I've discovered that pvdisplay and lvdisplay seem to disagree on the exact location of some extents in a volume group on my system. I am using stock 2.4.19 kernel with the lvm tools from the RPM package of the same name for RH7.3. I'll show the output of the *display programs below but to summarize: pvdisplay shows a small number of extents in /dev/main/var as being on hde4. lvdisplay of /dev/main/var shows them to be on sdb starting at 1064. pvdisplay of sdb shows those extents as free. The /dev/main/var logical volume works fine: it's mounted and I just did a complete backup of it. I tried moving these extents but pvmove always fails. (See below.) I get the impression that the extents are really on hde4 and that lvdisplay is wrong. (I just checked, I can pvmove other extents into sdb:1064, but this doesn't change lvdisplays output for /dev/main/var.) I can only assume that something became corrupt when I was using pvmove to shuffle some extents around recently. I'm not sure what to do about this but I'd like to fix it without a re-install, if anyone has any suggestions I'd appreciate it. Thanks, Aran pvdisplay -v /dev/hde4 ... 01528 /dev/main/var 00252 12525944 01529 /dev/main/var 00253 12534136 01530 /dev/main/var 00254 12542328 01531 /dev/main/var 00255 12550520 01532 /dev/main/var 00256 12558712 01533 /dev/main/var 00257 12566904 ... lvdisplay -v /dev/main/var ... 00252 /dev/sdb 01064 2118 0 00253 /dev/sdb 01065 2558 326 00254 /dev/sdb 01066 2048 0 00255 /dev/sdb 01067 2048 0 00256 /dev/sdb 01068 5558 23077 00257 /dev/sdb 01069 2685 102 ... pvdisplay -v /dev/sdb 01064 free ..... 01083 free pvmove --verbose /dev/hde4:1528 /dev/hde2 ... pvmove -- starting to move extents away from physical volume "/dev/hde4" pvmove -- checking for enough free physical extents in "main" pvmove -- /dev/hde4 [PE 1528 [var [LE 252]] -> /dev/hde2 [PE 5398] [1/1] /dev/main/group::/dev/main/var: 2104 12525944, 2102 44228984 pvmove -- ERROR "Invalid argument" copying extent from "/dev/hde4" pvmove -- ERROR "Invalid argument" remapping pvmove -- ERROR "pv_move(): LE of LV remap" moving physical extents pvmove --verbose /dev/sdb:1064 /dev/hde2: ... pvmove -- checking destination physical volume names in command line pvmove -- ERROR: source physical extent 1064 invalid for physical volume "/dev/sdb" _______________________________________________ linux-lvm mailing list linux-lvm@sistina.com http://lists.sistina.com/mailman/listinfo/linux-lvm read the LVM HOW-TO at http://tldp.org/HOWTO/LVM-HOWTO/