Gluster Users - Date Index
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- Problem with Gluster 3.12.4, VM and sharding
- From: "Ing. Luca Lazzeroni - Trend Servizi Srl" <luca@xxxxxxxx>
- Re: "linkfile not having link" occurrs sometimes after renaming
- From: Nithya Balachandran <nbalacha@xxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Using the host name of the volume, its related commands can become very slow
- From: Atin Mukherjee <amukherj@xxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: glusterfs development library
- From: Vijay Bellur <vbellur@xxxxxxxxxx>
- Moved - Gluster Developer Conversations, Jan 16, 15:00 UTC
- From: Amye Scavarda <amye@xxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: glusterfs development library
- From: Serkan Çoban <cobanserkan@xxxxxxxxx>
- Re: glusterfs development library
- From: Marcin Dulak <marcin.dulak@xxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Sent and Received peer request (Connected)
- From: Dj Merrill <gluster@xxxxxxxx>
- glusterfs development library
- From: 陈曦 <mrchenx@xxxxxxx>
- Re: [Gluster-devel] Integration of GPU with glusterfs
- From: Vijay Bellur <vbellur@xxxxxxxxxx>
- "linkfile not having link" occurrs sometimes after renaming
- From: Paul <flypen@xxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Roll back glusterfs to 3.10
- From: Pavel Znamensky <kompastver@xxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Creating cluster replica on 2 nodes 2 bricks each.
- From: Atin Mukherjee <amukherj@xxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Sent and Received peer request (Connected)
- From: Atin Mukherjee <amukherj@xxxxxxxxxx>
- Using the host name of the volume, its related commands can become very slow
- From: "陈曦" <chenxi@xxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: [Gluster-devel] Integration of GPU with glusterfs
- From: Ashish Pandey <aspandey@xxxxxxxxxx>
- Volume can not write to data if this volume quota limits capacity and mount itself volume on arm64(aarch64) architecture
- From: "陈曦" <chenxi@xxxxxxxxxx>
- Roll back glusterfs to 3.10
- From: Pavel Znamensky <kompastver@xxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Reading over than the file size on dispersed volume
- From: Jim Kinney <jim.kinney@xxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Creating cluster replica on 2 nodes 2 bricks each.
- From: Jose Sanchez <josesanc@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Reading over than the file size on dispersed volume
- From: jungeun kim <ibestpro@xxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Slow seek times on stat calls to glusterfs metadata
- From: Tom Fite <tomfite@xxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Creating cluster replica on 2 nodes 2 bricks each.
- From: Nithya Balachandran <nbalacha@xxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Integration of GPU with glusterfs
- From: Hetz Ben Hamo <hetz@xxxxxxxx>
- Re: Integration of GPU with glusterfs
- From: Jim Kinney <jim.kinney@xxxxxxxxx>
- [GD2] New release - GlusterD2 v4.0dev-10
- From: Kaushal M <kshlmster@xxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Integration of GPU with glusterfs
- From: Lindsay Mathieson <lindsay.mathieson@xxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Integration of GPU with glusterfs
- From: Pranith Kumar Karampuri <pkarampu@xxxxxxxxxx>
- Sent and Received peer request (Connected)
- From: Dj Merrill <gluster@xxxxxxxx>
- Re: Creating cluster replica on 2 nodes 2 bricks each.
- From: Jose Sanchez <josesanc@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Community NetBSD regression tests EOL'd
- From: Shyam Ranganathan <srangana@xxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Exact purpose of
- From: Joe Julian <joe@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- IMP: Release 4.0: CentOS 6 packages will not be made available
- From: Shyam Ranganathan <srangana@xxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Integration of GPU with glusterfs
- From: Darrell Budic <budic@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Integration of GPU with glusterfs
- From: Jim Kinney <jim.kinney@xxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Release 3.12.5: Scheduled for the 12th of January
- From: Jiffin Tony Thottan <jthottan@xxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Release 3.12.5: Scheduled for the 12th of January
- From: Hans Henrik Happe <happe@xxxxxx>
- Re: [Gluster-devel] Integration of GPU with glusterfs
- From: Milind Changire <mchangir@xxxxxxxxxx>
- Integration of GPU with glusterfs
- From: Ashish Pandey <aspandey@xxxxxxxxxx>
- Release 3.12.5: Scheduled for the 12th of January
- From: Jiffin Tony Thottan <jthottan@xxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Exact purpose of
- From: Raghavendra Gowdappa <rgowdapp@xxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Creating cluster replica on 2 nodes 2 bricks each.
- From: Nithya Balachandran <nbalacha@xxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Blocking IO when hot tier promotion daemon runs
- From: Tom Fite <tomfite@xxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Creating cluster replica on 2 nodes 2 bricks each.
- From: Jose Sanchez <josesanc@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Blocking IO when hot tier promotion daemon runs
- From: Tom Fite <tomfite@xxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Announcing Glusterfs release 3.12.4 (Long Term Maintenance)
- From: Niels de Vos <ndevos@xxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Exact purpose of
- From: Amar Tumballi <atumball@xxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Exact purpose of
- From: Raghavendra Gowdappa <rgowdapp@xxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Exact purpose of
- From: Raghavendra Gowdappa <rgowdapp@xxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Creating cluster replica on 2 nodes 2 bricks each.
- From: Nithya Balachandran <nbalacha@xxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Blocking IO when hot tier promotion daemon runs
- From: Hari Gowtham <hgowtham@xxxxxxxxxx>
- Creating cluster replica on 2 nodes 2 bricks each.
- From: Jose Sanchez <josesanc@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Blocking IO when hot tier promotion daemon runs
- From: Tom Fite <tomfite@xxxxxxxxx>
- what do you do when your peer has to change IP?
- From: lejeczek <peljasz@xxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Bricks to sub-volume mapping
- From: Anand Malagi <amalagi@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Bricks to sub-volume mapping
- From: Aravinda <avishwan@xxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Bricks to sub-volume mapping
- From: Anand Malagi <amalagi@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Bricks to sub-volume mapping
- From: Aravinda <avishwan@xxxxxxxxxx>
- Bricks to sub-volume mapping
- From: Anand Malagi <amalagi@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- different names for bricks
- From: Jim Kinney <jim.kinney@xxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Announcing Glusterfs release 3.12.4 (Long Term Maintenance)
- From: Jiffin Tony Thottan <jthottan@xxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Clear heal statistics
- From: Karthik Subrahmanya <ksubrahm@xxxxxxxxxx>
- performance.readdir-ahead on volume folders not showing with ls command 3.13.1-1.el7
- From: Vlad Kopylov <vladkopy@xxxxxxxxx>
- Clear heal statistics
- From: Gino Lisignoli <glisignoli@xxxxxxxxx>
- Announcing Gluster release 3.10.9 (Long Term Maintenance)
- From: Shyam Ranganathan <srangana@xxxxxxxxxx>
- performance.readdir-ahead on volume folders not showing with ls command 3.13.1-1.el7
- From: Vlad Kopylov <vladkopy@xxxxxxxxx>
- Re: So how badly will Gluster be affected by the Intel 'fix'
- From: Darrell Budic <budic@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Announcing Glusterfs release 3.12.4 (Long Term Maintenance)
- From: Darrell Budic <budic@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: which components needs ssh keys?
- From: Jeff Darcy <jeff@xxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: which components needs ssh keys?
- From: Jeff Darcy <jeff@xxxxxxxxxx>
- Another VM crashed
- From: Alessandro Briosi <ab1@xxxxxxxxxxx>
- Different results in setting atime
- From: David Spisla <spisla80@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Wrong volume size with df
- From: Ashish Pandey <aspandey@xxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Wrong volume size with df
- From: Benjamin Kingston <list@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: A Problem of readdir-optimize
- From: Nithya Balachandran <nbalacha@xxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: So how badly will Gluster be affected by the Intel 'fix'
- From: Shyam Ranganathan <srangana@xxxxxxxxxx>
- So how badly will Gluster be affected by the Intel 'fix'
- From: WK <wkmail@xxxxxxxxx>
- Re: @redhat - someone could take a look or ask about - freeipa-users@xxxxxxxxxx
- From: Vijay Bellur <vbellur@xxxxxxxxxx>
- Trusted pool authentication & traffic encryption
- From: Omar Kohl <omar.kohl@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
- @redhat - someone could take a look or ask about - freeipa-users@xxxxxxxxxx
- From: lejeczek <peljasz@xxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: [Gluster-devel] 2018 - Plans and Expectations on Gluster Community
- From: Shyam Ranganathan <srangana@xxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: stale file handle on gluster NFS client when trying to remove a directory
- From: Jeevan Patnaik <g1patnaik@xxxxxxxxx>
- Re: glusterfs, ganesh, and pcs rules
- From: Renaud Fortier <Renaud.Fortier@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: [Gluster-devel] 2018 - Plans and Expectations on Gluster Community
- From: "Kaleb S. KEITHLEY" <kkeithle@xxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: which components needs ssh keys?
