Pulseaudio Discussion - Date Index
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- [PATCH] build: Add .gitignore files to EXTRA_DIST.
- From: gmane@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx (Colin Guthrie)
- Odd behaviour on killing and starting PA
- From: gmane@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx (Colin Guthrie)
- paid pulse audio support
- From: gmane@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx (Colin Guthrie)
- How to mix streams?
- From: gmane@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx (Colin Guthrie)
- [PATCH] man pulse-daemon.conf: Correct typoes
- From: tanuk@xxxxxx (Tanu Kaskinen)
- Monitoring USB sound card using pulse monitor.
- From: gmane@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx (Colin Guthrie)
- [ANNOUNCE] PulseAudio 2.99.1 (3.0 RC1)
- From: arun.raghavan@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx (Arun Raghavan)
- Playing samples with different sample_spec's
- From: gmane@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx (Colin Guthrie)
- strange pulse / jack behaviour
- From: david.henningsson@xxxxxxxxxxxxx (David Henningsson)
- Different apps, different outputs under Gnome3?
- From: gmane@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx (Colin Guthrie)
- Issues with pulseaudio and gdm
- From: gmane@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx (Colin Guthrie)
- a question about audio synchronization between local sink and tunnel sink
- From: tanuk@xxxxxx (Tanu Kaskinen)
- master volume at zero and muted when pulseaudio starts
- From: gmane@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx (Colin Guthrie)
- [PATCH] alsa: get avail, delay, timestamps in a single kernel call
- From: david.henningsson@xxxxxxxxxxxxx (David Henningsson)
- [RFC PATCH] bluetooth: Fix assertion failure (decoded == a2dp->frame_length)
- From: luiz.dentz@xxxxxxxxx (Luiz Augusto von Dentz)
- arecord from monitor and sink
- From: dsonck92@xxxxxxxxx (Daniël Sonck)
- arecord from monitor and sink
- From: amar.akshat@xxxxxxxxx (Amar Akshat)
- a question about audio synchronization between local sink and tunnel sink
- From: xisun@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx (Sun, Xiaodong)
- a question about audio synchronization between local sink and tunnel sink
- From: tanuk@xxxxxx (Tanu Kaskinen)
- a question about audio synchronization between local sink and tunnel sink
- From: tanuk@xxxxxx (Tanu Kaskinen)
- PulseAudio conference: Updated schedule
- From: david.henningsson@xxxxxxxxxxxxx (David Henningsson)
- arecord from monitor and sink
- From: arun.raghavan@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx (Arun Raghavan)
- PulseAudio Conference: How to find it
- From: david.henningsson@xxxxxxxxxxxxx (David Henningsson)
- arecord from monitor and sink
- From: amar.akshat@xxxxxxxxx (Amar Akshat)
- strange pulse / jack behaviour
- From: pshirkey@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx (Patrick Shirkey)
- master is frozen
- From: arun.raghavan@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx (Arun Raghavan)
- strange pulse / jack behaviour
- From: pshirkey@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx (Patrick Shirkey)
- [PATCH] man pulse-daemon.conf: Correct typoes
- From: themineo@xxxxxxxxx (Wieland Hoffmann)
- strange pulse / jack behaviour
- From: tanuk@xxxxxx (Tanu Kaskinen)
- strange pulse / jack behaviour
- From: richard@xxxxxxxxx (Richard Bown)
- strange pulse / jack behaviour
- From: pshirkey@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx (Patrick Shirkey)
- strange pulse / jack behaviour
- From: richard@xxxxxxxxx (Richard Bown)
- PulseAudio Mini-Conference: Call for topics
- From: gmane@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx (Colin Guthrie)
- strange pulse / jack behaviour
- From: pshirkey@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx (Patrick Shirkey)
- strange pulse / jack behaviour
- From: tanuk@xxxxxx (Tanu Kaskinen)
- PulseAudio Mini-Conference: Call for topics
- From: david.henningsson@xxxxxxxxxxxxx (David Henningsson)
- PulseAudio Mini-Conference: Call for topics
- From: gmane@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx (Colin Guthrie)
- strange pulse / jack behaviour
- From: brendan.jones.it@xxxxxxxxx (Brendan Jones)
- [PATCH] svolume: Fix ARM alignment issues
- From: arun.raghavan@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx (Arun Raghavan)
- strange pulse / jack behaviour
- From: richard@xxxxxxxxx (Richard Bown)
- strange pulse / jack behaviour
- From: pshirkey@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx (Patrick Shirkey)
- [PATCH 0/3] Fixes for windwos
- From: arun.raghavan@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx (Arun Raghavan)
- [PATCH] resampler: Make sure that there are no overflows when multiplying potentially big numbers.
- From: arun.raghavan@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx (Arun Raghavan)
- strange pulse / jack behaviour
- From: richard@xxxxxxxxx (Richard Bown)
- FW: usb headset microphone will not work with pulseaudio
- From: j-frankish@xxxxxxx (John Frankish)
- strange pulse / jack behaviour
- From: pshirkey@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx (Patrick Shirkey)
- [PATCH 1/3] Proper poll() emulation to fix pacat and friends on windows.
- From: kugel@xxxxxxxxxxx (Thomas Martitz)
- [PATCH 1/3] Proper poll() emulation to fix pacat and friends on windows.
- From: kugel@xxxxxxxxxxx (Thomas Martitz)
- [PATCH 3/3] core-util: Don't error out on existing runtime directory.
- From: kugel@xxxxxxxxxxx (Thomas Martitz)
- [PATCH 2/3] module-waveout: Allow sink and source be on different devices.
- From: kugel@xxxxxxxxxxx (Thomas Martitz)
- [PATCH 1/3] Proper poll() emulation to fix pacat and friends on windows.
