I am new to certificate management domain. We have a MTLS server. I am trying to debug the issues between the certificate validation between client and server.
I used openssl s_client and s_server command to verify if the certificates are in good shape.
But while doing so - I am getting the following error.
#$ openssl s_client -cert tomcat.pem -key tomcat_priv.pem -CAfile ca.pem -connect lrc1.cisco.com:8446
#$ openssl s_server -key privkey.pem -cert server.pem -accept 8446 -verify ca.pem
verify depth is 0
Using default temp DH parameters
depth=2 O = Cisco Systems, CN = trca-4096-sha2
verify error:num=19:self signed certificate in certificate chain
verify error:self signed certificate in certificate chain
140011871301248:error:14089086:SSL routines:ssl3_get_client_certificate:certificate verify failed:s3_srvr.c:3427:
shutting down SSL
What is the meaning of this error and how do I correct this - ?
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