- From: Aravinda <avishwan@xxxxxxxxxx>
- which components needs ssh keys?
- From: lejeczek <peljasz@xxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: stale file handle on gluster NFS client when trying to remove a directory
- From: Nithya Balachandran <nbalacha@xxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: stale file handle on gluster NFS client when trying to remove a directory
- From: Jeevan Patnaik <g1patnaik@xxxxxxxxx>
- Re: [Gluster-devel] 2018 - Plans and Expectations on Gluster Community
- From: Vijay Bellur <vbellur@xxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Wrong volume size with df
- From: Tom Fite <tomfite@xxxxxxxxx>
- Re: "file changed as we read it" message during tar file creation on GlusterFS
- From: Ravishankar N <ravishankar@xxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: "file changed as we read it" message during tar file creation on GlusterFS
- From: Mauro Tridici <mauro.tridici@xxxxxxx>
- Re: [Gluster-devel] 2018 - Plans and Expectations on Gluster Community
- From: "Kaleb S. KEITHLEY" <kkeithle@xxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: "file changed as we read it" message during tar file creation on GlusterFS
- From: Ravishankar N <ravishankar@xxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: seeding my georeplication
- From: Stephen Remde <stephen.remde@xxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: "file changed as we read it" message during tar file creation on GlusterFS
- From: Mauro Tridici <mauro.tridici@xxxxxxx>
- Re: 2018 - Plans and Expectations on Gluster Community
- From: Amar Tumballi <atumball@xxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: 2018 - Plans and Expectations on Gluster Community
- From: Hetz Ben Hamo <hetz@xxxxxxxx>
- Re: 2018 - Plans and Expectations on Gluster Community
- From: Atin Mukherjee <amukherj@xxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: 2018 - Plans and Expectations on Gluster Community
- From: Hetz Ben Hamo <hetz@xxxxxxxx>
- 2018 - Plans and Expectations on Gluster Community
- From: Amar Tumballi <atumball@xxxxxxxxxx>
- Gluster Monthly Newsletter, December 2017
- From: Amye Scavarda <amye@xxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: cannot mount with glusterfs-fuse after NFS-Ganesha enabled
- From: Hetz Ben Hamo <hetz@xxxxxxxx>
- cannot mount with glusterfs-fuse after NFS-Ganesha enabled
- From: Hetz Ben Hamo <hetz@xxxxxxxx>
- Re: A Problem of readdir-optimize
- From: Paul <flypen@xxxxxxxxx>
- Re: "file changed as we read it" message during tar file creation on GlusterFS
- From: Mauro Tridici <mauro.tridici@xxxxxxx>
- Re: Exact purpose of
- From: Omar Kohl <omar.kohl@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Exact purpose of
- From: lemonnierk@xxxxxxxxx
- Re: Exact purpose of
- From: Joe Julian <joe@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Exact purpose of
- From: Sam McLeod <mailinglists@xxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: "file changed as we read it" message during tar file creation on GlusterFS
- From: Nithya Balachandran <nbalacha@xxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Adding larger bricks to an existing volume
- From: Nithya Balachandran <nbalacha@xxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Exact purpose of
- From: Joe Julian <joe@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Exact purpose of
- From: lemonnierk@xxxxxxxxx
- Re: "file changed as we read it" message during tar file creation on GlusterFS
- From: Mauro Tridici <mauro.tridici@xxxxxxx>
- Re: Exact purpose of
- From: Sam McLeod <smj@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Adding larger bricks to an existing volume
- From: Mark Connor <markconnor64@xxxxxxxxx>
- Re: A Problem of readdir-optimize
- From: Nithya Balachandran <nbalacha@xxxxxxxxxx>
- A Problem of readdir-optimize
- From: Paul <flypen@xxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Exact purpose of
- From: lemonnierk@xxxxxxxxx
- Re: Exact purpose of
- From: Omar Kohl <omar.kohl@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Exact purpose of
- From: lemonnierk@xxxxxxxxx
- Exact purpose of
- From: Omar Kohl <omar.kohl@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
- trying to mount gluster volume
- From: Hetz Ben Hamo <hetz@xxxxxxxx>
- Re: glusterfs, ganesh, and pcs rules
- From: Hetz Ben Hamo <hetz@xxxxxxxx>
- Re: Gluster replicate 3 arbiter 1 in split brain. gluster cli seems unaware
- From: Henrik Juul Pedersen <hjp@xxxxxxx>
- Exact purpose of
- From: Omar Kohl <omar.kohl@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Announcing Glustered 2018 in Bologna (IT)
- From: Ivan Rossi <rouge2507@xxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Gluster replicate 3 arbiter 1 in split brain. gluster cli seems unaware
- From: Karthik Subrahmanya <ksubrahm@xxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Gluster replicate 3 arbiter 1 in split brain. gluster cli seems unaware
- From: Karthik Subrahmanya <ksubrahm@xxxxxxxxxx>
- Announcing Glusterfs release 3.13.1 (Short Term Maintenance)
- From: Jiffin Tony Thottan <jthottan@xxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Syntax for creating arbiter volumes in gluster 4.0
- From: Ravishankar N <ravishankar@xxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: seeding my georeplication
- From: Stephen Remde <stephen.remde@xxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Gluster replicate 3 arbiter 1 in split brain. gluster cli seems unaware
- From: Henrik Juul Pedersen <hjp@xxxxxxx>
- Re: Wrong volume size with df
- From: Tom Fite <tomfite@xxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Wrong volume size with df
- From: Ashish Pandey <aspandey@xxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Wrong volume size with df
- From: Tom Fite <tomfite@xxxxxxxxx>
- stale file handle on gluster NFS client when trying to remove a directory
- From: Jeevan Patnaik <g1patnaik@xxxxxxxxx>
- Re: gluster and HA NFS
- From: Renaud Fortier <Renaud.Fortier@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: glusterfs, ganesh, and pcs rules
- From: Renaud Fortier <Renaud.Fortier@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Gluster replicate 3 arbiter 1 in split brain. gluster cli seems unaware
- From: Karthik Subrahmanya <ksubrahm@xxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Gluster replicate 3 arbiter 1 in split brain. gluster cli seems unaware
- From: Ben Turner <bturner@xxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: How to make sure self-heal backlog is empty ?
- From: Ben Turner <bturner@xxxxxxxxxx>
- Gluster replicate 3 arbiter 1 in split brain. gluster cli seems unaware
- From: Henrik Juul Pedersen <hjp@xxxxxxx>
- Re: Syntax for creating arbiter volumes in gluster 4.0
- From: WK <wkmail@xxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Syntax for creating arbiter volumes in gluster 4.0
- From: Jim Kinney <jim.kinney@xxxxxxxxx>
- Re: gluster and HA NFS
- From: "Tomalak Geret'kal" <tom@xxxxxxxxx>
- gluster and HA NFS
- From: Craig Lesle <Craig.Lesle@xxxxxxxxxx>
- "file changed as we read it" message during tar file creation on GlusterFS
- From: Mauro Tridici <mauro.tridici@xxxxxxx>
- Re: Syntax for creating arbiter volumes in gluster 4.0
- From: Shyam Ranganathan <srangana@xxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Upgrading from Gluster 3.8 to 3.12
- From: Shyam Ranganathan <srangana@xxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: interval or event to evaluate free disk space?
- From: Stefan Solbrig <stefan.solbrig@xxxxx>
- Syntax for creating arbiter volumes in gluster 4.0
- From: Ravishankar N <ravishankar@xxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Bricks not starting after restart node
- From: Atin Mukherjee <amukherj@xxxxxxxxxx>
- Bricks not starting after restart node
- From: David Spisla <spisla80@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- glusterfs, ganesh, and pcs rules
- From: Hetz Ben Hamo <hetz@xxxxxxxx>
- Re: Upgrading from Gluster 3.8 to 3.12
- From: Hari Gowtham <hgowtham@xxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Upgrading from Gluster 3.8 to 3.12
- From: Atin Mukherjee <amukherj@xxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: How to make sure self-heal backlog is empty ?
- From: Karthik Subrahmanya <ksubrahm@xxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Upgrading from Gluster 3.8 to 3.12
- From: "Gustave Dahl" <gustave@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Upgrading from Gluster 3.8 to 3.12
- From: Ziemowit Pierzycki <ziemowit@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: How to make sure self-heal backlog is empty ?
- From: Matt Waymack <mwaymack@xxxxxxxxx>
- Wrong volume size with df
- From: Teknologeek Teknologeek <teknologeek06@xxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Testing sharding on tiered volume
- From: "Viktor Nosov" <vnosov@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
- How to make sure self-heal backlog is empty ?
