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- Small change to mdi.c so that a SCROLL_SetNCSbState can be removed from scroll.c, Andrew M. Johnston
- Listview K5, Dimitrie O. Paun
- Re: Regression Test - kernel atom test, Dmitry Timoshkov
- RPC Merge (A_PL2), Greg Turner
- Create/DeleteTimerQueueTimer,
steve . lustbader
- RPC Merge (A_PL3), Greg Turner
- Listview K7, Dimitrie O. Paun
- Listview notifications (H0), Dimitrie O. Paun
- Text shows as 'boxes' with XFree86 4.2,
Stephen Mollett
- Abort with error in SetWindowSubclass,
György 'Nog' Jeney
- Implement GetDateFormatW, steve . lustbader
- Add a prototype code page test, Dmitry Timoshkov
- RPC merge (PL0), Greg Turner
- Listview updates (J4), Dimitrie O. Paun
- Diablo 2 Install,
Joe Giles
- HalfLife on latest CVS,
Michael Pacey
- Re: HalfLife on latest CVS, Sylvain Petreolle
Patch - shell32, Steven Edwards
Validate{Rect,Rgn} prototypes, Dimitrie O. Paun
RE: Directory Problemsw, Emiricol .
Listview updates (J3), Dimitrie O. Paun
Add a couple of defines, György 'Nog' Jeney
Use new Subclass API in toolhep, György 'Nog' Jeney
Subclassing support, György 'Nog' Jeney
Lotus Notes does not start anymore with current CVS,
Listview updates (J2), Dimitrie O. Paun
magically fix word 2002, Greg Turner
Listview updates (J1), Dimitrie O. Paun
some rpcrt4 stuff, Greg Turner
Listview updates (J0), Dimitrie O. Paun
Added some more useful macros, Patrik Stridvall
Windows 3.1 program hangs at startup, Sean Millichamp
Wine Debuger questions; Error installing MS Embedded Visual Tools3.0, Erland Lewin
winapi: new tool winapi_test for generating tests (again),
Patrik Stridvall
Avoid L"/usr/loca/lbin/wine" is not acessible from a configured wine drive, Sylvain Petreolle
Fix: Anti-aliasing for font sizes >8 (fwd), Dag Wieers
Listview updates (I0), Dimitrie O. Paun
WineDbg documentation fix, Francois Gouget
GNU C implementation of DECLSPEC_ macros, Patrik Stridvall
support for starting wine as an interpreter by kernel (execve), Jukka A. Ukkonen
End Chinese Censorship at Yahoo!, Ambassador Incursio
Listview - issue CCSelect sound, Guy L. Albertelli
Add support for CCSelect sound, Guy L. Albertelli
Fix problem with TTM_ messages in Spy.c, Guy L. Albertelli
PATCH: Implement SwapTextureHandles method., Christian Costa
Re: Query, possible quick fix??, Bruce McGovern
Commdlg header fix, György 'Nog' Jeney
Another "stab" at it: -gstabs3/gcc3.2 compatibility (less sketchy), Greg Turner
Custom Control header,
György 'Nog' Jeney
Implement {G|S}etWindowLongPtr,
György 'Nog' Jeney
Fix Heap overwrite in start_debugger(), Uwe Bonnes
Accept -g3 stabs info (sketchy?), Greg Turner
X11 xvidmode broken, Jukka Heinonen
Re: Unable to compile current CVS, Lionel Ulmer
Fix dsurface/main.c for those that done have GL, Guy L. Albertelli
Fix to protect users from selves., Guy L. Albertelli
Listview - fix for Outlook Background, Guy L. Albertelli
Care for write protected resource in propsheet,
Uwe Bonnes
installing iexplorer without windows,
PATCH: Activate the viewport passed as parameter when executing buffer., Christian Costa
PATCH: Implement IDirect3DViewport2_DeleteLight., Christian Costa
DOS FindFirst/FindNext fix, Jukka Heinonen
Fix for msvcrt sscanf/swscanf,
Jukka Heinonen
A problem reading configuration file,
Pavel Troller
DIB engine,
Ove Kaaven
minor typo in winemaker, Bill Medland
