Hey all,
Thanks a lot for your comments, they helped me to realize that I was configuring/doing something wrong.virtualization type in the hypervisor.
Thanks again
On Mon, Mar 26, 2018 at 8:00 PM, Dave Coombs <dcoombs@xxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
Yeah, it looks like the signature is just wrong. Even setting aside the question of padding, I used rsautl -verify -raw on the signature using the CSR's public key, and I would expect to see a pair of sequence tags (0x30) with sensible lengths somewhere inside, and I don't.
hulk:/tmp $ openssl req -in CSR.pem -pubkey -noout -out pubkey.pem
(not shown: asn1parse to find the offset of the start of the signature)
hulk:/tmp $ openssl asn1parse -in CSR.pem -i -strparse 390 -out /tmp/sig.bin > /dev/null 2>&1
hulk:/tmp $ openssl rsautl -verify -pubin -inkey pubkey.pem -in sig.bin -raw | xxd
00000000: def6 b025 c8eb d0b0 02b4 dd99 cfe6 81fa ...%............
00000010: 12cb 3085 5102 aa40 84c6 d510 222b 8648 ..0.Q..@...."+.H
00000020: c891 03eb 7440 0ced d43b 4fcf 498b ae80 ....t@...;O.I...
00000030: 0822 3ad1 d77c 3f45 db41 c0ce 6fe4 7390 .":..|?E.A..o.s.
00000040: 4b87 db0a b87a 688a 1f5f 1061 e7cd 3b44 K....zh.._.a..;D
00000050: a4eb cca6 d4b4 7a8e eb4e 3642 309b 7101 ......z..N6B0.q.
00000060: 81fb fbfb 44a5 5b81 8d61 38ec 7785 aced ....D.[..a8.w...
00000070: 9035 add7 b1d6 1ffd a0dc 58ec 700c 8ae9 .5........X.p...
00000080: f994 33c5 ffa8 70be 1db2 dc86 0587 b70c ..3...p.........
00000090: 185d 7b61 226e 939a 0e6a 41ca 3fa0 ff74 .]{a"n...jA.?..t
000000a0: 1ca1 1abd 9203 91a1 0750 07d4 a8da 1114 .........P......
000000b0: 80f9 2cf8 9d22 309c 203c c92e 6e20 4bd3 ..,.."0. <..n K.
000000c0: 2a98 f1e4 9d9a f0c2 5411 2a0d 9931 1ca8 *.......T.*..1..
000000d0: 5f14 ec51 cbe1 e37f 5d6e 683e 2dab b4ed _..Q....]nh>-...
000000e0: 21c5 8632 4b03 af1a 2b66 35f7 9e2a c326 !..2K...+f5..*.&
000000f0: 0ebc 84ad 664f b882 83eb 8c5a dc03 6eb4 ....fO.....Z..n.
Contrast with what I pulled out from a known-good sha256WithRSAEncryption CSR:
hulk:/tmp $ openssl rsautl -verify -pubin -inkey pubkey2.pem -in sig2.bin -raw | xxd
00000000: 0001 ffff ffff ffff ffff ffff ffff ffff ................
00000010: ffff ffff ffff ffff ffff ffff ffff ffff ................
00000020: ffff ffff ffff ffff ffff ffff ffff ffff ................
00000030: ffff ffff ffff ffff ffff ffff ffff ffff ................
00000040: ffff ffff ffff ffff ffff ffff ffff ffff ................
00000050: ffff ffff ffff ffff ffff ffff ffff ffff ................
00000060: ffff ffff ffff ffff ffff ffff ffff ffff ................
00000070: ffff ffff ffff ffff ffff ffff ffff ffff ................
00000080: ffff ffff ffff ffff ffff ffff ffff ffff ................
00000090: ffff ffff ffff ffff ffff ffff ffff ffff ................
000000a0: ffff ffff ffff ffff ffff ffff ffff ffff ................
000000b0: ffff ffff ffff ffff ffff ffff ffff ffff ................