- From: kugel@xxxxxxxxxxx (Thomas Martitz)
- [PATCH 0/3] Fixes for windwos
- From: kugel@xxxxxxxxxxx (Thomas Martitz)
- FW: usb headset microphone will not work with pulseaudio
- From: paulepanter@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx (Paul Menzel)
- [PATCH] resampler: Make sure that there are no overflows when multiplying potentially big numbers.
- From: tanu.kaskinen@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx (Tanu Kaskinen)
- strange pulse / jack behaviour
- From: richard@xxxxxxxxx (Richard Bown)
- FW: usb headset microphone will not work with pulseaudio
- From: j-frankish@xxxxxxx (John Frankish)
- Brrr ... freeze imminent
- From: arun.raghavan@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx (Arun Raghavan)
- [PATCH] combine: Keep the timer active in the null mode only when running.
- From: arun.raghavan@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx (Arun Raghavan)
- [PATCH v2] virtual-surround-sink: Fix setting max_request and max_rewind.
- From: arun.raghavan@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx (Arun Raghavan)
- [PATCH 0/4] Random fixes.
- From: arun.raghavan@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx (Arun Raghavan)
- [PATCH 0/4] Random fixes.
- From: arun.raghavan@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx (Arun Raghavan)
- [PATCH] resampler: Make sure that there are no overflows when multiplying potentially big numbers.
- From: arun.raghavan@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx (Arun Raghavan)
- [PATCH] match: Use the SINK_INPUT_FIXATE hook instead of NEW.
- From: arun.raghavan@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx (Arun Raghavan)
- strange pulse / jack behaviour
- From: pshirkey@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx (Patrick Shirkey)
- a question about audio synchronization between local sink and tunnel sink
- From: xisun@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx (Sun, Xiaodong)
- strange pulse / jack behaviour
- From: pshirkey@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx (Patrick Shirkey)
- strange pulse / jack behaviour
- From: pshirkey@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx (Patrick Shirkey)
- a question about audio synchronization between local sink and tunnel sink
- From: xisun@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx (Sun, Xiaodong)
- [PATCH v2 3/6] Proper poll() emulation to fix pacat and friends on windows.
- From: kugel@xxxxxxxxxxx (Thomas Martitz)
- [PATCH] match: Use the SINK_INPUT_FIXATE hook instead of NEW.
- From: tanuk@xxxxxx (Tanu Kaskinen)
- strange pulse / jack behaviour
- From: richard@xxxxxxxxx (Richard Bown)
- usb headset microphone will not work with pulseaudio
- From: j-frankish@xxxxxxx (John Frankish)
- [PATCH] match: Use the SINK_INPUT_FIXATE hook instead of NEW.
- From: arun.raghavan@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx (Arun Raghavan)
- strange pulse / jack behaviour
- From: pshirkey@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx (Patrick Shirkey)
- usb headset microphone will not work with pulseaudio
- From: superquad.vortex2@xxxxxxxxx (Raymond Yau)
- [PATCH 6/6 v3] core: Add ARM NEON optimized sample conversion code
- From: pmeerw@xxxxxxxxxx (Peter Meerwald)
- [PATCH 2/3] WIP sconv: deal with PulseAudio's misguided sample-to-float conversion
- From: arun.raghavan@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx (Arun Raghavan)
- [PATCH 6/6 v3] core: Add ARM NEON optimized sample conversion code
- From: arun.raghavan@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx (Arun Raghavan)
- [PATCH 4/6 v3] core: Add ARM NEON optimized mono-to-stereo/stereo-to-mono remapping code
- From: arun.raghavan@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx (Arun Raghavan)
- strange pulse / jack behaviour
- From: richard@xxxxxxxxx (Richard Bown)
- strange pulse / jack behaviour
- From: pshirkey@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx (Patrick Shirkey)
- [PATCH] build: Add a2dp-codecs.h to libbluetooth-util sources.
- From: arun.raghavan@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx (Arun Raghavan)
- usb headset microphone will not work with pulseaudio
- From: j-frankish@xxxxxxx (John Frankish)
- PulseAudio Mini-Conference: Call for topics
- From: arun.raghavan@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx (Arun Raghavan)
- usb headset microphone will not work with pulseaudio
- From: superquad.vortex2@xxxxxxxxx (Raymond Yau)
- usb headset microphone will not work with pulseaudio
- From: j-frankish@xxxxxxx (John Frankish)
- usb headset microphone will not work with pulseaudio
- From: superquad.vortex2@xxxxxxxxx (Raymond Yau)
- [PATCH 3/3] WIP sconv: implement test code for ARM NEON sconv s16_to_float
- From: pmeerw@xxxxxxxxxx (Peter Meerwald)
- [PATCH 2/3] fix samples check after performance test
- From: pmeerw@xxxxxxxxxx (Peter Meerwald)
- [PATCH 1/3] WIP sconv: fix ARM NEON s16_to_float conversion
- From: pmeerw@xxxxxxxxxx (Peter Meerwald)
- usb headset microphone will not work with pulseaudio
- From: j-frankish@xxxxxxx (John Frankish)
- usb headset microphone will not work with pulseaudio
- From: j-frankish@xxxxxxx (John Frankish)
- Does PulseAudio compensate for clock drift?
- From: ansis.malins@xxxxxxxxx (Ansis Māliņš)
- a question about audio synchronization between local sink and tunnel sink
- From: ansis.malins@xxxxxxxxx (Ansis Māliņš)
- a question about audio synchronization between local sink and tunnel sink
- From: tanuk@xxxxxx (Tanu Kaskinen)
- PulseAudio conference: Please speak up if you intend to come!
