Re: Creating cluster replica on 2 nodes 2 bricks each.

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Hi Nithya

Thanks for helping me with this, I understand now , but I  have few questions. 

When i had it setup in replica (just 2 nodes with 2 bricks) and tried to added , it failed. 

[root@gluster01 ~]# gluster volume add-brick scratch replica 2 gluster01ib:/gdata/brick2/scratch gluster02ib:/gdata/brick2/scratch
volume add-brick: failed: /gdata/brick2/scratch is already part of a volume

and after that, I  ran the status and info in it and on the status i get just the two brikcs

Brick gluster01ib:/gdata/brick1/scratch     49152     49153      Y       3140 
Brick gluster02ib:/gdata/brick1/scratch     49153     49154      Y       2634

and on the info i get all 4 ( 2 x2)   is this normal?? behavior?

Brick1: gluster01ib:/gdata/brick1/scratch
Brick2: gluster02ib:/gdata/brick1/scratch
Brick3: gluster01ib:/gdata/brick2/scratch
Brick4: gluster02ib:/gdata/brick2/scratch

Now when i try to mount it , i still get only 14 tb and not 28? Am i doing something wrong? also when I start/stop services, cluster goes back to replicated mode from distributed-replicate

gluster01ib:/scratch   14T   34M   14T   1% /mnt/gluster_test

—— Gluster mount log file ——

[2018-01-11 16:06:44.963043] I [MSGID: 114046] [client-handshake.c:1216:client_setvolume_cbk] 0-scratch-client-1: Connected to scratch-client-1, attached to remote volume '/gdata/brick1/scratch'.
[2018-01-11 16:06:44.963065] I [MSGID: 114047] [client-handshake.c:1227:client_setvolume_cbk] 0-scratch-client-1: Server and Client lk-version numbers are not same, reopening the fds
[2018-01-11 16:06:44.968291] I [MSGID: 114035] [client-handshake.c:202:client_set_lk_version_cbk] 0-scratch-client-1: Server lk version = 1
[2018-01-11 16:06:44.968404] I [fuse-bridge.c:4147:fuse_init] 0-glusterfs-fuse: FUSE inited with protocol versions: glusterfs 7.24 kernel 7.22
[2018-01-11 16:06:44.968438] I [fuse-bridge.c:4832:fuse_graph_sync] 0-fuse: switched to graph 0
[2018-01-11 16:06:44.969544] I [MSGID: 108031] [afr-common.c:2166:afr_local_discovery_cbk] 0-scratch-replicate-0: selecting local read_child scratch-client-0

—— CLI  Log File  ——

[root@gluster01 glusterfs]# tail cli.log
[2018-01-11 15:54:14.468122] I [socket.c:2403:socket_event_handler] 0-transport: disconnecting now
[2018-01-11 15:54:14.468737] I [cli-rpc-ops.c:817:gf_cli_get_volume_cbk] 0-cli: Received resp to get vol: 0
[2018-01-11 15:54:14.469462] I [cli-rpc-ops.c:817:gf_cli_get_volume_cbk] 0-cli: Received resp to get vol: 0
[2018-01-11 15:54:14.469530] I [input.c:31:cli_batch] 0-: Exiting with: 0
[2018-01-11 16:03:40.422568] I [cli.c:728:main] 0-cli: Started running gluster with version 3.8.15
[2018-01-11 16:03:40.430195] I [cli-cmd-volume.c:1828:cli_check_gsync_present] 0-: geo-replication not installed
[2018-01-11 16:03:40.430492] I [MSGID: 101190] [event-epoll.c:628:event_dispatch_epoll_worker] 0-epoll: Started thread with index 1
[2018-01-11 16:03:40.430568] I [socket.c:2403:socket_event_handler] 0-transport: disconnecting now
[2018-01-11 16:03:40.485256] I [cli-rpc-ops.c:2244:gf_cli_set_volume_cbk] 0-cli: Received resp to set
[2018-01-11 16:03:40.485497] I [input.c:31:cli_batch] 0-: Exiting with: 0