000000c0: ffff ffff ffff ffff ffff ffff 0030 3130 .............010
000000d0: 0d06 0960 8648 0165 0304 0201 0500 0420 ...`.H.e.......
000000e0: 52fc 1687 6e70 15a1 7c40 1e1a e083 0c74 R...np..|@.....t
000000f0: f6bb 761b 9656 4df7 5edd 02ac f414 bd5b ..v..VM.^......[
Where you can clearly see the two sequence tags after the end of the padding.
hulk:/tmp $ openssl rsautl -verify -pubin -inkey pubkey2.pem -in sig2.bin | openssl asn1parse -inform der -i
0:d=0 hl=2 l= 49 cons: SEQUENCE
2:d=1 hl=2 l= 13 cons: SEQUENCE
4:d=2 hl=2 l= 9 prim: OBJECT :sha256
15:d=2 hl=2 l= 0 prim: NULL
17:d=1 hl=2 l= 32 prim: OCTET STRING [HEX DUMP]:52FC16876E7015A17C401E1AE0830C 74F6BB761B96564DF75EDD02ACF414 BD5B
As to how this *happened*, I'm afraid I've no idea.
> On Mar 26, 2018, at 12:15, Felipe Gasper <felipe@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> I see the same errors with 1.0.2n.
> Going by posts I see out-and-about about this error, there seem to be two possibilities:
> 1) There’s an RSA padding scheme mismatch. Maybe your openssl.cnf has something nonstandard, e.g., raw padding rather than PKCS1?
> 2) The signature is simply incorrect. It’s been a while since I did this, but I *believe* you could check this by extracting the bytes for the first-nested SEQUENCE from the ASN.1 structure, get the signature for that blob against your private key, then compare that to the CSR’s stored signature. They should be the same.
> Also, did you verify that the modulus and exponent as stored in the CSR match up against your private key file?
> -F
>> On Mar 26, 2018, at 11:55 AM, Jon Uriarte <juriarte@xxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
>> Sure, here it is:
>> $ cat CSR.csr
>> BQADggEPADCCAQoCggEBAOJuhJcO1eqtGE8Yc7P4cSgSwlwyuAe8AYzseGCq wAEY
>> XHVdAXaPspJcRyP2ndz2AmYfytPPogFEWPnf86WKyaNHp4Aan2LEo0Z345Zq hb8G
>> rApR6hqdAyqATGNrgYchtVZNo1JN2bRgY/ MUXqdunfS3W33LEJwg0b7tf4KBHPLw
>> lOqkyWo75xvMROcMISRX+k5NbckAsXkX5H52lryYQrirzqgHR8C 8Bqe4pzYHLsqA
>> 2Sw6F+emfOxTGmqhN6O2WQBryP5/9CpySHST1oG5wDtPqZ2EhE1gdpeQDP jHRiaU
>> kITBlcsAQY0LNUEqqKnqc/0IgZJGAxocxRhbh908ow0CAwEAAaAA MA0GCSqGSIb3
>> y7ozJQiAXiRibaGOcPmeIGY6FNbLECWT/Fr2eciozvadDM+ Klp92cqT3ZowuSjX0
>> UV+1zfy2pu5OBtKfbGs0pBlsC6bLKyVH2 s4yoYluBEeGRuVv69HmZXOGE6H0SvH j
>> LOV2puEkwtZcM/xq0uszDHfKVrbLp+kT+ m0OIgNRUDngkcpdp9P1W8tMLVY5m8a r
>> h8ebVGxVF7ZtYihi6LPVaRcJgNyoawntxhhiX/3rmzq3pavbcrxV3+ j6rSLxvw2z
>> Jon
>> On Mon, Mar 26, 2018 at 5:49 PM, Felipe Gasper <felipe@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
>> But what is the actual PEM of the CSR?
>> It should look like:
>> ...
>> -FG
>>> On Mar 26, 2018, at 11:47 AM, Jon Uriarte <juriarte@xxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
>>> Thanks for your replies.
