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- FW: shell32: ILGetDisplayName corrections, take 2, Rolf Kalbermatter
- What's with the socket file?, Fredrik Persson
- SystemTimeToTzSpecificLocalTime() and TzSpecificLocalTimeToSystemTime(), Martin Fuchs
- Version bumps, Vincent Béron
- WineHQ: whitespace, Dimitrie O. Paun
- WineHQ: FAQ update, Dimitrie O. Paun
- Question about RPC application on Redhat, dd jj
- Default debugger start string, Uwe Bonnes
- IE6 Setup,
Duncan Rubinger
- let "make htmlpages" produce documentation, thomas . mertes
- Fix Maskedit from Delphi - part 2 - Resend as attach to fix formatting, Brad Campbell
- (Resend) Fix cross compiling tests with MinGW, Hans Leidekker
- resent: version patch, Andreas Mohr
- ListView_SetItemState, Rein Klazes
- stackoverflow, Adrian Lester
- Fallback to ttydrv (third attempt), Uwe Bonnes
- Wine 20030408 and RH9,
Nicholas Marsh
- Fall back to ttydrv, Uwe Bonnes
- Avoid blocking on non-dirs in DOSFS_OpenDir_VFAT, Michal Janusz Miroslaw
- DOSFS: Avoid blocking in DRIVE_ReadSuperblock, Michal Janusz Miroslaw
- Keyboard Problem solved, one solution ..., Duncan Rubinger
- Better fix for named pipe problem., Bill Medland
- wine rpm build errorr, rpm unmet depenency is required, Knut J Bjuland
- Question- about Wine How To,
- Fix linking tests with MinGW and Wine imports, Hans Leidekker
- WineHQ: update TODOs to v0.8, Dimitrie O. Paun
- Fall back to ttydrv when DISPLA variable not set(with patch), Uwe Bonnes
- Re: Cross compiling tests, Hans Leidekker
- Fall Back to ttydrv when DISPLAY is not set,
Uwe Bonnes
- Initialise tid in WIN_CreateDesktopWindow, Uwe Bonnes
- Small GL patch..., Lionel Ulmer
- Small typo fix, Hans Leidekker
- ALTGR Problem,
- wine-win2000-office-redhhat,
- Fix, Hans Leidekker
- wine/win2000,
- misc/version.c revisited, whitnl73
- UPDATED: video mode changes, Alex Pasadyn
- OLE storage SetFilePointer fix, Andreas Mohr
- Avoid non-portable signal(SIGCHLD, SIG_IGN), Joerg Wunsch
- winedos / Improve tracing, Jukka Heinonen
- More constants for mmsystem.h, Vincent Béron
- div in msvcrt, Vincent Béron
- Shell fixes, Vincent Béron
- Implement proxies in wininet, Dominik Strasser
- fix include/winsock.h compiling on NetBSD, Yorick Hardy
- fix server/signal.c compiling on NetBSD, Yorick Hardy
- fix errno usage in scheduler/sysdeps.c on NetBSD, Yorick Hardy
- Resent: FindFirstFile on Root directory should fail, Uwe Bonnes
- Wine, M$Excel and MSCREATE.DIR,
Stephane Boireau
- Wine and Dreamweaver 2., Stephane Boireau
- WineHQ: Update documentation page, Dimitrie O. Paun
- [D3D8] Add some depth/stencil buffer stuff, Christian Costa
- [D3D8] Increase MaxStreams to 2 in CAPS, Christian Costa
- [D3D8] Add some defines to d3d8 header., Christian Costa
- Wine Packaging Guide update, Dimitrie O. Paun
- PATCH: video mode changes, Alex Pasadyn
- NtQueryProcessInformation case needed by NT version of MSI, Robert Shearman
- WineX configure problem,
Alan Bort
- I: Wine and TCP IP., Carlo Pelini
- Fix cross compiling tests with MinGW, Hans Leidekker
- better configure check for cross compiler, Hans Leidekker
- newby build (myapp not wine) Q,