- From: Hoggins! <fuckspam@xxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Upgrading from Gluster 3.8 to 3.12
- From: Atin Mukherjee <amukherj@xxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: [heketi-devel] Heketi v5.0.1 security release available for download
- From: Niels de Vos <ndevos@xxxxxxxxxx>
- Announcing Glusterfs release 3.12.4 (Long Term Maintenance)
- From: Jiffin Tony Thottan <jthottan@xxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: interval or event to evaluate free disk space?
- From: Nithya Balachandran <nbalacha@xxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Gluster consulting
- From: Amye Scavarda <amye@xxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Gluster consulting
- From: Herb Burnswell <herbert.burnswell@xxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Gluster consulting
- From: Joe Julian <joe@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Gluster consulting
- From: Herb Burnswell <herbert.burnswell@xxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Gluster consulting
- From: Joe Julian <joe@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Gluster consulting
- From: Herb Burnswell <herbert.burnswell@xxxxxxxxx>
- Upgrading from Gluster 3.8 to 3.12
- From: Ziemowit Pierzycki <ziemowit@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- interval or event to evaluate free disk space?
- From: Stefan Solbrig <stefan.solbrig@xxxxx>
- Heketi v5.0.1 security release available for download
- From: Michael Adam <obnox@xxxxxxxxx>
- Re: reset-brick command questions
- From: Jorick Astrego <jorick@xxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Production Volume will not start
- From: Matt Waymack <mwaymack@xxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Production Volume will not start
- From: Atin Mukherjee <amukherj@xxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Testing sharding on tiered volume
- From: Ben Turner <bturner@xxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: How large the Arbiter node?
- From: Ben Turner <bturner@xxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Production Volume will not start
- From: Ben Turner <bturner@xxxxxxxxxx>
- Production Volume will not start
- From: Matt Waymack <mwaymack@xxxxxxxxx>
- Re: 'ERROR: parsing the volfile failed' on fresh install
- From: Atin Mukherjee <amukherj@xxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Gluster 3.13.0-1.el7 Packages Tested
- From: Niels de Vos <ndevos@xxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Online Rebalancing
- From: mohammad kashif <kashif.alig@xxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Online Rebalancing
- From: Nithya Balachandran <nbalacha@xxxxxxxxxx>
- Online Rebalancing
- From: mohammad kashif <kashif.alig@xxxxxxxxx>
- Re: 'ERROR: parsing the volfile failed' on fresh install
- From: Atin Mukherjee <amukherj@xxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Consultants?
- From: Amye Scavarda <amye@xxxxxxxxxx>
- Consultants?
- From: Ben Mabey <ben.mabey@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- 'ERROR: parsing the volfile failed' on fresh install
- From: Ben Mabey <ben.mabey@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: active/active failover
- From: Alex Chekholko <alex@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: active/active failover
- From: Stefan Solbrig <stefan.solbrig@xxxxx>
- Impossible to add new brick
- From: Benjamin Knoth <bknoth@xxxxxxx>
- Gluster Developer Conversations, Jan 16, 15:00 UTC
- From: Amye Scavarda <amye@xxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: [Gluster-devel] Announcing Glusterfs release 3.12.2 (Long Term Maintenance)
- From: Niels de Vos <ndevos@xxxxxxxxxx>
- Gluster 3.13.0-1.el7 Packages Tested
- From: Sam McLeod <mailinglists@xxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: reset-brick command questions
- From: Ashish Pandey <aspandey@xxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: active/active failover
- From: Alex Chekholko <alex@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: [Gluster-devel] Announcing Glusterfs release 3.12.2 (Long Term Maintenance)
- From: Alastair Neil <>
- active/active failover
- From: Stefan Solbrig <stefan.solbrig@xxxxx>
- reset-brick command questions
- From: Jorick Astrego <jorick@xxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: How large the Arbiter node?
- From: Martin Toth <snowmailer@xxxxxxxxx>
- How large the Arbiter node?
- From: Nux! <nux@xxxxxxxxx>
- Release 3.12.4 : Scheduled for the 12th of December
- From: Jiffin Tony Thottan <jthottan@xxxxxxxxxx>
- Will writes of any new files happen in the available sub volumes if the subvolume decided by hash is in read only mode?
- From: Jeevan Patnaik <g1patnaik@xxxxxxxxx>
- Re: What does gluster do when it's idle?
- From: Jeevan Patnaik <g1patnaik@xxxxxxxxx>
- Re: What does gluster do when it's idle?
- From: Jeevan Patnaik <g1patnaik@xxxxxxxxx>
- What does gluster do when it's idle?
- From: Jeevan Patnaik <g1patnaik@xxxxxxxxx>
- Testing sharding on tiered volume
- From: "Viktor Nosov" <vnosov@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
- glusterdump filling up /var on fuse clients
- From: Mark Connor <markconnor64@xxxxxxxxx>
- Re: pcs resources
- From: Jiffin Tony Thottan <jthottan@xxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: GlusterFS, Pacemaker, OCF resource agents on CentOS 7
- From: "Tomalak Geret'kal" <tom@xxxxxxxxx>
- Re: GlusterFS, Pacemaker, OCF resource agents on CentOS 7
- From: Jiffin Tony Thottan <jthottan@xxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: pcs resources
- From: Jiffin Tony Thottan <jthottan@xxxxxxxxxx>
- Announcing GlusterFS release 3.13.0 (Short Term Maintenance)
- From: Shyam Ranganathan <srangana@xxxxxxxxxx>
- Gluster Developer Conversations, Dec 12, 15:00 UTC
- From: Amye Scavarda <amye@xxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: GlusterFS, Pacemaker, OCF resource agents on CentOS 7
- From: Marcin Dulak <marcin.dulak@xxxxxxxxx>
- Re: GlusterFS, Pacemaker, OCF resource agents on CentOS 7
- From: "Tomalak Geret'kal" <tom@xxxxxxxxx>
- Re: GlusterFS, Pacemaker, OCF resource agents on CentOS 7
- From: Hetz Ben Hamo <hetz@xxxxxxxx>
- GlusterFS, Pacemaker, OCF resource agents on CentOS 7
- From: "Tomalak Geret'kal" <tom@xxxxxxxxx>
- Re: SAMBA VFS module for GlusterFS crashes
- From: Anoop C S <anoopcs@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: SAMBA VFS module for GlusterFS crashes
- From: Riccardo Murri <riccardo.murri@xxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Problems joining new gluster 3.10 nodes to existing 3.8
- From: Ziemowit Pierzycki <ziemowit@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Minutes from todays community meeting (6-December-2017)
- From: Niels de Vos <ndevos@xxxxxxxxxx>
- reminder: Community meeting at 15:00 UTC in #gluster-meeting on Freenode IRC
- From: Niels de Vos <ndevos@xxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: [Gluster-devel] Crash in glusterd!!!
- From: Atin Mukherjee <amukherj@xxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: [Gluster-devel] Crash in glusterd!!!
- From: ABHISHEK PALIWAL <abhishpaliwal@xxxxxxxxx>
- Re: pcs resources
- From: Hetz Ben Hamo <hetz@xxxxxxxx>
- pcs resources
- From: Hetz Ben Hamo <hetz@xxxxxxxx>
- Re: [Gluster-devel] Crash in glusterd!!!
- From: ABHISHEK PALIWAL <abhishpaliwal@xxxxxxxxx>
- Re: [Gluster-devel] Crash in glusterd!!!
- From: Atin Mukherjee <amukherj@xxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Crash in glusterd!!!
- From: ABHISHEK PALIWAL <abhishpaliwal@xxxxxxxxx>
- Re: SAMBA VFS module for GlusterFS crashes
- From: Anoop C S <anoopcs@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: gluster and nfs-ganesha
- From: Jiffin Tony Thottan <jthottan@xxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: gluster and nfs-ganesha
- From: Hetz Ben Hamo <hetz@xxxxxxxx>
- Re: gluster and nfs-ganesha
- From: Jiffin Tony Thottan <jthottan@xxxxxxxxxx>
- Announcing Gluster release 3.10.8 (Long Term Maintenance)
- From: Shyam Ranganathan <srangana@xxxxxxxxxx>
- Slow seek times on stat calls to glusterfs metadata
- From: Tom Fite <tomfite@xxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Rebooting cluster nodes - GFS3.8
- From: Bernhard Dübi <1linuxengineer@xxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Rebooting cluster nodes - GFS3.8
- From: Andrew Kester <aikester@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: SAMBA VFS module for GlusterFS crashes
- From: Riccardo Murri <riccardo.murri@xxxxxxxxx>
- Rebooting cluster nodes - GFS3.8
- From: Mark Connor <markconnor64@xxxxxxxxx>
- Re: SAMBA VFS module for GlusterFS crashes
- From: Jim Kinney <jim.kinney@xxxxxxxxx>
- SAMBA VFS module for GlusterFS crashes
- From: Riccardo Murri <riccardo.murri@xxxxxx>
- Gluster 3.8.15 - Major CPU Load
- From: "Nathan Anderson" <nathan@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Gluster Monthly Newsletter, November 2017
- From: Amye Scavarda <amye@xxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: gluster and nfs-ganesha
- From: Hetz Ben Hamo <hetz@xxxxxxxx>
- Single node distributed volume
- From: Sameer S <mailboxtosameer@xxxxxxxxx>
- Re: What’s the purpose of /var/lib/glusterd/nfs/ ?