>>> I'm creating the CSR with the default values.
>>> $ openssl req -noout -text -in CSR.csr
>>> Certificate Request:
>>> Data:
>>> Version: 0 (0x0)
>>> Subject: C=XX, L=Default City, O=Default Company Ltd
>>> Subject Public Key Info:
>>> Public Key Algorithm: rsaEncryption
>>> Public-Key: (2048 bit)
>>> Modulus:
>>> 00:e2:6e:84:97:0e:d5:ea:ad:18:4f:18:73:b3:f8:
>>> 71:28:12:c2:5c:32:b8:07:bc:01:8c:ec:78:60:aa:
>>> c0:01:18:5c:75:5d:01:76:8f:b2:92:5c:47:23:f6:
>>> 9d:dc:f6:02:66:1f:ca:d3:cf:a2:01:44:58:f9:df:
>>> f3:a5:8a:c9:a3:47:a7:80:1a:9f:62:c4:a3:46:77:
>>> e3:96:6a:85:bf:06:ac:0a:51:ea:1a:9d:03:2a:80:
>>> 4c:63:6b:81:87:21:b5:56:4d:a3:52:4d:d9:b4:60:
>>> 63:f3:14:5e:a7:6e:9d:f4:b7:5b:7d:cb:10:9c:20:
>>> d1:be:ed:7f:82:81:1c:f2:f0:94:ea:a4:c9:6a:3b:
>>> e7:1b:cc:44:e7:0c:21:24:57:fa:4e:4d:6d:c9:00:
>>> b1:79:17:e4:7e:76:96:bc:98:42:b8:ab:ce:a8:07:
>>> 47:c0:bc:06:a7:b8:a7:36:07:2e:ca:80:d9:2c:3a:
>>> 17:e7:a6:7c:ec:53:1a:6a:a1:37:a3:b6:59:00:6b:
>>> c8:fe:7f:f4:2a:72:48:74:93:d6:81:b9:c0:3b:4f:
>>> a9:9d:84:84:4d:60:76:97:90:0c:f8:c7:46:26:94:
>>> 90:84:c1:95:cb:00:41:8d:0b:35:41:2a:a8:a9:ea:
>>> 73:fd:08:81:92:46:03:1a:1c:c5:18:5b:87:dd:3c:
>>> a3:0d
>>> Exponent: 65537 (0x10001)
>>> Attributes:
>>> a0:00
>>> Signature Algorithm: sha256WithRSAEncryption
>>> 71:86:f1:88:7e:4b:c9:66:36:6a:07:f0:76:64:4b:55:70:e0:
>>> e3:fc:18:5f:99:28:d4:95:c4:3b:e0:d7:52:64:2e:42:52:c9:
>>> 5c:cb:ba:33:25:08:80:5e:24:62:6d:a1:8e:70:f9:9e:20:66:
>>> 3a:14:d6:cb:10:25:93:fc:5a:f6:79:c8:a8:ce:f6:9d:0c:cf:
>>> 8a:96:9f:76:72:a4:f7:66:8c:2e:4a:35:f4:51:5f:b5:cd:fc:
>>> b6:a6:ee:4e:06:d2:9f:6c:6b:34:a4:19:6c:0b:a6:cb:2b:25:
>>> 47:da:ce:32:a1:89:6e:04:47:86:46:e5:6f:eb:d1:e6:65:73:
>>> 86:13:a1:f4:4a:f1:e3:2c:e5:76:a6:e1:24:c2:d6:5c:33:fc:
>>> 6a:d2:eb:33:0c:77:ca:56:b6:cb:a7:e9:13:fa:6d:0e:22:03:
>>> 51:50:39:e0:91:ca:5d:a7:d3:f5:5b:cb:4c:2d:56:39:9b:c6:
>>> ab:87:c7:9b:54:6c:55:17:b6:6d:62:28:62:e8:b3:d5:69:17:
>>> 09:80:dc:a8:6b:09:ed:c6:18:62:5f:fd:eb:9b:3a:b7:a5:ab:
>>> db:72:bc:55:df:e8:fa:ad:22:f1:bf:0d:b3:79:e1:d2:09:4e:
>>> a3:4e:61:5b:28:af:ca:3d:1f:53:52:52:72:71:e9:73:28:fd:
>>> 73:01:90:95
>>> $ openssl asn1parse -dump -in CSR.csr
>>> 0:d=0 hl=4 l= 647 cons: SEQUENCE
>>> 4:d=1 hl=4 l= 367 cons: SEQUENCE
>>> 8:d=2 hl=2 l= 1 prim: INTEGER :00
>>> 11:d=2 hl=2 l= 66 cons: SEQUENCE
>>> 13:d=3 hl=2 l= 11 cons: SET
>>> 15:d=4 hl=2 l= 9 cons: SEQUENCE
>>> 17:d=5 hl=2 l= 3 prim: OBJECT :countryName
>>> 22:d=5 hl=2 l= 2 prim: PRINTABLESTRING :XX
>>> 26:d=3 hl=2 l= 21 cons: SET
>>> 28:d=4 hl=2 l= 19 cons: SEQUENCE
>>> 30:d=5 hl=2 l= 3 prim: OBJECT :localityName
>>> 35:d=5 hl=2 l= 12 prim: UTF8STRING :Default City
>>> 49:d=3 hl=2 l= 28 cons: SET
>>> 51:d=4 hl=2 l= 26 cons: SEQUENCE
>>> 53:d=5 hl=2 l= 3 prim: OBJECT :organizationName
>>> 58:d=5 hl=2 l= 19 prim: UTF8STRING :Default Company Ltd
>>> 79:d=2 hl=4 l= 290 cons: SEQUENCE
>>> 83:d=3 hl=2 l= 13 cons: SEQUENCE
>>> 85:d=4 hl=2 l= 9 prim: OBJECT :rsaEncryption
>>> 96:d=4 hl=2 l= 0 prim: NULL
>>> 98:d=3 hl=4 l= 271 prim: BIT STRING
>>> 0000 - 00 30 82 01 0a 02 82 01-01 00 e2 6e 84 97 0e d5 .0.........n....
>>> 0010 - ea ad 18 4f 18 73 b3 f8-71 28 12 c2 5c 32 b8 07 ...O.s..q(..\2..
>>> 0020 - bc 01 8c ec 78 60 aa c0-01 18 5c 75 5d 01 76 8f ....x`....\u].v.
>>> 0030 - b2 92 5c 47 23 f6 9d dc-f6 02 66 1f ca d3 cf a2 ..\G#.....f.....
>>> 0040 - 01 44 58 f9 df f3 a5 8a-c9 a3 47 a7 80 1a 9f 62 .DX.......G....b
>>> 0050 - c4 a3 46 77 e3 96 6a 85-bf 06 ac 0a 51 ea 1a 9d ..Fw..j.....Q...
>>> 0060 - 03 2a 80 4c 63 6b 81 87-21 b5 56 4d a3 52 4d d9 .*.Lck..!.VM.RM.
>>> 0070 - b4 60 63 f3 14 5e a7 6e-9d f4 b7 5b 7d cb 10 9c .`c..^.n...[}...
>>> 0080 - 20 d1 be ed 7f 82 81 1c-f2 f0 94 ea a4 c9 6a 3b .............j;
>>> 0090 - e7 1b cc 44 e7 0c 21 24-57 fa 4e 4d 6d c9 00 b1 ...D..!$W.NMm...
>>> 00a0 - 79 17 e4 7e 76 96 bc 98-42 b8 ab ce a8 07 47 c0 y..~v...B.....G.
>>> 00b0 - bc 06 a7 b8 a7 36 07 2e-ca 80 d9 2c 3a 17 e7 a6 .....6.....,:...
