Linux LVM
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- Re: LVM2 strangeness., (continued)
- help needed,
narsimha . kulkarni
- RE: Problems with volume group, narsimha . kulkarni
- Problems with snapshots on sparc64,
Daniel Bayer
- device-mapper module compile,
matt . twigg
- Building LVM 2 -- More information,
Anastasios A. Papadopoulos (Tas)
- RAID Failure Problems,
Matt Schillinger
- Where can I get liblvm?,
Les Hazelton
- VG and PV, narsimha . kulkarni
- volume group and physical volume,
narsimha . kulkarni
- Sorry to bother you...,
Kim Krüger-Monsen
- Disc crash when using LVM...,
Kim Krüger-Monsen
- where do i find the device mapper/LVM2 documentation?,
Jon Bendtsen
- PV and disk recovery,
Björn Medin
- SuSE 8.1 and LVM, Gerald Catling
- LVM on Mylex DAC 960 (Raid1),
- vgscan -f created duplicate block devices,
Ellis Whitehead
- Antwort: Re: MultiPath,
Dietmar Stein
- MultiPath,
Ryan Frank
- Question on VG activation,
Anastasios A. Papadopoulos (Tas)
- Defect in vgchange,
Sachin (Patni)
- modprobe block-major-43 error at boot time,
Daniel Savard
- Doubled PV,
Markus Schiltknecht
- What are they talking about?,
Greg Freemyer
- Query For MULTIPATH & LVM,
Sameer Halgatti
- Snapshot of ReiserFS, Dietmar Stein
- Reconstructing missing volume groups (LVM2), Peder O. Klingenberg
- Newbie to snapshot,
- lvm on a firewire harddisk,
Herman Kuster
- Ensuring a LV does not move to a new PV?,
Greg Freemyer
- re: [RESOLVED] How do I delete a pv, Greg Freemyer
- How do I delete a pv, Greg Freemyer
- Question when installing LVM,
Murray, Bobby
- kernel BUG at dm-snapshot.c:986!,
Max Kalika
- Problem while creating a Logical Volume on a Multipath Lun, Sameer Halgatti
- snapshot with bigmem broken,
Lauro, John
- Drive failure,
B. J. Zolp
- Vol management problems over loopback mounted files,
Neil, Mark
- LVM resizing,
Gerald Catling
- Snapshot attempt causes kernel BUG,
Lauro, John
- LVM on Raid 5 Performance?,
Herbert Poetzl
- re: iSCSI and LVM,
Greg Freemyer
- dm and 2.4.21-rc2-xfs,
Klaus Strebel
- lvextend,
Joerg . Redlich
- Monitor for LVM?,
"Vanaclocha Llorenç, Llorenç"
- RE: doubt regarding SMP compliance and mirroring, Sharad Tiwari
- LVM kernel panic, Bhoomi
- help using LVM & md for RAID10,
- Adding dasd, Dave Shaffer
- ERROR: kernel and lvmtab are not consistent, Yaniv Valik
- LVM & LFS support,
Selimaj, Naxhije
- vgscan can't find my vg.,
Hans Törnquist
- Help with restoring missing VG,
B. J. Zolp
- mount root filesystem on lvm,
Manfred Gschweidl
- stock kernel 2.4.20 + LVM 1.0.7 + ext3fs => snapshot problem?,
C R Ritson
- [Q] patch to overcome 2TB block device limit?,
A. S.
- device mapper startup, kihan
- hard drive crash info please,
Randy Perkins
- crash during metadata operations,
Kai-Min Sung
- Device Mapper Patches,
- device-mapper / LVM2,
- RE: can i extend a volumen bigger 256 gigas ?thx, Little, Chris
- Re: Are you over 30? Learn about age reversal with H-G-H, caridad
- Data recovery from physical volumes?,
- Converting existing partitions/disks to LVM?,
- [support@xxxxxxxxxxx: Re: [support] LVM support request], Toad
- (no subject),
Michael Vogt
- Re: (no subject), Ewen McNeill
- <Possible follow-ups>
- (no subject), Howard Clifford
- (no subject), Victor Tan
- (no subject), Jens A. Tkotz
- (no subject), Martins Pukitis
- (no subject), christophe . varoqui
- (no subject), markw
- (no subject), Tomas
- (no subject), Jerry Hardwick
- (no subject), Alex Owen
- (no subject), gary chen
- (no subject), Jean-Luc Coulon (f5ibh)
- (no subject), fredrik . backman
- (no subject), fredrik . backman
- (no subject), fredrik . backman
- (no subject), antonio_cecere
- (no subject), Dony Pierre
- (no subject), Nicholas Robinson
- recovering from VGDA loss, Daniel Barklon
- Trouble with pvmove,
Andreé Åström
- lvm2 cvs build error,
Wil Reichert
- Real H-G-H can NOT go through the digestion system: Learn why, adas1979
- access special devices,
Michael Vogt
