[linux-lvm] help! system crash ...

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Hi everyone it seems im in a pinch.
my system crashed last night... system disk dead!  So i replaced it, unfortunately i lost all of the /etc/lvm data.
I rebuilt my system.. (RH 8.0) and it seemed to go well.  For some reason when i try to bring my LVM back up  it croaks and dies.
Here is the output... it looks like somehow /dev/hdc got messed up and has no PE's on it anymore.  How can i get it back?  Remember i dont have any of the backups because my system hard drive was wasted!
can i just re-create it? it was just one big disk, with a very simple layout.  How can i do that and keep the integrity of the other PV's?
any help would be VERY appreciated...
<<55555> lvm_check_uuid -- LEAVING with ret: -1
<55555> lvm_check_uuid -- CALLED with uuidstr: ""
<55555> lvm_check_uuid -- LEAVING with ret: -1
<4444> pv_read_uuidlist -- LEAVING with ret: 4
<333> pv_read_all_pv_of_vg -- LEAVING with ret: 0
<22> vg_read -- pv[0]->pv_name: "/dev/hdg"
<22> vg_read -- pv[1]->pv_name: "/dev/hde1"
<22> vg_read -- pv[2]->pv_name: "/dev/hdc"
<22> vg_read -- pv[3]->pv_name: "/dev/hdd"
<333> vg_read_from_pv -- CALLED
<4444> pv_check_name -- CALLED with "/dev/hdg"
<55555> lvm_check_chars -- CALLED with name: "/dev/hdg"
<55555> lvm_check_chars -- LEAVING with ret: 0
<4444> pv_check_name -- LEAVING with ret: 0
<4444> pv_read -- CALLED with /dev/hdg
<55555> pv_check_name -- CALLED with "/dev/hdg"
<666666> lvm_check_chars -- CALLED with name: "/dev/hdg"
<666666> lvm_check_chars -- LEAVING with ret: 0
<55555> pv_check_name -- LEAVING with ret: 0
<4444> pv_read -- going to read /dev/hdg
<55555> lvm_check_dev -- CALLED
<666666> lvm_check_partitioned_dev -- CALLED
<7777777> lvm_get_device_type called
<7777777> lvm_get_device_type leaving with 0
<666666> lvm_check_partitioned_dev -- LEAVING with ret: TRUE
<55555> lvm_check_dev -- LEAVING with ret: 1
<55555> pv_copy_from_disk -- CALLED
<55555> pv_copy_from_disk -- LEAVING ret = 0x804d088
<55555> pv_create_name_from_kdev_t -- CALLED with 34:0
<666666> lvm_check_dev -- CALLED
<7777777> lvm_check_partitioned_dev -- CALLED
<88888888> lvm_get_device_type called
<88888888> lvm_get_device_type leaving with 0
<7777777> lvm_check_partitioned_dev -- LEAVING with ret: TRUE
<666666> lvm_check_dev -- LEAVING with ret: 1
<666666> lvm_dir_cache -- CALLED
<666666> lvm_dir_cache -- LEAVING with ret: 17
<55555> pv_create_name_from_kdev_t -- LEAVING with dev_name: /dev/hdg
<55555> system_id_check_exported -- CALLED
<55555> system_id_check_exported -- LEAVING with ret: 0
<4444> pv_read -- LEAVING with ret: 0
<4444> vg_copy_from_disk -- CALLED
<55555> vg_check_vg_disk_t_consistency -- CALLED
