Listview Large Icon (LVS_ICON) rewrite.

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This is a major rewrite of the LVS_ICON (large icon) code. Not everything is working correctly yet. Known problems:
1. Focus rectangles are left drawn incorrectly when scrolling window.
2. Background is incorrect for at least Outlook (white instead of grey).
3. Scrolling in Outlook is not correct.
However the Rowlist and CSpy Listview samples seem to work well.

License: X11

Guy Albertelli  <<>>

   - Localize origin, location, and rectangle computation.
   - Support state icons in LVS_ICON style.
   - Draw only items that are in the clip box.
   - Draw non-selected items first then the selected ones because
     large icons may overlap each other.
   - Correct invalidation rectangles for items.
   - Correct drawing of large icons.
   - Eliminate divide by zero cases in scrolling.
   - Invalidate selected items prior to setting window losing focus.

Index: dlls/comctl32/listview.c
RCS file: /home/wine/wine/dlls/comctl32/listview.c,v
retrieving revision 1.150
diff -u -r1.150 listview.c
--- dlls/comctl32/listview.c	23 Sep 2002 20:59:42 -0000	1.150
+++ dlls/comctl32/listview.c	24 Sep 2002 03:44:46 -0000
@@ -103,6 +103,7 @@
   INT iIndent;
   POINT ptPosition;
   BOOL valid;
+  RECT rcLastDraw;
 typedef struct tagRANGE
@@ -129,10 +130,18 @@
   INT nSelectionMark;
   INT nHotItem;
   SHORT notifyFormat;
-  RECT rcList;
-  RECT rcView;
+  RECT rcList;                 /* This rectangle is really the window
+				* client rectangle possibly reduced by the 
+				* horizontal scroll bar and/or header - see 
+				* LISTVIEW_UpdateSize. This rectangle offset
+				* by the LISTVIEW_GetOrigin value is within
+				* the rcView rectangle  */
+  RECT rcView;                 /* This rectangle contains all items - 
+				* contructed in LISTVIEW_AlignTop and
+				* LISTVIEW_AlignLeft   */
   SIZE iconSize;
   SIZE iconSpacing;
+  SIZE iconStateSize;
   UINT uCallbackMask;
   HWND hwndHeader;
   HFONT hDefaultFont;
@@ -189,12 +198,17 @@
  *   ICON_TOP_PADDING - sum of the two above.
  *   ICON_BOTTOM_PADDING - between bottom of icon and top of text
  *   LABEL_VERT_PADDING - between bottom of text and end of box
+ *
+ *   ICON_LR_PADDING - additional width above icon size.
+ *   ICON_LR_HALF - half of the above value
 #define ICON_BOTTOM_PADDING          4
 #define LABEL_VERT_PADDING           7
+#define ICON_LR_PADDING              16
+#define ICON_LR_HALF                 (ICON_LR_PADDING/2)
 /* default label width for items in list and small icon display modes */
@@ -227,9 +241,10 @@
   TRACE("hwndSelf=%08x, clrBk=0x%06lx, clrText=0x%06lx, clrTextBk=0x%06lx, ItemHeight=%d, ItemWidth=%d, Style=0x%08lx\n", \
         iP->hwndSelf, iP->clrBk, iP->clrText, iP->clrTextBk, \
         iP->nItemHeight, iP->nItemWidth, GetWindowLongW (iP->hwndSelf, GWL_STYLE)); \
-  TRACE("hwndSelf=%08x, himlNor=%p, himlSml=%p, himlState=%p, Focused=%d, Hot=%d, exStyle=0x%08lx\n", \
+  TRACE("hwndSelf=%08x, himlNor=%p, himlSml=%p, himlState=%p, Focused=%d, Hot=%d, exStyle=0x%08lx, Focus=%s\n", \
         iP->hwndSelf, iP->himlNormal, iP->himlSmall, iP->himlState, \
-        iP->nFocusedItem, iP->nHotItem, iP->dwExStyle); \
+        iP->nFocusedItem, iP->nHotItem, iP->dwExStyle, \
+        (iP->bFocus) ? "true" : "false"); \
   TRACE("hwndSelf=%08x, ntmH=%d,,,,, notifyFmt=%d\n", \
         iP->hwndSelf, iP->ntmHeight, iP->, iP->, \
         iP->, iP->, iP->notifyFormat); \
@@ -443,6 +458,22 @@
     return buf;
+#if 0
+/******  enable to trace all InvalidateRect calls  *******/
+static void LISTVIEW_InvRect(int line, HWND hwnd, const RECT* lprc, BOOL bol)
+    if (lprc)
+      TRACE("doing InvalidateRect at line %d, rect=(%d,%d)-(%d,%d), bool=%d\n",
+	    line, lprc->left, lprc->top, lprc->right, lprc->bottom, bol);
+    else
+      TRACE("doing InvalidateRect at line %d, rect=<null>, bool=%d\n",
+	    line, bol);
+    InvalidateRect(hwnd, lprc, bol);
+#define InvalidateRect(a,b,c) LISTVIEW_InvRect(__LINE__, a, b, c)
 /******** Notification functions i************************************/
 static inline BOOL notify(LISTVIEW_INFO *infoPtr, INT code, LPNMHDR pnmh)
@@ -1114,6 +1145,293 @@
+ * DESCRIPTION:            [INTERNAL]
+ * Compute sizes and rectangles of an item.  This is to localize all
+ * the computations in one place.
+ *
+ *                                          supported for style:
+ *                                                   IC SI LI RP
+ * [I] HWND : window handle
+ * [I] INT  : item number
+ * [O] LPPOINT : ptr to Origin point or NULL         x  x  x  x
+ * [O] LPPOINT : ptr to Position point or NULL       x  x  x  x
+ *                the Position point is relative to infoPtr->rcList
+ *                (has *NOT* been adjusted by the origin)
+ * [O] LPRECT  : ptr to Boundary rectangle or NULL   x  x  x  x
+ *                the Boundary rectangle is relative to infoPtr->rcList
+ *                (has *NOT* been adjusted by the origin)
+ * [O] LPRECT  : ptr to Icon rectangle or NULL       x  x  x  x
+ *                the Icon rectangle is relative to infoPtr->rcView
+ *                (has already been adjusted by the origin)
+ * [O] LPRECT  : ptr to Label rectangle or NULL      x  x  -  -
+ *              - the Label rectangle is relative to infoPtr->rcView
+ *                (has already been adjusted by the origin)
+ *              - the Label rectangle encloses the label text only
+ * [O] LPRECT  : ptr to FullText rectangle or NULL   x  x  -  -
+ *              - the FullText rectangle is relative to infoPtr->rcView
+ *                (has already been adjusted by the origin)
+ *              - the FullText rectangle contains the Label rectangle
+ *                but may be bigger. Used for filling the background.