Listview updates (H0), Dimitrie O. Paun
PATCH: move some 16bit functions, Michael Stefaniuc
winelib "using Linux libraries as dlls" update and expansion, Bill Medland
dx8 submission,
Ann and Jason Edmeades
Fix DOSFS_FindNextEx, György 'Nog' Jeney
Listview updates (G1), Dimitrie O. Paun
Listview updates (G0),
Dimitrie O. Paun
Winsock problem: wine client error:0x86f30f0: pipe: Too many open files,
Frank Joerdens
winemaker: Only generate spec files for dlls, Francois Gouget
winemaker: wineapploader changes,
Francois Gouget
winemaker: Naming in the wrapper code, Francois Gouget
winemaker: Dead code removal, Francois Gouget
winemaker: distclean target, Francois Gouget
Greg Bledsoe
PATCH: Remove transformation of z projected coordinates and add normals world transformation., Christian Costa
PATCH: Fix devices creation broken code, Christian Costa
missing winspool.drv, David Woodyard
lzexpand 16/32 bit seperation, György 'Nog' Jeney
[patch] Listview error handling, Paul Rupe
winapi: new tool winapi_test for generating tests, Patrik Stridvall
urlmon/wininet stubs, Chris Morgan
second crack at WS_setsockopt/SO_xxxTIMEO stuff., Greg Turner
winemaker: Naming fixes, Francois Gouget
can wine be run as daemon,
Irvin Lazadro
adding codepage 20932 for Japanese, Aric Stewart
Fix system metrics, Dimitrie O. Paun
Latest on Abacus DPMI problem., Bruce McGovern
Misc updates, Dimitrie O. Paun
Listview Large Icon (LVS_ICON) rewrite., Guy L. Albertelli
Edit updates, Dimitrie O. Paun
Battlefield 1942, Mario Ohnewald
Handle shortened *optval arg. in WS_setsockopt / WS_SO_RCVTIMEO, Greg Turner
PATCH: Fix IDirect3DTexture2Impl_Load, Christian Costa
Fix winedos.spec, Christian Costa
PATCH: Add support for POINT, WIREFRAME and SOLID fill modes,
Christian Costa
[patch] Listview fixes, Paul Rupe
RESEND: Handle shortened *optval arg. in WS_setsockopt / WS_SO_RCVTIMEO, Greg Turner
Edit updates (take 2), Dimitrie O. Paun
seeking advice on network troubleshooting strategy,
Frank Joerdens
d3d8 header patch., Yong Chi
Re: Diablo, Direct3d, How to disable Direct3d,
Mark Hannessen
Problem with Divx codec in VirtualDub,
Ronald Castillo
PATCH: Add allocation/desallocation of the light private data, Christian Costa
PATCH : Add desallocation of the viewport private data, Christian Costa
PATCH: Enable creation of devices and textures from a surface, Christian Costa
Dll separation (3), Dimitrie O. Paun
Dll separation (2), Dimitrie O. Paun
[PATCH] GlobalRegistryDir config patch, Raul Dias
Fixed some issues found by "make checklink", Patrik Stridvall
Cellspacing, svaradi
winapi: improved the new C parser, Patrik Stridvall
A excite game, svaradi
FD_ZERO and FD_SET problems., Patrick J. McNerthney
installing a win software,
Installing Netscape 4.x,
Robert Claeson
Setup.exe Hides Dialogues,
Lane P. Lester
Install Notepad in c:\Windows, Francois Gouget
fix listview trace crash,
Rein Klazes
Move scroll from x11drv to USER, Dimitrie O. Paun
export {Start,End}GraphicsExposures from x11drv, Dimitrie O. Paun
Convert HKEY to a void*, Michael Stefaniuc
dx8 header change, Ann and Jason Edmeades
HRGN, Dimitrie O. Paun
winedbg's doc, Eric Pouech
winedump doc, Eric Pouech
more detailed fake info in GetUserObjectInformationW..., Arthur L. Jones
Correct and update executable types in PathIsExe, Jeff Smith
Change some types to SIZE_T according to MS SDK definitions. Take 2., Dmitry Timoshkov