<666666> vg_check_name -- CALLED with VG:
<7777777> lvm_check_chars -- CALLED with name: ""
<7777777> lvm_check_chars -- LEAVING with ret: 0
<666666> vg_check_name -- LEAVING with ret: 0
<55555> vg_check_vg_disk_t_consistency -- LEAVING with ret: 0
<4444> vg_copy_from_disk -- LEAVING
<333> vg_read_from_pv -- LEAVING with ret: 0
<22> vg_read -- LEAVING with ret: 0
<1> vg_read_with_pv_and_lv -- AFTER vg_read;  vg_this->lv_cur: 1
<22> pv_read_all_pv_of_vg -- CALLED with vg_name: "hotline"
<333> vg_check_name -- CALLED with VG: hotline
<4444> lvm_check_chars -- CALLED with name: "hotline"
<4444> lvm_check_chars -- LEAVING with ret: 0
<333> vg_check_name -- LEAVING with ret: 0
<22> pv_read_all_pv_of_vg -- LEAVING with ret: 0
<1> vg_read_with_pv_and_lv -- AFTER pv_read_all_pv_of_vg
<22> pv_read_all_pe_of_vg -- CALLED
<333> vg_check_name -- CALLED with VG: hotline
<4444> lvm_check_chars -- CALLED with name: "hotline"
<4444> lvm_check_chars -- LEAVING with ret: 0
<333> vg_check_name -- LEAVING with ret: 0
<333> pv_read_all_pv_of_vg -- CALLED with vg_name: "hotline"
<4444> vg_check_name -- CALLED with VG: hotline
<55555> lvm_check_chars -- CALLED with name: "hotline"
<55555> lvm_check_chars -- LEAVING with ret: 0
<4444> vg_check_name -- LEAVING with ret: 0
<333> pv_read_all_pv_of_vg -- LEAVING with ret: 0
<22> pv_read_all_pe_of_vg -- pv_count: 4
<333> pv_read_pe -- CALLED with /dev/hdg and 3052
<4444> pe_copy_from_disk -- CALLED
<4444> pe_copy_from_disk -- LEAVING
<333> pv_read_pe -- ret: 0
<333> pv_read_pe -- LEAVING with ret: 0
<22> pv_read_all_pe_of_vg -- /dev/hdg with 3052 PE at address 804F078
<333> pv_read_pe -- CALLED with /dev/hde1 and 2383
<4444> pe_copy_from_disk -- CALLED
<4444> pe_copy_from_disk -- LEAVING
<333> pv_read_pe -- ret: 0
<333> pv_read_pe -- LEAVING with ret: 0
<22> pv_read_all_pe_of_vg -- /dev/hde1 with 2383 PE at address 804F07C
<333> pv_read_pe -- CALLED with /dev/hdc and 0
<4444> pe_copy_from_disk -- CALLED
<4444> pe_copy_from_disk -- LEAVING
<333> pv_read_pe -- ret: 0
<333> pv_read_pe -- LEAVING with ret: 0
<22> pv_read_all_pe_of_vg -- /dev/hdc with 0 PE at address 804F080
<333> pv_read_pe -- CALLED with /dev/hdd and 2441
<4444> pe_copy_from_disk -- CALLED
<4444> pe_copy_from_disk -- LEAVING
<333> pv_read_pe -- ret: 0
<333> pv_read_pe -- LEAVING with ret: 0
<22> pv_read_all_pe_of_vg -- /dev/hdd with 2441 PE at address 804F084
<22> pv_read_all_pe_of_vg -- AFTER LOOP of pv_read_pe
<22> pv_read_all_pe_of_vg -- /dev/hdg with 3052 PE at 805D960 for PV #0
<22> pv_read_all_pe_of_vg -- /dev/hde1 with 2383 PE at 8060918 for PV #1
<22> pv_read_all_pe_of_vg -- /dev/hdc with 0 PE at 0 for PV #2                             <-----------------------------PROBLEM!!!