- Resend: Implement some ACE functions,
Robert Shearman
- Modem,
Tom Docking
- direct sound capture bug fixes, Robert Reif
- Registry problems with RedHat 9,
darren . hennessy
- dsound test output cleanup, Robert Reif
- Add dsdriver GUIDS to uuid, Robert Reif
- Implements the triangle case in GdiGradientFill, Maxime Bellengé
- No keyboard support in 'Knights and Merchants',
Joris Huizer
- Re: make htmlpages does not work - regression?, Vincent Béron
- Starcraft Patch, John Spiegel
- [RFC] direct sound notify patch, Robert Reif
- Another Issue (oleaut32.dll -> CreateTypeLib2), Michael Peddemors
- Wine and RedHat 9,
Georg Meyer
- Better wineoss error messages.,
Robert Reif
- Change direct dsound DLL version to 8, Robert Reif
- Xlib error, Adam Savage
- Config wine is a so difficult job, Linux G Shang
- winewrap: simplify wrapper, Dimitrie O. Paun
- Add and fix few stubs in ws2_32 + error constants, Vitaliy Margolen
- support CJK text copy from wine to KDE and vice versa (again), liu spider
- Wine release 20030408, Alexandre Julliard
- Printig from Lotus Notes,
Michele Orsenigo
- MaskBlt implementation., Jaekil Lee
- Quicken 2003 Basic and Wine 20030318,
Jade E. Deane
- Anyone working on these Fixme's?, Michael Peddemors
- PATCH: commctrl.h tag, Juraj Hercek
- PATCH: Winemaker's --wrap option,
Juraj Hercek
- Re: PATCH: Winemaker's --wrap option, Javier López
- Re: PATCH: Winemaker's --wrap option, Javier López
- Re: PATCH: Winemaker's --wrap option, Javier López
- Re: PATCH: Winemaker's --wrap option, Javier López
- Re: PATCH: Winemaker's --wrap option, Javier López
- Re: PATCH: Winemaker's --wrap option, Javier López
- Re: PATCH: Winemaker's --wrap option, Javier López
- Re: PATCH: Winemaker's --wrap option, Javier López
- Re: PATCH: Winemaker's --wrap option, Javier López
- Re: PATCH: Winemaker's --wrap option, Javier López
- Re: PATCH: Winemaker's --wrap option, Javier López
- Re: PATCH: Winemaker's --wrap option, Javier López
- Re: PATCH: Winemaker's --wrap option, Javier López
- Re: PATCH: Winemaker's --wrap option, Javier López
- Re: PATCH: Winemaker's --wrap option, Javier López
- Re: PATCH: Winemaker's --wrap option, Javier López
- Re: PATCH: Winemaker's --wrap option, Javier López
- Re: PATCH: Winemaker's --wrap option, Javier López
- Re: PATCH: Winemaker's --wrap option, Javier López
- Re: PATCH: Winemaker's --wrap option, Javier López
- Re: PATCH: Winemaker's --wrap option, Javier López
- Re: PATCH: Winemaker's --wrap option, Javier López
- Re: PATCH: Winemaker's --wrap option, Javier López
- Re: PATCH: Winemaker's --wrap option, Javier López
- Re: PATCH: Winemaker's --wrap option, Javier López
- Re: PATCH: Winemaker's --wrap option, Javier López
- small fix in GetCurrentLocation : take 2, Rein Klazes
- small fix in GetCurrentLocation, Rein Klazes
- LISTBOX_FindStringPos fix, Rein Klazes
- Another update to winapi_check, Hans Leidekker
- Prevent dereferencing null fd, Bill Medland
- my dmusic and dpnhpast work, revised and resent, Rok Mandeljc
- Implements GradientFill /GdiGradientFill, Maxime Bellengé
- Fix SGML errors in documentation, Tom Hughes
- DestroyMenu doesn't remove the link between window and menu undersome conditions..., Marco Pietrobono