- From: Jiffin Tony Thottan <jthottan@xxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: gluster and nfs-ganesha
- From: Jiffin Tony Thottan <jthottan@xxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: BUG: After stop and start wrong port is advertised
- From: Atin Mukherjee <amukherj@xxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: BUG: After stop and start wrong port is advertised
- From: Jo Goossens <jo.goossens@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- gluster and nfs-ganesha
- From: Hetz Ben Hamo <hetz@xxxxxxxx>
- Community Meeting 2017-11-22
- From: Amye Scavarda <amye@xxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Problems joining new gluster 3.10 nodes to existing 3.8
- From: Atin Mukherjee <amukherj@xxxxxxxxxx>
- Clear heal statistics
- From: Gino Lisignoli <glisignoli@xxxxxxxxx>
- What’s the purpose of /var/lib/glusterd/nfs/ ?
- From: Adam Ru <ad.ruckel@xxxxxxxxx>
- Problems joining new gluster 3.10 nodes to existing 3.8
- From: Ziemowit Pierzycki <ziemowit@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: ls performance on directories with small number of items
- From: Aaron Roberts <aroberts@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: ls performance on directories with small number of items
- From: Joe Julian <joe@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: [ovirt-users] slow performance with export storage on glusterfs
- From: Jiří Sléžka <jiri.slezka@xxxxxx>
- Re: ls performance on directories with small number of items
- From: Aaron Roberts <aroberts@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: SMB copies failing with GlusterFS 3.10
- From: Alastair Neil <>
- Re: [ovirt-users] slow performance with export storage on glusterfs
- From: Dmitri Chebotarov <4dimach@xxxxxxxxx>
- move brick to new location
- From: Bernhard Dübi <1linuxengineer@xxxxxxxxx>
- Upgrading from 3.6.9 to 3.12.x -- intermediate steps required?
- From: Marius Bergmann <marius@xxxxxxx>
- Re: [ovirt-users] slow performance with export storage on glusterfs
- From: Donny Davis <donny@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: ls performance on directories with small number of items
- From: Joe Julian <joe@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: ls performance on directories with small number of items
- From: Sam McLeod <mailinglists@xxxxxxxxxxx>
- ls performance on directories with small number of items
- From: Aaron Roberts <aroberts@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: SSL configuration
- From: Milind Changire <mchangir@xxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: How to read geo replication timestamps from logs
- From: Aravinda <avishwan@xxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: [ovirt-users] slow performance with export storage on glusterfs
- From: Jiří Sléžka <jiri.slezka@xxxxxx>
- Re: Changing performance.parallel-readdir to on causes CPU soft lockup and very high load all glusterd nodes
- From: Niels Hendriks <niels@xxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Gluster Developer Conversations - Nov 28 at 15:00 UTC
- From: Amye Scavarda <amye@xxxxxxxxxx>
- How to read geo replication timestamps from logs
- From: Mark Connor <markconnor64@xxxxxxxxx>
- SSL configuration
- From: Enrico Valsecchi <admin@xxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: [ovirt-users] slow performance with export storage on glusterfs
- From: Sahina Bose <sabose@xxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: xfs_rename error and brick offline
- From: Paul <flypen@xxxxxxxxx>
- Re: error "Not able to add to index" in brick logs
- From: Stefano Bagnara <lists@xxxxxxxx>
- Re: error "Not able to add to index" in brick logs
- From: Paul Robert Marino <prmarino1@xxxxxxxxx>
- error "Not able to add to index" in brick logs
- From: Stefano Bagnara <lists@xxxxxxxx>
- Re: FOSDEM Call for Participation: Software Defined Storage devroom
- From: Niels de Vos <ndevos@xxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Brick and Subvolume Info
- From: Ashish Pandey <aspandey@xxxxxxxxxx>
- Brick and Subvolume Info
- From: Gino Lisignoli <glisignoli@xxxxxxxxx>
- New halo for "simple" 2 nodes asynchronous replica (async master-master)
- From: Stefano Bagnara <io@xxxxxxxx>
- Re: Ganesha or Storhaug
- From: Joe Julian <joe@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- GlusterFS - Volume Backup and Restore and Monitor
- From: Pandiyan M <maestropandy@xxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Ganesha or Storhaug
- From: "Kaleb S. KEITHLEY" <kkeithle@xxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Ganesha or Storhaug
- From: Jonathan Archer <jf_archer@xxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Ganesha or Storhaug
- From: "Kaleb S. KEITHLEY" <kkeithle@xxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Ganesha or Storhaug
- From: Jonathan Archer <jf_archer@xxxxxxxxx>
- Ganesha or Storhaug
- From: Jonathan Archer <jf_archer@xxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Help with reconnecting a faulty brick
- From: Daniel Berteaud <daniel@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- gluster share as home
- From: Richard Neuboeck <hawk@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Help with reconnecting a faulty brick
- From: Ravishankar N <ravishankar@xxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: ?==?utf-8?q? Help with reconnecting a faulty brick
- From: "Daniel Berteaud" <daniel@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Missing files on one of the bricks
- From: Frederic Harmignies <frederic.harmignies@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: xfs_rename error and brick offline
- From: Vijay Bellur <vbellur@xxxxxxxxxx>
- Announcing Glusterfs release 3.12.3 (Long Term Maintenance)
- From: Jiffin Thottan <jthottan@xxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Missing files on one of the bricks
- From: Frederic Harmignies <frederic.harmignies@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- xfs_rename error and brick offline
- From: Paul <flypen@xxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Missing files on one of the bricks
- From: Ravishankar N <ravishankar@xxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Help with reconnecting a faulty brick
- From: Ravishankar N <ravishankar@xxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Missing files on one of the bricks
- From: Nithya Balachandran <nbalacha@xxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Help with reconnecting a faulty brick
- From: Daniel Berteaud <daniel@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: GlusterFS healing questions
- From: Xavi Hernandez <jahernan@xxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: unable to remove brick, pleas help
- From: Alex K <rightkicktech@xxxxxxxxx>
- hung disk sleep process
- From: Computerisms Corporation <bob@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: BLQ(=Bologna, Italy) Gluster community meeting anyone?
- From: Niels de Vos <ndevos@xxxxxxxxxx>
- Missing files on one of the bricks
- From: Frederic Harmignies <frederic.harmignies@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Fwd: halo replication not working
- From: atris adam <atris.adam@xxxxxxxxx>
- unable to remove brick, pleas help
- From: Rudi Ahlers <rudiahlers@xxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Help with reconnecting a faulty brick
- From: Ravishankar N <ravishankar@xxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Changing performance.parallel-readdir to on causes CPU soft lockup and very high load all glusterd nodes
- From: Niels Hendriks <niels@xxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Help with reconnecting a faulty brick
- From: Daniel Berteaud <daniel@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Changing performance.parallel-readdir to on causes CPU soft lockup and very high load all glusterd nodes
- From: Sam McLeod <smj@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Is there any performance impact in setting up every gluster client as a NFS server?
- From: Jeevan Patnaik <g1patnaik@xxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Is there any performance impact in setting up every gluster client as a NFS server?
- From: Soumya Koduri <skoduri@xxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Changing performance.parallel-readdir to on causes CPU soft lockup and very high load all glusterd nodes
- From: Sam McLeod <mailinglists@xxxxxxxxxxx>
- Is there any performance impact in setting up every gluster client as a NFS server?
- From: Jeevan Patnaik <g1patnaik@xxxxxxxxx>
- Re: What is the difference between FORGET and UNLINK fops
- From: Jeevan Patnaik <g1patnaik@xxxxxxxxx>
- How can replicated and distributed replicated volume benefit read performance in most environments?