—— etc-glusterfs-glusterd.vol.log — 

[2018-01-10 14:59:23.676814] I [MSGID: 106499] [glusterd-handler.c:4349:__glusterd_handle_status_volume] 0-management: Received status volume req for volume scratch
[2018-01-10 15:00:29.516071] I [MSGID: 106488] [glusterd-handler.c:1537:__glusterd_handle_cli_get_volume] 0-management: Received get vol req
[2018-01-10 15:01:09.872082] I [MSGID: 106482] [glusterd-brick-ops.c:447:__glusterd_handle_add_brick] 0-management: Received add brick req
[2018-01-10 15:01:09.872128] I [MSGID: 106578] [glusterd-brick-ops.c:499:__glusterd_handle_add_brick] 0-management: replica-count is 2
[2018-01-10 15:01:09.876763] E [MSGID: 106451] [glusterd-utils.c:6207:glusterd_is_path_in_use] 0-management: /gdata/brick2/scratch is already part of a volume [File exists]
[2018-01-10 15:01:09.876807] W [MSGID: 106122] [glusterd-mgmt.c:188:gd_mgmt_v3_pre_validate_fn] 0-management: ADD-brick prevalidation failed.
[2018-01-10 15:01:09.876822] E [MSGID: 106122] [glusterd-mgmt.c:884:glusterd_mgmt_v3_pre_validate] 0-management: Pre Validation failed for operation Add brick on local node
[2018-01-10 15:01:09.876834] E [MSGID: 106122] [glusterd-mgmt.c:2009:glusterd_mgmt_v3_initiate_all_phases] 0-management: Pre Validation Failed
[2018-01-10 15:01:16.005881] I [run.c:191:runner_log] (-->/usr/lib64/glusterfs/3.8.15/xlator/mgmt/ [0x7f1066d15045] -->/usr/lib64/glusterfs/3.8.15/xlator/mgmt/ [0x7f1066dadd85] -->/lib64/ [0x7f10726491e5] ) 0-management: Ran script: /var/lib/glusterd/hooks/1/add-brick/pre/ --volname=scratch --version=1 --volume-op=add-brick --gd-workdir=/var/lib/glusterd
[2018-01-10 15:01:15.982929] E [MSGID: 106451] [glusterd-utils.c:6207:glusterd_is_path_in_use] 0-management: /gdata/brick2/scratch is already part of a volume [File exists]
[2018-01-10 15:01:16.005959] I [MSGID: 106578] [glusterd-brick-ops.c:1352:glusterd_op_perform_add_bricks] 0-management: replica-count is set 0
[2018-01-10 15:01:16.006018] I [MSGID: 106578] [glusterd-brick-ops.c:1362:glusterd_op_perform_add_bricks] 0-management: type is set 0, need to change it
[2018-01-10 15:01:16.062001] I [MSGID: 106143] [glusterd-pmap.c:250:pmap_registry_bind] 0-pmap: adding brick /gdata/brick2/scratch on port 49154
[2018-01-10 15:01:16.062137] I [MSGID: 106143] [glusterd-pmap.c:250:pmap_registry_bind] 0-pmap: adding brick /gdata/brick2/scratch.rdma on port 49155
[2018-01-10 15:01:16.062673] E [MSGID: 106005] [glusterd-utils.c:4877:glusterd_brick_start] 0-management: Unable to start brick gluster01ib:/gdata/brick2/scratch
[2018-01-10 15:01:16.062715] E [MSGID: 106074] [glusterd-brick-ops.c:2493:glusterd_op_add_brick] 0-glusterd: Unable to add bricks
[2018-01-10 15:01:16.062729] E [MSGID: 106123] [glusterd-mgmt.c:294:gd_mgmt_v3_commit_fn] 0-management: Add-brick commit failed.
[2018-01-10 15:01:16.062741] E [MSGID: 106123] [glusterd-mgmt.c:1427:glusterd_mgmt_v3_commit] 0-management: Commit failed for operation Add brick on local node
[2018-01-10 15:01:16.062754] E [MSGID: 106123] [glusterd-mgmt.c:2018:glusterd_mgmt_v3_initiate_all_phases] 0-management: Commit Op Failed
[2018-01-10 15:01:35.914090] I [MSGID: 106499] [glusterd-handler.c:4349:__glusterd_handle_status_volume] 0-management: Received status volume req for volume scratch
[2018-01-10 15:01:15.979236] I [MSGID: 106482] [glusterd-brick-ops.c:447:__glusterd_handle_add_brick] 0-management: Received add brick req
[2018-01-10 15:01:15.979250] I [MSGID: 106578] [glusterd-brick-ops.c:499:__glusterd_handle_add_brick] 0-management: replica-count is 2
The message "I [MSGID: 106488] [glusterd-handler.c:1537:__glusterd_handle_cli_get_volume] 0-management: Received get vol req" repeated 3 times between [2018-01-10 15:00:29.516071] and [2018-01-10 15:01:39.652014]
[2018-01-10 16:16:42.776653] I [MSGID: 106488] [glusterd-handler.c:1537:__glusterd_handle_cli_get_volume] 0-management: Received get vol req
[2018-01-10 16:16:42.777614] I [MSGID: 106488] [glusterd-handler.c:1537:__glusterd_handle_cli_get_volume] 0-management: Received get vol req
[2018-01-11 15:45:09.023393] I [MSGID: 106488] [glusterd-handler.c:1537:__glusterd_handle_cli_get_volume] 0-management: Received get vol req
[2018-01-11 15:45:19.916301] I [MSGID: 106499] [glusterd-handler.c:4349:__glusterd_handle_status_volume] 0-management: Received status volume req for volume scratch
[2018-01-11 15:45:09.024217] I [MSGID: 106488] [glusterd-handler.c:1537:__glusterd_handle_cli_get_volume] 0-management: Received get vol req
[2018-01-11 15:54:10.172137] I [MSGID: 106499] [glusterd-handler.c:4349:__glusterd_handle_status_volume] 0-management: Received status volume req for volume scratch
[2018-01-11 15:54:14.468529] I [MSGID: 106488] [glusterd-handler.c:1537:__glusterd_handle_cli_get_volume] 0-management: Received get vol req
[2018-01-11 15:54:14.469408] I [MSGID: 106488] [glusterd-handler.c:1537:__glusterd_handle_cli_get_volume] 0-management: Received get vol req



