Open SSL Users
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stunnel 5.46 released,
Michal Trojnara
openssl-1.1.1-pre6 requires -lrt for final link on Solaris 10 for clock_gettime, Dennis Clarke
openssl-1.1.1-pre6 throws plenty of "Warning: -xarch=v9 is deprecated, use -m64 -xarch=sparc instead", Dennis Clarke
Independent review of the Defence Trade Controls Act 2012 (Cth), call for information for submission as a case study from the openssl community., openssl
d2i_PUBKEY() and X509_get0_pubkey_bitstr() output differences,
Dr. Pala
Proper syntax for -header host switch,
Ben Wilson
Re: how to seed PRNG, redpath
Re: Facing issue while reading RSA private key (DER format), Matt Caswell
PEM_write_bio_RSAPrivateKey assure Randomness of PK,
RC5 Incompatibility Issue, Chetan Quest
stunnel 5.45 released, Michal Trojnara
Build Openssl + FIPS - recursive fipsld, Luís Martins
Receive throttling on SSL sockets,
Alex H
test make_verify fails on brand new red hat enterprise 7 box,
Philippe Anctil
Luís Martins
PKCS7 signature process,
Patrice Guérin
SSLv3 error in Ubuntu/Apache2,
Deepak Goel
freeing of X509_CRL object,
Raghavendra a
Help with OpenSSL's OCSP responder serving pre-produced responses, Coty Sutherland
Re: freeing of X509_CRL object., Raghavendra a
Unable to install OpenSSL,
Building FIP enabled OpenSSL fails in Yocto-ARM build,
Jayalakshmi bhat
disable session id reuse,
Mody, Darshan (Darshan)
How to prove a Certificate is Signed or not,
Anil kumar Reddy
Edward Diener
OpenSSL version 1.1.1 pre release 6 published,
Extracting ResponderID from OCSP in OpenSSL 1.1,
Johanna Amann
Posting a question,
Anil kumar Reddy
Call for testing TLS 1.3,
Kurt Roeckx
Why is CARoot handling different in Servers verifying Clients versus Clients verifying Servers? Is Server verifying Clients broken in dual-cert-type installations?, Simon Edwards
Get raw RSA public key from X509 certificate,
Ken Goldman
Manual Shutdown of OpenSSL 1.1.x library, Dan Heinz
Re: X509 certificate algorithm, Ken Goldman
build OpenSSL for iOS with -fembed-bitcode, Sergey Zagoruyko
HTTPAS (was RE: engine interface for genrsa), Michael Wojcik
gpgsm/cms: int_rsa_verify:wrong signature length,
Andreas Fenkart
Pre-TLS Handshake Data,
Gary Johnson
Looking for beta testers for libsuola, Nicola
Applying security patches to 0.9.8a,
Rob Marshall
ar : File format not recognized,
Bill Kurland
OpenSSL verssion 1.1.1 pre release 5 published, OpenSSL
ALPN and SSL_set_SSL_CTX, Christophe Truc
What does this error mean?,
Rob Marshall
Scott Neugroschl
OpenSSL 1.1.0 assertion failure: ssl_free_wbio_buffer(),
Marcus . Schafheutle
Should I stop using locking callbacks in OpenSSL 1.1.0x ?,
pratyush parimal
engine interface for genrsa,
William Roberts
How to use ADH with OpenSSL 1.1.0,
Frykenvall, Per
Open ssl error "hex string is too long invalid hex key value",
shagun maheshwari
RFC5077 KWK,
Henderson, Karl via openssl-users
AES-GCM cipher in TLS,
DTLS with multiple clients,
Varun Kulkarni
Workaround for "SSL_CTX_use_certificate:ca md too weak",
pratyush parimal
make test failure OpenSSL 1.0.2o,
Jerry L
Correct the check of RSA_FLAG_SIGN_VER,
Eichenberger, John
SSL_CTX_set_tlsext_ticket_key_cb - creating a valid ctx and hmac ctx in callback.,
Henderson, Karl via openssl-users
OpenSSL version 1.1.1 pre release 4 published, OpenSSL
Unable to select NULL or NULL-MD5,
Eric Jacksch
RFC5077 ticket construction help,
Henderson, Karl via openssl-users
get type of PEM data,
Jordan Brown
OpenSSL version 1.1.0h published, OpenSSL
OpenSSL version 1.0.2o published, OpenSSL
TLS 1.3 is here!, Paul Dale
CSR verify failure,
Jon Uriarte
PKCS#11 support in OpenSSL,
Sahil Malhotra
Generating unsigned RSA Public Key with openssl,
Jan Bilek
Request for help in research,
Tanushree Banerjee
ed25519 key generation,
Jeremy Harris
File signing/encrypting upgrade from 1.0.2 to 1.1.0,
Jan Kohnert
Re: File signing/encrypting upgrade from 1.0.2 to 1.1.0, Matt Caswell
ARM native compiler, Dmitry Belyavsky
Certificate Revocation List and SSL,
Norm Green
Hashing public keys,
Jan Danielsson
Windows shared libraries version information needs some fixes,
Migrating to openssl 1.1.0,
Beecherla, Hemantha
testing OpenSSL version 1.1.1 pre release 3 on Sol10 sparc, Dennis Clarke