Change some types to SIZE_T according to MS SDK definitions., Dmitry Timoshkov
winelib docs (1), Dimitrie O. Paun
Abacus DOS problem Lock Selector,
Bruce McGovern
builtin <-> native, Dimitrie O. Paun
winaspi+libscg, Szombathelyi György
psdrv.reg, Dimitrie O. Paun
get GetDateFormatW somewhat working..., Arthur L. Jones
printer not found, Bodo Hasso Dietz
Small Winelib documentation update, Francois Gouget
SHLWAPI reorg, Jon
wine.texinfo added information about trademarks, Andriy Palamarchuk
netapi32.dll: tests/.cvsignore fix, Andriy Palamarchuk
netapi32.dll: NetQueryDisplayInformation, NetUserGetInfo implementation, Andriy Palamarchuk
DLL separation (1), Dimitrie O. Paun
winedump docs, Jon
Direct3D v8 - Try2, Ann and Jason Edmeades
An attempt at LogonUser(), Martin Wilck
Large File Size, FireWire BSD
16 bit cd writers wanted, Sylvain Petreolle
[Help] Flash 5 installation failed on Wine 4-9-2002,
+default CVS ignores [WAS: Re: Patch - Update some CVS ignores], Jan Kratochvil
Debug channel docu update,
Dimitrie O. Paun
Listview updates (D0), Dimitrie O. Paun
Update to, Vincent Béron
Wine and audio, Steven Rubenstein
PATCH: make wine find winelib apps better, Martin Wilck
Winemaker: Fix application install issues, Martin Wilck
Unable to print with the Wine PS driver,
Oscar A. Valdez
Klaus Niederkrueger
Patch: public errno.h for MSVCRT, Martin Wilck
LsaOpenPolicy return success, Andriy Palamarchuk
hotkey implementation, Nog Nogger
Small fix for the testing doc, Francois Gouget
Listview Updates (C0), Dimitrie O. Paun
ShowDotFiles doc,
Dimitrie O. Paun
directory structure problems,
Emiricol .
PATCH: workaround for ms typo, Michael Stefaniuc
Listview updates (B0), Dimitrie O. Paun
PATCH: comctl32\listview.c, Sander van Leeuwen
PATCH: comctl32\listview.c (resend), Sander van Leeuwen
Minor rephrasing in usage message, Francois Gouget
Use ntstatus.h in dlls/ntdll/tests/error.c, Francois Gouget
Start of the conformance testing documentation, Francois Gouget
Test: Minor Winemaker documentation update, Francois Gouget
Small documentation fixes, Francois Gouget
__WINE__ interfering with Unicode, Francois Gouget
Tests: Fix type cast warnings, Francois Gouget
Tests: Fix the #include order, Francois Gouget
wtypes.h circular inclusion problem, Francois Gouget
tests: APIs not defined on some platforms, Francois Gouget
Types removal, Francois Gouget
Running conformance tests on Windows, Francois Gouget
ntstatus.h, Francois Gouget
Compile tests as Winelib apps, Francois Gouget
PATCH: Fix MoveFileEx() flags in MSVCRT rename(), Martin Wilck
Hide dot files, Dimitrie O. Paun
Other typos in CMYK conversions, Vincent Béron
Fixed typo error... (attachement in unified diff form), Juraj Hercek
memory/virtual.c: ROUND_SIZE() bugfix + .SYS loading, Jan Kratochvil
winedump: selective search also by name,
Jan Kratochvil
Cosmetic: "IMPLEMENTING A NEW DLL" doc update, Jan Kratochvil
Fixed selecting multiple files in common file dialog 95-style,
Josef Meixner
Fixed typo error.... now with attachement..., Juraj Hercek
Shell execute with URLs, take 2, Duane Clark
/usr/bin/ld: cannot find -lwine,
o beckles
Fixed typo error in wingdi.h, added structure tags in winbase.h, Juraj Hercek
winedbg - ability to abort symbol lookup, Eric Pouech
Problem in exe loader, Sylvain Petreolle
Shell execute with URLs, Duane Clark
iexplore ver 5.5 install can't load commctrl.dll,
