquad.vortex2@xxxxxxxxx (Raymond Yau)
- [PATCH 0/3] Multichannel fixes
- From: o-takashi@xxxxxxxxxxxxx (Takashi Sakamoto)
- [PATCH 0/3] Multichannel fixes
- From: o-takashi@xxxxxxxxxxxxx (Takashi Sakamoto)
- [alsa-devel] Front speakers doesn't work in multichannel output, regression in ALC888
- From: superquad.vortex2@xxxxxxxxx (Raymond Yau)
- Patch review status wiki page updated
- From: tanu.kaskinen@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx (Tanu Kaskinen)
- [PATCH] pulsecore/filter/lfe-filter.c: Use length modifier `z` for type `size_t`
- From: tanu.kaskinen@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx (Tanu Kaskinen)
- [PATCH] protocol-native: Fix source latency calculation in ADJUST_LATENCY mode
- From: tanu.kaskinen@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx (Tanu Kaskinen)
- [alsa-devel] Front speakers doesn't work in multichannel output, regression in ALC888
- From: superquad.vortex2@xxxxxxxxx (Raymond Yau)
- R: Re: Many differences between pulseaudio built from source and installed from package
- From: Erotavlas_turbo@xxxxxxxxx (Erotavlas_turbo@xxxxxxxxx)
- Many differences between pulseaudio built from source and installed from package
- From: david.henningsson@xxxxxxxxxxxxx (David Henningsson)
- need help with audio sync
- From: georg@xxxxxxxx (Georg Chini)
- Many differences between pulseaudio built from source and installed from package
- From: Erotavlas_turbo@xxxxxxxxx (Erotavlas_turbo@xxxxxxxxx)
- [PATCH 3/8] alsa-mixer: Fill in input and output names
- From: david.henningsson@xxxxxxxxxxxxx (David Henningsson)
- [PATCH 3/8] alsa-mixer: Fill in input and output names
- From: tanu.kaskinen@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx (Tanu Kaskinen)
- [PATCH v2] man: Document .ifexists CLI meta command
- From: pmeerw@xxxxxxxxxx (Peter Meerwald)
- [PATCH v2] man: Document .ifexists CLI meta command
- From: tanu.kaskinen@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx (Tanu Kaskinen)
- [PATCH 1/8] card: Use pa_xmalloc0 when creating new cards and profiles
- From: patrakov@xxxxxxxxx (Alexander E. Patrakov)
- need help with audio sync
- From: magic.lixin@xxxxxxxxx (golden)
- need help with audio sync
- From: georg@xxxxxxxx (Georg Chini)
- need help with audio sync
- From: magic.lixin@xxxxxxxxx (golden)
- [PATCH v3 0/6] Add default volume to ports
- From: patrakov@xxxxxxxxx (Alexander E. Patrakov)
- [PATCH v3 0/6] Add default volume to ports
- From: david.henningsson@xxxxxxxxxxxxx (David Henningsson)
- [PATCH 0/5] CLI meta commands
- From: pmeerw@xxxxxxxxxx (Peter Meerwald)
- [PATCH v2] man: Document .ifexists CLI meta command
- From: pmeerw@xxxxxxxxxx (Peter Meerwald)
- [PATCH v3 0/6] Add default volume to ports
- From: patrakov@xxxxxxxxx (Alexander E. Patrakov)
- [PATCH 8/8] module-switch-on-port-available: Route to preferred profile
- From: david.henningsson@xxxxxxxxxxxxx (David Henningsson)
- [PATCH 7/8] module-alsa-card: Report available ports before unavailable ones
- From: david.henningsson@xxxxxxxxxxxxx (David Henningsson)
- [PATCH 6/8] module-switch-on-port-available: Use input and output names
- From: david.henningsson@xxxxxxxxxxxxx (David Henningsson)
- [PATCH 5/8] card-restore: Save and restore "preferred profile" of port
- From: david.henningsson@xxxxxxxxxxxxx (David Henningsson)
- [PATCH 4/8] device-port: Add preferred_profile field to pa_device_port
- From: david.henningsson@xxxxxxxxxxxxx (David Henningsson)
- [PATCH 3/8] alsa-mixer: Fill in input and output names
- From: david.henningsson@xxxxxxxxxxxxx (David Henningsson)
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