Linux LVM
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- [linux-lvm] Sharing LVM's via NFS on Redhat 8.0,
DJ TweeQ
- [linux-lvm] Re: How to handle Bad Block relocation with LVM? I actually quite agree. Here are a few points: o A PE is typically less than 0.01% of my total disk space. o Corruption on a drive tends to spread, especially if sectors near the corruption are accessed frequently, so it's best to avoid a whole section of a drive around a bad spot. o In general, I would want to throw away a drive that had so many bad sectors that it's firmware relocation software could no longer handle them. So, my main purpose in relocating the PE is to recover as much data from it as I can before junking the drive., Dieter Stueken
- [linux-lvm] Re: LVM 1.0.3 to LVM 1.0.6 upgrade path on a Redhat 8.0 Production System,
DJ TweeQ
- [linux-lvm] LVM 1.0.3 to LVM 1.0.6 upgrade path on a Redhat 8.0 Production System,
DJ TweeQ
- [linux-lvm] striping efficiency,
Alexy Khrabrov
- [linux-lvm] dm chunk size is 512?,
Jason Smith
- [linux-lvm] Sharing Logical Volumes via NFS on Redhat 8.0,
DJ TweeQ
- [linux-lvm] Re: Re: Sharing LVM's via NFS on Redhat 8.0 Part2 - SAMBA?,
DJ TweeQ
- [linux-lvm] Howto Upgrade/Install LVM 1.0.6 patch on Redhat 8.0, DJ TweeQ
- Re: [linux-lvm] encryption in LVM2,
Jose Luis Domingo Lopez
- [linux-lvm] Re: How to handle Bad Block relocation with LVM?,
Eric Hopper
- [linux-lvm] list for GFS?,
Jesse Keating
- [linux-lvm] Available snapshot chunks known in LVM2,
Jason Smith
- [linux-lvm] enclosure separation/turnoff,
Alexy Khrabrov
[linux-lvm] How to handle Bad Block relocation with LVM?,
Rocky Lee
[linux-lvm] vgchange -ay failed with "Bad address",
Axel Reinhold
[linux-lvm] PV Status NOT available,
Rupert Hair
Message not available
[linux-lvm] LVM2 lvextend lockup,
Jason Smith
[linux-lvm] almost-full snapshots, Jason Smith
[linux-lvm] Erroneously formatted PV; 'vgscan -- ERROR "vg_read_with_pv_and_lv(): current PV" can't get data of volume group'...,
Tim-Patrick Märk
[linux-lvm] Linux Redhat with VA7100,
aicha okirim
[linux-lvm] erroneously formatted pv; vgscan -- ERROR "vg_read_with_pv_and_lv(): current PV" can't get data of volume group..., Tim-Patrick Märk
[linux-lvm] cvs anonymous update problem SOLVED, Joel Soete
[linux-lvm] Compliment, Barr. Williams Sani
[linux-lvm] LVM 1.0.1 to LVM2 upgrade path,
[linux-lvm] pvmove problem,
B. Dobalina
Re: [linux-lvm] pvmove problem, B. Dobalina
Fwd: Re: [linux-lvm] pvmove problem, B. Dobalina
Re: [linux-lvm] RAID5 bug? [was: Re: raid and lvm],
SI Reasoning
[linux-lvm] cannot create a volume group named the same as one already removed,
Tom Georgoulias
[linux-lvm] CVS changes..., Heinz J . Mauelshagen
Re: [linux-lvm] Help configuring LVM, Heinz J . Mauelshagen
Re: [linux-lvm] Snapshot resizing bug (LVM1),
Heinz J . Mauelshagen
[linux-lvm] New lv cannot span pv's,
Stefan Nilsen
[linux-lvm] cvs anonymous update problem, Joel Soete
Re: [linux-lvm] Re:cramfs ramdisk and rootfs on LVM, Francis SOUYRI
[linux-lvm] Ulf Bartelt, Hartwig zur Nieden
[linux-lvm] Severe problem: data lost while adding a partition,
Sander Alberink
[linux-lvm] ALPHA-ONLINE.COM,
Re: [linux-lvm] BMT-LVM performance with snapshots, Heinz J . Mauelshagen
[linux-lvm] Does LVM2 support RAID?,
Rocky Lee
[linux-lvm] LVM rootfs and cramfs as ramdisk,
Jan H. van Gils
Re: [linux-lvm] ANTHONY THABO ( Urgent and Confidential ), Ross S.
