[linux-lvm] Accessing LVM partitions from a rescue system

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I am trying to mount my LVM partitions manually after booting into a
rescue system from floppies. I am not able to do this. During a normal
boot from my harddisk LVM works just fine. Notice the output from
pvscan and lvmdiskscan below. I ran those commands first from the
rescue system and then from a normally booted system. In the rescue
system /dev/hda16 is not there. I don't know if that is related to my
problem, though.

Here are the details of what I am doing:


boot partition      /dev/hda2 type Linux with Ext2
root partition      /dev/hda3 type Linux with Reiserfs
other partitions    /dev/hda[6-16] type LVM
		    /hdb[6-15] type LVM

One volume group exists called "system" comprising all the above LVM partitions
LVM version is 1.0.1-rc2(30/08/2001)

Rescue boot procedure:

1. Booting rescue system (SuSE 7.3 rescue disk).

2. Loading LVM and Reiser modules from floppy. These are nor included on
   the rescue disk.

3. Mounting HD root-partition /dev/hda3 on /mnt to get access to the
   LVM programs in what has now become /mnt/sbin.

4. Linking /mnt/lib/* from /lib since the LVM programs need more
   libraries than those included in rescue the system.

5. Freeing space on /. I have noticed that my normal root-partition
   /dev/hda3 holds a file called /etc/lvmtab.d/system ("system" is the
   name of my volume group) which is 256K so I expect the
   rescue-system RAM-disk will need at least that amount of free space.

6. Running vgscan and vgchange -ay. Vgscan reports the creation of
   /etc/lvmtab" and "/etc/lvmtab.d but doesn't report finding any
   volume groups. Vgchange reports that there are no volume groups to
   activate. Here is the output:

       vgscan -- removing "/etc/lvmtab" and "/etc/lvmtab.d"
       vgscan -- creating empty "/etc/lvmtab" and "/etc/lvmtab.d"
       vgscan -- reading all physical volumes (this may take a while...)
       vgscan -- "/etc/lvmtab" and "/etc/lvmtab.d" successfully created
       vgscan -- WARNING: This program does not do a VGDA backup of your volume group

       vgchange -- locking logical volume manager
       vgchange -- finding all volume group(s)
       vgchange -- no volume groups found

Here is the output of some commands run in the rescue system:

df -h

Filesystem            Size  Used  Avail  Capacity Mounted on
/dev/ram2             3.5M  2.8M   702K     80%   /
/dev/hda3             200M  102M    99M     51%   /mnt


/dev/ram2 on / type ext2 (rw)
proc on /proc type proc (rw)
/dev/hda3 on /mnt type reiserfs (rw)


pvscan -- reading all physical volumes (this may take a while...)
pvscan -- inactive PV "/dev/hda6"   is associated to an unknown VG (run vgscan)
pvscan -- inactive PV "/dev/hda7"   is associated to an unknown VG (run vgscan)
pvscan -- inactive PV "/dev/hda8"   is associated to an unknown VG (run vgscan)
pvscan -- inactive PV "/dev/hda9"   is associated to an unknown VG (run vgscan)
pvscan -- inactive PV "/dev/hda10"  is associated to an unknown VG (run vgscan)
pvscan -- inactive PV "/dev/hda11"  is associated to an unknown VG (run vgscan)
pvscan -- inactive PV "/dev/hda12"  is associated to an unknown VG (run vgscan)
pvscan -- inactive PV "/dev/hda13"  is associated to an unknown VG (run vgscan)
pvscan -- inactive PV "/dev/hda14"  is associated to an unknown VG (run vgscan)
pvscan -- inactive PV "/dev/hda15"  is associated to an unknown VG (run vgscan)
pvscan -- inactive PV "/dev/hdb6"   is associated to an unknown VG (run vgscan)
pvscan -- inactive PV "/dev/hdb7"   is associated to an unknown VG (run vgscan)
pvscan -- inactive PV "/dev/hdb8"   is associated to an unknown VG (run vgscan)
pvscan -- inactive PV "/dev/hdb9"   is associated to an unknown VG (run vgscan)
pvscan -- inactive PV "/dev/hdb10"  is associated to an unknown VG (run vgscan)
pvscan -- inactive PV "/dev/hdb11"  is associated to an unknown VG (run vgscan)
pvscan -- inactive PV "/dev/hdb12"  is associated to an unknown VG (run vgscan)
pvscan -- inactive PV "/dev/hdb13"  is associated to an unknown VG (run vgscan)
pvscan -- inactive PV "/dev/hdb14"  is associated to an unknown VG (run vgscan)
pvscan -- inactive PV "/dev/hdb15"  is associated to an unknown VG (run vgscan)
pvscan -- total: 20 [201.08 GB] / in use: 20 [201.08 GB] / in no VG: 0 [0]