- From: themuso@xxxxxxxxxx (Luke Yelavich)
- a question about audio synchronization between local sink and tunnel sink
- From: xisun@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx (Sun, Xiaodong)
- [PATCH 6/6] device-restore: Add support for "factory settings".
- From: tanu.kaskinen@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx (Tanu Kaskinen)
- bluetooth hfp and a2dp
- From: ag4ve.us@xxxxxxxxx (shawn wilson)
- [PATCH 2/2] core: Add ARM NEON optimized sample conversion code
- From: pmeerw@xxxxxxxxxx (Peter Meerwald)
- [PATCH 3/3] tests: Fix test description
- From: pmeerw@xxxxxxxxxx (Peter Meerwald)
- [PATCH 2/3] WIP sconv: deal with PulseAudio's misguided sample-to-float conversion
- From: pmeerw@xxxxxxxxxx (Peter Meerwald)
- [PATCH 1/3] WIP sconv: Fix sconv_s16le_from_f32ne_neon
- From: pmeerw@xxxxxxxxxx (Peter Meerwald)
- usb headset microphone will not work with pulseaudio
- From: tanuk@xxxxxx (Tanu Kaskinen)
- a question about audio synchronization between local sink and tunnel sink
- From: tanuk@xxxxxx (Tanu Kaskinen)
- [PATCH] utils: Adding a function to get volume from string
- From: frederic.dalleau@xxxxxxxxx (Dalleau, Frederic)
- usb headset microphone will not work with pulseaudio
- From: superquad.vortex2@xxxxxxxxx (Raymond Yau)
- [PATCH v2 3/3] bluetooth: Handle UUIDs announced later
- From: mikel.astiz.oss@xxxxxxxxx (Mikel Astiz)
- [PATCH v2 2/3] dbus: Add signal org.PulseAudio.Core1.Card.NewProfile
- From: mikel.astiz.oss@xxxxxxxxx (Mikel Astiz)
- [PATCH v2 1/3] dbus: Support dynamically created card profiles
- From: mikel.astiz.oss@xxxxxxxxx (Mikel Astiz)
- [PATCH v2 0/3] Bluetooth: Late UUID support
- From: mikel.astiz.oss@xxxxxxxxx (Mikel Astiz)
- [PATCH] utils: Adding a function to get volume from string
- From: arun.raghavan@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx (Arun Raghavan)
- usb headset microphone will not work with pulseaudio
- From: superquad.vortex2@xxxxxxxxx (Raymond Yau)
- Linking Channels Block Mono Microphone
- From: superquad.vortex2@xxxxxxxxx (Raymond Yau)
- a question about audio synchronization between local sink and tunnel sink
- From: xisun@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx (Sun, Xiaodong)
- [PATCH 6/6] device-restore: Add support for "factory settings".
- From: tanu.kaskinen@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx (Tanu Kaskinen)
- [PATCH 5/6] device-restore: Add perportentry_{read, write}_raw_name().
- From: tanu.kaskinen@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx (Tanu Kaskinen)
- [PATCH 4/6] device-restore: Allow zero formats for the database entries.
- From: tanu.kaskinen@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx (Tanu Kaskinen)
- [PATCH 3/6] core-util: Add pa_parse_cvolume().
- From: tanu.kaskinen@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx (Tanu Kaskinen)
- [PATCH 2/6] device-restore: Fix a memory leak.
- From: tanu.kaskinen@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx (Tanu Kaskinen)
- [PATCH 1/6] device-restore: Fix a comment.
- From: tanu.kaskinen@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx (Tanu Kaskinen)
- [PATCH 0/6] Factory settings for module-device-restore
- From: tanu.kaskinen@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx (Tanu Kaskinen)
- [PATCH] utils: Adding a function to get volume from string
- From: flavio.ceolin@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx (Flávio Ceolin)
- [PATCH] utils: Adding a function to get volume from string
- From: frederic.dalleau@xxxxxxxxx (Dalleau, Frederic)
- [PATCH v2 1/5] card: Store a pa_card pointer in pa_card_profile.