Jose Sanchez
Center of Advanced Research Computing
Albuquerque, NM 87131

On Jan 10, 2018, at 9:02 PM, Nithya Balachandran <nbalacha@xxxxxxxxxx> wrote:

Hi Jose,

Gluster is working as expected. The Distribute-replicated type just means that there are now 2 replica sets and files will be distributed across them. 
A volume of type Replicate (1xn where n is the number of bricks in the replica set) indicates there is no distribution  (all files on the volume will be present on all the bricks in the volume). 
A volume of type Distributed-Replicate indicates the volume is both distributed (as in files will only be created on one of the replicated sets) and replicated. So in the above example, a file will exist on either Brick1 and Brick2 or Brick3 and Brick4. 

After the add brick, the volume will have a total capacity of 28TB and store 2 copies of every file. Let me know if that is not what you are looking for.


On 10 January 2018 at 20:40, Jose Sanchez <josesanc@xxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:

Hi Nithya

This is what i have so far, I have peer both cluster nodes together as replica, from node 1A and 1B , now when i tried to add it , i get the error that it is already part of a volume. when i run the cluster volume info , i see that has switch to distributed-replica. 



[root@gluster01 ~]# gluster volume status
Status of volume: scratch
Gluster process                             TCP Port  RDMA Port  Online  Pid
Brick gluster01ib:/gdata/brick1/scratch     49152     49153      Y       3140 
Brick gluster02ib:/gdata/brick1/scratch     49153     49154      Y       2634 
Self-heal Daemon on localhost               N/A       N/A        Y       3132 
Self-heal Daemon on gluster02ib             N/A       N/A        Y       2626 
Task Status of Volume scratch
There are no active volume tasks
[root@gluster01 ~]#

[root@gluster01 ~]# gluster volume info
Volume Name: scratch
Type: Replicate
Volume ID: a6e20f7d-13ed-4293-ab8b-d783d1748246
Status: Started
Snapshot Count: 0
Number of Bricks: 1 x 2 = 2
Transport-type: tcp,rdma
Brick1: gluster01ib:/gdata/brick1/scratch
Brick2: gluster02ib:/gdata/brick1/scratch
Options Reconfigured:
performance.readdir-ahead: on
nfs.disable: on
[root@gluster01 ~]#


[root@gluster01 ~]# gluster volume add-brick scratch replica 2 gluster01ib:/gdata/brick2/scratch gluster02ib:/gdata/brick2/scratch
volume add-brick: failed: /gdata/brick2/scratch is already part of a volume

[root@gluster01 ~]# gluster volume status
Status of volume: scratch
Gluster process                             TCP Port  RDMA Port  Online  Pid
Brick gluster01ib:/gdata/brick1/scratch     49152     49153      Y       3140 
Brick gluster02ib:/gdata/brick1/scratch     49153     49154      Y       2634 
Self-heal Daemon on gluster02ib             N/A       N/A        Y       2626 
Self-heal Daemon on localhost               N/A       N/A        Y       3132 
Task Status of Volume scratch
There are no active volume tasks
[root@gluster01 ~]# gluster volume info
Volume Name: scratch
Type: Distributed-Replicate
Volume ID: a6e20f7d-13ed-4293-ab8b-d783d1748246
Status: Started
Snapshot Count: 0
Number of Bricks: 2 x 2 = 4
Transport-type: tcp,rdma
Brick1: gluster01ib:/gdata/brick1/scratch
Brick2: gluster02ib:/gdata/brick1/scratch
Brick3: gluster01ib:/gdata/brick2/scratch
Brick4: gluster02ib:/gdata/brick2/scratch
Options Reconfigured:
performance.readdir-ahead: on
nfs.disable: on
[root@gluster01 ~]# 

Jose Sanchez
Center of Advanced Research Computing
Albuquerque, NM 87131-0001

On Jan 9, 2018, at 9:04 PM, Nithya Balachandran <nbalacha@xxxxxxxxxx> wrote:


Please let us know what commands you ran so far and the output of the gluster volume info command.


On 9 January 2018 at 23:06, Jose Sanchez <josesanc@xxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:

We are trying to setup Gluster for our project/scratch storage HPC machine using a replicated mode with 2 nodes, 2 bricks each (14tb each). 

Our goal is to be able to have a replicated system between node 1 and 2 (A bricks) and add an additional 2 bricks (B bricks)  from the 2 nodes. so we can have a total of 28tb replicated mode. 

Node 1 [ (Brick A) (Brick B) ]
Node 2 [ (Brick A) (Brick B) ]
14Tb + 14Tb = 28Tb

At this  I was able to create the replica nodes between node 1 and 2 (brick A) but I’ve not been able to add to the replica together, Gluster switches to distributed replica   when i add it with only 14Tb.

Any help will be appreciated.



Jose Sanchez
Center of Advanced Research Computing
Albuquerque, NM 87131

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