- Fix Maskedit from Delphi - part 2, Brad Campbell
- some ntdll functions (4) - part 2: tests, thomas . mertes
- some ntdll functions (4) - part 1: functions, thomas . mertes
- PATCH: protect the text section of DLLs from writes, Adam Gundy
- PATCH: client side SuspendThread() handling when using valgrind, Adam Gundy
- Fix winapi_check, Hans Leidekker
- Update winapi_check, Hans Leidekker
- [REDUNDANT/ARCHIVAL] Ntdll atom tests., György 'Nog' Jeney
- [REDUNDANT/ARCHIVAL] Ntdll atom stuff, György 'Nog' Jeney
- Re: dlls/msvcrtd/msvcrtd.spec breaks portability,
Adam Gundy
- ntdll/kernel32: #18, Eric Pouech
- tests for ntdll, Eric Pouech
- ntdll/kernel32: #17, Eric Pouech
- the rest of dmusic stubs, Rok Mandeljc
- shlwapi: add two new exported APIs and fix a possible 0 reference bug in SHLWAPI_436, Rolf Kalbermatter
- winedos / Small bug fixes, Jukka Heinonen
- Patch - Fix building rpcrt4 on mingw,
Steven Edwards
- shell32: SHFileOperation reimplementation in Unicode and calling it from SHFileOperationA,
Rolf Kalbermatter
- X-Files - The Game, Roland Häder
- [msimg32] Implements GradientFill, Maxime Bellengé
- RtlAtom tests further improved, György 'Nog' Jeney
- DSOUND: another buffer underrun patch, Jerry Jenkins
- Resend: Implements languagegroups functions,
Maxime Bellengé
- support CJK text copy from wine to KDE and vice versa, liu spider
- cleaning the source tree when compiling outside the source tree, Eric Pouech
- RtlAtom tests improved,
György 'Nog' Jeney
- wine: lsta /some/directory/wine/conf/wineserver-tux/socket : No suchfile or directory,
Rodolfo M Moreno
- Using WIN32 DLL from Unix library,
Vittorio Ballestra
- MS-Project and latest Wine on FreeBSD-stable,
Felix Kronlage
- dsound multiple device fix, Robert Reif
- Implements languagegroups functions,
Maxime Bellengé
- Support for pkgconfig, Mike Hearn
- InvalidateNLSCache - stub, Michal Janusz Miroslaw
- Memory leaks,
Alberto Massari
- PATCH: dlls/rasapi32/rasapi.c, Gerald Pfeifer
- add tests for ntdll atom functions, György 'Nog' Jeney
- OSS fix, Eric Pouech
- add ntdll atom defines to winternl.h, György 'Nog' Jeney
- PATCH: provide MSVCRTD.DLL debugging C runtime DLL (second try), Adam Gundy
- DGA and input devices, warekala
- Missing BN_* constants, Dimitrie O. Paun
- ntdll/kernel32: #16, Eric Pouech
- dpnhpast stubs, Rok Mandeljc
- fake directx files, Rok Mandeljc
- ddraw and d3d8 version, Rok Mandeljc
- dmusic version, Rok Mandeljc
- using cheatng deat and CS with wine, Boldizsar Nagy
- Fix MaskEdit from Delphi, Vitaliy Margolen
- Re: Wine,
Sylvain Petreolle
- <Possible follow-ups>
- wine, joaopedropinheirofreitas
- wine, joaopedropinheirofreitas
- WINE, JB Brennion
- Re: WINE, Alan McKinnon
- Wine, MasterTH
Re: Wine, jnewman
Re: Wine, Timeout
Wine, darthkrevan
Wine, hapablap
wine, serega74422
Re: Fwd: Wine, James McKenzie
Re: Wine, Filiiing
wine, DarkShamanVoldjinn
Wine, kunto
SMATCH: missing HeapFree's, Michael Stefaniuc
SMATCH: Returning with freed result, Michael Stefaniuc
direct sound enumeration fix, Robert Reif
dsound.h patch,
Robert Reif
Implement stubs for BeginUpdateResource() and EndUpdateResource(), Paul McNett