OpenSSL version 1.1.1 pre release 3 published,
FIPS Non?-Approved Cryptographic Functions, Mark Minnoch
EVP signing,
Federico Buti
Vanilla OpenSSL uses sytems libs,
FIPS Non-Approved Cryptographic Functions, Alan Dean
Re: OpenSSL 1.0.2n Build Failed on Windows 32bit Platform,
Dr. Matthias St. Pierre
OpenSSL 1.0.2n Build Failed on Windows 32bit Platform, Wang
RSA-PSS Param File, Steven Madwin via openssl-users
how to control the cipher list of an openssl server,
Chris Bare
Compilation error in ssl/t1_trce.c,
Erik Forsberg
Payload-checksum in PEM?,
Need help regarding openssl errror,
binod kumar via openssl-users
FIPS_mode_set(1) failing,
Ken Goldman
Looking for Christophe Renou, Matt Caswell
Enable the FIPS mode in the library level,
Alan Dean
MTLS verification fails,
salil GK
x509: recent change in Subject and Issuer printing?,
Adam Shannon
openssl verify command doesn't work,
Assertion in ssl_free_wbio_buffer() fails after unfinished handshake since OpenSSL 1.1.0, Marcus . Schafheutle
renegotiate across exec(),
Felipe Gasper
compiling cups-1.4.3 w/ OpenSSL 1.10 && BIO_METHOD,
Matthias Apitz
OpenSSL 1.1.1pre2 alpha build error: MS Windows 32 bit,
Norm Green
OpenSSL 1.1.1pre2 build failure on Darwin,
Norm Green
OpenSSL version 1.1.1 pre release 2 published, OpenSSL
Anecdotes of OpenSSL China Tour, Paul Yang
Is EVP_BytesToKey() still recommended ?,
pratyush parimal
OpenSSL 1.1.1pre1 fails to build on AIX 7.1,
Norm Green
[ANN] M2Crypto 0.29.0 ... now supporting Windows,
Matěj Cepl
M2Crypto Updates, Daniel Wozniak
Re: [wiki-support] Wiki, Angus Robertson - Magenta Systems Ltd
DTLS server records repeated,
Michael Richardson
compilation error with openssl-1.1.0 and DH_get0_key,
Robert Watson
OpenSSL Version Definitions Issue on ARM,
Andrei Danaila
Loading CA from memory,
Devchandra L Meetei
Combining certificate and key in PEM format into a P12 file without knowing the key password?,
Tobias Dussa (SCC)
1.1.1 pre1 tests failing on Solaris SPARC,
Norm Green
How to make OpenSSL engine usage application specific?,
Jayalakshmi bhat
Windows 1.1.1 binaries and web server,
Angus Robertson - Magenta Systems Ltd
Programmatic key conversion of PKCS#1 to #8,
Gelareh Taban
Version compactibility,
Grace Priscilla Jero
Issue with select after SSL_get_wfd,
Grace Priscilla Jero
Compiling on AIX,
Jerry L
Building OpenSSL from sources,
Dmitry Belyavsky
SMIME_read_CMS and binary signature,
error (openssl-1.1.0g),
Sakuma, Koshiro
TLS 1.3 PSK test server setup,
Hubert Kario
Openssl 1.1 / TLS 1.3,
Richard Moore
Norm Green
Explicit IV in TLS 1.1+,
Curt Johansson
OpenSSL 1.1.1 pre-release 1 build failure,
Norm Green
extract private exponent, Ashwani Kumar
OpenSSL version 1.1.1 pre release 1 published, OpenSSL
DTLS over UDP,
FooCrypt, 0.0.1, Core, 10.11.0, using OpenSSL Cypher Engines., openssl
Has client validated successfully?,
J Decker
<Possible follow-ups>
Re: Has client validated successfully?, Jochen Bern
FIPs support on openssl 1.1.0,
Jorge Bustamante
crash in `sha1_block_data_order_avx`,
Xiang Ren
Creating a Json Web Key,
Angus Robertson - Magenta Systems Ltd
[ANN] M2Crypto 0.28.1 ... now PYTHON 3 compatible!!!!, Matěj Cepl
TLSv1.3 blog post, Matt Caswell
Lock for SSL_accept method,
Yan, Bob via openssl-users
Custom X509_LOOKUP_METHOD in OpenSSL 1.1,
Mingtao Yang
OPENSSL_USE_IPV6 -- bio_dgram, vs travis-ci,
Michael Richardson
Build OpenSSL for Android in MAC, Κωνσταντίνος Νούλης
BIO_do_connect memory leak in Arch Linux,
Ryan Beethe
Key Usage and Extended Key Usage certificate extension values should be required in client authentication, Indunil Rathnayake
Bug in ECDSA_verify / i2d_ECDSA_SIG ??, Stuart Adams
Low level AES alternative in FIPS-140 OpenSSL,
Alex Dankow via openssl-users
FIPS 140-2 key wrapping transition,
Zeke Evans
Re: openssl-users Digest, Vol 39, Issue 2, Roushan Ara
usage of SSL_read() and SSL_write() for file transfer,
Roushan Ara
DTLS multiple peer issue on shutdown,
Grace Priscilla Jero
Windows fuzz test, Barry Fussell (bfussell)
Correct way to free SSL_CTX* ?,
pratyush parimal
mail encryption with ecdsa cert,
FIPS 3.0 Canister Status,
xemdetia .
Release Strategy,
REIX, Tony
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