+ *
+ *   TRUE if computations OK
+ *   FALSE otherwise
+ */
+static BOOL LISTVIEW_GetAllMeasure(LISTVIEW_INFO *infoPtr, INT nItem,
+				  LPPOINT lpptOrigin,
+				  LPPOINT lpptPosition,
+				  LPRECT lprcBoundary,
+				  LPRECT lprcIcon,
+				  LPRECT lprcLabel,
+				  LPRECT lprcFText)
+  LONG lStyle = GetWindowLongW(infoPtr->hwndSelf, GWL_STYLE);
+  UINT uView = lStyle & LVS_TYPEMASK;
+  BOOL bResult = TRUE;
+  HDPA hdpaSubItems;
+  POINT Origin, Position;
+  RECT Icon, Boundary, Label;
+  INT nHorzPos = 0, nVertPos = 0;
+  /************************************************************/
+  /* compute Origin point                                     */
+  /*  (we can always do this even with bad/invalid nItem)     */
+  /************************************************************/
+  SCROLLINFO scrollInfo;
+  ZeroMemory(&Origin, sizeof(POINT));
+  ZeroMemory(&scrollInfo, sizeof(SCROLLINFO));
+  scrollInfo.cbSize = sizeof(SCROLLINFO);    
+  scrollInfo.fMask = SIF_POS;
+  if ((lStyle & WS_HSCROLL) && GetScrollInfo(infoPtr->hwndSelf, SB_HORZ, &scrollInfo))
+      nHorzPos = scrollInfo.nPos;
+  if ((lStyle & WS_VSCROLL) && GetScrollInfo(infoPtr->hwndSelf, SB_VERT, &scrollInfo))
+      nVertPos = scrollInfo.nPos;
+  TRACE("nHorzPos=%d, nVertPos=%d\n", nHorzPos, nVertPos);
+  Origin.x = infoPtr->rcList.left;
+  Origin.y = infoPtr->;
+  if (uView == LVS_LIST)
+      {
+	  nHorzPos *= LISTVIEW_GetCountPerColumn(infoPtr);
+	  nVertPos = 0;
+      }
+  else if (uView == LVS_REPORT)
+      {
+	  nVertPos *= infoPtr->nItemHeight;
+      }
+  Origin.x -= nHorzPos;
+  Origin.y -= nVertPos;
+  TRACE("hwnd=%x, item=%d, origin=(%ld,%ld)\n",
+	infoPtr->hwndSelf, nItem, Origin.x, Origin.y);
+  if (lpptOrigin) *lpptOrigin = Origin;
+  /************************************************************/
+  /* do some basic checks on the item for correctness         */
+  /************************************************************/
+  if (!((nItem >= 0) && (nItem < GETITEMCOUNT(infoPtr))))
+      return FALSE;
+  if (!(hdpaSubItems = (HDPA)DPA_GetPtr(infoPtr->hdpaItems, nItem)))
+      return FALSE;
+  if (!(lpItem = (LISTVIEW_ITEM *)DPA_GetPtr(hdpaSubItems, 0)))
+      return FALSE;
+  /***********************************************************************/
+  /* compute boundary box for the item (assumes nItemWidth and Height    */
+  /***********************************************************************/
+  if ((uView == LVS_SMALLICON) || (uView == LVS_ICON))
+  {
+      Boundary.left = lpItem->ptPosition.x;
+ = lpItem->ptPosition.y;
+  }
+  else if (uView == LVS_LIST)
+  {
+      INT nCountPerColumn;
+      INT nRow, adjItem;
+      adjItem = nItem - LISTVIEW_GetTopIndex(infoPtr);
+      nCountPerColumn = LISTVIEW_GetCountPerColumn(infoPtr);
+      if (adjItem < 0)
+      {
+	  nRow = adjItem % nCountPerColumn;
+	  if (nRow == 0)
+	  {
+	      Boundary.left = adjItem / nCountPerColumn * infoPtr->nItemWidth;
+ = 0;
+	  }
+	  else
+	  {
+	      Boundary.left = (adjItem / nCountPerColumn -1) * infoPtr->nItemWidth;
+ = (nRow + nCountPerColumn) * infoPtr->nItemHeight;
+	  }
+      }
+      else
+      {
+	  Boundary.left = adjItem / nCountPerColumn * infoPtr->nItemWidth;
+ = adjItem % nCountPerColumn * infoPtr->nItemHeight;
+      }
+  }
+  else  /* LVS_REPORT */
+  {
+      Boundary.left = REPORT_MARGINX;
+ = ((nItem - LISTVIEW_GetTopIndex(infoPtr)) *
+                         infoPtr->nItemHeight) + infoPtr->;
+      if (!(lStyle & LVS_NOSCROLL))
+      {
+	  SCROLLINFO scrollInfo;
+	  /* Adjust position by scrollbar offset */
+	  ZeroMemory(&scrollInfo, sizeof(SCROLLINFO));
+	  scrollInfo.cbSize = sizeof(SCROLLINFO);
+	  scrollInfo.fMask = SIF_POS;
+	  GetScrollInfo(infoPtr->hwndSelf, SB_HORZ, &scrollInfo);
+	  Boundary.left -= scrollInfo.nPos;
+      }
+  }
+  Boundary.right = Boundary.left + infoPtr->nItemWidth;
+  Boundary.bottom = + infoPtr->nItemHeight;
+  TRACE("hwnd=%x, item=%d, boundary=(%d,%d)-(%d,%d)\n",
+	infoPtr->hwndSelf, nItem,
+	Boundary.left,, Boundary.right, Boundary.bottom);
+  if (lprcBoundary) *lprcBoundary = Boundary;
+  /************************************************************/
+  /* compute position point (ala LVM_GETITEMPOSITION)         */
+  /************************************************************/
+  Position.x = Boundary.left;
+  Position.y =;
+  if (uView == LVS_ICON)
+  {
+      Position.y += ICON_TOP_PADDING;
+      Position.x += (infoPtr-> - infoPtr-> / 2;
+  }
+  if (lpptPosition) *lpptPosition = Position;
+  TRACE("hwnd=%x, item=%d, position=(%ld,%ld)\n",
+	infoPtr->hwndSelf, nItem, Position.x, Position.y);
+  /************************************************************/
+  /* compute ICON bounding box (ala LVM_GETITEMRECT)          */
+  /************************************************************/
+  if (uView == LVS_ICON)
+  {
+      if (infoPtr->himlNormal != NULL)
+      {
+	  Icon.left   = Position.x + Origin.x - ICON_LR_HALF;
+    = Position.y + Origin.y - ICON_TOP_PADDING;
+	  Icon.right  = Icon.left + infoPtr-> + ICON_LR_PADDING;
+	  Icon.bottom = + infoPtr-> + ICON_TOP_PADDING;
+      }
+      else bResult = FALSE;
+  }
+  else if (uView == LVS_SMALLICON)
+  {
+      Icon.left   = Position.x + Origin.x;
+    = Position.y + Origin.y;
+      Icon.bottom = + infoPtr->nItemHeight;
+      if (infoPtr->himlState != NULL)
+	  Icon.left += infoPtr->;
+      if (infoPtr->himlSmall != NULL)
+	  Icon.right = Icon.left + infoPtr->;
+      else
+	  Icon.right = Icon.left;
+  }
+  else /* LVS_LIST or LVS_REPORT */
+  {
+      Icon.left = Position.x;
+ = Position.y;
+      Icon.bottom = + infoPtr->nItemHeight;
+      if (infoPtr->himlState != NULL)
+	  Icon.left += infoPtr->;
+      if (infoPtr->himlSmall != NULL)
+	  Icon.right = Icon.left + infoPtr->;
+      else
+	  Icon.right = Icon.left;
+  }
+  if(lprcIcon) *lprcIcon = Icon;
+  TRACE("hwnd=%x, item=%d, icon=(%d,%d)-(%d,%d)\n",
+	infoPtr->hwndSelf, nItem,
+	Icon.left,, Icon.right, Icon.bottom);
+  /************************************************************/
+  /* compute LABEL bounding box (ala LVM_GETITEMRECT)         */
+  /************************************************************/
+  if (uView == LVS_ICON)
+  {
+      if (infoPtr->himlNormal != NULL)
+      {
+	  INT nLabelWidth;
+	  RECT FullText;
+	  Label.left = Boundary.left + Origin.x;
+	              infoPtr-> + ICON_BOTTOM_PADDING;
+	  nLabelWidth = LISTVIEW_GetLabelWidth(infoPtr, nItem);
+	  if (infoPtr-> - nLabelWidth > 1)
+	  {
+	      Label.left += (infoPtr-> - nLabelWidth) / 2;
+	      Label.right = Label.left + nLabelWidth;
+	      Label.bottom = + infoPtr->ntmHeight + 1;
+	      Label.bottom += HEIGHT_PADDING;
+	  }
+	  else
+	  {
+	      Label.right = Label.left + infoPtr->nItemWidth;
+	      Label.bottom = + infoPtr->nItemHeight + HEIGHT_PADDING;
+	      LISTVIEW_UpdateLargeItemLabelRect (infoPtr, nItem,
+						 &Label);
+	  }
+	  FullText = Label;
+	  InflateRect(&FullText, 2, 0);
+	  if (lprcLabel) *lprcLabel = Label;
+	  if (lprcFText) *lprcFText = FullText;
+	  TRACE("hwnd=%x, item=%d, label=(%d,%d)-(%d,%d), fulltext=(%d,%d)-(%d,%d)\n",
+		infoPtr->hwndSelf, nItem,
+		Label.left,, Label.right, Label.bottom,
+		FullText.left,, FullText.right, FullText.bottom);
+      }
+      else bResult = FALSE;
+  }
+  else if (uView == LVS_SMALLICON)
+  {
+      INT nLeftPos, nLabelWidth;
+      nLeftPos = Label.left = Position.x + Origin.x;
+ = Position.y + Origin.y;
+      Label.bottom = + infoPtr->nItemHeight;
+      if (infoPtr->himlState != NULL)
+	  Label.left += infoPtr->;
+      if (infoPtr->himlSmall != NULL)
+	  Label.left += infoPtr->;
+      nLabelWidth = LISTVIEW_GetLabelWidth(infoPtr, nItem);
+      nLabelWidth += TRAILING_PADDING;
+      if (Label.left + nLabelWidth < nLeftPos + infoPtr->nItemWidth)
+	  Label.right = Label.left + nLabelWidth;
+      else
+	  Label.right = nLeftPos + infoPtr->nItemWidth;
+      if (lprcLabel) *lprcLabel = Label;
+      if (lprcFText) *lprcFText = Label;
+      TRACE("hwnd=%x, item=%d, label=(%d,%d)-(%d,%d)\n",
+	    infoPtr->hwndSelf, nItem,
+	    Label.left,, Label.right, Label.bottom);
+  }
+  return bResult;
  * Aligns the items with the top edge of the window.