lvmdiskscan -- reading all disks / partitions (this may take a while...)
lvmdiskscan -- /dev/hda1  [     494.16 MB] Primary  DOS 16bit [0x06]
lvmdiskscan -- /dev/hda2  [      23.53 MB] Primary  LINUX native partition [0x83]
lvmdiskscan -- /dev/hda3  [     203.95 MB] Primary  LINUX native partition [0x83]
lvmdiskscan -- /dev/hda4  [     111.08 GB] DOS extended partition [0x05]
lvmdiskscan -- /dev/hda5  [    1004.03 MB] Extended LINUX swap partition [0x82]
lvmdiskscan -- /dev/hda6  [      10.00 GB] Extended LVM partition [0x8E]
lvmdiskscan -- /dev/hda7  [      10.00 GB] Extended LVM partition [0x8E]
lvmdiskscan -- /dev/hda8  [      10.00 GB] Extended LVM partition [0x8E]
lvmdiskscan -- /dev/hda9  [      10.00 GB] Extended LVM partition [0x8E]
lvmdiskscan -- /dev/hda10 [      10.00 GB] Extended LVM partition [0x8E]
lvmdiskscan -- /dev/hda11 [      10.00 GB] Extended LVM partition [0x8E]
lvmdiskscan -- /dev/hda12 [      10.00 GB] Extended LVM partition [0x8E]
lvmdiskscan -- /dev/hda13 [      10.00 GB] Extended LVM partition [0x8E]
lvmdiskscan -- /dev/hda14 [      10.00 GB] Extended LVM partition [0x8E]
lvmdiskscan -- /dev/hda15 [      10.00 GB] Extended LVM partition [0x8E]
lvmdiskscan -- /dev/hdb1  [       9.77 GB] Primary   [0x0C]
lvmdiskscan -- /dev/hdb2  [     102.02 GB] DOS extended partition [0x05]
lvmdiskscan -- /dev/hdb5  [    1004.03 MB] Extended LINUX native partition [0x83]
lvmdiskscan -- /dev/hdb6  [      10.10 GB] Extended LVM partition [0x8E]
lvmdiskscan -- /dev/hdb7  [      10.10 GB] Extended LVM partition [0x8E]
lvmdiskscan -- /dev/hdb8  [      10.10 GB] Extended LVM partition [0x8E]
lvmdiskscan -- /dev/hdb9  [      10.10 GB] Extended LVM partition [0x8E]
lvmdiskscan -- /dev/hdb10 [      10.10 GB] Extended LVM partition [0x8E]
lvmdiskscan -- /dev/hdb11 [      10.10 GB] Extended LVM partition [0x8E]
lvmdiskscan -- /dev/hdb12 [      10.10 GB] Extended LVM partition [0x8E]
lvmdiskscan -- /dev/hdb13 [      10.10 GB] Extended LVM partition [0x8E]
lvmdiskscan -- /dev/hdb14 [      10.10 GB] Extended LVM partition [0x8E]
lvmdiskscan -- /dev/hdb15 [      10.10 GB] Extended LVM partition [0x8E]
lvmdiskscan -- 2 disks
lvmdiskscan -- 0 whole disks
lvmdiskscan -- 0 loop devices
lvmdiskscan -- 0 multiple devices
lvmdiskscan -- 0 network block devices
lvmdiskscan -- 28 partitions
lvmdiskscan -- 20 LVM physical volume partitions

Here is the output of some commands run after a normal boot:


pvscan -- reading all physical volumes (this may take a while...)
pvscan -- ACTIVE   PV "/dev/hda6"  of VG "system" [9.97 GB / 0 free]
pvscan -- ACTIVE   PV "/dev/hda7"  of VG "system" [9.97 GB / 3.12 GB free]
pvscan -- ACTIVE   PV "/dev/hda8"  of VG "system" [9.97 GB / 0 free]
pvscan -- ACTIVE   PV "/dev/hda9"  of VG "system" [9.97 GB / 0 free]
pvscan -- ACTIVE   PV "/dev/hda10" of VG "system" [9.97 GB / 0 free]
pvscan -- ACTIVE   PV "/dev/hda11" of VG "system" [9.97 GB / 0 free]
pvscan -- ACTIVE   PV "/dev/hda12" of VG "system" [9.97 GB / 0 free]
pvscan -- ACTIVE   PV "/dev/hda13" of VG "system" [9.97 GB / 0 free]
pvscan -- ACTIVE   PV "/dev/hda14" of VG "system" [9.97 GB / 0 free]
pvscan -- ACTIVE   PV "/dev/hda15" of VG "system" [9.97 GB / 0 free]
pvscan -- ACTIVE   PV "/dev/hda16" of VG "system" [10.00 GB / 0 free]
pvscan -- ACTIVE   PV "/dev/hdb6"  of VG "system" [10.06 GB / 0 free]
pvscan -- ACTIVE   PV "/dev/hdb7"  of VG "system" [10.06 GB / 0 free]
pvscan -- ACTIVE   PV "/dev/hdb8"  of VG "system" [10.06 GB / 0 free]
pvscan -- ACTIVE   PV "/dev/hdb9"  of VG "system" [10.06 GB / 6.56 GB free]
pvscan -- ACTIVE   PV "/dev/hdb10" of VG "system" [10.06 GB / 10.06 GB free]
pvscan -- ACTIVE   PV "/dev/hdb11" of VG "system" [10.06 GB / 10.06 GB free]
pvscan -- ACTIVE   PV "/dev/hdb12" of VG "system" [10.06 GB / 10.06 GB free]
pvscan -- ACTIVE   PV "/dev/hdb13" of VG "system" [10.06 GB / 10.06 GB free]
pvscan -- ACTIVE   PV "/dev/hdb14" of VG "system" [10.06 GB / 10.06 GB free]
pvscan -- ACTIVE   PV "/dev/hdb15" of VG "system" [10.06 GB / 10.06 GB free]
pvscan -- total: 21 [211.14 GB] / in use: 21 [211.14 GB] / in no VG: 0 [0]