David Woodyard
Replace static initializers with a proper #define in .h files,
Dmitry Timoshkov
Press: LinuxPlanet makes a great case for Wine, Francois Gouget
New user trying to install registry,
Steven Rubenstein
Listview updates (take 2), Dimitrie O. Paun
DSOUND: noise with aRts driver, Jerry Jenkins
PATCH: Convert HRSRC to a void*, Michael Stefaniuc
[PATCH] CriticalSection SpinCount Implementation, Ryan Cumming
"LockFile not implemented in server" messages on a Samba share,
Oscar A. Valdez
Winemaker: improved MSVCRT support, Martin Wilck
Certain apps - no printers,
Charles Logan
Improved MoveFileEx() Patch, Martin Wilck
Patch: MoveFileEx(), Martin Wilck
Derive 5.05,
lorenzo . zampese
BUG in my patch (WAS Re: wine/ dlls/winsock/socket.c files/file.c), Martin Wilck
Retry: Listview update - LVM_GETITEMRECT, Guy L. Albertelli
Brazilian ABNT-2 Keyboard - DeadKeys not operates properly, Salatiel-Robson Oliveira
Listview scroll updates (take 2), Dimitrie O. Paun
Starcraft under wine-20020904,
Listview scroll updates, Dimitrie O. Paun
winapi_cleanup update, Patrik Stridvall
ntdef.h ntddk.h => winternl.h, Patrik Stridvall
SHLWAPI merging #4, Jon
PATCH - Last of the Mingw warnings, Steven Edwards
[WSA]GetOverlappedResult() with auto-reset events, Martin Wilck
Spec files documentation - wide strings, Andriy Palamarchuk
Install tchar.h, Andriy Palamarchuk
ie5setup.exe files missing ...,
David Woodyard
RE: Language packs (was IE5.5),
Martin Polley
Fix lossage due to pathname truncation in calls to MODULE_LoadLibraryExA, Michael Beach
1st-time user -- stuck right of the bat,
Steven Rubenstein
RFC: DirectX8 code, Ann and Jason Edmeades
DirectX 8 - headers, Ann and Jason Edmeades
Patch for winedefault.reg for installing ie5 on an fake window installation, Escuder Nicolas
PATCH: winemaker fixes against 1.49, Martin Wilck
Re: Re: Is wine *always* mapping threads onto processes? (Was: Re: multiple inst,
Fredrik Persson
PATCH: cups without default, Marcus Meissner
PATCH: fix winemaker regressions in 1.49, Martin Wilck
Re: Is wine *always* mapping threads onto processes? (Was: Re: multiple instance,
Frank Joerdens
Winebuild 2/2, Dimitrie O. Paun
Move name out of .spec files, Dimitrie O. Paun
Winebuild 1/2, Dimitrie O. Paun
An app stopped working after upgrading wine,
Pavel Troller
Move mode out of .spec, Dimitrie O. Paun
Spec file nits, Dimitrie O. Paun
Commctrl updates, Dimitrie O. Paun
Duplicate: Listview update - LVM_GETITEMRECT, Guy L. Albertelli
Listview update - LVM_GETITEMRECT, Guy L. Albertelli
wine initialising... then nothing,
Frank Bax
netapi32.dll improvements, Andriy Palamarchuk
downloading fonts ...,
David Woodyard
[PATCH] winemaker: fix catch() and throw() in winelib DLLs, Martin Wilck
ntsecapi.h: policy access definitions, Andriy Palamarchuk
err:midi:OSS_MidiInit ioctl on midi info for device 0 failed., eNTi
multiple instances of app each consuming 32 MB . . . (???),
Frank Joerdens
Tests for memory allocation functions, Andriy Palamarchuk
More winemaker fixes, Martin Wilck
winedump patch: add COFF dumping, Andreas Mohr
RE: IE5.5 (was:(no subject)),
Martin Polley
Photoshop 6 in Wine 20020904, Robby Whiteside
RE: wine-users digest, Vol 1 #1245 - 6 msgs, Dennis Hayes
Known problem?,
Fredrik Tolf
winedbg: enhancing symbol lookup, Eric Pouech
winedbg: fixing the line reading function, Eric Pouech