- Extending stripped volumes,
Emmanuel Varagnat
- Problems while trying to crash Oracle database,
- Re: LVM writes on raw disk of ATA RAID Mirror,
Ewen McNeill
- vgscan segmentation faults, VG name problems,
Duane Evenson
- trying to restore data after Harddisk breakdown,
Kai Iskratsch
- PV removal and lvm2, Wil Reichert
- Lilo and LVM, Stefan Feeser
- BadBlocks. Need assistance.,
- pvscan and vgscan,
Rich Turner
- restoring volume group from file,
James W Anderson
- pvmove errors,
Carey Jung
- performance tests,
Roberto Ammendola
- Is 1.0.6 causing regular data corruption,
- cvs anonymous update problem && ftp anonymous acces failed,
Joel Soete
- pvcreate problem on new IDE disk,
Tracy R Reed
- [Bug#189650: Trace of crash from Syslog], Patrick Caulfield
- [Bug#189650: lvcreate segfaults (possibly after renames)],
Patrick Caulfield
- Question about VFS Locking patch, why is a change needed?,
Steven Dake
- Unable to mount snapshot LV when fs=ext3 on Linux kernel 2.4.20,
Michel Seyller
- Trouble switching from LVM2 to LVM1,
Måns Rullgård
- RE: RE: extending LVM for school project, Sharad Tiwari
- LVM problem with removing disk from vg, Sylvain BERTRAND
- Help - how do I recover a lost Volume Group,
Chandler, Alan
- duplicate volume group names,
Michal Adamczak
- RE: How big are PEs by default?,
- RE: [linux-lvm] partition representation, Sharad Tiwari
- [linux-lvm] Kernel won't release my logical volume, Pasi Valminen
- [linux-lvm] RE: extending LVM for school project,
Kai-Min Sung
- [linux-lvm] Thank you...,
- [linux-lvm] Raid 5 Performance, Jean Aumont
- [linux-lvm] snapshot performance question,
Greg Freemyer
- [linux-lvm] When will pvmove in LVM2 be functional?, Anders Widman
- [linux-lvm] debian and LVM: Problem with lilo,
Stefan Feeser
- [linux-lvm] Any tools to read vgcfgbackup config ?,
GONAY Benjamin (ANS/AXS)
- [linux-lvm] Are there problems with same VG on same hard disk?,
Kai Weber
- [linux-lvm] Swap on LVM - swapoff problem - more info,
George Karaolides
- [linux-lvm] Re: Swap on LVM - swapoff problem - SOLVED,
George Karaolides
- [linux-lvm] extending LVM for school project,
Kai-Min Sung
- [linux-lvm] lvm/devfs bug?,
Rich Turner
- [linux-lvm] LVM 1.0.7/vmalloc.c BUG with snapshots,
Andrew Rechenberg
- [linux-lvm] Raw device setup problems on Suse v8.0 Linux!, Amitst
- [linux-lvm] Swap on LVM - swapoff problem,
George Karaolides
- [linux-lvm] Unable to create a physical volume on a whole disk,
Jan H. van Gils
- [linux-lvm] Strange hard drive behaviour,
- [linux-lvm] merging 2 logical volumes in same volume group, Bipin Butala
- [linux-lvm] lvextend -m,
Dave Grusin
- [linux-lvm] Starting and Configuration of LVM after Kernel Mod.,
Jon Robertson
- [linux-lvm] lvm-1.0.7-2.4.20-xfs.patch and lvm version, Rocky Lee
- [linux-lvm] Problems,
- [linux-lvm] lvchange not being able to change read/write permission !!!,
Sharad Tiwari
- [linux-lvm] FW: interfaces provided by LVM2, Sharad Tiwari
- [linux-lvm] Help for Vg max size,
- [linux-lvm] Logical Volume Limit Size,
Tony Scheffer
- [linux-lvm] lilo wrote to an lvm disk,
Justin Bauer
- [linux-lvm] LVM1 Snapshot,
Aman Shahi
- [linux-lvm] Recovering data on 2 out of 3 drives?, Vladimir G. Ivanovic
- [linux-lvm] Weird lvm behavior?, Shahar Klein
- [linux-lvm] All LV have the same content after repair attempt,
Daniel Heemann
- [linux-lvm] root on LVM and one of the drives fails, Isaac Finnegan
- [linux-lvm] ERROR "pv_read(): LVM structure version", Brint E. Kriebel
- [linux-lvm] lvm recovery help needed, Paul
- [linux-lvm] vg_read_with_pv_and_lv problem, arjen
- [linux-lvm] snapshots on shared fibre,
Matt Schillinger
- [linux-lvm] A little Cluster/Newbie help pls!,
- [linux-lvm] Re: Patchset 2.4.20-dm-10, Alasdair G Kergon
- [linux-lvm] 256Gb limit problem,
- [linux-lvm] make kernel with XFS patch fail..,
Rocky Lee
- [linux-lvm] error message - "lvm -- lvm_blk_ioctl: unknown cmd 0x540f",
michael tauras
- [linux-lvm] Upgrade path, Bradley M Alexander