- From: Jeevan Patnaik <g1patnaik@xxxxxxxxx>
- Re: glusterfs-fuse package update
- From: Amar Tumballi <atumball@xxxxxxxxxx>
- Changing performance.parallel-readdir to on causes CPU soft lockup and very high load all glusterd nodes
- From: Niels Hendriks <niels@xxxxxxxxxx>
- glusterfs-fuse package update
- From: Mark Connor <markconnor64@xxxxxxxxx>
- SMB copies failing with GlusterFS 3.10
- From: Brett Randall <brett.randall@xxxxxxxxx>
- file changed as we read it
- From: Richard Neuboeck <hawk@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Error logged in fuse-mount log file
- From: Amudhan P <amudhan83@xxxxxxxxx>
- Re: What is the difference between FORGET and UNLINK fops
- From: Ben Turner <bturner@xxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Error logged in fuse-mount log file
- From: Nithya Balachandran <nbalacha@xxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Error logged in fuse-mount log file
- From: Ashish Pandey <aspandey@xxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Shared storage showing 100% used
- From: Pam Patterson <pamela.patterson2@xxxxxxxxx>
- Shared storage showing 100% used
- From: Pam Patterson <pamela.patterson2@xxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Help with reconnecting a faulty brick
- From: Daniel Berteaud <daniel@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Prevent total volume size reduction
- From: Daniel Berteaud <daniel@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: What is the difference between FORGET and UNLINK fops
- From: Jeevan Patnaik <g1patnaik@xxxxxxxxx>
- What is the difference between FORGET and UNLINK fops
- From: Jeevan Patnaik <g1patnaik@xxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Error logged in fuse-mount log file
- From: Nithya Balachandran <nbalacha@xxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Error logged in fuse-mount log file
- From: Amudhan P <amudhan83@xxxxxxxxx>
- Re: snapshot mount fails in 3.12
- From: Richard Neuboeck <hawk@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- halo replication not working
- From: atris adam <atris.adam@xxxxxxxxx>
- Re: snapshot mount fails in 3.12
- From: Amar Tumballi <atumball@xxxxxxxxxx>
- snapshot mount fails in 3.12
- From: Richard Neuboeck <hawk@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Help with reconnecting a faulty brick
- From: Daniel Berteaud <daniel@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: What is it with
- From: Jeevan Patnaik <g1patnaik@xxxxxxxxx>
- Re: What is it with
- From: Amar Tumballi <atumball@xxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: What is it with
- From: Krutika Dhananjay <kdhananj@xxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: What is it with
- From: Jeevan Patnaik <g1patnaik@xxxxxxxxx>
- What is it with
- From: Jeevan Patnaik <g1patnaik@xxxxxxxxx>
- Re: glusterfs brick server use too high memory
- From: Nithya Balachandran <nbalacha@xxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Gluster clients can't see directories that exist or are created within a mounted volume, but can enter them.
- From: Sam McLeod <mailinglists@xxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Gluster clients can't see directories that exist or are created within a mounted volume, but can enter them.
- From: Sam McLeod <mailinglists@xxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: [Gluster-devel] Release 3.12.3 : Scheduled for the 10th of November
- From: Atin Mukherjee <amukherj@xxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Release 3.12.3 : Scheduled for the 10th of November
- From: Niels de Vos <ndevos@xxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Release 3.12.3 : Scheduled for the 10th of November
- From: Jiffin Tony Thottan <jthottan@xxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Error logged in fuse-mount log file
- From: Nithya Balachandran <nbalacha@xxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: GlusterFS healing questions
- Re: GlusterFS healing questions
- From: Serkan Çoban <cobanserkan@xxxxxxxxx>
- Re: BUG: After stop and start wrong port is advertised
- From: Mike Hulsman <mike.hulsman@xxxxxxxx>
- Error logged in fuse-mount log file
- From: Amudhan Pandian <amudh_an@xxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: GlusterFS healing questions
- From: Xavi Hernandez <jahernan@xxxxxxxxxx>
- GlusterFS healing questions
- From: Rolf Larsen <rolf@xxxxxxxx>
- Re: 回复: glusterfs segmentation fault in rdma mode
- From: Mohammed Rafi K C <rkavunga@xxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Fwd: Ignore failed connection messages during copying files with tiering
- From: Hari Gowtham <hgowtham@xxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Adding a slack for communication?
- From: Erekle Magradze <erekle.magradze@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Adding a slack for communication?
- From: Ravishankar N <ravishankar@xxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Adding a slack for communication?
- From: lemonnierk@xxxxxxxxx
- Re: glusterfs brick server use too high memory
- From: "Yao Guotao" <yaoguo_tao@xxxxxxx>
- Re: Adding a slack for communication?
- From: Niels de Vos <ndevos@xxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: file shred
- From: Kingsley Tart <gluster@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- [Gluster-devel] Poor performance of block-store with RDMA
- From: Ji-Hyeon Gim <potatogim@xxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Adding a slack for communication?
- From: Sam McLeod <mailinglists@xxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: file shred
- From: Ravishankar N <ravishankar@xxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Adding a slack for communication?
- From: Martin Toth <snowmailer@xxxxxxxxx>
- Re: glusterfs brick server use too high memory
- From: Nithya Balachandran <nbalacha@xxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Adding a slack for communication?
- From: Amye Scavarda <amye@xxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Adding a slack for communication?
- From: Bartosz Zięba <kontakt@xxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Adding a slack for communication?
- From: Jim Kinney <jim.kinney@xxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Adding a slack for communication?
- From: Amye Scavarda <amye@xxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Adding a slack for communication?
- From: Sankarshan Mukhopadhyay <sankarshan.mukhopadhyay@xxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Adding a slack for communication?
- From: Vijay Bellur <vbellur@xxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Adding a slack for communication?
- From: Amye Scavarda <amye@xxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Gluster clients can't see directories that exist or are created within a mounted volume, but can enter them.
- From: Sam McLeod <mailinglists@xxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Enabling Halo sets volume RO
- From: Jon Cope <jcope@xxxxxxxxxx>
- file shred
- From: Kingsley Tart <gluster@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Adding a slack for communication?
- From: Amye Scavarda <amye@xxxxxxxxxx>
- glusterfs brick server use too high memory
- From: "Yao Guotao" <yaoguo_tao@xxxxxxx>
- BLQ Gluster community meeting anyone?
- From: Ivan Rossi <rouge2507@xxxxxxxxx>
- Re: BUG: After stop and start wrong port is advertised
- From: Mike Hulsman <mike.hulsman@xxxxxxxx>
- Re: BUG: After stop and start wrong port is advertised
- From: Atin Mukherjee <amukherj@xxxxxxxxxx>
- Community Meeting 2017-11-08
- From: Kaushal M <kshlmster@xxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Gluster clients can't see directories that exist or are created within a mounted volume, but can enter them.
- From: Nithya Balachandran <nbalacha@xxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Enabling Halo sets volume RO
- From: Mohammed Rafi K C <rkavunga@xxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Problem with getting restapi up&running
- From: Aravinda <avishwan@xxxxxxxxxx>
- Gluster Summit BOF - Testing
- From: Jonathan Holloway <jholloway@xxxxxxxxxx>
- Gluster Summit BOF - Testing
- From: Jonathan Holloway <jholloway@xxxxxxxxxx>
- Enabling Halo sets volume RO
- From: Jon Cope <jcope@xxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Problem with getting restapi up&running
- From: InterNetX - Juergen Gotteswinter <jg@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Gluster clients can't see directories that exist or are created within a mounted volume, but can enter them.
- From: Sam McLeod <mailinglists@xxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Change IP address of few nodes in GFS 3.8
- From: Hemant Mamtora <hemantrm@xxxxxxxxxxx>
- Oracle DB write archive log files on glusterfs
- From: Hemant Mamtora <hemantrm@xxxxxxxxxxx>
- Ignore failed connection messages during copying files with tiering
- From: Paul <flypen@xxxxxxxxx>
- error logged in fuse-mount log file
- From: Amudhan P <amudhan83@xxxxxxxxx>
- Problem with getting restapi up&running
- From: InterNetX - Juergen Gotteswinter <jg@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Subvolume failure
- From: Hans Henrik Happe <happe@xxxxxx>
- Gluster Summit BOF - Encryption
- From: Ivan Rossi <rouge2507@xxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Gluster Developer Conversations - Nov 28 at 15:00 UTC
- From: Amye Scavarda <amye@xxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: gfid entries in volume heal info that do not heal
- From: Jim Kinney <jim.kinney@xxxxxxxxx>
- Re: [Gluster-devel] Request for Comments: Upgrades from 3.x to 4.0+
- From: Alastair Neil <>
- Gluster Summit BOF - Rebalance
- From: Nithya Balachandran <nbalacha@xxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: how to verify bitrot signed file manually?