Bookman font is replaced by Courier New.,
Erik Enge
PATCH: dlls/ntdll/ntdll_misc.h and struct timeval, Gerald Pfeifer
wave test patch, Robert Reif
dsound primary.c fix, Robert Reif
dsound.spec patch, Robert Reif
Use the new swapvp function,
Dimitrie O. Paun
fix buffer overflow in datetime, Vitaliy Margolen
PATCH: fix uninitialized memory returned by TOOLBAR_GetButton(), Adam Gundy
PATCH: provide MSVCRTD.DLL debugging C runtime DLL, Adam Gundy
Implement some ACE functions, Robert Shearman
spelling patch, Andreas Mohr
resent: menu capture tracking fix, Andreas Mohr
another stab at stabs parsing, Eric Pouech
ADVAPI32.dll, GetCurrentHwProfileW, Damian Gerow
Crash in joystick API without joystick installed ?, Sylvain Petreolle
Re: What the config tool that Knoppix comes with?, Muralikrishnan B
valgrind for WINE, Adam Gundy
IP Multicast, Mike Hearn
Re: wine/ tools/winewrap.c tools/winegcc.c include ...,
Dimitrie O. Paun
Mike Hearn
Setup failed to launch installation ...,
Michael Wagner
Re: valgrind for WINE (part 1 - architecture) - PATCH RESEND, Adam Gundy
Re: Compiling WINE - Hopeless situation? :),
Sylvain Petreolle
Unicode strings termination cleanup, Vitaliy Margolen
Fix a regression in registry, Maxime Bellengé
FindFirstFile on Root directory should fail, Uwe Bonnes
Some Setupapi stubs,
Uwe Bonnes
winedos / More int21 stuff, Jukka Heinonen
Dimitrie O. Paun
bin2rc, Dimitrie O. Paun
Fix the compiling documentation, Francois Gouget
WineHQ: small typos, Francois Gouget
Re: Contributing page needs fixing, Francois Gouget
Cleanup resources, Francois Gouget
dib.c - random segfaults, Vitaliy Margolen
winearts the position of play cursor patch, Jerry Ji
running a program that needs java, Rajarshi Guha
huge documentation patch, Andreas Mohr
sound3d: doppler effect, Rok Mandeljc
Small improvement in dmusic code, Rok Mandeljc
shell32: ILGetDisplayName corrections,
Rolf Kalbermatter
Use regedit instead of regapi, Sylvain Petreolle
shlobj.h: move declaration for SHBindToParent from undocshell.h to shlobj.h, Rolf Kalbermatter
SHFileOperation Test fix, Rolf Kalbermatter
fix up CryptDeriveKey trace, Andreas Mohr
fix for nameless struct compilation error in dlls/ntdll/sync.c, Eric Pouech
Accessing printer/parallel port,
Sameer Morar
Invisible Ownerdrawn buttons, Arnaud ANDRE
Wine Printing Problem,
Emmanuel Khamissian, Marcus Roeckrath
Wine 20030318, glibc 2.3.2, RH (not phoebe),
Rob Hughes
Re: valgrind for WINE (part 2 - uninitialized memory fixes) PATCHRESEND TAKE 2, Adam Gundy
DGA ?, Dominik Witczak
ntdll/kernel32: #15, Eric Pouech
fork in road solved, one small question, Richard Benedict
Fix incorrect documentation, Mike Hearn
Suggestions for a Working WINE Installation,
Jason Voegele
valgrind for WINE (part 1 - architecture), Adam Gundy
valgrind for WINE (part 2 - uninitialized memory fixes), Adam Gundy
Resolving font trouble, how?,
Peter Møller Neergaard
ImageList - dirty hack, Vitaliy Margolen
Fwd: WINE and gcc 3.2, Sylvain Petreolle
ole32.dll DllRegisterServer et. al., John K. Hohm
wrc: -B -d -r -U -W, Dimitrie O. Paun
fix errno linkage, Dimitrie O. Paun
Re: Java in wine?, Sylvain Petreolle