RE: wine-users digest, Vol 1 #1243 - 4 msgs, Dennis Hayes
RE: wine-users digest, Vol 1 #1244 - 7 msgs, Dennis Hayes
RE: wine-users digest, Vol 1 #1242 - 7 msgs, Dennis Hayes
DrawFrameControl update, Dimitrie O. Paun
Listbox fix, Dimitrie O. Paun
RtlNtStatusToDosError: added error code mappings, Andriy Palamarchuk
winemaker: Naming and the build system, Francois Gouget
winemaker: Global settings & template processing, Francois Gouget
winemaker: Fix the Wine detection, Francois Gouget
Martin Bammer
winemaker: wineapploader generation, Francois Gouget
winemaker: Makefile fixes,
Francois Gouget
winemaker: Remove references to ntdll, Francois Gouget
PATCH - wcmd building with Mingw, Steven Edwards
Commctrl cleanups, Dimitrie O. Paun
massive slowdown in wine-20020904, eNTi
Compiling Wine on old Linux kernel ...,
David Woodyard
Trackbar update,
Dimitrie O. Paun
ToolTips update, Dimitrie O. Paun
Commctrl defs update, Dimitrie O. Paun
TBS_DOWNISLEFT, Dimitrie O. Paun
PATCH: winspool fixes, Marcus Meissner
SHLWAPI More ordinal functions, Jon Griffiths
Allow $COMSPEC to be given in the config file, Uwe Bonnes
Disregard Resent:[From Steven Edwards]PATCH: Fix build wcmd on windows, Uwe Bonnes
Resent:[From Steven Edwards]PATCH: Fix build wcmd on windows, Uwe Bonnes
Allow slash in filename for wcmd, Uwe Bonnes
Re: Question about running DVD Profiler, puoti@xxxxxxxxx
Make ?scanf recognice chars again, Uwe Bonnes
Question about running DVD Profiler,
Tom Williams
New header winternl.h, Patrik Stridvall
updated LT keyboard,
Nerijus Baliunas
Remove trailing whitespace, Patrik Stridvall
MS C/C++ specific features, Patrik Stridvall
New headers mssip.h and sipbase.h, Patrik Stridvall
Re: Compile error on Solaris Sparc, puoti@xxxxxxxxx
Listview updates,
Dimitrie O. Paun
menu fix, Andreas Mohr
Compile error on Solaris Sparc, Corey . Brune
wine troubleshooting solution still not found after 1 month,
Galen Thurber
the wine CVS, puoti@xxxxxxxxx
Patch: winemaker-man, Martin Wilck
Patch: wineapploader, Martin Wilck
Patch: winemaker-options, Martin Wilck
[PATCH] winemaker-bugs.diff, Martin Wilck
LsaNtStatusToDosError, Andriy Palamarchuk
Comctrl notification support, Dimitrie O. Paun
PATCH: almost ready with the conversion of HWND to a void*, Michael Stefaniuc
Re: macromedia dreamweaver mx,
Add SHCreateStdEnumFmtEtc to shell32.dll, Rolf Kalbermatter
Atom test fix, Francois Gouget
winemaker: Add prototypes and use strict, Francois Gouget
[PATCH] Fix Bug 448 (one-liner), Martin Wilck
Comctrl generic notification support,
Dimitrie O. Paun
Keyboard Problems, O.Koller
SHLWAPI Ordinal functions, Jon Griffiths
SHLWAPI Registry/MIME, Jon Griffiths
[PATCH] fix Bug 875, Martin Wilck
Mention the 32bit coordinates support, Francois Gouget
Francois Gouget
- <Possible follow-ups>
- Typos, Francois Gouget
Wine release 20020904, Alexandre Julliard
PATCH: another small step to convert HWND to a void*, Michael Stefaniuc
How to use in KDE,
Georg Meyer
ImageList updates,
Dimitrie O. Paun
Trackbar updates,
Dimitrie O. Paun
[PATCH] winsock-test.diff, Martin Wilck
Re: encarta installation problems, puoti@xxxxxxxxx
Re: encarta installation problems,
Yanal Sulieman
Re: A_3D_game_that_works_with_Wine_and_not_with_WineX_2.1!!, puoti@xxxxxxxxx
LsaNtStatusToWinError implementation, Andriy Palamarchuk
SHFileOperationA: implemented FO_MOVE action, Andriy Palamarchuk