>>> 00c0 - 7c ec 53 1a 6a a1 37 a3-b6 59 00 6b c8 fe 7f f4 |.S.j.7..Y.k....
>>> 00d0 - 2a 72 48 74 93 d6 81 b9-c0 3b 4f a9 9d 84 84 4d *rHt.....;O....M
>>> 00e0 - 60 76 97 90 0c f8 c7 46-26 94 90 84 c1 95 cb 00 `v.....F&.......
>>> 00f0 - 41 8d 0b 35 41 2a a8 a9-ea 73 fd 08 81 92 46 03 A..5A*...s....F.
>>> 0100 - 1a 1c c5 18 5b 87 dd 3c-a3 0d 02 03 01 00 01 ....[..<.......
>>> 373:d=2 hl=2 l= 0 cons: cont [ 0 ]
>>> 375:d=1 hl=2 l= 13 cons: SEQUENCE
>>> 377:d=2 hl=2 l= 9 prim: OBJECT :sha256WithRSAEncryption
>>> 388:d=2 hl=2 l= 0 prim: NULL
>>> 390:d=1 hl=4 l= 257 prim: BIT STRING
>>> 0000 - 00 71 86 f1 88 7e 4b c9-66 36 6a 07 f0 76 64 4b .q...~K.f6j..vdK
>>> 0010 - 55 70 e0 e3 fc 18 5f 99-28 d4 95 c4 3b e0 d7 52 Up...._.(...;..R
>>> 0020 - 64 2e 42 52 c9 5c cb ba-33 25 08 80 5e 24 62 6d d.BR.\..3%..^$bm
>>> 0030 - a1 8e 70 f9 9e 20 66 3a-14 d6 cb 10 25 93 fc 5a ..p.. f:....%..Z
>>> 0040 - f6 79 c8 a8 ce f6 9d 0c-cf 8a 96 9f 76 72 a4 f7 .y..........vr..
>>> 0050 - 66 8c 2e 4a 35 f4 51 5f-b5 cd fc b6 a6 ee 4e 06 f..J5.Q_......N.
>>> 0060 - d2 9f 6c 6b 34 a4 19 6c-0b a6 cb 2b 25 47 da ce ..lk4..l...+%G..
>>> 0070 - 32 a1 89 6e 04 47 86 46-e5 6f eb d1 e6 65 73 86 2..n.G.F.o...es.
>>> 0080 - 13 a1 f4 4a f1 e3 2c e5-76 a6 e1 24 c2 d6 5c 33 ...J..,.v..$..\3
>>> 0090 - fc 6a d2 eb 33 0c 77 ca-56 b6 cb a7 e9 13 fa 6d .j..3.w.V......m
>>> 00a0 - 0e 22 03 51 50 39 e0 91-ca 5d a7 d3 f5 5b cb 4c .".QP9...]...[.L
>>> 00b0 - 2d 56 39 9b c6 ab 87 c7-9b 54 6c 55 17 b6 6d 62 -V9......TlU..mb
>>> 00c0 - 28 62 e8 b3 d5 69 17 09-80 dc a8 6b 09 ed c6 18 (b...i.....k....
>>> 00d0 - 62 5f fd eb 9b 3a b7 a5-ab db 72 bc 55 df e8 fa b_...:....r.U...
>>> 00e0 - ad 22 f1 bf 0d b3 79 e1-d2 09 4e a3 4e 61 5b 28 ."....y...N.Na[(
>>> 00f0 - af ca 3d 1f 53 52 52 72-71 e9 73 28 fd 73 01 90 ..=.SRRrq.s(.s..
>>> 0100 - 95 .
>>> Jon
>>> On Mon, Mar 26, 2018 at 5:36 PM, Michael Wojcik <Michael.Wojcik@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
>>> I just tried the same commands on my system, using 1.0.2n, and didn't have any problems (as I'd expect).
>>> What's the output of openssl asn1parse -dump -in CSR.csr?
>>> --
>>> Michael Wojcik
>>> Distinguished Engineer, Micro Focus
>>> --
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