Gerald Pfeifer
WinInet entry point, Alberto Massari
add registers for NetBSD sigcontext in dlls/ntdll/signal_i386.c, Yorick Hardy
fix compiling of libs/wine/loader.c on NetBSD, Yorick Hardy
fix dlls/ntdll/cdrom.c compile on NetBSD, Yorick Hardy
add NetBSD total memory information, Yorick Hardy
Fix building on Mingw, Steven Edwards
2 things with the new library system, Steven Edwards
fork in the road,
Richard Benedict
Excel needed with vba,
Dirk Gerlach
winemaker: fix wrc flags, Dimitrie O. Paun
wpp: export the undefine capability, Dimitrie O. Paun
Debug message fix in msvcrt._wsplitpath, Sylvain Petreolle
shlwapi: Implement undocumented SHLWAPI_266 and SHLWAPI_271, Rolf Kalbermatter
shell32: small merely cosmetical fixes, Rolf Kalbermatter
shell32: Implement CheckEscapesA/W, Rolf Kalbermatter
treeview click notification, Mike Hearn
shell32: create new internal function _ILCreateFromPathA to replace SHSimpleIDListFromPath, Rolf Kalbermatter
comport use with one-wire network, Hans-Willem
wrc: -a -C -w,
Dimitrie O. Paun
Compile error with dib.c,
Matt Bailey
Don't check stateMask in treeview, Mike Hearn
treeview invalidation fix, Mike Hearn
resend : Stub for EnumSystemLanguageGroups{A|W}, Maxime Bellengé
REMOVE ME, Javier López
System.reg problem,
Andrew Howlett
PATCH: files/directory.c,
Gerald Pfeifer
PATCH - winebuild import, Steven Edwards
[commdlg] fix for lookin combo box overlapping the toolbar, Maxime Bellengé
Outlook and custumization,
Sven Almgren
Minor Hebrew fix, Shachar Shemesh
(2nd) Janitorial W->A cleanup objects/metafile.c dlls/gdi/mfdrv/init.c, Tony Lambregts
Janitorial W->A dlls/imm32/imm.c, Tony Lambregts
I/O Completion Ports (2 of 2), Robert Shearman
I/O Completion Ports (1 of 2), Robert Shearman
Janitorial W->A cleanup objects/metafile.c dlls/gdi/mfdrv/init.c,
Tony Lambregts
Adding some missing stuffs #1, BiGgUn
ntdll/kernel32: #14, Eric Pouech
ntdll/kernel32: #13, Eric Pouech
winegcc: don't attempt to compile .res files, Dimitrie O. Paun
rpcproxy: unneeded extensions, Dimitrie O. Paun
shell32: SHInitRestricted() fix boolean error introduced in last patch, Rolf Kalbermatter
PATCH: Implement some missing stuffs (reformated),
PATHC: Implement some missing stuffs, biggun from the sun
ListView - add CACHEHINT notification in OwnerData mode,
Vitaliy Margolen
Tls handling, Eric Pouech
[commdlg] fix for resizing a window with hook, Maxime Bellengé
Flash movie,
Dinesh Bareja
Implement 'MakeSureDirectoryPathExists', P. Christeas
position-notify array cleanup for IDirectSoundNotify,
Jerry Ji
[PATCH] Make use of .half and .asciiz assembler keywords when needed,
Christian Costa
wineinstall: su tweak, Brian Vincent (C)
Office 2000 w/ Wine,
William R. Lorenz
winspool.drv problem,
Travis J.I. Corcoran
not enough virtual memory,
Howard Sanner
Kazaa Lite (1.7.2) won't work,
Joris Huizer
ntdll/kernel32: #12, Eric Pouech
dmusic stubs, Rok Mandeljc
Carlos Hespanhol
ntdll/kernel32: #8, Eric Pouech
ntdll/kernel32: #9, Eric Pouech
ntdll/kernel32: #10, Eric Pouech
ntdll/kernel32: #11, Eric Pouech
Eric Pouech
- <Possible follow-ups>
- cdrom, Eric Pouech
Fix for ArrangeCtrlPositions in commdlg 2, Maxime Bellengé
