On Thu, Oct 26, 2017 at 2:24 AM, Marcin Dulak <marcin.dulak@xxxxxxxxx> wrote: > Hi, > > since people are suggesting nagios then I can't resist suggesting exporting > the metrics in the prometheus format, > or at least making the project into a library so > https://github.com/prometheus/client_python could be used to export the > prometheus metrics. > There has been an attempt at https://github.com/ofesseler/gluster_exporter > but it is not maintained anymore. > There is an on-going effort which provides a monitoring dashboard for a Gluster cluster. Some detail at <https://github.com/Tendrl/documentation/wiki/Metrics> At present the stack is not consuming Prometheus, however, the team is looking at switching over so as to make a more malleable dashboard. There is of course a Gitter channel at <https://gitter.im/Tendrl/tendrl-devel> Install+configure instructions for the latest release are at <https://github.com/Tendrl/documentation/wiki/Tendrl-release-v1.5.3-(install-guide)> -- sankarshan mukhopadhyay <https://about.me/sankarshan.mukhopadhyay> _______________________________________________ Gluster-users mailing list Gluster-users@xxxxxxxxxxx http://lists.gluster.org/mailman/listinfo/gluster-users