[linux-lvm] resize an ext3 on an LV,
Alexander Lazarevich
<Possible follow-ups>
Re: [linux-lvm] resize an ext3 on an LV, YongChul Kim
Re: [linux-lvm] resize an ext3 on an LV, yckim
[linux-lvm] HELP: vgscan segfaults,
Peter Lohmann
[linux-lvm] 2.4.20 + xfs +lvm2 = raid0_make_request bug, Svetoslav Slavtchev
[linux-lvm] resize LV,
Alexander Lazarevich
<Possible follow-ups>
re[2]: [linux-lvm] resize LV, Greg Freemyer
re[3]: [linux-lvm] resize LV, Greg Freemyer
[linux-lvm] raid and lvm,
SI Reasoning
<Possible follow-ups>
Re: [linux-lvm] raid and lvm, Christophe Saout
Re: [linux-lvm] removing a failed disk from VG,
Heinz J . Mauelshagen
Re: [linux-lvm] Dangerous Recipes, Patrick Caulfield
[linux-lvm] Software de gestao de contas banc醨ias e de gest鉶 comercial, Inforpascoa, lda
[linux-lvm] recover LVM system,
Sven Falk
[linux-lvm] reuses an existing LV number, Joseph Kezar
Re: [linux-lvm] LVM2 for kernels 2.4.20(another problem raid-0),
Svetoslav Slavtchev
[linux-lvm] vgscan -- ERROR, Alois Schneider
[linux-lvm] Howto create a Compressed ROM File initrd with lvmcreate_initrd,
Jan H. van Gils
[linux-lvm] LVM2 for kernels 2.4.20,
Maximo Ramos
<Possible follow-ups>
[linux-lvm] LVM2 for kernels 2.4.20, Maximo Ramos
Re: [linux-lvm] Problem with 1.2Tera byte., Jose Luis Domingo Lopez
[linux-lvm] 免费的新好软件:无界万能浏览器, 冲浪
[linux-lvm] disaster recovery, Rene Gallati
Re: [linux-lvm] syncing with snapshots takes forever?,
Jan-Benedict Glaw
Re: [linux-lvm] vgscan fails after more or less successful pvmove, MrNatcho
[linux-lvm] Installing LVM on s/390 redhat 7.2 2.4.7-39,
[linux-lvm] (堡绊)裹酒澜氢扁裙 @, 坷堡券
[linux-lvm] want to be registered,
Re: [linux-lvm] LVM Root, Luca Berra
[linux-lvm] Broken Harddisk in LVM,
Kai Iskratsch
[linux-lvm] LVM on H/W RAID5s ?, Ajay Shekhawat
[linux-lvm] Lilo Defvs and Root Raid1, Having trouble booting,
[linux-lvm] RE:Unable to mount root fs after kernel upgrade, Jan H. van Gils
[linux-lvm] vgimport,
Dieter Franzke
[linux-lvm] Getting 200GB ATA133 and Promise Ultra133 to work,
[linux-lvm] cannot extend lv,
Rainer . Lay
[linux-lvm] i got this error,
[linux-lvm] Unable to mount root fs after kernel upgrade,
Jan H. van Gils
[linux-lvm] Regarding the Linux installation, Narasimha_Subban
[linux-lvm] LVM bug,
Rich Turner
[linux-lvm] lvm root filesystem, kyi
[linux-lvm] LVM and devfs, bug?, richard turner
[linux-lvm] Extend root file system in RH 8.0,
Ma, Thanh(IndSys, GE Interlogix)
[linux-lvm] How to reduce a physical volume in a volume group., Frederic Tronel
[linux-lvm] LVM writes on raw disk of ATA RAID Mirror, Thomas Gebhardt
[linux-lvm] Bare Metal Recovery/Restore,
[linux-lvm] Help: unused PV overwritten, recovery of vg possible?, Holger Steinhaus
[linux-lvm] Jon Bendtsen pdf compare, Miguel Parra Rodríguez
[linux-lvm] [Q] Possible lvmdiskscan bug?, Sean Oh
[linux-lvm] [Q] LVM snapshot volume extendable?,
Sean Oh
[linux-lvm] LVM2 and I2O block devices,
[linux-lvm] pvcreate -- device "/dev/hdc" has a partition table: force checkbypass?,
Donald Gordon
[linux-lvm] [CFT] LVM2 RPM Packages availalble for Red Hat 8, Bill Rugolsky Jr.
