Linux LVM
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- Kernel oops on while resizing logical volume (data loss),
Allard Hoeve
- 5 out of 6 Volumes Vanished!,
Mache Creeger
- "cloning" from ide to sata drive, can't find root,
- Lost partition table --> Lost 4th PV partition on disk - how to find the partition bounderies,
- lvcreate gives 'device-mapper: reload ioctl failed: Invalid argument',
Matt McHenry
- Unable to import exported VG,
Sebastian Wormser
- Mirror resync direction,
Paul LeoNerd Evans
- Yet another problem with snapshots, Gabriel Barazer
- New --forceresync patch for LVM2 mirrors, Jonathan Brassow
- LVM2 Snapshots Question,
Rik Herrin
- Question about Physical volume,
Thomas Marmetschke
- vgcfgrestore -o, Rob Schwartz
- Orphaned Volume, Martin Wilmes
- pvcreate succeeds but vgcreate cannot read label,
Malcolm Scott
- "System ID" entry missing in metadata (LVM2) ?!,
Andreas Octav
- Using lvm1 vg's in lvm2 systems (RHEL4),
Fabricio Candido
- How to force lvm2 to remove volume group?,
Gaylord Holder
- Boot fails after change of motherboard: No volume groups found,
Volker Englisch
- Linux LVM Physical Layout Structure,
Sundeep Saini
- CLVM does every node needs access to the shared storage?, Filipe Miranda
- Missing VGs?,
Brian McCullough
- Unable to add new drive to LV,
Paul Waldo
- How to restore a PV ??,
- Broken hard disk,
Martin Wilmes
- RE: linux-lvm Digest, Vol 32, Issue 7,
Phil Lowden (plowden)
- Mounting hardware snapshots/clones on the same host ?,
Olivier Verloove
- [RFC] Let udev play with snapshots,
Jan Blunck
- Using LVM snapshots for hourly backups,
Anthony Wright
- LV open but not mounted ?,
- [PATCH LVM2] (0/3) 'cling' allocation policy,
Jun'ichi Nomura
- [PATCH LVM2] add --regionsize option to lvconvert, Jun'ichi Nomura
- [PATCH LVM2] fix description of lvcreate --regionsize,
Jun'ichi Nomura
- LVM2, RAID5 and ext3 stride,
Jason Gunthorpe
- Bug in LVM2 tools,
Xuân Baldauf
- Avoiding disk changes,
John Ward
- Serious LVM Problem,
- Grow Live GFS volume in clustered environment?,
Eric Adair
- [RFC] Reverting "bd_mount_mutex" to "bd_mount_sem",
Srinivasa Ds
- linux fc5 with 3 raid5 arrays + one LVM over those arrays, Marc Verbeke
- Cluster Question, Jamie Burns
- Help, lvm2 snapshot and XFS , using xfs_freeze to do this, but then lvcreate hang.,
bowen zheng
- Examining a snapshot,
Nick Wright
- Snapshot removal problem,
Nick Wright
- I found some error messages, In the dmesg,, bowen zheng
- Help, lv status inactive Original and inactive Snapshot,
bowen zheng
- A problem in LVM1 kernel code lvm.c::lvm_do_vg_create(),
- removing a PV to split a volume group, Brian J. Murrell
- LV remains open after setup, Marius Karthaus
- LVM partition and lvm commands in initrd,
Mark Ryden
- [PATCH LVM2 0/2] fix alloc anywhere and addition of disklog,
Jun'ichi Nomura
- How to rescue data from Fedora system "inside" lvm-disk?, Erik Starbäck
- To learn more..., Rodrigo Nascimento
- LVM Missing Space,
Michael MacFadden
- pvs and pvscan does not show my PV's,
Bernard Fay
- using LVM with SAN,
de Toma Alessandro
- RE: LVM on RAID, Marlier, Ian
- pvcreate on a loopback device - error: (newbie),
John Que
- lvm support for imaging software, Aleksandr Koltsoff
- vgchange --deltag core dump, John DeFranco
- Out of memory happen in snapshot, kevin Cheng
- Re: [LVM2 PATCH] mirror force resync option,
Jonathan E Brassow
- Are there any suggestions to trace LVM2 code?,
Penguin Lin
- [PATCH LVM2] Add mirror force resync option to lvchange, Jun'ichi Nomura
- huge performance problems 25kb/s write speed,
Cristian Livadaru
- Cannot get rid of root filesystem LVM snapshot,
Martin Dvořák
- resize an lvm partition,
Pradeep Kilambi
- LVM metadata checksums,
Mark Krenz
- 2.6.18-rc5-mm1 - bd_claim_by_disk oops,