@@ -2171,6 +2489,80 @@
+ /***
+  * Sets rectangle that the item was last drawn at.
+  *
+  * [I] HWND : window handle
+  * [I] INT : item index
+  * [I] LPRECT : coordinate information
+  *
+  * RETURN:
+  */
+static BOOL LISTVIEW_SetItemDrawRect(LISTVIEW_INFO *infoPtr, INT nItem, LPRECT lpRect)
+  BOOL bResult = FALSE;
+  HDPA hdpaSubItems;
+  TRACE("(hwnd=%x,nItem=%d,rect=(%d,%d)-(%d,%d))\n",
+	infoPtr->hwndSelf, nItem,
+	lpRect->left, lpRect->top, lpRect->right, lpRect->bottom);
+  if ((nItem >= 0) && (nItem < GETITEMCOUNT(infoPtr)) && (lpRect != NULL))
+  {
+    if ((hdpaSubItems = (HDPA)DPA_GetPtr(infoPtr->hdpaItems, nItem)))
+    {
+      if ((lpItem = (LISTVIEW_ITEM *)DPA_GetPtr(hdpaSubItems, 0)))
+      {
+        bResult = TRUE;
+        lpItem->rcLastDraw = *lpRect;
+      }
+    }
+  }
+  return bResult;
+ /***
+  * Gets rectangle that the item was last drawn at.
+  *
+  * [I] HWND : window handle
+  * [I] INT : item index
+  * [O] LPRECT : coordinate information
+  *
+  * RETURN:
+  */
+static BOOL LISTVIEW_GetItemDrawRect(LISTVIEW_INFO *infoPtr, INT nItem, LPRECT lpRect)
+  BOOL bResult = FALSE;
+  HDPA hdpaSubItems;
+  if ((nItem >= 0) && (nItem < GETITEMCOUNT(infoPtr)) && (lpRect != NULL))
+  {
+    if ((hdpaSubItems = (HDPA)DPA_GetPtr(infoPtr->hdpaItems, nItem)))
+    {
+      if ((lpItem = (LISTVIEW_ITEM *)DPA_GetPtr(hdpaSubItems, 0)))
+      {
+        bResult = TRUE;
+        if (lpRect) *lpRect = lpItem->rcLastDraw;
+	TRACE("(hwnd=%x,nItem=%d,rect=(%d,%d)-(%d,%d))\n",
+	      infoPtr->hwndSelf, nItem,
+	      lpRect->left, lpRect->top, lpRect->right, lpRect->bottom);
+      }
+    }
+  }
+  return bResult;
  * Tests wheather the item is assignable to a list with style lStyle 
@@ -2437,7 +2829,6 @@
     INT oldFocus = infoPtr->nFocusedItem;
     LPWSTR pszText = NULL;
-    RECT rcItem;
     BOOL bResult;
     if (!lpLVItem || lpLVItem->iItem < 0 ||
@@ -2445,7 +2836,7 @@
 	return FALSE;
     /* For efficiency, we transform the lpLVItem->pszText to Unicode here */
-    if ((lpLVItem->mask & LVIF_TEXT) && lpLVItem->pszText)
+    if ((lpLVItem->mask & LVIF_TEXT) && is_textW(lpLVItem->pszText))
 	pszText = lpLVItem->pszText;
 	lpLVItem->pszText = textdupTtoW(lpLVItem->pszText, isW);
@@ -2458,11 +2849,35 @@
     /* redraw item, if necessary */
     if (bResult && !infoPtr->bIsDrawing)
+	RECT rcOldItem={0,0,0,0}, rcIcon, rcFullText, rcNewItem;
 	if (oldFocus != infoPtr->nFocusedItem && infoPtr->bFocus)
-	rcItem.left = LVIR_BOUNDS;
-	LISTVIEW_GetItemRect(infoPtr, lpLVItem->iItem, &rcItem);
-	InvalidateRect(infoPtr->hwndSelf, &rcItem, FALSE);
+	/* Note that ->rcLastDraw is normally all zero, so
+	 * no second InvalidateRect is issued.