Test Again - Patch for on shell32.dll, Steven Edwards
Change unholy directory message, for good, Andreas Mohr
shell32: some new functions in shlfileop, Rolf Kalbermatter
shell32: add some W2K shell policies and fix SHRestricted to be Unicode for NT, Rolf Kalbermatter
Current CVS,
Kevin DeKorte
How to get a bigger font at tooltips & menus?, peter chan
Using MS/XML,
Fruhwirth Clemens
some ntdll functions (3) - part 2: tests, thomas . mertes
some ntdll functions (3) - part 1: functions, thomas . mertes
32/16 bit comparison in int21.c, Rein Klazes
PATCH: scheduler/pthread portability, Gerald Pfeifer
wrc: -e -J, Dimitrie O. Paun
Remove 16 bit driver support from introduction., Tony Lambregts
My brain hurts!,
PATCH: files/profile.c -- tweak error message, Gerald Pfeifer
wine, visio 2000 & Assign constructor/destructor memid, Alexander Klosch
Fix copyright in git.c, Mike Hearn
Wine release 20030318, Alexandre Julliard
Crash in Microsoft Excel, using Add-ons, Michael Peddemors
Problem with wine,
Peter Franz
Re: Problem with Wine, KlMpo
some ntdll functions (2b) - part 2: tests, thomas . mertes
winsock: fix for Winelib apps, Dimitrie O. Paun
TBSTYLE_ALTDRAG not implemented,
Emmanuel Khamissian
DSOUND: buffer underrun & sound chunks left out (RESEND),
Jerry Ji
Get rid of W->A calls: GetPrivateProfileIntA/W,
Stefan Leichter
wrc: use long options, Dimitrie O. Paun
Default entry for winamp, Mike Hearn
Tab fix and typo, Mike Hearn
Re Resend fix for ArrangeCtrlPositions in commdlg, Maxime Bellengé
Knights and Merchants,
Joris Huizer
[patch] CSIDL_PROFILES in shlobj.h, Paul Rupe
[patch] Signed/unsigned mismatch in freetype.c, Paul Rupe
[patch] Handle blank protocol in getservbyname/port, Paul Rupe
win3.1 in wine & suse8.1,
Serge Naggar
getopt_long support, Dimitrie O. Paun
DSOUND: buffer underrun & sound chunks left out, Jerry Ji
msvcrt: define the BSD types (resent), Dimitrie O. Paun
Resend of the Fix for ArrangeCtrlPositions in commdlg,
Maxime Bellengé
Some dsound oddness,
Duane Clark
SHGetFileInfo - fix LargeIcon & add rel. path,
Vitaliy Margolen
ntdll/kernel32: #7 (2nd try), Eric Pouech
ntdll/kernel32: #6 (2nd try), Eric Pouech
Fwd: API Documentation 2, Jon
Fwd: API Documentation 1, Jon
Oleaut32 BSTR 2, Jon
Re: DPRINTF->TRACE Final (Exceptions - not changed), Tony Lambregts
For cut it up,
Rina e Corrado On BTOpenworld
DPRINTF->TRACE dlls/ddraw/d3ddevice, Tony Lambregts
DPRINTF->TRACE dlls/ddraw/ddraw/main.c, Tony Lambregts
DPRINTF->TRACE dlls/ddraw/dsurface/main.c, Tony Lambregts
DPRINTF->TRACE controls, Tony Lambregts
DPRINTF->TRACE dlls/comcat/information.c, Tony Lambregts
Fix for winedefault.reg, Maxime Bellengé
Trying to run Office97 Setup in Native Wine,
Michael Peddemors
DPRINTF->TRACE dlls/ddraw, Tony Lambregts
DPRINTF->TRACE dlls/dinput/joystick, Tony Lambregts
DPRINTF->TRACE dlls/dinput/mouse/main.c, Tony Lambregts
DPRINTF->TRACE dlls/dinput/keyboard/main.c, Tony Lambregts
DPRINTF->TRACE dlls/odbc32/proxyodbc.c, Tony Lambregts
DPRINTF->TRACE dlls/richedit/richedit.c, Tony Lambregts
DPRINTF->TRACE dlls/version/info.c, Tony Lambregts
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