- From: Amudhan P <amudhan83@xxxxxxxxx>
- =?gb18030?b?u9i4tKO6ICBnbHVzdGVyZnMgc2VnbWVudGF0?==?gb18030?q?ion_fault_in_rdma_mode?=
- From: "=?gb18030?b?YWNmcmVlbWFu?=" <21291285@xxxxxx>
- Re: [Gluster-devel] Request for Comments: Upgrades from 3.x to 4.0+
- From: Kaushal M <kshlmster@xxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Gluster clients can't see directories that exist or are created within a mounted volume, but can enter them.
- From: Laura Bailey <lbailey@xxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Gluster clients can't see directories that exist or are created within a mounted volume, but can enter them.
- From: Nithya Balachandran <nbalacha@xxxxxxxxxx>
- Gluster clients can't see directories that exist or are created within a mounted volume, but can enter them.
- From: Sam McLeod <mailinglists@xxxxxxxxxxx>
- =?gb18030?b?u9i4tKO6ICBnbHVzdGVyZnMgc2VnbWVudGF0?==?gb18030?q?ion_fault_in_rdma_mode?=
- From: "=?gb18030?b?YWNmcmVlbWFu?=" <21291285@xxxxxx>
- glusterfs segmentation fault in rdma mode
- From: "=?gb18030?b?19TTycjL?=" <21291285@xxxxxx>
- Fwd: Ignore failed connection messages during copying files with tiering
- From: Paul <flypen@xxxxxxxxx>
- Re: glusterfs segmentation fault in rdma mode
- From: Ben Turner <bturner@xxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: [Gluster-devel] Request for Comments: Upgrades from 3.x to 4.0+
- From: Alastair Neil <>
- Re: Gluster Developer Conversations - Nov 28 at 15:00 UTC
- From: Raghavendra Talur <rtalur@xxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Request for Comments: Upgrades from 3.x to 4.0+
- From: Kaushal M <kshlmster@xxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Memory Leakage in Gluster 3.10.2-1
- From: Hans Henrik Happe <happe@xxxxxx>
- RIO scope in release 4.0 (Was: Request for Comments: Upgrades from 3.x to 4.0+)
- From: Shyam Ranganathan <srangana@xxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Gluster Scale Limitations
- From: Mayur Dewaikar <mdewaikar@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Request for Comments: Upgrades from 3.x to 4.0+
- From: Darrell Budic <budic@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Request for Comments: Upgrades from 3.x to 4.0+
- From: Kotresh Hiremath Ravishankar <khiremat@xxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Request for Comments: Upgrades from 3.x to 4.0+
- From: Amar Tumballi <atumball@xxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Request for Comments: Upgrades from 3.x to 4.0+
- From: Kaushal M <kshlmster@xxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Request for Comments: Upgrades from 3.x to 4.0+
- From: Amudhan P <amudhan83@xxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Request for Comments: Upgrades from 3.x to 4.0+
- From: Amudhan P <amudhan83@xxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Gluster Monthly Newsletter, October 2017
- From: Niels de Vos <ndevos@xxxxxxxxxx>
- Request for Comments: Upgrades from 3.x to 4.0+
- From: Kaushal M <kshlmster@xxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Gluster Scale Limitations
- From: Atin Mukherjee <amukherj@xxxxxxxxxx>
- Gluster 3.12.1 OOM issue with volume which stores large amount of files
- From: Jyri Palis <jyri.palis@xxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Gluster Monthly Newsletter, October 2017
- From: Marcin Dulak <marcin.dulak@xxxxxxxxx>
- Gluster Developer Conversations - Nov 28 at 15:00 UTC
- From: Amye Scavarda <amye@xxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Announcing Gluster release 3.10.7 (Long Term Maintenance)
- From: Ludwig Gamache <ludwig@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: [Gluster-devel] BoF - Gluster for VM store use case
- From: Alex K <rightkicktech@xxxxxxxxx>
- Gluster Monthly Newsletter, October 2017
- From: Amye Scavarda <amye@xxxxxxxxxx>
- Announcing Gluster release 3.10.7 (Long Term Maintenance)
- From: Shyam Ranganathan <srangana@xxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: [Gluster-devel] BoF - Gluster for VM store use case
- From: Shyam Ranganathan <srangana@xxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: BoF - Gluster for VM store use case
- From: Ben Turner <bturner@xxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: [Gluster-devel] BoF - Gluster for VM store use case
- From: Paul Cuzner <pcuzner@xxxxxxxxxx>
- BoF - Gluster for VM store use case
- From: Sahina Bose <sabose@xxxxxxxxxx>
- Documentation BoF
- From: Amar Tumballi <atumball@xxxxxxxxxx>
- Community Meeting: How to make it more active
- From: Amar Tumballi <atumball@xxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Gluster Scale Limitations
- From: Serkan Çoban <cobanserkan@xxxxxxxxx>
- Gluster Scale Limitations
- From: Mayur Dewaikar <mdewaikar@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: BUG: After stop and start wrong port is advertised
- From: Atin Mukherjee <amukherj@xxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Change IP address of few nodes in GFS 3.8
- From: Atin Mukherjee <amukherj@xxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Poor gluster performance on large files.
- From: Brandon Bates <brandon@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Poor gluster performance on large files.
- From: Serkan Çoban <cobanserkan@xxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Poor gluster performance on large files.
- From: Karan Sandha <ksandha@xxxxxxxxxx>
- Change IP address of few nodes in GFS 3.8
- From: Hemant Mamtora <hemantrm@xxxxxxxxxxx>
- HA configuration in glusterFs with storhaug
- From: Jeevan Patnaik <g1patnaik@xxxxxxxxx>
- Re: BUG: After stop and start wrong port is advertised
- From: Jo Goossens <jo.goossens@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: gluster tiering errors
- From: Herb Burnswell <herbert.burnswell@xxxxxxxxx>
- Re: BUG: After stop and start wrong port is advertised
- From: Atin Mukherjee <amukherj@xxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Poor gluster performance on large files.
- From: "Brandon Bates" <brandon@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Poor gluster performance on large files.
- From: Bartosz Zięba <kontakt@xxxxxxxxx>
- Re: not healing one file
- From: Richard Neuboeck <hawk@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Poor gluster performance on large files.
- From: "Brandon Bates" <brandon@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: gluster tiering errors
- From: Milind Changire <mchangir@xxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: gluster tiering errors
- From: Herb Burnswell <herbert.burnswell@xxxxxxxxx>
- Re: gluster tiering errors
- From: Herb Burnswell <herbert.burnswell@xxxxxxxxx>
- Re: not healing one file
- From: Karthik Subrahmanya <ksubrahm@xxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: not healing one file
- From: Richard Neuboeck <hawk@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: not healing one file
- From: Richard Neuboeck <hawk@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: [Gluster-devel] Gluster Health Report tool
- From: Marcin Dulak <marcin.dulak@xxxxxxxxx>
- Re: not healing one file
- From: Karthik Subrahmanya <ksubrahm@xxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: not healing one file
- From: Amar Tumballi <atumball@xxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: not healing one file
- From: Amar Tumballi <atumball@xxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: [Gluster-devel] Gluster Health Report tool
- From: Amar Tumballi <atumball@xxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: [Gluster-devel] Gluster Health Report tool
- From: Sankarshan Mukhopadhyay <sankarshan.mukhopadhyay@xxxxxxxxx>
- Re: [Gluster-devel] Gluster Health Report tool
- From: Marcin Dulak <marcin.dulak@xxxxxxxxx>
- Re: [Gluster-devel] Gluster Health Report tool
- From: mabi <mabi@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Gluster Health Report tool
- From: Amar Tumballi <atumball@xxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Gluster Health Report tool
- From: Jim Kinney <jim.kinney@xxxxxxxxx>
- not healing one file
- From: Richard Neuboeck <hawk@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Gluster Health Report tool
- From: Aravinda <avishwan@xxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: gfid entries in volume heal info that do not heal
- From: Karthik Subrahmanya <ksubrahm@xxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: brick is down but gluster volume status says it's fine
- From: Alastair Neil <>
- Re: brick is down but gluster volume status says it's fine
- From: Atin Mukherjee <amukherj@xxxxxxxxxx>
- brick is down but gluster volume status says it's fine
- From: Alastair Neil <>
- Re: active-active georeplication?
- From: Vijay Bellur <vbellur@xxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: gfid entries in volume heal info that do not heal
- From: Jim Kinney <jim.kinney@xxxxxxxxx>
- Re: active-active georeplication?
- From: atris adam <atris.adam@xxxxxxxxx>
- Re: active-active georeplication?
- From: Vijay Bellur <vbellur@xxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: trying to add a 3rd peer
- From: Ludwig Gamache <ludwig@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: create volume in two different Data Centers
- From: Niklas Hambüchen <mail@xxxxxx>
- Re: create volume in two different Data Centers
- From: Alessandro Briosi <ab1@xxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: create volume in two different Data Centers
- From: atris adam <atris.adam@xxxxxxxxx>
- Re: create volume in two different Data Centers
- From: lemonnierk@xxxxxxxxx
- create volume in two different Data Centers
- From: atris adam <atris.adam@xxxxxxxxx>
- Re: active-active georeplication?