+	 *
+	 * However, when a large icon style is drawn (LVS_ICON),
+	 * the rectangle drawn is saved in rcLastDraw. That way
+	 * the InvalidateRect will invalidate the entire area drawn
+	 */
+	if ((oldFocus >= 0) && (oldFocus < GETITEMCOUNT(infoPtr)))
+	{
+	    LISTVIEW_GetItemDrawRect(infoPtr, oldFocus, &rcOldItem);
+	    if(!IsRectEmpty(&rcOldItem))
+		InvalidateRect(infoPtr->hwndSelf, &rcOldItem, TRUE);
+	}
+	LISTVIEW_GetAllMeasure(infoPtr, lpLVItem->iItem, NULL, NULL,
+			      NULL, &rcIcon, NULL, &rcFullText);
+	UnionRect(&rcNewItem, &rcIcon, &rcFullText);
+	if(!IsRectEmpty(&rcNewItem))
+	    InvalidateRect(infoPtr->hwndSelf, &rcNewItem, TRUE);
+        TRACE("old item(%d)=(%d,%d)-(%d,%d), new item(%d)=(%d,%d)-(%d,%d)\n",
+	      oldFocus,
+	      rcOldItem.left,, rcOldItem.right, rcOldItem.bottom,
+	      lpLVItem->iItem,
+	      rcNewItem.left,, rcNewItem.right, rcNewItem.bottom);
     /* restore text */
     if (pszText)
@@ -2532,6 +2947,9 @@
     if (!infoPtr->hBkBrush) return FALSE;
     FillRect(hdc, lprcBox, infoPtr->hBkBrush);
+    TRACE("filling (%d,%d)-(%d,%d) using brush %x\n",
+	  lprcBox->left, lprcBox->top, lprcBox->right, lprcBox->bottom,
+	  infoPtr->hBkBrush);
     return TRUE;
@@ -2721,7 +3139,7 @@
        ImageList_Draw(infoPtr->himlState, uStateImage - 1, hdc, rcItem.left,
             , ILD_NORMAL);
-     rcItem.left += infoPtr->;
+     rcItem.left += infoPtr->;
      bImage = TRUE;
@@ -2863,14 +3281,15 @@
   WCHAR szDispText[DISP_TEXT_SIZE] = { '\0' };
   LVITEMW lvItem;
-  RECT rcFill;
+  RECT rcIcon, rcFill, rcFocus, rcFullText, rcLabel;
+  POINT ptOrg;
   TRACE("(hdc=%x, nItem=%d, left=%d, top=%d, right=%d, bottom=%d)\n",
         hdc, nItem, rcItem.left,, rcItem.right, rcItem.bottom);
   /* get information needed for drawing the item */
-  lvItem.stateMask = LVIS_SELECTED | LVIS_FOCUSED;
   lvItem.iItem = nItem;
   lvItem.iSubItem = 0;
   lvItem.cchTextMax = DISP_TEXT_SIZE;
@@ -2879,13 +3298,30 @@
   LISTVIEW_GetItemW(infoPtr, &lvItem, FALSE);
   TRACE("   lvItem=%s\n", debuglvitem_t(&lvItem, TRUE));
-  rcFill = rcItem;
+  LISTVIEW_GetAllMeasure(infoPtr, nItem, &ptOrg, NULL,
+			&rcFill, &rcIcon, &rcLabel, &rcFullText);
+  rcFill.left += ptOrg.x;
+ += ptOrg.y;
+  rcFill.right += ptOrg.x;
+  rcFill.bottom += ptOrg.y;
   TRACE("background rect (%d,%d)-(%d,%d)\n",
         rcFill.left,, rcFill.right, rcFill.bottom);
   LISTVIEW_FillBkgnd(infoPtr, hdc, &rcFill);
+  /* Set the item to the boundary box for now */
+  rcItem = rcFill;
+  TRACE("bound box for text+icon (%d,%d)-(%d,%d),, nItemWidth=%d\n",
+        rcItem.left,, rcItem.right, rcItem.bottom,
+        infoPtr->, infoPtr->nItemWidth);
+  TRACE("rcList (%d,%d)-(%d,%d), rcView (%d,%d)-(%d,%d)\n",
+        infoPtr->rcList.left,    infoPtr->,
+        infoPtr->rcList.right,   infoPtr->rcList.bottom,
+        infoPtr->rcView.left,    infoPtr->,
+        infoPtr->rcView.right,   infoPtr->rcView.bottom);
   /* Figure out text colours etc. depending on state
    * At least the following states exist; there may be more.
    * Many items may be selected
@@ -2941,16 +3377,33 @@
   uFormat |= lprcFocus ?  DT_NOCLIP : DT_WORD_ELLIPSIS | DT_END_ELLIPSIS;
+  /* state icons */
+  if (infoPtr->himlState != NULL)
+  {
+     UINT uStateImage = (lvItem.state & LVIS_STATEIMAGEMASK) >> 12;
+     INT x, y;
+     x = rcIcon.left - infoPtr-> + 10;
+     y = + infoPtr-> - infoPtr-> + 4;
+     if (uStateImage > 0)
+     {
+       ImageList_Draw(infoPtr->himlState, uStateImage - 1, hdc, x,
+                      y, ILD_NORMAL);
+     }
+  }
   /* draw the icon */
   if (infoPtr->himlNormal != NULL)
     if (lvItem.iImage >= 0)
-      ImageList_Draw (infoPtr->himlNormal, lvItem.iImage, hdc, rcItem.left,
-            ,
+      ImageList_Draw (infoPtr->himlNormal, lvItem.iImage, hdc,
+		      rcIcon.left+ICON_LR_HALF,
                       (lvItem.state & LVIS_SELECTED) ? ILD_SELECTED : ILD_NORMAL);
       TRACE("icon %d at (%d,%d)\n",
-	    lvItem.iImage, rcItem.left,;
+	    lvItem.iImage, rcIcon.left+ICON_LR_HALF,
@@ -2963,21 +3416,9 @@
-  /* Since rcItem.left is left point of icon, compute left point of item box */
-  rcItem.left -= ((infoPtr->nItemWidth - infoPtr-> / 2);
-  rcItem.right = rcItem.left + infoPtr->nItemWidth;
-  rcItem.bottom = + infoPtr->nItemHeight;
-  TRACE("bound box for text+icon (%d,%d)-(%d,%d),, nItemWidth=%d\n",
-        rcItem.left,, rcItem.right, rcItem.bottom,
-        infoPtr->, infoPtr->nItemWidth);
-  TRACE("rcList (%d,%d)-(%d,%d), rcView (%d,%d)-(%d,%d)\n",
-        infoPtr->rcList.left,    infoPtr->,
-        infoPtr->rcList.right,   infoPtr->rcList.bottom,
-        infoPtr->rcView.left,    infoPtr->,
-        infoPtr->rcView.right,   infoPtr->rcView.bottom);
+  /* adjust item for just text instead of entire item */
   InflateRect(&rcItem, -(2*CAPTION_BORDER), 0);
- += infoPtr-> + ICON_BOTTOM_PADDING;
   /* draw label */
@@ -2995,34 +3436,31 @@
    * need to jump through a few hoops to ensure that it all gets displayed and
    * that the background is complete
-  if (uFormat & DT_NOCLIP)
+  rcFocus = rcLabel;  /* save for focus */
+  if ((uFormat & DT_NOCLIP) || (lvItem.state & LVIS_SELECTED))
-      RECT rcBack=rcItem;
       HBRUSH hBrush = CreateSolidBrush(GetBkColor (hdc));
-      int dx, dy, old_wid, new_wid;
-      DrawTextW (hdc, lvItem.pszText, -1, &rcItem, uFormat | DT_CALCRECT);
-      /* Microsoft, in their great wisdom, have decided that the rectangle
-       * returned by DrawText on DT_CALCRECT will only guarantee the dimension,
-       * not the location.  So we have to do the centring ourselves (and take
-       * responsibility for agreeing off-by-one consistency with them).
-       */
-      old_wid = rcItem.right-rcItem.left;
-      new_wid = rcBack.right - rcBack.left;
-      dx = rcBack.left - rcItem.left + (new_wid-old_wid)/2;
-      dy = -;
-      OffsetRect (&rcItem, dx, dy);
-      FillRect(hdc, &rcItem, hBrush);
+      FillRect(hdc, &rcFullText, hBrush);
+      rcFocus = rcFullText;
+      /* Save size of item drawing for next InvalidateRect */
+      LISTVIEW_SetItemDrawRect(infoPtr, nItem, &rcFullText);
+      TRACE("focused/selected, rcFocus=(%d,%d)-(%d,%d), rclabel=(%d,%d)-(%d,%d)\n",
+	    rcFocus.left,, rcFocus.right, rcFocus.bottom,
+	    rcLabel.left,, rcLabel.right, rcLabel.bottom);
   /* else ? What if we are losing the focus? will we not get a complete
    * background?