- From: tanuk@xxxxxx (Tanu Kaskinen)
- [PATCH 2/2] core: Add ARM NEON optimized sample conversion code
- From: arun.raghavan@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx (Arun Raghavan)
- FW: Linking Channels Block Mono Microphone
- From: j-frankish@xxxxxxx (John Frankish)
- [PATCH 2/2] core: Add ARM NEON optimized sample conversion code
- From: pmeerw@xxxxxxxxxx (Peter Meerwald)
- FW: Linking Channels Block Mono Microphone
- From: david.henningsson@xxxxxxxxxxxxx (David Henningsson)
- usb headset microphone will not work with pulseaudio
- From: j-frankish@xxxxxxx (John Frankish)
- FW: Linking Channels Block Mono Microphone
- From: j-frankish@xxxxxxx (John Frankish)
- [PATCH v1 0/6] Bluetooth: Late UUID support
- From: tanuk@xxxxxx (Tanu Kaskinen)
- [PATCH v1 3/6] dbus: Support dynamically created card profiles
- From: tanuk@xxxxxx (Tanu Kaskinen)
- [PATCH v1 1/6] card: Support adding profiles dynamically
- From: tanuk@xxxxxx (Tanu Kaskinen)
- [PATCH 2/2] core: Add ARM NEON optimized sample conversion code
- From: arun.raghavan@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx (Arun Raghavan)
- usb headset microphone will not work with pulseaudio
- From: tanuk@xxxxxx (Tanu Kaskinen)
- [PATCH 2/2] core: Add ARM NEON optimized sample conversion code
- From: pmeerw@xxxxxxxxxx (Peter Meerwald)
- [PATCH] utils: Adding a function to get volume from string
- From: tanuk@xxxxxx (Tanu Kaskinen)
- [PATCH 2/2] core: Add ARM NEON optimized sample conversion code
- From: arun.raghavan@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx (Arun Raghavan)
- a question about audio synchronization between local sink and tunnel sink
- From: tanuk@xxxxxx (Tanu Kaskinen)
- [PATCH 2/2] core: Add ARM NEON optimized sample conversion code
- From: pmeerw@xxxxxxxxxx (Peter Meerwald)
- 191dB Master Playback Volume
- From: superquad.vortex2@xxxxxxxxx (Raymond Yau)
- [PATCH 2/2] core: Add ARM NEON optimized sample conversion code
- From: arun.raghavan@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx (Arun Raghavan)
- PulseAudio Mini-conference: Preliminary schedule
- From: david.henningsson@xxxxxxxxxxxxx (David Henningsson)
- a question about audio synchronization between local sink and tunnel sink
- From: xisun@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx (Sun, Xiaodong)
- [PATCH] utils: Adding a function to get volume from string
- From: flavio.ceolin@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx (Flavio Ceolin)
- [PATCH] pulse: Fix for volume documentation
- From: flavio.ceolin@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx (Flávio Ceolin)
- [PATCH 2/2] core: Add ARM NEON optimized sample conversion code
- From: arun.raghavan@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx (Arun Raghavan)
- [PATCH v0 01/11] card: Support adding profiles dynamically
- From: mikel.astiz.oss@xxxxxxxxx (Mikel Astiz)
- [PATCH] alsa-mixer: Don't let "Mic Jack Mode" alone create a "Line In" path
- From: david.henningsson@xxxxxxxxxxxxx (David Henningsson)
- usb headset microphone will not work with pulseaudio
- From: j-frankish@xxxxxxx (John Frankish)
- [PATCH v0 01/11] card: Support adding profiles dynamically
- From: david.henningsson@xxxxxxxxxxxxx (David Henningsson)
- usb headset microphone will not work with pulseaudio
- From: tanuk@xxxxxx (Tanu Kaskinen)
- [PATCH v0 01/11] card: Support adding profiles dynamically
- From: tanuk@xxxxxx (Tanu Kaskinen)
- [PATCH] module rtp-recv: Fix warning using pa_assert_not_reached()
- From: tanuk@xxxxxx (Tanu Kaskinen)
- Brrr ... freeze imminent
- From: tanuk@xxxxxx (Tanu Kaskinen)
- a question about audio synchronization between local sink and tunnel sink
- From: tanuk@xxxxxx (Tanu Kaskinen)
- [PATCH v2 3/6] Proper poll() emulation to fix pacat and friends on windows.
- From: kugel@xxxxxxxxxxx (Thomas Martitz)
- [PATCH v2 3/6] Proper poll() emulation to fix pacat and friends on windows.
- From: arun.raghavan@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx (Arun Raghavan)
- a question about audio synchronization between local sink and tunnel sink
- From: arun.raghavan@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx (Arun Raghavan)
- [PATCH] pulse: Fix for volume documentation
- From: arun.raghavan@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx (Arun Raghavan)
- Brrr ... freeze imminent
- From: niels_ole@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx (Niels Ole Salscheider)
- [PATCH] core: Fix a litte-endian bug in ARM svolume code
- From: pmeerw@xxxxxxxxxx (Peter Meerwald)
- [PATCH] device-restore: When restoring volume, print the restored volume to the log.
- From: tanu.kaskinen@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx (Tanu Kaskinen)
- [PATCH 2/2] core: Add ARM NEON optimized sample conversion code
- From: pmeerw@xxxxxxxxxx (Peter Meerwald)
- [PATCH 1/2] core: Initialize ARM NEON code if available
- From: pmeerw@xxxxxxxxxx (Peter Meerwald)
- [PATCH] module rtp-recv: Fix warning using pa_assert_not_reached()
- From: pmeerw@xxxxxxxxxx (Peter Meerwald)
- [PATCH v1 6/6] bluetooth: Handle UUIDs announced later
- From: mikel.astiz.oss@xxxxxxxxx (Mikel Astiz)
- [PATCH v1 5/6] bluetooth: Add hook to announce late UUIDs
- From: mikel.astiz.oss@xxxxxxxxx (Mikel Astiz)
- [PATCH v1 4/6] dbus: Add signal org.PulseAudio.Core1.Card.NewProfile
- From: mikel.astiz.oss@xxxxxxxxx (Mikel Astiz)
- [PATCH v1 3/6] dbus: Support dynamically created card profiles
- From: mikel.astiz.oss@xxxxxxxxx (Mikel Astiz)
- [PATCH v1 2/6] card: Support adding ports dynamically
- From: mikel.astiz.oss@xxxxxxxxx (Mikel Astiz)
- [PATCH v1 1/6] card: Support adding profiles dynamically
- From: mikel.astiz.oss@xxxxxxxxx (Mikel Astiz)
- [PATCH v1 0/6] Bluetooth: Late UUID support
- From: mikel.astiz.oss@xxxxxxxxx (Mikel Astiz)
- [PATCH] core: Fix a litte-endian bug in ARM svolume code
- From: arun.raghavan@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx (Arun Raghavan)
- [PATCH] core: Fix a litte-endian bug in ARM svolume code
- From: pmeerw@xxxxxxxxxx (Peter Meerwald)
- [PATCH] core: Fix a litte-endian bug in ARM svolume code
- From: pmeerw@xxxxxxxxxx (Peter Meerwald)
- Brrr ... freeze imminent
- From: tanuk@xxxxxx (Tanu Kaskinen)
- Brrr ... freeze imminent
- From: kugel@xxxxxxxxxxx (Thomas Martitz)
- svolume_mmx fails to build on OS X
- From: tanuk@xxxxxx (Tanu Kaskinen)
- Brrr ... freeze imminent
- From: arun.raghavan@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx (Arun Raghavan)
- [PATCH v2 1/6] gccmacro: Disable printf-like format checking on mingw32 compilers.
