On my setup at least, just issuing the reboot command works without any
issue. I've done a number of rolling reboots for software / kernel
upgrades in the manner you've described this way.
The one gotcha I've found is when the node comes back online. I
manually check healing to ensure that everything is synced and back
online before taking other nodes offline.
Andrew Kester
The Storehouse
On 12/5/17 10:40 AM, Mark Connor wrote:
I am running gluster ver 3.8 in a distributed replica 2 config. I need
to reboot all my 8 cluster nodes to update my bios firmware. I would
like to do a rolling update to my bios and keep up my cluster so my
clients don't take an outage. Do I need to shutdown all gluster services
on each node before I reboot? Or just issue the reboot.
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