- From: Kotresh Hiremath Ravishankar <khiremat@xxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: gfid entries in volume heal info that do not heal
- From: Karthik Subrahmanya <ksubrahm@xxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: trying to add a 3rd peer
- From: Bartosz Zięba <kontakt@xxxxxxxxx>
- active-active georeplication?
- From: atris adam <atris.adam@xxxxxxxxx>
- Re: problems running a vol over IPoIB, and qemu off it?
- From: Mohammed Rafi K C <rkavunga@xxxxxxxxxx>
- trying to add a 3rd peer
- From: Ludwig Gamache <ludwig@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: gfid entries in volume heal info that do not heal
- From: Jim Kinney <jim.kinney@xxxxxxxxx>
- Re: [Gluster-devel] Announcing Glusterfs release 3.12.2 (Long Term Maintenance)
- From: Niels de Vos <ndevos@xxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: gfid entries in volume heal info that do not heal
- From: Matt Waymack <mwaymack@xxxxxxxxx>
- Re: [Gluster-devel] Announcing Glusterfs release 3.12.2 (Long Term Maintenance)
- From: Alastair Neil <>
- problems running a vol over IPoIB, and qemu off it?
- From: lejeczek <peljasz@xxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: gfid entries in volume heal info that do not heal
- From: Karthik Subrahmanya <ksubrahm@xxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: gluster tiering errors
- From: Alex K <rightkicktech@xxxxxxxxx>
- Re: gluster tiering errors
- From: Milind Changire <mchangir@xxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Ubuntu Xenial 3.12.2 Gluster DEB packages are missing VIRT group settings
- From: WK <wkmail@xxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Ubuntu Xenial 3.12.2 Gluster DEB packages are missing VIRT group settings
- From: "Kaleb S. KEITHLEY" <kkeithle@xxxxxxxxxx>
- Ubuntu Xenial 3.12.2 Gluster DEB packages are missing VIRT group settings
- From: WK <wkmail@xxxxxxxxx>
- gluster tiering errors
- From: Herb Burnswell <herbert.burnswell@xxxxxxxxx>
- Re: gluster + synology
- From: Ben Mabey <ben.mabey@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: gfid entries in volume heal info that do not heal
- From: Jim Kinney <jim.kinney@xxxxxxxxx>
- Re: vfs_fruit and extended attributes
- From: Terry McGuire <tmcguire@xxxxxxxxxxx>
- Trying to remove a brick (with heketi) fails...
- From: Krist van Besien <krist@xxxxxxxxxx>
- where is performance.cache-size
- From: ML <lists@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Gluster command not respond
- From: Atin Mukherjee <amukherj@xxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Gluster processes remaining after stopping glusterd
- From: ismael mondiu <mondiu@xxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: gluster + synology
- From: Vijay Bellur <vbellur@xxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Gluster command not respond
- From: Alex K <rightkicktech@xxxxxxxxx>
- Re: warning spam in the logs after tiering experiment
- From: Dmitri Chebotarov <4dimach@xxxxxxxxx>
- Re: warning spam in the logs after tiering experiment
- From: Alastair Neil <>
- warning spam in the logs after tiering experiment
- From: Alastair Neil <>
- Re: gluster + synology
- From: Alex Chekholko <alex@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- ObjectStore on top of gluster volume
- From: David Spisla <david.spisla@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Gluster command not respond
- From: Ngo Leung <ngo.leung@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: gfid entries in volume heal info that do not heal
- From: Matt Waymack <mwaymack@xxxxxxxxx>
- Mounting of Gluster volumes in Kubernetes
- From: Travis Truman <travis.truman@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Gluster processes remaining after stopping glusterd
- From: Atin Mukherjee <amukherj@xxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: gfid entries in volume heal info that do not heal
- From: Karthik Subrahmanya <ksubrahm@xxxxxxxxxx>
- Gluster processes remaining after stopping glusterd
- From: ismael mondiu <mondiu@xxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Gluster CLI Feedback
- From: Mahdi Adnan <mahdi.adnan@xxxxxxxxxxx>
- gluster + synology
- From: Ben Mabey <ben.mabey@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: gfid entries in volume heal info that do not heal
- From: Matt Waymack <mwaymack@xxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Distribute rebalance issues
- From: Nithya Balachandran <nbalacha@xxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Distribute rebalance issues
- From: Stephen Remde <stephen.remde@xxxxxxxxxxx>
- gluster usecase CDN
- From: atris adam <atris.adam@xxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Distribute rebalance issues
- From: Nithya Balachandran <nbalacha@xxxxxxxxxx>
- Distribute rebalance issues
- From: Stephen Remde <stephen.remde@xxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Gluster CLI reference
- From: Marcin Dulak <marcin.dulak@xxxxxxxxx>
- Re: gfid entries in volume heal info that do not heal
- From: Karthik Subrahmanya <ksubrahm@xxxxxxxxxx>
- Gluster CLI reference
- From: Nithya Balachandran <nbalacha@xxxxxxxxxx>
- gluster-block v0.3 is alive!
- From: Prasanna Kalever <pkalever@xxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: gfid entries in volume heal info that do not heal
- From: Matt Waymack <mwaymack@xxxxxxxxx>
- Re: gfid entries in volume heal info that do not heal
- From: Karthik Subrahmanya <ksubrahm@xxxxxxxxxx>
- gfid entries in volume heal info that do not heal
- From: Matt Waymack <mwaymack@xxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Gluster CLI Feedback
- From: Nithya Balachandran <nbalacha@xxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: small files performance
- From: Ben Turner <bturner@xxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: nic requirement for teiring glusterfs
- From: Bartosz Zięba <kontakt@xxxxxxxxx>
- nic requirement for teiring glusterfs
- From: atris adam <atris.adam@xxxxxxxxx>
- Docker volume plugin
- From: Italo Maia <italo.maia@xxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Bandwidth and latency requirements
- From: Colin Coe <colin.coe@xxxxxxxxx>
- Announcing Glusterfs release 3.12.2 (Long Term Maintenance)
- From: Jiffin Tony Thottan <jthottan@xxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: small files performance
- From: Gandalf Corvotempesta <gandalf.corvotempesta@xxxxxxxxx>
- Re: how to verify bitrot signed file manually?
- From: Amudhan P <amudhan83@xxxxxxxxx>
- Re: gluster status
- From: Serkan Çoban <cobanserkan@xxxxxxxxx>
- Re: dbench
- From: Dmitri Chebotarov <4dimach@xxxxxxxxx>
- gluster status
- From: Gandalf Corvotempesta <gandalf.corvotempesta@xxxxxxxxx>
- dbench
- From: Gandalf Corvotempesta <gandalf.corvotempesta@xxxxxxxxx>
- Re: [Gluster-Maintainers] Rqelease 3.12.2 : Scheduled for the 10th of October
- From: Dmitry Melekhov <dm@xxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: [Gluster-Maintainers] Rqelease 3.12.2 : Scheduled for the 10th of October
- From: Amar Tumballi <atumball@xxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: [Gluster-Maintainers] Release 3.12.2 : Scheduled for the 10th of October
- From: Shyam Ranganathan <srangana@xxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: [Gluster-Maintainers] Release 3.12.2 : Scheduled for the 10th of October
- From: Jiffin Tony Thottan <jthottan@xxxxxxxxxx>
- FOSDEM Call for Participation: Software Defined Storage devroom
- From: Jan Fajerski <jfajerski@xxxxxxxx>
- Re: [Gluster-Maintainers] Release 3.12.2 : Scheduled for the 10th of October
- From: Amar Tumballi <atumball@xxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Release 3.12.2 : Scheduled for the 10th of October
- From: Mohammed Rafi K C <rkavunga@xxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: data corruption - any update?
- From: Mahdi Adnan <mahdi.adnan@xxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Release 3.12.2 : Scheduled for the 10th of October
- From: Jiffin Tony Thottan <jthottan@xxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: small files performance
- From: Poornima Gurusiddaiah <pgurusid@xxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: data corruption - any update?
- From: Nithya Balachandran <nbalacha@xxxxxxxxxx>
- how does gluster decide which connection to use?
- From: lejeczek <peljasz@xxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: data corruption - any update?
- From: lemonnierk@xxxxxxxxx
- Re: gluster volume + lvm : recommendation or neccessity ?
- From: Ivan Rossi <rouge2507@xxxxxxxxx>
- Community Meeting 2017-10-11
- From: Kaushal M <kshlmster@xxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Gluster CLI Feedback
- From: Marcin Dulak <marcin.dulak@xxxxxxxxx>
- Re: gluster volume + lvm : recommendation or neccessity ?