- From: kugel@xxxxxxxxxxx (Thomas Martitz)
- Brrr ... freeze imminent
- From: arun.raghavan@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx (Arun Raghavan)
- [PATCH v2 3/6] Proper poll() emulation to fix pacat and friends on windows.
- From: kugel@xxxxxxxxxxx (Thomas Martitz)
- pulseaudio stops to work suddenly
- From: anto.trande@xxxxxxxxx (Antonio Trande)
- [pulseaudio] error: Sufficiently new version of libasound not found.
- From: tanuk@xxxxxx (Tanu Kaskinen)
- [PATCH v0 10/11] bluetooth: Refactor code to create profile ports
- From: tanuk@xxxxxx (Tanu Kaskinen)
- [PATCH v0 09/11] bluetooth: Refactor code to create card profiles
- From: tanuk@xxxxxx (Tanu Kaskinen)
- [PATCH v0 08/11] bluetooth: Add hook to announce late UUIDs
- From: tanuk@xxxxxx (Tanu Kaskinen)
- directory to place the 90-pulseaudio.rule and other profile configure files
- From: tanuk@xxxxxx (Tanu Kaskinen)
- [PATCH v0 01/11] card: Support adding profiles dynamically
- From: david.henningsson@xxxxxxxxxxxxx (David Henningsson)
- [PATCH] modules: Fix false warning in webrtc AEC
- From: tanuk@xxxxxx (Tanu Kaskinen)
- pulseaudio stops to work suddenly
- From: paulepanter@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx (Paul Menzel)
- [PATCH] pulsecore: Fix warning in svolume_arm
- From: tanuk@xxxxxx (Tanu Kaskinen)
- [PATCH] modules: Fix warning in rtp-recv
- From: tanuk@xxxxxx (Tanu Kaskinen)
- [PATCH v2 0/6] Fixes for pulseaudio on Windows.
- From: arun.raghavan@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx (Arun Raghavan)
- [PATCH v2 3/6] Proper poll() emulation to fix pacat and friends on windows.
- From: arun.raghavan@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx (Arun Raghavan)
- [PATCH v2 1/6] gccmacro: Disable printf-like format checking on mingw32 compilers.
- From: arun.raghavan@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx (Arun Raghavan)
- [PATCH] core: Fix a litte-endian bug in ARM svolume code
- From: arun.raghavan@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx (Arun Raghavan)
- [PATCH] modules: Fix warning in webrtc AEC
- From: pmeerw@xxxxxxxxxx (Peter Meerwald)
- [PATCH] modules: Fix false warning in webrtc AEC
- From: pmeerw@xxxxxxxxxx (Peter Meerwald)
- [PATCH] modules: Fix warning in webrtc AEC
- From: pmeerw@xxxxxxxxxx (Peter Meerwald)
- [PATCH] pulsecore: Fix warning in svolume_arm
- From: pmeerw@xxxxxxxxxx (Peter Meerwald)
- [PATCH] modules: Fix warning in rtp-recv
- From: pmeerw@xxxxxxxxxx (Peter Meerwald)
- pulseaudio stops to work suddenly
- From: anto.trande@xxxxxxxxx (Antonio Trande)
- directory to place the 90-pulseaudio.rule and other profile configure files
- From: djgeng@xxxxxxxxxxx (Dongjiu Geng)
- Patches for MS Windows (was: Brrr ... freeze imminent
- From: ansis.malins@xxxxxxxxx (Ansis Māliņš)
- directory to place the 90-pulseaudio.rule and other profile configure files
- From: david.henningsson@xxxxxxxxxxxxx (David Henningsson)
- directory to place the 90-pulseaudio.rule and other profile configure files
- From: djgeng@xxxxxxxxxxx (Dongjiu Geng)
- [PATCH v0 01/11] card: Support adding profiles dynamically
- From: david.henningsson@xxxxxxxxxxxxx (David Henningsson)
- [PATCH v0 07/11] bluetooth: Hold device pointer while module loaded
- From: tanuk@xxxxxx (Tanu Kaskinen)
- [PATCH v0 06/11] bluetooth: Self unload module-bluetooth-device
- From: tanuk@xxxxxx (Tanu Kaskinen)
- [PATCH v0 05/11] bluetooth: Add hook to tell device was removed
- From: tanuk@xxxxxx (Tanu Kaskinen)
- [PATCH v0 04/11] bluetooth: Remove const qualifier for device
- From: tanuk@xxxxxx (Tanu Kaskinen)
- [PATCH v0 02/11] card: Support adding ports dynamically
- From: tanuk@xxxxxx (Tanu Kaskinen)
- [PATCH v0 01/11] card: Support adding profiles dynamically
- From: tanuk@xxxxxx (Tanu Kaskinen)
- [PATCH] alsa-sink/source: Warn for scheduling delays
- From: tanuk@xxxxxx (Tanu Kaskinen)
- [PATCH] daemon: Fix redundant redeclaration warning
- From: tanuk@xxxxxx (Tanu Kaskinen)
- Patches for MS Windows (was: Brrr ... freeze imminent
- From: paulepanter@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx (Paul Menzel)
- [PATCH 2/2] module-ducking: Applying the ducking effect for specified streams
- From: tanuk@xxxxxx (Tanu Kaskinen)
- [PATCH 2/2] module-ducking: Applying the ducking effect for specified streams
- From: flavio.ceolin@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx (Flávio Ceolin)
