On the eve of the first sitting of the Australian Parliament for the
calendar year 2018, FooCrypt, A Tale of Cynical Cyclical Encryption :
https://www.fookey.net/store/p881/FooCrypt_0.0.1_Core_10.11.0_Darwin has
been published in accordance with the criminalization of cryptology in
Documentation and high level specifications available via :
The FooKey Method
OpenSSL is the DEFAULT cypher engine for use with all
FooCrypt,0.0.1,Core releases.
A quick break down :
Operating System instance security model constraints (
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/POSIX Applicable security models )
Programming languages security constraints ( Tcl/Tk, KSH, C, Expect )
POSIX compliance constraints ( https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/POSIX )
FooCrypt runs from ANYWHERE, expect ANYWHERE BUT
Software keyboard & software mouse clicks which are all internal to the
programming language
View able text controlled by colour schemes
Identifiable cursor positioning
Binary key sources are unlimited
Random data key sources are unlimited
Key length per encryption cycle of the cypher is maxed
Cypher selection is limited to any available cypher engine you have
access to
Number of total cycles are only constrained by time and hardware
50 cycles ( layers ) of encryption is the DEFAULT configuration which
contains 25650 total characters, 24250 random / binary sourced
characters @ 512 characters per cycle, protected by MD5 Checksums, which
is encrypted in a single cycle ( layer ) of encryption by DEFAULT.
Currently release for macOS 10.11+
Scheduled for release on :
Solaris ( Sparc / x86 [ Hypervisor running { live / customised SOE} ] )
Linux ( x86 [ Hypervisor running { live / customised SOE} ] )
Windows, utilising either the Solaris or Linux Hypervisor solutions. No
network, shared local mount point to the host due to proliferation of
Windows MALWare, etc
Mark A. Lane
Cryptopocalypse NOW 01 04 2016
Volumes 0.0 NOW available through iTunes - iBooks @
Cryptopocalypse NOW is the TRUE story behind the trials and tribulations
encountered in creating "FooCrypt, A Tale of Cynical Cyclical
Encryption." due to the Australian Government's ( led by Malcolm
Turnbull ) criminalisation of encryption technologies on the 1st of
April, 2016, as told by a Convicted Hacker.
"FooCrypt, A Tale of Cynical Cyclical Encryption." is aimed at hardening
several commonly used Symmetric Open Source Encryption methods so that
they are hardened to a standard that is commonly termed 'QUANTUM
"FooCrypt, A Tale of Cynical Cyclical Encryption." is currently under
export control by the Australian Department of Defence Defence Export
Controls Office due to the listing of Cryptology as a ‘Dual Use’
Technology as per the ‘Wassenaar Arrangement’
Limited Edition Collectors versions and Hard Back Editions are available
via the store on http://www.foocrypt.net/
© Mark A. Lane 1980 - 2018, All Rights Reserved.
© FooCrypt 1980 - 2018, All Rights Reserved.
© FooCrypt, A Tale of Cynical Cyclical Encryption. 1980 - 2018, All
Rights Reserved.
© Cryptopocalypse 1980 - 2018, All Rights Reserved.
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