- From: Alastair Neil <>
- Re: data corruption - any update?
- From: Gandalf Corvotempesta <gandalf.corvotempesta@xxxxxxxxx>
- Re: gluster volume + lvm : recommendation or neccessity ?
- From: ML <lists@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- iozone results
- From: Gandalf Corvotempesta <gandalf.corvotempesta@xxxxxxxxx>
- Gluster CLI Feedback
- From: Nithya Balachandran <nbalacha@xxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: gluster volume + lvm : recommendation or neccessity ?
- From: Mohammed Rafi K C <rkavunga@xxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: gluster volume + lvm : recommendation or neccessity ?
- From: ML <lists@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: gluster volume + lvm : recommendation or neccessity ?
- From: Ric Wheeler <rwheeler@xxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: gluster volume + lvm : recommendation or neccessity ?
- From: ML <lists@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: gluster volume + lvm : recommendation or neccessity ?
- From: Mohammed Rafi K C <rkavunga@xxxxxxxxxx>
- gluster volume + lvm : recommendation or neccessity ?
- From: ML <lists@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Hybrid drives SSHD on Gluster peers
- From: WK <wkmail@xxxxxxxxx>
- Re: ZFS with SSD ZIL vs XFS
- From: Bartosz Zięba <kontakt@xxxxxxxxx>
- Re: small files performance
- From: Alastair Neil <>
- Re: ZFS with SSD ZIL vs XFS
- From: Gandalf Corvotempesta <gandalf.corvotempesta@xxxxxxxxx>
- Re: ZFS with SSD ZIL vs XFS
- From: Gandalf Corvotempesta <gandalf.corvotempesta@xxxxxxxxx>
- Gluster shows volume size less than created
- From: Pavel Kutishchev <pavel.kutishchev@xxxxxxxxx>
- Re: ZFS with SSD ZIL vs XFS
- From: Gandalf Corvotempesta <gandalf.corvotempesta@xxxxxxxxx>
- Re: ZFS with SSD ZIL vs XFS
- From: Dmitri Chebotarov <4dimach@xxxxxxxxx>
- Re: ZFS with SSD ZIL vs XFS
- From: Jeff Darcy <jeff@xxxxxxxxxx>
- ZFS with SSD ZIL vs XFS
- From: Gandalf Corvotempesta <gandalf.corvotempesta@xxxxxxxxx>
- Re: small files performance
- From: Gandalf Corvotempesta <gandalf.corvotempesta@xxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Peer isolation while healing
- From: ML <lists@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Peer isolation while healing
- From: WK <wkmail@xxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Gluster 3.8.13 data corruption
- From: Mahdi Adnan <mahdi.adnan@xxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Peer isolation while healing
- From: lemonnierk@xxxxxxxxx
- Re: Peer isolation while healing
- From: ML <lists@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: [Gluster-devel] AFR: Fail lookups when quorum not met
- From: Ravishankar N <ravishankar@xxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Gluster 3.8.13 data corruption
- From: Krutika Dhananjay <kdhananj@xxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Peer isolation while healing
- From: Karthik Subrahmanya <ksubrahm@xxxxxxxxxx>
- Peer isolation while healing
- From: ML <lists@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Gluster 3.8.13 data corruption
- From: Mahdi Adnan <mahdi.adnan@xxxxxxxxxxx>
- Announcing Gluster release 3.10.6 (Long Term Maintenance)
- From: Shyam Ranganathan <srangana@xxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Glusterd not working with systemd in redhat 7
- From: Niels de Vos <ndevos@xxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Glusterd not working with systemd in redhat 7
- From: Shyam Ranganathan <srangana@xxxxxxxxxx>
- small files performance
- From: Gandalf Corvotempesta <gandalf.corvotempesta@xxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Access from multiple hosts where users have different uid/gid
- From: Alastair Neil <>
- Release 3.12.2 : Scheduled for the 10th of October
- From: Jiffin Tony Thottan <jthottan@xxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: nfs-ganesha locking problems
- From: Soumya Koduri <skoduri@xxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Gluster geo replication volume is faulty
- From: Aravinda <avishwan@xxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Gluster 3.8.13 data corruption
- From: Krutika Dhananjay <kdhananj@xxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Glusterd not working with systemd in redhat 7
- From: ismael mondiu <mondiu@xxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Gluster 3.8.13 data corruption
- From: Lindsay Mathieson <lindsay.mathieson@xxxxxxxxx>
- Gluster 3.8.13 data corruption
- From: Mahdi Adnan <mahdi.adnan@xxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Glusterd not working with systemd in redhat 7
- From: ismael mondiu <mondiu@xxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Access from multiple hosts where users have different uid/gid
- From: Jim Kinney <jim.kinney@xxxxxxxxx>
- Access from multiple hosts where users have different uid/gid
- From: Frizz <frizzthecat@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Inconsistent slave status output
- From: Michael Watters <wattersm@xxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: data corruption - any update?
- From: Nithya Balachandran <nbalacha@xxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Glusterd not working with systemd in redhat 7
- From: ismael mondiu <mondiu@xxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Glusterd not working with systemd in redhat 7
- From: Atin Mukherjee <amukherj@xxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Glusterd not working with systemd in redhat 7
- From: Atin Mukherjee <amukherj@xxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Glusterd not working with systemd in redhat 7
- From: ismael mondiu <mondiu@xxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Glusterd not working with systemd in redhat 7
- From: ismael mondiu <mondiu@xxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: data corruption - any update?
- From: WK <wkmail@xxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Glusterd not working with systemd in redhat 7
- From: Niels de Vos <ndevos@xxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Glusterd not working with systemd in redhat 7
- From: Niels de Vos <ndevos@xxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: data corruption - any update?
- From: Krutika Dhananjay <kdhananj@xxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: data corruption - any update?
- From: Nithya Balachandran <nbalacha@xxxxxxxxxx>
- data corruption - any update?
- From: Gandalf Corvotempesta <gandalf.corvotempesta@xxxxxxxxx>
- Re: how to verify bitrot signed file manually?
- From: Amudhan P <amudhan83@xxxxxxxxx>
- Re: nfs-ganesha locking problems
- From: Bernhard Dübi <1linuxengineer@xxxxxxxxx>
- bonding mode
- From: Gandalf Corvotempesta <gandalf.corvotempesta@xxxxxxxxx>
- Re: nfs-ganesha locking problems
- From: Soumya Koduri <skoduri@xxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: gluster 3.6.5 safe upgrade
- From: Diego Remolina <dijuremo@xxxxxxxxx>
- gluster 3.6.5 safe upgrade
- From: Roman <romeo.r@xxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Clients can't connect after a server reboot (need to use volume force start)
- From: Vijay Bellur <vbellur@xxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Upgrade Gluster 3.7 to 3.12 and add 3rd replica [howto/help]
- From: Martin Toth <snowmailer@xxxxxxxxx>
- [gluster-users] Gluster Monthly Newsletter, September 2017
- From: Amye Scavarda <amye@xxxxxxxxxx>
- Gluster high inode usage on root EC2 volume
- From: Tanner Bruce <tanner.bruce@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Gluster geo replication volume is faulty
- From: rick sanchez <ricksanche137@xxxxxxxxx>
- nfs-ganesha locking problems
- From: Bernhard Dübi <1linuxengineer@xxxxxxxxx>
- Re: how to verify bitrot signed file manually?
- From: Kotresh Hiremath Ravishankar <khiremat@xxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Bandwidth and latency requirements
- From: Karan Sandha <ksandha@xxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: upgrade to 3.12.1 from 3.10: df returns wrong numbers
- From: Robert Hajime Lanning <lanning@xxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: sparse files on EC volume
- From: Dmitri Chebotarov <4dimach@xxxxxxxxx>
- Upgrading (online) GlusterFS-3.7.11 to 3.10 with Distributed-Disperse volume
- From: Bradley T Lunsford <bradley.t.lunsford@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: one brick one volume process dies?
- From: lejeczek <peljasz@xxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: one brick one volume process dies?
- From: lejeczek <peljasz@xxxxxxxxxxx>
- Clients can't connect after a server reboot (need to use volume force start)
- From: Frizz <frizzthecat@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: after hard reboot, split-brain happened, but nothing showed in gluster voluem heal info command !
- From: "Zhou, Cynthia (NSB - CN/Hangzhou)" <cynthia.zhou@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: after hard reboot, split-brain happened, but nothing showed in gluster voluem heal info command !
- From: "Zhou, Cynthia (NSB - CN/Hangzhou)" <cynthia.zhou@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Bandwidth and latency requirements
- From: Arman Khalatyan <arm2arm@xxxxxxxxx>
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