John Stoffel
- Altering a Physical Volume's UUID,
Mark Krenz
- lvm on centos with raid1 and grub,
Sterpu Victor
- CLVM vs LVM, Boris Ostrovsky
- lvextend fails with: Failed to suspend home_lv, John Stoffel
- pvmove: moving a mirror logical volume not supported?,
Jens Wilke
- Internal error: LV segments corrupted in MyLV. -- Can't mount LVM1 VGs in new LVM2 kernel initramfs, Jesse Molina
- Problem with mapping logical volumes, Roman Fordinal
- Restore after lvmove crash,
- Partitiontable destroyed with gentoo installer,
Thomas Scheller
- Cleaning up stale handles in /etc/mtab,
Brown, Rodrick R
- RHEL4, LVM and Locking type 3 (cluster),
- Problem with lvm2 snapshot filling up on fc4,
Marcel Gsteiger
- How to calculate the smallest disk partition need by a file system in LVM, James Tan
- Safeguarding LMV data?,
Craig Hagerman
- [PATCH LVM2] Fix max_parallel calculation, Jun'ichi Nomura
- [PATCH LVM2] Fix _for_each_pv() to return correct segment end, Jun'ichi Nomura
- Problem with vgreduce on LVM1,
Peter Smith
- Does LVM has something to backup like mbr??,
- Creation of snapshots failing with `in use' errors,
- Best way to image devices in an LVM environment,
Andy Smith
- Lost logical volume?,
- Snapshot of an LVM snapshots?, Prashanth Radhakrishnan
- [PATCH] Fix lvextend spoiling redundancy of mirror LV, Jun'ichi Nomura
- after vgreduce --remove-missing, *no* lvm commands work correctly,
Andrew Jones
- Re: Running LVM on shared lun's,
Sid Polak
- Compilation error (missing 'is_static') in daemons/clvmd/lvm_functions.c ?, Efri Nattel-Shay
- "inactive Original" / "device-mapper: reload ioctl failed: Invalid argument", Marlier, Ian
- Ran vgreduce --missing to remove broken disk, am I screwed?,
Thomas Novin
- how to learn number of stripes on logical volume?,
Norman Ramsey
- Merging snapshots - does lvmerge or similar exist for Linux,
Roger Lucas
- Howto suggestion: Reducing a logical volume, Duane Clark
- probably just another xfs and lvm snapshot problem?, Timo Veith
- pvmove of lvs while filesystems mounted not supported?!?,
Edward Quillen
- expanded volume,
German Staltari
- Joining physical volumes,
Stefan Monnier
- Error in RHEL 4: Can't create or delete LV or VG, Blade Sun/ICILSZX
- A problem about physical volumes., wenlinfeng 45817
- Then XFS will hang after snapshotting in xfs_freeze -f in kernel-2.4,
kong wei
- Dead PV....recovering data,
Patrick Picard
- LVM2 on dmraid -- can't boot,
David Abrahams
- lvm eror, netzerospace
- LVM on disk structures,
Manish Regmi
- Howto? Change from VolGroup00 to VolGroupXX on boot disk., newzen newzen
- very confuse, trying to mount two LVM disk, newzen newzen
- Archive Question,
John DeFranco
- Missing link in /dev/<domain>?,
Greg Freemyer
- LVM2 on hardware RAID,
Musil, William
- converting PV from md to non-md,
Musard, Kris
- Moving a lv between hosts,
lvm partition on lv,
Randall Smith
duplicate names, Curtis Doty
Running LVM on shared lun's,
Joshua Aune
create more than 30 snapshot s??, james yu
HELP: system unbootable after failed pvmove (unrecognized segment type mirror),
Joe Harvell
Oops and BUG in dm-snapshot,
David Greaves
booting on a new root partition,
ramsis farhat
How to clone LVM disk?, Stanislaw Senotrusov
pvresize, resize 8e Linux LVM partition,
Stanislaw Senotrusov
Minor LVM bollixment - /dev/dm-xx doesn't contain a valid partition table,
Bob McClure Jr
Odp: Using pvcreate with file..., Bartosz Brewinski
Using pvcreate with file..., Arsen Hayrapetyan
Activate Volume Group,
Mag Gam
root partition,
ramsis farhat
Strange pvmove problem,
Dariush Forouher
LVM1 - "VGDA in kernel and lvmtab are NOT consistent" error following lvm operations,
Performance impact of LVM,
Sander Smeenk
Status of LVM2 and snapshots on RHEL 4, Donald Murray, P.Eng.