[linux-lvm] Two drives with the same UUID,
[linux-lvm] Volume Group with 4 HDs- one crashed,
[linux-lvm] lvremove, Ross S.
[linux-lvm] UUID, Matt Schillinger
[linux-lvm] LVM2 snapshot creation problem,
Gary Windham
[linux-lvm] Graphical tool to configure LVM for RedHat 8,
Ma, Thanh(IndSys, GE Interlogix)
[linux-lvm] Re: lvm question, AJ Lewis
[linux-lvm] LVM Recovery (urgent),
Andre Bonhote
[linux-lvm] Re: linux-lvm digest, Vol 1 #752 - 13 msgs (On Leave until Jan 28th2003), Damian Hickey
[linux-lvm] DM: Possible disk corruption?,
Jan-Benedict Glaw
[linux-lvm] lvm_blk_ioctl: unknown command 0x24b, Alexander E. Belck
[linux-lvm] Re: linux-lvm digest, Vol 1 #751 - 14 msgs (On Leave until Jan 28th2003), Damian Hickey
[linux-lvm] Re: linux-lvm digest, Vol 1 #750 - 12 msgs (On Leave until Jan 28th2003), Damian Hickey
[linux-lvm] Linux 2.4.20 devmapper + userland utilities issue,
David B Harris
[linux-lvm] pvcreate error,
richard turner
[linux-lvm] disk naming,
Matt Schillinger
Re: [linux-lvm] disk naming, Steven Lembark
Re: [linux-lvm] LVM-HOWTO,
Cameron Thorne
[linux-lvm] lvmcreate_initrd failing...not sure why,
Cameron Thorne
[linux-lvm] snapshot problem on ext3, Kent Tsai
[linux-lvm] Disc crash, want to recover some data... PLEASE HELP!,
Olof Aldin
[linux-lvm] Problems mounting logical volumes, Christian Quast
[linux-lvm] Linux LVM, Anders Karlsson
[linux-lvm] Problems mounting LVM root volume,
Patrick van den Berg
[linux-lvm] 您有产品需推广吗,美尔网络营销专家可以为您提供最佳的服务!,
[linux-lvm] LV not available,
Thomas Bader
[linux-lvm] 9800多万全国邮址总库+100多款网络营销软件光盘, 推广产品的好帮手
[linux-lvm] device-mapper patch for lilo (/ and/or /boot on LVM2),
Christophe Saout
[linux-lvm] LVM on RH AS 2.1, Edward Shevtsov
[linux-lvm] Problem,
[linux-lvm] LVM disk problem, Skliarouk Arie
[linux-lvm] Merry Christmas,
Heinz J . Mauelshagen
[linux-lvm] broken computer,
[linux-lvm] vgcreate bug?,
[linux-lvm] upgrading..,
[linux-lvm] help! system crash ..., Bill Wester
[linux-lvm] Operation Not Permitted on 2.4.20, Tren Blackburn
[linux-lvm] LVM and ext3,
Paul Seniuk
[linux-lvm] PV Resizing, Monty Taylor
[linux-lvm] lvm2 + 2.4.20,
[linux-lvm] Re: RH8 install - LVM sizing problem,
[linux-lvm] RH8 install - LVM sizing problem, grenoml
[linux-lvm] VFS Locking Patch for 2.4.20?,
Christopher Odenbach
[linux-lvm] lvm-problems. vgda inconsistency,
Dieter Franzke
Re: [linux-lvm] help: can't read name(s) of physical volumes (Debian kernel weirdness also involved),
Patrick Caulfield
Re: [linux-lvm] help: can't read name(s) of physical volumes(Debian kernel weirdness also involved),
Steven Lembark
[linux-lvm] urgent and confidential, JOHNSON MUSOLE
[linux-lvm] New device-mapper patchset for 2.5.51,
Joe Thornber
[linux-lvm] New LVM2 reporting tools, Alasdair G Kergon
[linux-lvm] vgchange -a y -A n error furing installation, ronnie
[linux-lvm] vgcreate on md: vgcreate -- ERROR "pv_read(): read" reading physical volumes,
[linux-lvm] pvcreate -- ERROR "Success",
Tru64 User
[linux-lvm] 2.5.51-dm-1, Joe Thornber