-  DrawTextW (hdc, lvItem.pszText, -1, &rcItem, uFormat);
+  DrawTextW (hdc, lvItem.pszText, -1, &rcLabel, uFormat);
   TRACE("text at (%d,%d)-(%d,%d) is %s\n",
-	rcItem.left,, rcItem.right, rcItem.bottom,
+	rcLabel.left,, rcLabel.right, rcLabel.bottom,
-  if(lprcFocus) CopyRect(lprcFocus, &rcItem);
+  if(lprcFocus) CopyRect(lprcFocus, &rcFocus);
@@ -3258,7 +3696,7 @@
   POINT ptPosition;
   POINT ptOrigin;
-  RECT rcItem, *lprcFocus;
+  RECT rcItem, *lprcFocus, rcClip, rcTemp;
   INT i;
   DWORD cditemmode = CDRF_DODEFAULT;
@@ -3271,8 +3709,71 @@
   LISTVIEW_GetOrigin(infoPtr, &ptOrigin);
+  GetClipBox(hdc, &rcClip);
+  /* Draw the visible non-selected items */
   for (i = 0; i < GETITEMCOUNT(infoPtr); i++)
+    if (LISTVIEW_GetItemState(infoPtr,i,LVIS_SELECTED))
+	continue;
+    rcItem.left = LVIR_BOUNDS;
+    LISTVIEW_GetItemRect(infoPtr, i, &rcItem);
+    if (!IntersectRect(&rcTemp, &rcItem, &rcClip))
+	continue;
+    if (cdmode & CDRF_NOTIFYITEMDRAW)
+      cditemmode = notify_customdrawitem (infoPtr, hdc, i, 0, CDDS_ITEMPREPAINT);
+    if (cditemmode & CDRF_SKIPDEFAULT)
+        continue;
+    LISTVIEW_GetItemPosition(infoPtr, i, &ptPosition);
+    ptPosition.x += ptOrigin.x;
+    ptPosition.y += ptOrigin.y;
+    if (ptPosition.y + infoPtr->nItemHeight > infoPtr->
+    {
+      if (ptPosition.x + infoPtr->nItemWidth > infoPtr->rcList.left)
+      {
+        if (ptPosition.y < infoPtr->rcList.bottom)
+        {
+          if (ptPosition.x < infoPtr->rcList.right)
+          {
+   = ptPosition.y;
+            rcItem.left = ptPosition.x;
+            rcItem.bottom = + infoPtr->nItemHeight;
+            rcItem.right = rcItem.left + infoPtr->nItemWidth;
+            /* if we have focus, calculate focus rect */
+            if (infoPtr->bFocus && LISTVIEW_GetItemState(infoPtr, i, LVIS_FOCUSED))
+	      lprcFocus = &infoPtr->rcFocus;
+            else
+	      lprcFocus = 0;
+            if (bSmall)
+              LISTVIEW_DrawItem(infoPtr, hdc, i, rcItem, FALSE, lprcFocus);
+            else
+              LISTVIEW_DrawLargeItem(infoPtr, hdc, i, rcItem, lprcFocus);
+          }
+        }
+      }
+    }
+    if (cditemmode & CDRF_NOTIFYPOSTPAINT)
+        notify_customdrawitem(infoPtr, hdc, i, 0, CDDS_ITEMPOSTPAINT);
+  }
+  /* Draw the visible selected items */
+  for (i = 0; i < GETITEMCOUNT(infoPtr); i++)
+  {
+    if (!LISTVIEW_GetItemState(infoPtr,i,LVIS_SELECTED))
+	continue;
+    rcItem.left = LVIR_BOUNDS;
+    LISTVIEW_GetItemRect(infoPtr, i, &rcItem);
+    if (!IntersectRect(&rcTemp, &rcItem, &rcClip))
+	continue;
     if (cdmode & CDRF_NOTIFYITEMDRAW)
       cditemmode = notify_customdrawitem (infoPtr, hdc, i, 0, CDDS_ITEMPREPAINT);
     if (cditemmode & CDRF_SKIPDEFAULT)
@@ -4092,13 +4593,20 @@
           nScrollPosHeight = 1;
  += infoPtr->;
+	else
+	{
+	    ERR("LVS_LIST top unknown, nScrollPosWidth=%d\n", nScrollPosWidth);
+	}
-        if ( % nScrollPosHeight == 0)
-          scrollInfo.nPos += / nScrollPosHeight;
-        else
-          scrollInfo.nPos += / nScrollPosHeight - 1;
+	if (nScrollPosHeight)
+	{
+	    if ( % nScrollPosHeight == 0)
+		scrollInfo.nPos += / nScrollPosHeight;
+	    else
+		scrollInfo.nPos += / nScrollPosHeight - 1;
-        SetScrollInfo(infoPtr->hwndSelf, SB_VERT, &scrollInfo, TRUE);
+	    SetScrollInfo(infoPtr->hwndSelf, SB_VERT, &scrollInfo, TRUE);
+	}
     else if (rcItem.bottom > infoPtr->rcList.bottom)
@@ -4117,13 +4625,20 @@
           nScrollPosHeight = 1;
           rcItem.bottom -= infoPtr->rcList.bottom;
+	else  /* LVS_LIST */
+	{
+	    ERR("LVS_LIST bottom unknown, nScrollPosWidth=%d\n", nScrollPosWidth);
+	}
-        if (rcItem.bottom % nScrollPosHeight == 0)
-          scrollInfo.nPos += rcItem.bottom / nScrollPosHeight;
-        else
-          scrollInfo.nPos += rcItem.bottom / nScrollPosHeight + 1;
+	if (nScrollPosHeight)
+	{
+	    if (rcItem.bottom % nScrollPosHeight == 0)
+		scrollInfo.nPos += rcItem.bottom / nScrollPosHeight;
+	    else
+		scrollInfo.nPos += rcItem.bottom / nScrollPosHeight + 1;
-        SetScrollInfo(infoPtr->hwndSelf, SB_VERT, &scrollInfo, TRUE);
+	    SetScrollInfo(infoPtr->hwndSelf, SB_VERT, &scrollInfo, TRUE);
+	}
@@ -4792,76 +5307,16 @@
 static BOOL LISTVIEW_GetItemBoundBox(LISTVIEW_INFO *infoPtr, INT nItem, LPRECT lpRect)
-  LONG lStyle = GetWindowLongW(infoPtr->hwndSelf, GWL_STYLE);
-  UINT uView = lStyle & LVS_TYPEMASK;
   BOOL bResult = FALSE;
-  HDPA hdpaSubItems;
-  INT nCountPerColumn;
-  INT nRow;
   TRACE("(nItem=%d,lpRect=%p)\n", nItem, lpRect);
   if ((nItem >= 0) && (nItem < GETITEMCOUNT(infoPtr)) &&
       (lpRect != NULL))
-    if (uView == LVS_LIST)
-    {
-      bResult = TRUE;
-      nItem = nItem - ListView_GetTopIndex(infoPtr->hwndSelf);
-      nCountPerColumn = LISTVIEW_GetCountPerColumn(infoPtr);
-      if (nItem < 0)
-      {
-        nRow = nItem % nCountPerColumn;
-        if (nRow == 0)
-        {
-          lpRect->left = nItem / nCountPerColumn * infoPtr->nItemWidth;
-          lpRect->top = 0;
-        }
-        else
-        {
-          lpRect->left = (nItem / nCountPerColumn -1) * infoPtr->nItemWidth;
-          lpRect->top = (nRow + nCountPerColumn) * infoPtr->nItemHeight;
-        }
-      }
-      else
-      {
-        lpRect->left = nItem / nCountPerColumn * infoPtr->nItemWidth;
-        lpRect->top = nItem % nCountPerColumn * infoPtr->nItemHeight;
-      }
-    }
-    else if (uView == LVS_REPORT)
-    {
-      bResult = TRUE;
-      lpRect->left = REPORT_MARGINX;
-      lpRect->top = ((nItem - ListView_GetTopIndex(infoPtr->hwndSelf)) *
-                         infoPtr->nItemHeight) + infoPtr->;
-      if (!(lStyle & LVS_NOSCROLL))
-      {
-        SCROLLINFO scrollInfo;
-        /* Adjust position by scrollbar offset */
-        scrollInfo.cbSize = sizeof(SCROLLINFO);
-        scrollInfo.fMask = SIF_POS;
-        GetScrollInfo(infoPtr->hwndSelf, SB_HORZ, &scrollInfo);
-        lpRect->left -= scrollInfo.nPos;
-      }
-    }
-    else /* either LVS_ICON or LVS_SMALLICON */
-    {
-      if ((hdpaSubItems = (HDPA)DPA_GetPtr(infoPtr->hdpaItems, nItem)))
