Take a look in XFS filesystem, I think its what you need, and it has a
great performance with big files too.
Robbie Coss wrote:
I am currently running RHEL4 update 3 (kernel 2.6.9-34.0.2.EL), and
using LVM2 and the ext3 filesystem.
I need to know what is the maximum logical volume size I can create. From
the LVM2 Howto, the max size is stated to be 8 exebytes. However, the
Red Hat doc says that the max filesystem size for ext3 is 8 TB.
I am guessing that means I am limited to 8 TB if I want to use ext3 ???
If so, then are there other filesystems I can use to overcome this
limit. I want
to be able to create volumes at least up to 100TB. Is there anything
with the Red Hat release that would be a good choice? Or anything free
included with Red Hat? Or anything commercial?
Thanks in advance for any help or opinions.
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read the LVM HOW-TO at http://tldp.org/HOWTO/LVM-HOWTO/
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read the LVM HOW-TO at http://tldp.org/HOWTO/LVM-HOWTO/