- [PATCH] daemon: Fix redundant redeclaration warning
- From: pmeerw@xxxxxxxxxx (Peter Meerwald)
- Brrr ... freeze imminent
- From: pmeerw@xxxxxxxxxx (Peter Meerwald)
- [PATCH] core: Fix a litte-endian bug in ARM svolume code
- From: pmeerw@xxxxxxxxxx (Peter Meerwald)
- [PATCH] alsa-sink/source: Warn for scheduling delays
- From: david.henningsson@xxxxxxxxxxxxx (David Henningsson)
- [PATCH v0 11/11] bluetooth: Handle UUIDs announced later
- From: mikel.astiz.oss@xxxxxxxxx (Mikel Astiz)
- [PATCH v0 10/11] bluetooth: Refactor code to create profile ports
- From: mikel.astiz.oss@xxxxxxxxx (Mikel Astiz)
- [PATCH v0 09/11] bluetooth: Refactor code to create card profiles
- From: mikel.astiz.oss@xxxxxxxxx (Mikel Astiz)
- [PATCH v0 08/11] bluetooth: Add hook to announce late UUIDs
- From: mikel.astiz.oss@xxxxxxxxx (Mikel Astiz)
- [PATCH v0 07/11] bluetooth: Hold device pointer while module loaded
- From: mikel.astiz.oss@xxxxxxxxx (Mikel Astiz)
- [PATCH v0 06/11] bluetooth: Self unload module-bluetooth-device
- From: mikel.astiz.oss@xxxxxxxxx (Mikel Astiz)
- [PATCH v0 05/11] bluetooth: Add hook to tell device was removed
- From: mikel.astiz.oss@xxxxxxxxx (Mikel Astiz)
- [PATCH v0 04/11] bluetooth: Remove const qualifier for device
- From: mikel.astiz.oss@xxxxxxxxx (Mikel Astiz)
- [PATCH v0 03/11] dbus: Support dynamically created card profiles
- From: mikel.astiz.oss@xxxxxxxxx (Mikel Astiz)
- [PATCH v0 02/11] card: Support adding ports dynamically
- From: mikel.astiz.oss@xxxxxxxxx (Mikel Astiz)
- [PATCH v0 01/11] card: Support adding profiles dynamically
- From: mikel.astiz.oss@xxxxxxxxx (Mikel Astiz)
- [PATCH v0 00/11] Bluetooth: Late UUID support
- From: mikel.astiz.oss@xxxxxxxxx (Mikel Astiz)
- Linking Channels Block Mono Microphone
- From: j-frankish@xxxxxxx (John Frankish)
- [pulseaudio] error: Sufficiently new version of libasound not found.
- From: djgeng@xxxxxxxxxxx (Dongjiu Geng)
- Linking Channels Block Mono Microphone
- From: david.henningsson@xxxxxxxxxxxxx (David Henningsson)
- Linking Channels Block Mono Microphone
- From: j-frankish@xxxxxxx (John Frankish)
- [alsa-devel] softvol master has preference over virtual master in amixer
- From: superquad.vortex2@xxxxxxxxx (Raymond Yau)
- [alsa-devel] softvol master has preference over virtual master in amixer
- From: gheskett@xxxxxxxx (Gene Heskett)
- [alsa-devel] softvol master has preference over virtual master in amixer
- From: tiwai@xxxxxxx (Takashi Iwai)
- [alsa-devel] softvol master has preference over virtual master in amixer
- From: superquad.vortex2@xxxxxxxxx (Raymond Yau)
- [alsa-devel] softvol master has preference over virtual master in amixer
- From: tiwai@xxxxxxx (Takashi Iwai)
- Brrr ... freeze imminent
- From: ansis.malins@xxxxxxxxx (Ansis Māliņš)
- Brrr ... freeze imminent
- From: kugel@xxxxxxxxxxx (Thomas Martitz)
- usb headset microphone will not work with pulseaudio
- From: j-frankish@xxxxxxx (John Frankish)
- [pulseaudio] module-alsa-card.c: Failed to find a working profile.
- From: djgeng@xxxxxxxxxxx (Dongjiu Geng)
- [PATCH 1/2] modargs: New function: pa_modargs_get_value_double().
- From: tanuk@xxxxxx (Tanu Kaskinen)
- [PATCH 2/2] module-ducking: Applying the ducking effect for specified streams
- From: tanuk@xxxxxx (Tanu Kaskinen)
- Does PulseAudio compensate for clock drift?
- From: tanuk@xxxxxx (Tanu Kaskinen)
- Brrr ... freeze imminent
- From: tanuk@xxxxxx (Tanu Kaskinen)
- [RFC PATCH] bluetooth: Fix assertion failure (decoded == a2dp->frame_length)
- From: arun.raghavan@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx (Arun Raghavan)
- [PATCH v2 0/9] Bluetooth cleanup and bugfixes
- From: tanuk@xxxxxx (Tanu Kaskinen)
- [PATCH v2 9/9] bluetooth: Do not release transport if removed
- From: tanuk@xxxxxx (Tanu Kaskinen)
- [PATCH 0/2] Module for ducking audio effect
- From: flavio.ceolin@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx (Flávio Ceolin)
- Brrr ... freeze imminent
- From: arun.raghavan@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx (Arun Raghavan)
- [pulseaudio] module-alsa-card.c: Failed to find a working profile.
- From: arun.raghavan@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx (Arun Raghavan)
- [PATCH] core: Fix a litte-endian bug in ARM svolume code
- From: arun.raghavan@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx (Arun Raghavan)
- [pulseaudio] module-alsa-card.c: Failed to find a working profile.