lvmdiskscan -- reading all disks / partitions (this may take a while...)
lvmdiskscan -- /dev/hda1  [     494.16 MB] Primary  DOS 16bit [0x06]
lvmdiskscan -- /dev/hda2  [      23.53 MB] Primary  LINUX native partition [0x83]
lvmdiskscan -- /dev/hda3  [     203.95 MB] Primary  LINUX native partition [0x83]
lvmdiskscan -- /dev/hda4  [     111.08 GB] DOS extended partition [0x05]
lvmdiskscan -- /dev/hda5  [    1004.03 MB] Extended LINUX swap partition [0x82]
lvmdiskscan -- /dev/hda6  [      10.00 GB] Extended LVM partition [0x8E]
lvmdiskscan -- /dev/hda7  [      10.00 GB] Extended LVM partition [0x8E]
lvmdiskscan -- /dev/hda8  [      10.00 GB] Extended LVM partition [0x8E]
lvmdiskscan -- /dev/hda9  [      10.00 GB] Extended LVM partition [0x8E]
lvmdiskscan -- /dev/hda10 [      10.00 GB] Extended LVM partition [0x8E]
lvmdiskscan -- /dev/hda11 [      10.00 GB] Extended LVM partition [0x8E]
lvmdiskscan -- /dev/hda12 [      10.00 GB] Extended LVM partition [0x8E]
lvmdiskscan -- /dev/hda13 [      10.00 GB] Extended LVM partition [0x8E]
lvmdiskscan -- /dev/hda14 [      10.00 GB] Extended LVM partition [0x8E]
lvmdiskscan -- /dev/hda15 [      10.00 GB] Extended LVM partition [0x8E]
lvmdiskscan -- /dev/hda16 [      10.06 GB] USED LVM whole disk
lvmdiskscan -- /dev/hdb1  [       9.77 GB] Primary   [0x0C]
lvmdiskscan -- /dev/hdb2  [     102.02 GB] DOS extended partition [0x05]
lvmdiskscan -- /dev/hdb5  [    1004.03 MB] Extended LINUX native partition [0x83]
lvmdiskscan -- /dev/hdb6  [      10.10 GB] Extended LVM partition [0x8E]
lvmdiskscan -- /dev/hdb7  [      10.10 GB] Extended LVM partition [0x8E]
lvmdiskscan -- /dev/hdb8  [      10.10 GB] Extended LVM partition [0x8E]
lvmdiskscan -- /dev/hdb9  [      10.10 GB] Extended LVM partition [0x8E]
lvmdiskscan -- /dev/hdb10 [      10.10 GB] Extended LVM partition [0x8E]
lvmdiskscan -- /dev/hdb11 [      10.10 GB] Extended LVM partition [0x8E]
lvmdiskscan -- /dev/hdb12 [      10.10 GB] Extended LVM partition [0x8E]
lvmdiskscan -- /dev/hdb13 [      10.10 GB] Extended LVM partition [0x8E]
lvmdiskscan -- /dev/hdb14 [      10.10 GB] Extended LVM partition [0x8E]
lvmdiskscan -- /dev/hdb15 [      10.10 GB] Extended LVM partition [0x8E]
lvmdiskscan -- 3 disks
lvmdiskscan -- 1 whole disk
lvmdiskscan -- 0 loop devices
lvmdiskscan -- 0 multiple devices
lvmdiskscan -- 0 network block devices
lvmdiskscan -- 28 partitions
lvmdiskscan -- 20 LVM physical volume partitions

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read the LVM HOW-TO at http://tldp.org/HOWTO/LVM-HOWTO/

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