<22> pv_read_all_pe_of_vg -- /dev/hdd with 2441 PE at 8062E58 for PV #3
<22> pv_read_all_pe_of_vg -- LEAVING with ret: 0
<1> vg_read_with_pv_and_lv -- AFTER pv_read_all_pe_of_vg
<22> lv_read_all_lv -- CALLED
<333> vg_check_name -- CALLED with VG: hotline
<4444> lvm_check_chars -- CALLED with name: "hotline"
<4444> lvm_check_chars -- LEAVING with ret: 0
<333> vg_check_name -- LEAVING with ret: 0
<333> vg_read -- CALLED
<4444> vg_check_name -- CALLED with VG: hotline
<55555> lvm_check_chars -- CALLED with name: "hotline"
<55555> lvm_check_chars -- LEAVING with ret: 0
<4444> vg_check_name -- LEAVING with ret: 0
<4444> pv_read_all_pv_of_vg -- CALLED with vg_name: "hotline"
<55555> vg_check_name -- CALLED with VG: hotline
<666666> lvm_check_chars -- CALLED with name: "hotline"
<666666> lvm_check_chars -- LEAVING with ret: 0
<55555> vg_check_name -- LEAVING with ret: 0
<4444> pv_read_all_pv_of_vg -- LEAVING with ret: 0
<333> vg_read -- pv[0]->pv_name: "/dev/hdg"
<333> vg_read -- pv[1]->pv_name: "/dev/hde1"
<333> vg_read -- pv[2]->pv_name: "/dev/hdc"
<333> vg_read -- pv[3]->pv_name: "/dev/hdd"
<4444> vg_read_from_pv -- CALLED
<55555> pv_check_name -- CALLED with "/dev/hdg"
<666666> lvm_check_chars -- CALLED with name: "/dev/hdg"
<666666> lvm_check_chars -- LEAVING with ret: 0
<55555> pv_check_name -- LEAVING with ret: 0
<55555> pv_read -- CALLED with /dev/hdg
<666666> pv_check_name -- CALLED with "/dev/hdg"
<7777777> lvm_check_chars -- CALLED with name: "/dev/hdg"
<7777777> lvm_check_chars -- LEAVING with ret: 0
<666666> pv_check_name -- LEAVING with ret: 0
<55555> pv_read -- going to read /dev/hdg
<666666> lvm_check_dev -- CALLED
<7777777> lvm_check_partitioned_dev -- CALLED
<88888888> lvm_get_device_type called
<88888888> lvm_get_device_type leaving with 0
<7777777> lvm_check_partitioned_dev -- LEAVING with ret: TRUE
<666666> lvm_check_dev -- LEAVING with ret: 1
<666666> pv_copy_from_disk -- CALLED
<666666> pv_copy_from_disk -- LEAVING ret = 0x804f0a8
<666666> pv_create_name_from_kdev_t -- CALLED with 34:0
<7777777> lvm_check_dev -- CALLED
<88888888> lvm_check_partitioned_dev -- CALLED
<999999999> lvm_get_device_type called
<999999999> lvm_get_device_type leaving with 0
<88888888> lvm_check_partitioned_dev -- LEAVING with ret: TRUE
<7777777> lvm_check_dev -- LEAVING with ret: 1
<7777777> lvm_dir_cache -- CALLED
<7777777> lvm_dir_cache -- LEAVING with ret: 17
<666666> pv_create_name_from_kdev_t -- LEAVING with dev_name: /dev/hdg
<666666> system_id_check_exported -- CALLED
<666666> system_id_check_exported -- LEAVING with ret: 0
<55555> pv_read -- LEAVING with ret: 0
<55555> vg_copy_from_disk -- CALLED
<666666> vg_check_vg_disk_t_consistency -- CALLED
<7777777> vg_check_name -- CALLED with VG:
<88888888> lvm_check_chars -- CALLED with name: ""
<88888888> lvm_check_chars -- LEAVING with ret: 0
<7777777> vg_check_name -- LEAVING with ret: 0
<666666> vg_check_vg_disk_t_consistency -- LEAVING with ret: 0
<55555> vg_copy_from_disk -- LEAVING
<4444> vg_read_from_pv -- LEAVING with ret: 0
<333> vg_read -- LEAVING with ret: 0