- From: djgeng@xxxxxxxxxxx (Dongjiu Geng)
- PulseAudio conference: Please speak up if you intend to come!
- From: jaska.uimonen@xxxxxxxxxxx (Jaska Uimonen)
- pulseaudio stops to work suddenly
- From: anto.trande@xxxxxxxxx (Antonio Trande)
- Fwd: pulseaudio stops to work suddenly
- From: anto.trande@xxxxxxxxx (Antonio Trande)
- [pulseaudio] module-alsa-card.c: Failed to find a working profile.
- From: arun.raghavan@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx (Arun Raghavan)
- [pulseaudio] module-alsa-card.c: Failed to find a working profile.
- From: djgeng@xxxxxxxxxxx (Dongjiu Geng)
- [PATCH v2 9/9] bluetooth: Do not release transport if removed
- From: mikel.astiz.oss@xxxxxxxxx (Mikel Astiz)
- [PATCH v2 8/9] bluetooth: Hold transport pointer while profile set
- From: mikel.astiz.oss@xxxxxxxxx (Mikel Astiz)
- [PATCH v2 7/9] bluetooth: Set to off instead of failing module load
- From: mikel.astiz.oss@xxxxxxxxx (Mikel Astiz)
- [PATCH v2 6/9] bluetooth: Set to off if transport removed
- From: mikel.astiz.oss@xxxxxxxxx (Mikel Astiz)
- [PATCH v2 5/9] bluetooth: Add hook to tell transport was removed
- From: mikel.astiz.oss@xxxxxxxxx (Mikel Astiz)
- [PATCH v2 4/9] bluetooth: Remove const qualifier for transports
- From: mikel.astiz.oss@xxxxxxxxx (Mikel Astiz)
- [PATCH v2 3/9] bluetooth: Check return value of start_thread()
- From: mikel.astiz.oss@xxxxxxxxx (Mikel Astiz)
- [PATCH v2 2/9] bluetooth: Check return value of init_profile()
- From: mikel.astiz.oss@xxxxxxxxx (Mikel Astiz)
- [PATCH v2 1/9] bluetooth: Use assertions when setting off profile
- From: mikel.astiz.oss@xxxxxxxxx (Mikel Astiz)
- [PATCH v2 0/9] Bluetooth cleanup and bugfixes
- From: mikel.astiz.oss@xxxxxxxxx (Mikel Astiz)
- [pulseaudio] module-alsa-card.c: Failed to find a working profile.
- From: djgeng@xxxxxxxxxxx (Dongjiu Geng)
- pulseaudio can not pass build with alsa-utils
- From: djgeng@xxxxxxxxxxx (Dongjiu Geng)
- [PATCH] core: Fix a litte-endian bug in ARM svolume code
- From: arun.raghavan@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx (Arun Raghavan)
- Pulseaudio sound card's unique identifier
- From: arun.raghavan@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx (Arun Raghavan)
- pulseaudio can not pass build with alsa-utils
- From: arun.raghavan@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx (Arun Raghavan)
- softvol master has preference over virtual master in amixer
- From: superquad.vortex2@xxxxxxxxx (Raymond Yau)
- pulseaudio can not pass build with alsa-utils
- From: djgeng@xxxxxxxxxxx (Dongjiu Geng)
- Pulseaudio sound card's unique identifier
- From: amar.akshat@xxxxxxxxx (Amar Akshat)
- Messing around with surround, also found a patch
- From: adriano.lols@xxxxxxxxx (Adriano Moura)
- a question about audio synchronization between local sink and tunnel sink
- From: xisun@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx (Sun, Xiaodong)
- pulseaudio stops to work suddenly
- From: tanuk@xxxxxx (Tanu Kaskinen)
- a question about audio synchronization between local sink and tunnel sink
- From: tanuk@xxxxxx (Tanu Kaskinen)
- pulseaudio stops to work suddenly
- From: anto.trande@xxxxxxxxx (Antonio Trande)
- Pulseaudio sound card's unique identifier
- From: tanuk@xxxxxx (Tanu Kaskinen)
- [PATCH v1 4/8] bluetooth: Add reference counting to transports
- From: tanuk@xxxxxx (Tanu Kaskinen)
- [PATCH v1 2/8] bluetooth: Check return value of init_profile()
- From: tanuk@xxxxxx (Tanu Kaskinen)
- [PATCH v1 1/8] bluetooth: Remove stream moving code
- From: tanuk@xxxxxx (Tanu Kaskinen)
- PulseAudio conference: Please speak up if you intend to come!
- From: tanuk@xxxxxx (Tanu Kaskinen)
- pulseaudio stops to work suddenly
- From: tanuk@xxxxxx (Tanu Kaskinen)
- [PATCH] core: Fix a litte-endian bug in ARM svolume code
- From: gmane@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx (Colin Guthrie)
- [PATCH] core: Fix a litte-endian bug in ARM svolume code
- From: arun.raghavan@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx (Arun Raghavan)
- help with audio pipe / monitor
- From: berteh@xxxxxxxxxxx (B Berteh)
- pulseaudio stops to work suddenly
- From: anto.trande@xxxxxxxxx (Antonio Trande)
- PulseAudio conference: Please speak up if you intend to come!
- From: david.henningsson@xxxxxxxxxxxxx (David Henningsson)
- PulseAudio conference: Please speak up if you intend to come!