[linux-lvm] LVM is wont restore. DESPERATE. PLEASE HELP!,
[linux-lvm] Linux LVM: Device type for pseudo device, Bharavi Oak
[linux-lvm] What's latest for kernel 2.4.18?, Tow Wang
Re: [linux-lvm] Error with 2.5.50-dm-2; vanilla OK,
Joe Thornber
[linux-lvm] Re: xfs_growfs, lvm, and sparcs....,
Tod Detre
[linux-lvm] LV recovery,
Lawrence Strydom
Re: [linux-lvm] / on LVM2, Heinz J . Mauelshagen
[linux-lvm] I'm confused,
David Corbin
<Possible follow-ups>
Re: [linux-lvm] I'm confused, William Blunn
[linux-lvm] snapshot file zombies,
Jürgen Vollmer
[linux-lvm] pvdisplay/lvdisplay discrepancy,
Aran Cox
Re: [linux-lvm] vgchange -ay at boot?,
Alexander Lazarevich
[linux-lvm] Re: any document on DM & LVM2?, bmoon
[linux-lvm] 2.4.20-dm-2, Joe Thornber
[linux-lvm] mounting ext3 snapshot occasionaly fails,
Tomaz Beltram
Re: [linux-lvm] Error creating snapshot, "Cannot allocate memory",
Heinz J . Mauelshagen
[linux-lvm] bad vgexport/import,
Tod Detre
RE: [linux-lvm] Is LVM supported in the REDHAT 2.1 cluster?,
Shaw, Marco
[linux-lvm] lvcreate distributed extent option,
ZECHA,HOLGER (HP-Germany,ex1)
- Re: [linux-lvm] lvcreate distributed extent option, James Hawtin
- <Possible follow-ups>
- RE: [linux-lvm] lvcreate distributed extent option, ZECHA,HOLGER (HP-Germany,ex1)
- RE: [linux-lvm] lvcreate distributed extent option, ZECHA,HOLGER (HP-Germany,ex1)
- RE: [linux-lvm] lvcreate distributed extent option, ZECHA,HOLGER (HP-Germany,ex1)
[linux-lvm] 2.4.20-dm-1, Joe Thornber
[linux-lvm] 2.5.50-dm-2, Joe Thornber
Re: [linux-lvm] LVM & S/390 Question, Steven Lembark
Re: [linux-lvm] LVM2: Bad LV-UUID?, Alasdair G Kergon
[linux-lvm] Recovering from a disaster...,
Shaw, Marco
<Possible follow-ups>
RE: [linux-lvm] Recovering from a disaster..., Shaw, Marco
Re: [linux-lvm] Hardware/Software comparaison of RAID with LVM on Linux, Jon Bendtsen
[linux-lvm] dm patches for 2.5.50, Joe Thornber
Re: [linux-lvm] 2 LVM questions - LVM and 2.4.19, and extent based striping.,
Alasdair G Kergon
Re: [linux-lvm] undocumented strange LVM behaviour,
Daniel Zeiss
[linux-lvm] LVM for a Database,
Joseph Kezar
[linux-lvm] LVM & GFS?, Lars O. Grobe
[linux-lvm] vgchange with lvm_snapshot_fill_COW_page failed,
Van Boxtel Software BV
[linux-lvm] Painless upgrade to lvm2?,
Bradley Alexander
[linux-lvm] hier!!!, schultess.uwe
Re: [linux-lvm] RAID+LVM,
Jose Luis Domingo Lopez
[linux-lvm] Accessing LVM partitions from a rescue system,
Message not available
<Possible follow-ups>
Re: [linux-lvm] Accessing LVM partitions from a rescue system, Pantaleimon
[linux-lvm] 2.5.49 device mapper compile failure,
Dax Kelson
[linux-lvm] problem with vgcreate,
Robert L. Harris
[linux-lvm] How bad is 1.x ?,
Nick Jennings
[linux-lvm] New stable dm patches for 2.4.19, Joe Thornber
[linux-lvm] Is is possible to have "boot" and "/" in LVM on top of SW RAID5?,
Dieter Nützel
[linux-lvm] LVM: logical -> physical mapping info (per file),
Nick Jennings
[linux-lvm] LMV install on RH 7.1,
Re: [linux-lvm] LVM and mounting, Alasdair G Kergon