-      {
-        if ((lpItem = (LISTVIEW_ITEM *)DPA_GetPtr(hdpaSubItems, 0)))
-        {
-          bResult = TRUE;
-          lpRect->left = lpItem->ptPosition.x;
-          lpRect->top = lpItem->ptPosition.y;
-        }
-      }
-    }
+      bResult = LISTVIEW_GetAllMeasure(infoPtr, nItem, NULL, NULL,
+				      lpRect, NULL, NULL, NULL);
-  lpRect->right = lpRect->left + infoPtr->nItemWidth;
-  lpRect->bottom = lpRect->top + infoPtr->nItemHeight;
   TRACE("result %s: (%d,%d)-(%d,%d)\n", bResult ? "TRUE" : "FALSE",
 	lpRect->left, lpRect->top, lpRect->right, lpRect->bottom);
   return bResult;
@@ -4884,23 +5339,15 @@
 static BOOL LISTVIEW_GetItemPosition(LISTVIEW_INFO *infoPtr, INT nItem, LPPOINT lpptPosition)
-  UINT uView = LISTVIEW_GetType(infoPtr);
   BOOL bResult = FALSE;
-  RECT rcBounding;
   TRACE("(nItem=%d, lpptPosition=%p)\n", nItem, lpptPosition);
   if ((nItem >= 0) && (nItem < GETITEMCOUNT(infoPtr)) &&
       (lpptPosition != NULL))
-    bResult = LISTVIEW_GetItemBoundBox(infoPtr, nItem, &rcBounding);
-    lpptPosition->x = rcBounding.left;
-    lpptPosition->y =;
-    if (uView == LVS_ICON)
-    {
-       lpptPosition->y += ICON_TOP_PADDING;
-       lpptPosition->x += (infoPtr-> - infoPtr-> / 2;
-    }
+    bResult = LISTVIEW_GetAllMeasure(infoPtr, nItem, NULL, lpptPosition,
+				    NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL);
     TRACE("result %s (%ld,%ld)\n", bResult ? "TRUE" : "FALSE",
           lpptPosition->x, lpptPosition->y);
@@ -4947,7 +5394,7 @@
  * [I] infoPtr : pointer to the listview structure
  * [I] nItem : the item for which we are calculating this
- * [I] rect : the rectangle to be updated
+ * [I/O] rect : the rectangle to be updated
  * This appears to be weird, even in the Microsoft implementation.
@@ -4960,6 +5407,7 @@
     RECT rcBack = *rect;
     BOOL focused, selected;
     int dx, dy, old_wid, new_wid;
+    LVITEMW lvItem;
     TRACE("%s, focus item=%d, cur item=%d\n",
 	  (infoPtr->bFocus) ? "Window has focus" : "Window not focused",
@@ -4971,67 +5419,48 @@
     uFormat |= (focused) ? DT_NOCLIP : DT_WORD_ELLIPSIS | DT_END_ELLIPSIS;
-    if (focused || selected)
-    {
-        /* We (aim to) display the full text.  In Windows 95 it appears to
-         * calculate the size assuming the specified font and then it draws
-         * the text in that region with the specified font except scaled to
-         * 10 point (or the height of the system font or ...).  Thus if the
-         * window has 24 point Helvetica the highlit rectangle will be
-         * taller than the text and if it is 7 point Helvetica then the text
-         * will be clipped.
-         * For now we will simply say that it is the correct size to display
-         * the text in the specified font.
-         */
-        LVITEMW lvItem;
-        lvItem.mask = LVIF_TEXT;
-        lvItem.iItem = nItem;
-        lvItem.iSubItem = 0;
-        /* We will specify INTERNAL and so will receive back a const
-         * pointer to the text, rather than specifying a buffer to which
-         * to copy it.
-         */
-        LISTVIEW_GetItemW (infoPtr, &lvItem, TRUE);
+    /* We (aim to) display the full text.  In Windows 95 it appears to
+     * calculate the size assuming the specified font and then it draws
+     * the text in that region with the specified font except scaled to
+     * 10 point (or the height of the system font or ...).  Thus if the
+     * window has 24 point Helvetica the highlit rectangle will be
+     * taller than the text and if it is 7 point Helvetica then the text
+     * will be clipped.
+     * For now we will simply say that it is the correct size to display
+     * the text in the specified font.
+     */
+    lvItem.mask = LVIF_TEXT;
+    lvItem.iItem = nItem;
+    lvItem.iSubItem = 0;
+    /* We will specify INTERNAL and so will receive back a const
+     * pointer to the text, rather than specifying a buffer to which
+     * to copy it.
+     */
+    LISTVIEW_GetItemW (infoPtr, &lvItem, TRUE);
-	InflateRect(&rcText, -2, 0);
-	DrawTextW (hdc, lvItem.pszText, -1, &rcText, uFormat);
-	/* Microsoft, in their great wisdom, have decided that the rectangle
-	 * returned by DrawText on DT_CALCRECT will only guarantee the dimension,
-	 * not the location.  So we have to do the centring ourselves (and take
-	 * responsibility for agreeing off-by-one consistency with them).
-	 */
+    InflateRect(&rcText, -2, 0);
+    DrawTextW (hdc, lvItem.pszText, -1, &rcText, uFormat);
+    /* Microsoft, in their great wisdom, have decided that the rectangle
+     * returned by DrawText on DT_CALCRECT will only guarantee the dimension,
+     * not the location.  So we have to do the centring ourselves (and take
+     * responsibility for agreeing off-by-one consistency with them).
+     */
-	old_wid = rcText.right - rcText.left;
-	new_wid = rcBack.right - rcBack.left;
-	dx = rcBack.left - rcText.left + (new_wid-old_wid)/2;
-	dy = -;
-	OffsetRect (&rcText, dx, dy);
+    old_wid = rcText.right - rcText.left;
+    new_wid = rcBack.right - rcBack.left;
+    dx = rcBack.left - rcText.left + (new_wid-old_wid)/2;
+    dy = -;
+    OffsetRect (&rcText, dx, dy);
-	if (!focused)
-	{
-	    LISTVIEW_GetIntegralLines(infoPtr, &rcText);
-	}
-	else
-	{
-	    rcText.bottom += LABEL_VERT_PADDING - 2;
-	}
-	*rect = rcBack;
-	rect->bottom = rcText.bottom;
+    if (focused)
+    {
+	rcText.bottom += 2;
-    else
+    else /* not focused, may or may not be selected */
-        /* As far as I can see the text region seems to be trying to be
-         * "tall enough for two lines of text".  Once again (comctl32.dll ver
-         * 5.81?) it measures this on the basis of the selected font and then
-         * draws it with the same font except in 10 point size.  This can lead
-         * to more or less than the two rows appearing.
-         * Question; are we  supposed to be including DT_EXTERNALLEADING?
-         * Question; should the width be shrunk to the space required to
-         * display the two lines?