<22> lv_read_all_lv -- lv_max: 256
<22> lv_read_all_lv -- BEFORE pv_read_all_pv_of_vg
<333> pv_read_all_pv_of_vg -- CALLED with vg_name: "hotline"
<4444> vg_check_name -- CALLED with VG: hotline
<55555> lvm_check_chars -- CALLED with name: "hotline"
<55555> lvm_check_chars -- LEAVING with ret: 0
<4444> vg_check_name -- LEAVING with ret: 0
<333> pv_read_all_pv_of_vg -- LEAVING with ret: 0
<333> lv_copy_from_disk -- CALLED
<333> lv_copy_from_disk -- LEAVING
<22> lv_read_all_lv -- l: 256  nl: 1  vg_this->lv_cur: 1
<22> lv_read_all_lv -- LEAVING with ret: 0
<1> vg_read_with_pv_and_lv -- AFTER lv_read_all_lv; vg_this->pv_cur: 4  vg_this-
>pv_max: 256  ret: 0
<1> vg_read_with_pv_and_lv -- BEFORE for PE
<1> vg_read_with_pv_and_lv -- AFTER for PE
<1> vg_read_with_pv_and_lv -- BEFORE for LV
<1> vg_read_with_pv_and_lv -- vg_this->lv[0]->lv_allocated_le: 11180
vgscan -- only found 7518 of 11180 LEs for LV /dev/hotline/vol1 (0)
<1> vg_read_with_pv_and_lv -- LEAVING with ret: -365
<1> lvm_error -- CALLED with: -365
<1> lvm_error -- LEAVING with: "vg_read_with_pv_and_lv(): allocated LE of LV"
vgscan -- ERROR "vg_read_with_pv_and_lv(): allocated LE of LV" can't get data of
 volume group "hotline" from physical volume(s)
<1> vg_free -- CALLED
<1> vg_free -- LEAVING with ret: -99
<1> lvm_interrupt -- CALLED
<1> lvm_interrupt -- LEAVING
<1> lvm_unlock -- CALLED
<1> lvm_unlock -- LEAVING with ret: 0
vgscan -- "/etc/lvmtab" and "/etc/lvmtab.d" successfully created
vgscan -- WARNING: This program does not do a VGDA backup of your volume group
<1> lvm_unlock -- CALLED
<1> lvm_unlock -- LEAVING with ret: -104
[root@blackbird root]#
[root@blackbird root]# pvdata /dev/hdc
--- NEW Physical volume ---
PV Name               /dev/hdc
VG Name               hotline
PV Size               30.94 MB [63360 secs]
PV#                   3
PV Status             available
Allocatable           NO
Cur LV                0
PE Size (KByte)       0
Total PE              0
Free PE               0
Allocated PE          0
PV UUID               s8Gp0j-WWq2-yT9m-UnCz-qU7m-TnCG-tHwVaI
--- Volume group ---
VG Name
VG Access             read/write
VG Status             NOT available/resizable
VG #                  0
MAX LV                256
Cur LV                1
Open LV               0
MAX LV Size           2 TB
Max PV                256
Cur PV                4
Act PV                4
VG Size               360.56 GB
PE Size               32 MB
Total PE              11538
Alloc PE / Size       11180 / 349.38 GB
Free  PE / Size       358 / 11.19 GB
VG UUID               snZQHp-EWmO-aeox-1Cbi-8Guy-UPaU-l4UdJm
--- List of logical volumes ---
pvdata -- logical volume "/dev/hotline/vol1" at offset   0
pvdata -- logical volume struct at offset   1 is empty
pvdata -- logical volume struct at offset 255 is empty
--- List of physical volume UUIDs ---
001: ZLU9xB-hy6U-I7UF-Fd9C-3lTW-wKMX-9nhxcY
002: UGmBIH-LfYd-JQdV-xT2A-oSqj-8prs-ezsRLO
003: s8Gp0j-WWq2-yT9m-UnCz-qU7m-TnCG-tHwVaI
004: MFAGC5-zznc-n0xn-T5rT-Cluh-b9qR-6v7oge
[root@blackbird root]#

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