Not very much longer one of the harddisks hde had a complete breakdown, it couldn't be found by the bios anymore. Since I still had waranty on it I sent it in and got some time later a replacement disk.
In the meantime I was able to extract the data from the 2 LVs which didnt span on the defect disk by using LVM2 and using
""vgscan ; vgchange -a y -P"".
Im Using now kernel 2.4.20 and device-mapper + lvm checked out from cvs yesterday night.
(Compilation was not that easy, i had to make some changes for device-mapper
< char *outbuf = (char *) dmi + dmi->data_offset;
> char *outbuf = (char *) dmi + dmi->data_start;
< dmt->dmi.v3->data_offset);
> dmt->dmi.v3->data_start);
< dmi->data_offset = sizeof(struct dm_ioctl);
> dmi->data_start = sizeof(struct dm_ioctl);
which i hope is correct since the struct dm_ioctrl had no member data_offst and reading the comments for this struct suggested that data_start should be an offset
and in lvm2 I needed to include the kernel Include files into the INCLUDE part of the MAKEFILE)
Now I have the replacement disk which should be only one large segment in one of the LVs. So I thought that it could maybe possible to get the lvm up again by exracting the actual configuration that is used by "vgscan ; vgchange -a y -P" and making a vgcfgbackup of it with lvm2 and edit the backup since it is humanreadable and restore it to the new harddisk.
so I tried to make a vgcfgbackup which worked with the -P option and got somthing which seemed a bit irritating for me:
-------------------------------------------------------- # Generated by LVM2: Sun Apr 27 09:26:39 2003
contents = "Text Format Volume Group" version = 1
description = "Created *after* executing './vgcfgbackup -P'"
creation_host = "fuckup" # Linux fuckup 2.4.20 #1 SMP Sun Apr 27 00:32:28 CEST 2003 i686
creation_time = 1051428399 # Sun Apr 27 09:26:39 2003
Data { id = "PUHFUx-71YI-m24t-7aZQ-J9ZM-PSrD-F10Y3t" seqno = 0 status = ["RESIZEABLE", "PARTIAL", "READ"] system_id = "matin1023540844" extent_size = 8192 # 4 Megabytes max_lv = 255 max_pv = 255
physical_volumes {
pv0 { id = "3yHeIp-kPYG-dqYk-3Qvz-czTC-m05v-Hs44sq" device = "/dev/hdg1" # Hint only
status = ["ALLOCATABLE"] pe_start = 8696 pe_count = 29310 # 114.492 Gigabytes }
pv1 { id = "834fZw-DSuv-0gGa-2313-Ud40-uqyh-mh3zbW" device = "/dev/hdf1" # Hint only
status = ["ALLOCATABLE"] pe_start = 8696 pe_count = 19078 # 74.5234 Gigabytes } }
logical_volumes {
MP3 { id = "000000-0000-0000-0000-0000-0000-000000" status = ["READ", "WRITE", "VISIBLE"] allocation_policy = "next free" read_ahead = 120 segment_count = 1
segment1 { start_extent = 0 extent_count = 12800 # 50 Gigabytes
type = "striped" stripe_count = 1 # linear
stripes = [ "pv0", 0 ] } }
DATA { id = "000000-0000-0000-0000-0000-0000-000001" status = ["READ", "WRITE", "VISIBLE"] allocation_policy = "next free" read_ahead = 120 segment_count = 1
segment1 { start_extent = 0 extent_count = 5120 # 20 Gigabytes
type = "striped" stripe_count = 1 # linear
stripes = [ "pv0", 15360 ] } }
VIDEO { id = "000000-0000-0000-0000-0000-0000-000002" status = ["READ", "WRITE", "VISIBLE"] allocation_policy = "next free" read_ahead = 120 segment_count = 7328
segment1 { start_extent = 0 extent_count = 8830 # 34.4922 Gigabytes
type = "striped" stripe_count = 1 # linear
stripes = [ "pv0", 20480 ] } segment2 { start_extent = 8830 extent_count = 1 # 4 Megabytes
type = "striped" stripe_count = 1 # linear
stripes = [ "Missing", 0 ] } .... (many more Missing Segments) segment7326 { start_extent = 16154 extent_count = 1 # 4 Megabytes
type = "striped" stripe_count = 1 # linear
stripes = [ "Missing", 0 ] } segment7327 { start_extent = 16155 extent_count = 19078 # 74.5234 Gigabytes
type = "striped" stripe_count = 1 # linear
stripes = [ "pv1", 0 ] } segment7328 { start_extent = 35233 extent_count = 2560 # 10 Gigabytes
type = "striped" stripe_count = 1 # linear
stripes = [ "pv0", 12800 ] } } } } -----------------------------------------------
first this says that the 120GB disk is my PV0 and the 80 GB is my PV1, second it says that my 2 working LVs are entirely on the 120 GB Harddisk, but I created them before on the 80 GB Disk so I thought they would be spanning over both discs.
Is this backup wrong, then how do I get the data that the system uses when I mount the two working LVs readonly?
Or has lvm moved the LVs on one of my resizes so that this data is correct and I only need to add the new PV and replace all the Missing Segments by one on the new PV?
best regards
Kai Iskratsch
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