-         */
 	LISTVIEW_GetIntegralLines(infoPtr, &rcText);
-	rect->bottom = rcText.bottom;
+    *rect = rcText;
     TRACE("%s and %s, bounding rect=(%d,%d)-(%d,%d)\n",
 	  (focused) ? "focused(full text)" : "not focused",
@@ -5113,7 +5542,6 @@
   INT nLabelWidth;
   INT nIndent;
   LVITEMW lvItem;
-  RECT rcInternal;
   TRACE("(hwnd=%x, nItem=%d, lprc=%p, uview=%d)\n",
 	infoPtr->hwndSelf, nItem, lprc, uView);
@@ -5139,119 +5567,24 @@
       case LVIR_ICON:
-	if (!LISTVIEW_GetItemPosition(infoPtr, nItem, &ptItem)) break;
-        if (uView == LVS_ICON)
-        {
-          if (infoPtr->himlNormal != NULL)
-          {
-            if (LISTVIEW_GetOrigin(infoPtr, &ptOrigin))
-            {
-              bResult = TRUE;
-              lprc->left = ptItem.x + ptOrigin.x - 8;
-              lprc->top = ptItem.y + ptOrigin.y - ICON_TOP_PADDING;
-	      lprc->right = lprc->left + infoPtr-> + 16;
-              lprc->bottom = lprc->top + infoPtr-> +
-                              ICON_TOP_PADDING;
-            }
-          }
-        }
-        else if (uView == LVS_SMALLICON)
-        {
-          if (LISTVIEW_GetOrigin(infoPtr, &ptOrigin))
-          {
-            bResult = TRUE;
-            lprc->left = ptItem.x + ptOrigin.x;
-            lprc->top = ptItem.y + ptOrigin.y;
-            lprc->bottom = lprc->top + infoPtr->nItemHeight;
-            if (infoPtr->himlState != NULL)
-              lprc->left += infoPtr->;
-            if (infoPtr->himlSmall != NULL)
-              lprc->right = lprc->left + infoPtr->;
-            else
-              lprc->right = lprc->left;
-          }
-        }
-        else
-        {
-          bResult = TRUE;
-          lprc->left = ptItem.x;
-          if (uView & LVS_REPORT)
+	bResult = LISTVIEW_GetAllMeasure(infoPtr, nItem, NULL, NULL,
+					NULL, lprc, NULL, NULL);
+	if (uView & LVS_REPORT)
+	{
             lprc->left += nIndent;
-          lprc->top = ptItem.y;
-          lprc->bottom = lprc->top + infoPtr->nItemHeight;
-          if (infoPtr->himlState != NULL)
-            lprc->left += infoPtr->;
-          if (infoPtr->himlSmall != NULL)
-            lprc->right = lprc->left + infoPtr->;
-          else
-            lprc->right = lprc->left;
+	    lprc->right += nIndent;
       case LVIR_LABEL:
-	if (!LISTVIEW_GetItemPosition(infoPtr, nItem, &ptItem)) break;
-        if (uView == LVS_ICON)
+	if ((uView == LVS_ICON) || (uView == LVS_SMALLICON))
-          if (infoPtr->himlNormal != NULL)
-          {
-            if (LISTVIEW_GetOrigin(infoPtr, &ptOrigin))
-            {
-              bResult = TRUE;
-              /* Correct ptItem to icon upper-left */
-              ptItem.x -= (infoPtr->nItemWidth - infoPtr->;
-              ptItem.y -= ICON_TOP_PADDING;
-              lprc->left = ptItem.x + ptOrigin.x;
-              lprc->top = ptItem.y + ptOrigin.y + infoPtr-> +
-                           6;
-              nLabelWidth = LISTVIEW_GetLabelWidth(infoPtr, nItem);
-              if (infoPtr-> - nLabelWidth > 1)
-              {
-                lprc->left += (infoPtr-> - nLabelWidth) / 2;
-                lprc->right = lprc->left + nLabelWidth;
-		lprc->bottom = lprc->top + infoPtr->ntmHeight + 1;
-		InflateRect(lprc, 2, 0);
-	      }
-              else
-              {
-                lprc->right = lprc->left + infoPtr-> - 1;
-		lprc->bottom = lprc->top + infoPtr->nItemHeight;
-                LISTVIEW_UpdateLargeItemLabelRect (infoPtr, nItem, lprc);
-              }
-              lprc->bottom += HEIGHT_PADDING;
-            }
-          }
-        }
-        else if (uView == LVS_SMALLICON)
-        {
-          if (LISTVIEW_GetOrigin(infoPtr, &ptOrigin))
-          {
-            bResult = TRUE;
-            nLeftPos = lprc->left = ptItem.x + ptOrigin.x;
-            lprc->top = ptItem.y + ptOrigin.y;
-            lprc->bottom = lprc->top + infoPtr->nItemHeight;
-            if (infoPtr->himlState != NULL)
-              lprc->left += infoPtr->;
-            if (infoPtr->himlSmall != NULL)
-              lprc->left += infoPtr->;
-            nLabelWidth = LISTVIEW_GetLabelWidth(infoPtr, nItem);
-            nLabelWidth += TRAILING_PADDING;
-            if (lprc->left + nLabelWidth < nLeftPos + infoPtr->nItemWidth)
-              lprc->right = lprc->left + nLabelWidth;
-            else
-              lprc->right = nLeftPos + infoPtr->nItemWidth;
-          }
+          bResult = LISTVIEW_GetAllMeasure(infoPtr, nItem, NULL, NULL,
+					  NULL, NULL, lprc, NULL);
+	  if (!LISTVIEW_GetItemPosition(infoPtr, nItem, &ptItem)) break;
           bResult = TRUE;
           if (uView == LVS_REPORT)
             nLeftPos = lprc->left = ptItem.x + nIndent;
@@ -5283,85 +5616,21 @@
       case LVIR_BOUNDS:
-	if (!LISTVIEW_GetItemBoundBox(infoPtr, nItem, &rcInternal)) break;
-	ptItem.x = rcInternal.left;
-	ptItem.y =;
-        if (uView == LVS_ICON)
-        {
-          if (infoPtr->himlNormal != NULL)
-          {
-            if (LISTVIEW_GetOrigin(infoPtr, &ptOrigin))
-            {
-              RECT label_rect, icon_rect;
-	      if (!LISTVIEW_GetItemPosition(infoPtr, nItem, &ptItem)) break;
-	      /* make icon rectangle */
-              icon_rect.left = ptItem.x + ptOrigin.x - 8;
-     = ptItem.y + ptOrigin.y - ICON_TOP_PADDING;
-	      icon_rect.right = icon_rect.left + infoPtr-> + 16;
-              icon_rect.bottom = + infoPtr-> +
-                              ICON_TOP_PADDING;
-	      /* make label rectangle */
-              /* Correct ptItem to icon upper-left */
-              ptItem.x -= (infoPtr->nItemWidth - infoPtr->;
-              ptItem.y -= ICON_TOP_PADDING;
-              label_rect.left = ptItem.x + ptOrigin.x;
-     = ptItem.y + ptOrigin.y + infoPtr-> +
-                           6;
-	      nLabelWidth = LISTVIEW_GetLabelWidth(infoPtr, nItem);
-              if (infoPtr-> - nLabelWidth > 1)
-              {
-                label_rect.left += (infoPtr-> - nLabelWidth) / 2;
-                label_rect.right = label_rect.left + nLabelWidth;