fc4 lvm2 snapshot problem,
Dennis Ortsen
Failed PV recovery,
Lamont R. Peterson
failed to install lvm,
ramsis farhat
compatibility between RAID and LVM,
ramsis farhat
lvm2/dm hangs - ioctl cmd 9 failed, Paul Reilly
lvm1 physical volume unaccessible after too big lv expansion, Eric Deplagne
lvm volumes not available on boot, after kernel update, Paolo Santinelli
Growing a striped+concat vol, Leonardo Elias
lvm2 volumes not available on boot,
Jason Keltz
Error setting up a mirrored lv,
Laurenz, Dirk
LVM question on move and resize,
John Koshi
SAN setup with host mirrored disks,
Fiederling, Daniel
Denny Schierz
Whats happens? -> remove first phy disk from lvm,
Denny Schierz
Cannot create more than one snapshot per origin,
Christoph Peus
question about pvresize not seeing newly added disk space, Jason Keltz
lvextend origin, Tom Assmuth
LVM2 maximum logical volume size help,
Robbie Coss
cannot create snapshot LV (unrecognised segment type snapshot), Joe Harvell
Opps while attempting snapshot,
Greg Freemyer
Copying LVM from one system to another,
Shaun Mccullagh
why can create the volumn group by vgcreate ?,
zhihang wang
Migrate a small lvm hd to a bigger lvm hd., x ray
Mirror of LVs,
Laurenz, Dirk
A problem (probably conceptual) with snapshot,
need pvresize (lvm1), Axel Reinhold
vgscan --force-all-update-reread-and-take-that-kernel,
Tristan Van Berkom
LV Cloning, one more time, Greg Hartzog
2 VG's in separated HD's,
Making LVM cluster-safe,
LV's have "disapeared",
Cristian Livadaru
FC5 Increase LV in VolGroup00,
Patrick Nelson
lvm and fstab,
Uuid for unknown device blows up VolGroup00,
Teak Billard
can't delete snapshot, Denny Schierz
LVM incredible slow with Kernel 2.6.11,
Cristian Livadaru
Setting up LVM with existing RAID 1 (Mirror),
SE linux with Redhat Linux AS 4 update 3, Rajkumar
cant find lvm volumes at boot, Fredrik Skog
Rescuing a VG from a busted system, John Diamond
lvcreate and lvremove issues,
Romain Cherchi
newbie problem with LVM,
Argus Array
lvm2 + 2.6.17 + 'lvremove <snapshot>' = hang,
lvm1.0.8: vgcfgrestore does not seem to work,
Stefan Lucke
In LVM, problem with memory allocation to a new data structure..., 조완근
lvm2 rpm, avasquez
Why snapshots are designed as independent of each other?, Charles Jie
newbie lvm question,
pvdisplay -m, Dieter Stüken
vgchange doesn't activate the logical volume,
Daniel Loney
LVM2 Error when creating snapshot,
Kelly Sauke
Mounting two logical volumes to the same mount point,
Aad Rijnberg
vm i/o error,
Slava Mikerin
Raid dout, Rama Chandran
snapshots and backups,
Re: Spontaneous access to the CDROM on two computers simultaneously, Maurice Volaski
vgchange -ay --partial fails, chris
Effects of XXremove and then XXcreate on fs,
Joshua Aune
lvm - problem replacing failed disk,
Steven Mosimann
LVM and Device Mapper,
C'est Pierre
Change from one Linux Distro to another, keeping data on LVM,
Erik Forsberg
lvm -> "normal" system conversion,
Maciej Słojewski
Unexpected write access to LV,
Roger Lucas
undelete logical volume,
Andreas Unterkircher
lvcreate - race condition creating snapshots,
Robert Valentan
How to format a new hard disk using in LVM2 ?, Thomas
question about corrupted lvm2 volumes, Jeremy Johnson
Problem creating snapshots with and LVM 2.02.06,
Roger Lucas
Using LVM with EMC Powerpath...,
Gary Mansell
[PATCH] lvm metadata handling, warn only once about missing PV,
Jens Wilke
Where is the PE to LE mapping done?,
Right way to resize LVM Volume on SAN?,
Alen Salamun
lvm and duplicates...,
C'est Pierre
How Can I modify the mapping PE to LE??,
Segment with extent 19632 in PV /dev/hda2 not found, Ralph Bergmann
Restore Problem., Vreugd, Metin de
lvremove hangs on removing snapshot,
Joris van Rantwijk
Is it better to use partitions or entire disk for LVM?,
Mag Gam
Bringing an existing filesystem under LVM2 control,
Alasdair G Kergon
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