[linux-lvm] Recovery of LVM after kernelupdate (2.4.10 -> 2.4.19),
Thomas Mellenthin
[linux-lvm] Re: LVM and mounting, Kenny Gorman
[linux-lvm] LE/PE Question,
[linux-lvm] Differences between LVM1 and LVM2,
Tomas Roos
RE: [linux-lvm] Whole Disk Usage with LVM ...,
Murthy Kambhampaty
[linux-lvm] Advice needed: vgscan -- ERROR "vg_read_with_pv_and_lv(): current PV" can't get data of volume group "vg0" from physical volume(s), James Longworth
[linux-lvm] LV make on the /dev/md0 disk ???,
[linux-lvm] LV Larger than DIsk?,
Austin Gonyou
[linux-lvm] mirrored logical volumes,
Thomas Grill
Re: [linux-lvm] Whole Disk Usage with LVM in what multiples?, Goetz Bock
[linux-lvm] PostgreSQL and file system level backup,
Murthy Kambhampaty
[linux-lvm] file system larger than lv,
Jonathan S. Polacheck
[linux-lvm] LV's above 2TB, PV's above 1TB, LBD?,
Tad Kollar
[linux-lvm] Re: need to restore corrupted VG, help needed!, Liivo Liivrand
[linux-lvm] LVM ext3 and lvreduce,
Joseph Kezar
[linux-lvm] can't make new filesystems?,
Alexander Lazarevich
[linux-lvm] Max. devices supported in LVM.,
Govindan, Thiru
Re: [linux-lvm] need to restore corrupted VG, help needed!, Heinz J . Mauelshagen
[linux-lvm] New 2.5-stable patches for dm, Joe Thornber
[linux-lvm] mkfs.ext3 on a LV stoped working, Alexander Lazarevich
[linux-lvm] [patch] make device mapper compile on 2.5.4x,
Bernd Eckenfels
[linux-lvm] Max LV size,
Alexander Lazarevich
[linux-lvm] list replys...., lvmlist
[linux-lvm] vg fun!,
Daryl Herzmann
[linux-lvm] CAROLINE FIELDS will return Thursday, Nov 14, CAROLINE_FIELDS
[linux-lvm] Adding to vg broke it :-(,
[linux-lvm] lvm -- lvm_blk_ioctl: unknown command 0x24b, liqui-D-read
[linux-lvm] 2.4 backport of the 2.5 changes to dm,
Joe Thornber
[linux-lvm] cant mount LV via partition/filesystem labels,
Ben Snyder
[linux-lvm] super.c failing in kernel compile,
Bradley M Alexander
[linux-lvm] PVscan Question.,
Ivan Uzunov
[linux-lvm] lvm oddities seen,
[linux-lvm] dma_intr: during mkfs -c,
Sven Heinicke
[linux-lvm] Changing Controller and also device names,
Per Kristiansen
Re: [linux-lvm] LV Fragmentation determination,
Jon Bendtsen
[linux-lvm] enterprise kernel, Ben Snyder
[linux-lvm] System hang during boot,
Bill OConnor
[linux-lvm] Can't rebuild LVM,
Bradley M Alexander
[linux-lvm] Re: linux-lvm -- confirmation of subscription -- request 552647,
[linux-lvm] vgchange -- ERROR "parameter error",
Gayatri Prabhu
[linux-lvm] cache buffer size,
Miwako Nakai
[linux-lvm] e2fsadm and snapshots?,
Jim King
<Possible follow-ups>
Re: [linux-lvm] e2fsadm and snapshots?, Andreas Dilger
[linux-lvm] hard disk crash,
Re: [linux-lvm] VFS-lock patch,
Patrick Caulfield
[linux-lvm] lvcreate --readahead option, Newsmail
[linux-lvm] patches to get dm working in 2.5.45,
Joe Thornber
[linux-lvm] lvextend for striped volume extension,
[linux-lvm] Support for RedHat AS2.1?,
John DeFranco
[linux-lvm] *** ANNOUNCEMENT *** LVM 1.0.6 available at,
Heinz J . Mauelshagen
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