-		label_rect.bottom = + infoPtr->ntmHeight + 1;
-		InflateRect(&label_rect, 2, 0);
-              }
-              else
-              {
-                label_rect.right = label_rect.left + infoPtr-> - 1;
-		label_rect.bottom = + infoPtr->nItemHeight;
-		LISTVIEW_UpdateLargeItemLabelRect (infoPtr, nItem, &label_rect);
-              }
-              label_rect.bottom += HEIGHT_PADDING;
-              bResult = TRUE;
-	      UnionRect (lprc, &icon_rect, &label_rect);
-            }
-          }
-        }
-        else if (uView == LVS_SMALLICON)
+        if ((uView == LVS_ICON) || (uView == LVS_SMALLICON))
-          if (LISTVIEW_GetOrigin(infoPtr, &ptOrigin))
-          {
-            bResult = TRUE;
-            lprc->left = ptItem.x + ptOrigin.x;
-            lprc->right = lprc->left;
-            lprc->top = ptItem.y + ptOrigin.y;
-            lprc->bottom = lprc->top + infoPtr->nItemHeight;
-            if (infoPtr->himlState != NULL)
-              lprc->right += infoPtr->;
-            if (infoPtr->himlSmall != NULL)
-              lprc->right += infoPtr->;
+	  RECT label_rect, icon_rect;
-	    nLabelWidth = LISTVIEW_GetLabelWidth(infoPtr, nItem);
-            nLabelWidth += TRAILING_PADDING;
-            if (infoPtr->himlSmall)
-              nLabelWidth += IMAGE_PADDING;
-	    if (lprc->right + nLabelWidth < lprc->left + infoPtr->nItemWidth)
-	      lprc->right += nLabelWidth;
-	    else
-	      lprc->right = lprc->left + infoPtr->nItemWidth;
-          }
+	  bResult = LISTVIEW_GetAllMeasure(infoPtr, nItem, NULL, NULL,
+					  NULL, &icon_rect, &label_rect, NULL);
+	  UnionRect (lprc, &icon_rect, &label_rect);
+	  if (!LISTVIEW_GetAllMeasure(infoPtr, nItem, NULL, NULL,
+				     lprc, NULL, NULL, NULL)) break;
           bResult = TRUE;
-          lprc->left = ptItem.x;
           if (!(infoPtr->dwExStyle&LVS_EX_FULLROWSELECT) && uView&LVS_REPORT)
             lprc->left += nIndent;
-          lprc->right = lprc->left;
           lprc->top = ptItem.y;
           lprc->bottom = lprc->top + infoPtr->nItemHeight;
@@ -5701,7 +5970,7 @@
         while (nItem < GETITEMCOUNT(infoPtr))
-          if ((ListView_GetItemState(infoPtr->hwndSelf, nItem, uMask) & uMask) == uMask)
+          if ((LISTVIEW_GetItemState(infoPtr, nItem, uMask) & uMask) == uMask)
             return nItem;
@@ -5712,7 +5981,7 @@
         ListView_GetItemPosition(infoPtr->hwndSelf, nItem, &;
         while ((nItem = ListView_FindItemW(infoPtr->hwndSelf, nItem, &lvFindInfo)) != -1)
-          if ((ListView_GetItemState(infoPtr->hwndSelf, nItem, uMask) & uMask) == uMask)
+          if ((LISTVIEW_GetItemState(infoPtr, nItem, uMask) & uMask) == uMask)
             return nItem;
@@ -5725,7 +5994,7 @@
         while (nItem - nCountPerColumn >= 0)
           nItem -= nCountPerColumn;
-          if ((ListView_GetItemState(infoPtr->hwndSelf, nItem, uMask) & uMask) == uMask)
+          if ((LISTVIEW_GetItemState(infoPtr, nItem, uMask) & uMask) == uMask)
             return nItem;
@@ -5760,7 +6029,7 @@
         ListView_GetItemPosition(infoPtr->hwndSelf, nItem, &;
         while ((nItem = ListView_FindItemW(infoPtr->hwndSelf, nItem, &lvFindInfo)) != -1)
-          if ((ListView_GetItemState(infoPtr->hwndSelf, nItem, uMask) & uMask) == uMask)
+          if ((LISTVIEW_GetItemState(infoPtr, nItem, uMask) & uMask) == uMask)
             return nItem;
@@ -5772,7 +6041,7 @@
       /* search by index */
       for (i = nItem; i < GETITEMCOUNT(infoPtr); i++)
-        if ((ListView_GetItemState(infoPtr->hwndSelf, i, uMask) & uMask) == uMask)
+        if ((LISTVIEW_GetItemState(infoPtr, i, uMask) & uMask) == uMask)
           return i;
@@ -5797,40 +6066,13 @@
 static BOOL LISTVIEW_GetOrigin(LISTVIEW_INFO *infoPtr, LPPOINT lpptOrigin)
-    LONG lStyle = GetWindowLongW(infoPtr->hwndSelf, GWL_STYLE);
-    UINT uView = lStyle & LVS_TYPEMASK;
-    INT nHorzPos = 0, nVertPos = 0;
-    SCROLLINFO scrollInfo;
     if (!lpptOrigin) return FALSE;
-    scrollInfo.cbSize = sizeof(SCROLLINFO);    
-    scrollInfo.fMask = SIF_POS;
-    if ((lStyle & WS_HSCROLL) && GetScrollInfo(infoPtr->hwndSelf, SB_HORZ, &scrollInfo))
-	nHorzPos = scrollInfo.nPos;
-    if ((lStyle & WS_VSCROLL) && GetScrollInfo(infoPtr->hwndSelf, SB_VERT, &scrollInfo))
-	nVertPos = scrollInfo.nPos;
-    TRACE("nHorzPos=%d, nVertPos=%d\n", nHorzPos, nVertPos);
-    lpptOrigin->x = infoPtr->rcList.left;
-    lpptOrigin->y = infoPtr->;
-    if (uView == LVS_LIST)
-    {
-	nHorzPos *= LISTVIEW_GetCountPerColumn(infoPtr);
-	nVertPos = 0;
-    }
-    else if (uView == LVS_REPORT)
-    {
-	nVertPos *= infoPtr->nItemHeight;
-    }
-    lpptOrigin->x -= nHorzPos;
-    lpptOrigin->y -= nVertPos;
+    LISTVIEW_GetAllMeasure(infoPtr, -1, lpptOrigin, NULL,
     TRACE("(pt=(%ld,%ld))\n", lpptOrigin->x, lpptOrigin->y);
     return TRUE;
@@ -6008,6 +6250,7 @@
+	TRACE("hit on item %d\n", i);
         return i;
@@ -6493,6 +6736,8 @@
+    TRACE("(clrBk=%lx)\n", clrBk);
     if(infoPtr->clrBk != clrBk) {
 	if (infoPtr->clrBk != CLR_NONE) DeleteObject(infoPtr->hBkBrush);
 	infoPtr->clrBk = clrBk;
@@ -7036,7 +7281,7 @@
       while (infoPtr->hdpaSelectionRanges->nItemCount>0);
       precount = infoPtr->hdpaItems->nItemCount;
-      topvisible = ListView_GetTopIndex(infoPtr->hwndSelf) +
+      topvisible = LISTVIEW_GetTopIndex(infoPtr) +
                    LISTVIEW_GetCountPerColumn(infoPtr) + 1;
       infoPtr->hdpaItems->nItemCount = nItems;
@@ -7533,6 +7778,9 @@
     infoPtr-> = GetSystemMetrics(SM_CYSMICON);
+  infoPtr-> = GetSystemMetrics(SM_CXSMICON);
+  infoPtr-> = GetSystemMetrics(SM_CYSMICON);
   /* display unsupported listview window styles */
@@ -7960,12 +8208,12 @@
     /* if we have a focus rectagle, get rid of it */
+    /* invalidate the selected items before reseting focus flag */
+    LISTVIEW_InvalidateSelectedItems(infoPtr);
     /* set window focus flag */
     infoPtr->bFocus = FALSE;
-    /* redraw the selected items */
-    LISTVIEW_InvalidateSelectedItems(infoPtr);
     return 0;

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