- [linux-lvm] Interesting LVM Error...,
- [linux-lvm] ext2resize "compat 20 feature" error,
Dave Lister
- RE: [linux-lvm] LVM snap size weirdness...,
Barry, Christopher
- [linux-lvm] snapshot size,
Barry, Christopher
- [linux-lvm] Iometer, Rigoberto Pedraza
- [linux-lvm] [Bug#184653: lvm10: initrd-lvm image can't activate all vomume groups: ERROR 6],
Patrick Caulfield
- [linux-lvm] HELP! pvcreate on wrong disk, Emiliano Lesende
- Re: [linux-lvm] 2 Questions about Linux LVM, Heinz J . Mauelshagen
- [linux-lvm] Snapshot creating problem,
Barry, Christopher
- RE: [linux-lvm] Debian and LVM at the begin of the installation prozess,
Jan H. van Gils
- [linux-lvm] Recovering from a disk failure,
Thien Vu
- re[4]: [linux-lvm] Core questions from a LVM neophyte... [OT],
Greg Freemyer
- [linux-lvm] expanding on LVM2,
Sharad Tiwari
- [linux-lvm] Log file,
Rocky Lee
- Re: [linux-lvm] Patching a kernel that already has VFS-lock,
Patrick Caulfield
- [linux-lvm] Help: LVM on top of SW RAID0+1,
Ian E. Morgan
[linux-lvm] [OT] Encrypted FS performance hit?,
Greg Freemyer
[linux-lvm] Problems and questions with LVM on a large raid system.,
<Possible follow-ups>
RE: [linux-lvm] Problems and questions with LVM on a large raid system., Barry, Christopher
[linux-lvm] Lost a full volume group!,
Rodrigo de Salazar
Re: [linux-lvm] restoration of LVM setup?,
Heinz J . Mauelshagen
[linux-lvm] Patch for LVM online resize for 2.4.20 kernel,
Sander de Boer
[linux-lvm] Problems with snapshots,
Rechenberg, Andrew
[linux-lvm] Long-term snapshots possible?,
Jason Smith
[linux-lvm] How big are PEs by default?,
Paul Furness
Re: [linux-lvm] Mounting one physical disk over network (nfs?),
[linux-lvm] Core questions from a LVM neophyte...,
Barry, Christopher
- Re: [linux-lvm] Core questions from a LVM neophyte..., Joe Thornber
- RE: [linux-lvm] Core questions from a LVM neophyte..., Stephen Perkins
- <Possible follow-ups>
- RE: [linux-lvm] Core questions from a LVM neophyte..., Barry, Christopher
- RE: [linux-lvm] Core questions from a LVM neophyte..., Barry, Christopher
- RE: [linux-lvm] Core questions from a LVM neophyte..., Barry, Christopher
- re[2]: [linux-lvm] Core questions from a LVM neophyte..., Greg Freemyer
- RE: [linux-lvm] Core questions from a LVM neophyte..., Barry, Christopher
- RE: [linux-lvm] Core questions from a LVM neophyte..., Barry, Christopher
- re[4]: [linux-lvm] Core questions from a LVM neophyte..., Greg Freemyer
- re[2]: [linux-lvm] Core questions from a LVM neophyte..., Greg Freemyer
- RE: re[2]: [linux-lvm] Core questions from a LVM neophyte..., Barry, Christopher
[linux-lvm] Migrating LVM1->LVM2 and kernel 2.4->2.5,
Alexy Khrabrov
RE: [linux-lvm] lvm and md,
Koch, Steffen
[linux-lvm] *** ANNOUNCEMENT *** LVM 1.0.7 available at,
Heinz J . Mauelshagen
[linux-lvm] LVM and transferring filesystem,
Miguel González Castaños
[linux-lvm] Max storage size per system,
Stephan Austermuehle
[linux-lvm] Snapshot resizing pe_allocated correction,
Dale J. Stephenson
[linux-lvm] Snapshot resizing memory leak, Dale J. Stephenson
[linux-lvm] FROM JOHN COLEMAN, john cole
[linux-lvm] Mounting partial LV with reiserfs?, Peter Lohmann
[linux-lvm] Accessing VG in multiboot environment,
Thomas Gebhardt
[linux-lvm] lvm2: VG data differs between PVs /dev/hda3 and /dev/hdg3,
Dr. David Alan Gilbert
re: [linux-lvm] High level architecture (Long), Greg Freemyer
[linux-lvm] LVM and linux kernel 2.4.19,
Sharad Tiwari
Re: [linux-lvm] lvm mirroring, Heinz J . Mauelshagen
Re: [linux-lvm] pv_move failed,
Heinz J . Mauelshagen
[linux-lvm] RAID5 + LVM stillborn,
Jason Smith
[linux-lvm] Problems with LVM 1.0.6,
[linux-lvm] Recovering from a hard crash,
Rechenberg, Andrew
[linux-lvm] "umount" LVM stuff,
David Corbin
[linux-lvm] AS 2.1 Latest Kernel and LVM, Loren Flath
[linux-lvm] RE: Sharing LVM's via NFS on Redhat 8.0 (nice clarification), DJ TweeQ
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