Re: Using macros from Excel 2000 - Solved, puoti@xxxxxxxxx
Small updown cleanup, Dimitrie O. Paun
Some more ImageList definitions, Dimitrie O. Paun
Re: Using macros from Excel 2000 - Solved,
Eduardo Canegusucu
Re:_problem_with_'make_installing'_wine, puoti@xxxxxxxxx
Re: problem with 'make installing' wine,
PATCH - Fix typo,
Steven Edwards
Using macros from Excel 2000, Eduardo Canegusucu
A 3D game that works with Wine and not with WineX 2.1!!,
Re: starcraft.exe (again i guess :) ),
problem with 'make installing' wine,
Sean Carroll
starcraft.exe (again i guess :) ), eNTi
Bidi improvments, Shachar Shemesh
About bugs, Johan Gill
Implements shdocvw.101, Sylvain Petreolle
Re: Re: Unable to print, puoti@xxxxxxxxx
Re: Half-Life, hanging on "loading" screen (singleplayer), puoti@xxxxxxxxx
Re: Unable to print, puoti@xxxxxxxxx
ImageList: {x,y}Bitmap, misc, Dimitrie O. Paun
Unable to print,
Anurag Phadke
Half-Life, hanging on "loading" screen (singleplayer),
Peter Kirk
Patch to make the Linux 2.2 event API joystick stuff work., David D. Hagood
console 2/2, Eric Pouech
console 1/2, Eric Pouech
current wine status, tom
internet explorer installation,
Franky Van Liedekerke
Playing long sounds makes programs crash, Fredrik Tolf
SHLWAPI IQueryAssociations helpers,
Jon Griffiths
PATCH: debugger / ppc, Marcus Meissner
pagemaker 6.5,
Franky Van Liedekerke
Update .cvsignore's for building on Windows, Steven Edwards
PATCH: rename WIN_Handle{16,32} to HWND_{16,32},
Michael Stefaniuc
Oracle 8.1.7 client,
ComboEx: CBES_EX_NOSIZELIMIT, Dimitrie O. Paun
Added H_SRCS (used by msvcmaker), Patrik Stridvall
msvcmaker update,
Patrik Stridvall
Even more MSVC compabillity fixes, Patrik Stridvall
PATCH: ppc fixes, Marcus Meissner
Slovenian resources for winhelp, Rok Mandeljc
Slovenian resources for clock, Rok Mandeljc
Small wineinstall fix, Rok Mandeljc
Using Windows XP dll's as overrides,
Marco Baciarello
Re: DOSFS_FindUnixName and "unix" filesystem (was: Re: (HELP) ...), Martin Wilck
GetCursorInfo updated, Per Nystrom
Simple listview patch, Guy L. Albertelli
ReadFontDir Can't open directory, fbn
Convert HPALETTE to a void*, Michael Stefaniuc
WineDbg patch, Eric Pouech
Wine and Devices, Bush, Mike
winapi_cleanup, Patrik Stridvall
winetest module update, Patrik Stridvall
More MSVC compabillity fixes., Patrik Stridvall
Implemented user32.dll.GetCursorInfo, Per Nystrom
Comboex: CBEN_DRAGBEGIN, Dimitrie O. Paun
installation didn't set up a registry,
DestroyMenu() fix, Andreas Mohr
debugger fix, Eric Pouech
Re: Wine Status, puoti@xxxxxxxxx
Re: Openglide,
IE 4.0 SP2 required, liedekef
freetype 2 and wine compiliation, eNTi
Wine y Jedi Knight2, [AFQ]EvilNet
[noob] ReadFontDir Can't Open Directory..,
use of ttydrv,
Arnaud Duhamel
Wine Status, tom
Re: winex 2.1 source,
winex 2.1 source,
invalid adress when using winedbg,
Sylvain Petreolle
Convert Registry,
Friedrich Slivovsky
Re: please help,
Andriy Palamarchuk
Patch - Untested - Move mouse caret when selecting text, Steven Edwards
Re: wine ui control hacker?, Rein Klazes
DOSFS_DoGetFullPathName patch., Rein Klazes
How I get wine from cvs and build to winex, piglet
comctl32 polish translations,
Jacek Bator
[PATCH] + cups segfault, Alexander Gottwald
[PATCH] + cups segfault (resend), Alexander Gottwald
Small debugger help fix, Lionel Ulmer
wineoss patch,
Ove Kaaven
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