- From: jaska.uimonen@xxxxxxxxxxx (Jaska Uimonen)
- [PATCH] core: Fix a litte-endian bug in ARM svolume code
- From: pmeerw@xxxxxxxxxx (Peter Meerwald)
- [PATCH v1 8/8] bluetooth: Set to off instead of failing module load
- From: mikel.astiz.oss@xxxxxxxxx (Mikel Astiz)
- [PATCH v1 7/8] bluetooth: Set to off if transport removed
- From: mikel.astiz.oss@xxxxxxxxx (Mikel Astiz)
- [PATCH v1 6/8] bluetooth: Fix double free with reference counting
- From: mikel.astiz.oss@xxxxxxxxx (Mikel Astiz)
- [PATCH v1 5/8] bluetooth: Add hook to tell transport was removed
- From: mikel.astiz.oss@xxxxxxxxx (Mikel Astiz)
- [PATCH v1 4/8] bluetooth: Add reference counting to transports
- From: mikel.astiz.oss@xxxxxxxxx (Mikel Astiz)
- [PATCH v1 3/8] bluetooth: Check return value of start_thread()
- From: mikel.astiz.oss@xxxxxxxxx (Mikel Astiz)
- [PATCH v1 2/8] bluetooth: Check return value of init_profile()
- From: mikel.astiz.oss@xxxxxxxxx (Mikel Astiz)
- [PATCH v1 1/8] bluetooth: Remove stream moving code
- From: mikel.astiz.oss@xxxxxxxxx (Mikel Astiz)
- [PATCH v1 0/8] Bluetooth cleanup and bugfixes
- From: mikel.astiz.oss@xxxxxxxxx (Mikel Astiz)
- Pulseaudio sound card's unique identifier
- From: amar.akshat@xxxxxxxxx (Amar Akshat)
- [PATCH 3/6 v3] core: Add stereo to mono special case remapping
- From: arun.raghavan@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx (Arun Raghavan)
- [PATCH] core: Fix a litte-endian bug in ARM svolume code
- From: arun.raghavan@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx (Arun Raghavan)
- a question about audio synchronization between local sink and tunnel sink
- From: xisun@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx (Sun, Xiaodong)
- [PATCH 1/6 v3] core: Initialize ARM NEON code if available
- From: remi@xxxxxxxxxx (Rémi Denis-Courmont)
- [PATCH 1/6 v3] core: Initialize ARM NEON code if available
- From: kugel@xxxxxxxxxxx (Thomas Martitz)
- [PATCH v0 09/16] bluetooth: Move streams during shutdown
- From: mikel.astiz.oss@xxxxxxxxx (Mikel Astiz)
- [PATCH 1/6 v3] core: Initialize ARM NEON code if available
- From: remi@xxxxxxxxxx (Rémi Denis-Courmont)
- [PATCH 3/6 v3] core: Add stereo to mono special case remapping
- From: pmeerw@xxxxxxxxxx (Peter Meerwald)
- [PATCH 1/6 v3] core: Initialize ARM NEON code if available
- From: pmeerw@xxxxxxxxxx (Peter Meerwald)
- Issue: running error
- From: djgeng@xxxxxxxxxxx (Dongjiu Geng)
- [PATCH 1/6 v3] core: Initialize ARM NEON code if available
- From: p.meerwald@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx (Peter Meerwald)
- [PATCH] alsa-mixer: Don't let "Mic Jack Mode" alone create a "Line In" path
- From: david.henningsson@xxxxxxxxxxxxx (David Henningsson)
- [PATCH v0 09/16] bluetooth: Move streams during shutdown
- From: tanuk@xxxxxx (Tanu Kaskinen)
- [PATCH] alsa-mixer: Don't let "Mic Jack Mode" alone create a "Line In" path
- From: tanuk@xxxxxx (Tanu Kaskinen)
- a question about audio synchronization between local sink and tunnel sink
- From: tanuk@xxxxxx (Tanu Kaskinen)
- [PATCH] alsa-mixer: Don't let "Mic Jack Mode" alone create a "Line In" path
- From: david.henningsson@xxxxxxxxxxxxx (David Henningsson)
- [PATCH] alsa-mixer: Don't let "Mic Jack Mode" alone create a "Line In" path
- From: tanuk@xxxxxx (Tanu Kaskinen)
- Messing around with surround, also found a patch
- From: tanuk@xxxxxx (Tanu Kaskinen)
- Issue: running error
- From: arun.raghavan@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx (Arun Raghavan)
- Issue: running error
- From: djgeng@xxxxxxxxxxx (Dongjiu Geng)
- how to troubleshoot bluetooth audio issues?
- From: tanuk@xxxxxx (Tanu Kaskinen)
- Issue: running error
- From: tanuk@xxxxxx (Tanu Kaskinen)
- [PATCH 1/6 v3] core: Initialize ARM NEON code if available
- From: remi@xxxxxxxxxx (Rémi Denis-Courmont)
- Issue: running error
- From: djgeng@xxxxxxxxxxx (Dongjiu Geng)
- PulseAudio conference: Please speak up if you intend to come!
- From: gmane@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx (Colin Guthrie)
- PulseAudio conference: Please speak up if you intend to come!
- From: jankovac503@xxxxxxxxx (Janos Kovacs)
- how to troubleshoot bluetooth audio issues?
- From: bug-track@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx (Oleksij Rempel)
- how to troubleshoot bluetooth audio issues?
- From: fishor@xxxxxxx (Oleksij Rempel)
- Messing around with surround, also found a patch
- From: david.henningsson@xxxxxxxxxxxxx (David Henningsson)
- [PATCH] alsa-mixer: Don't let "Mic Jack Mode" alone create a "Line In" path
- From: superquad.vortex2@xxxxxxxxx (Raymond Yau)
- [PATCH] alsa-mixer: Don't let "Mic Jack Mode" alone create a "Line In" path
- From: david.henningsson@xxxxxxxxxxxxx (David Henningsson)
- PulseAudio conference: Please speak up if you intend to come!
- From: david.henningsson@xxxxxxxxxxxxx (David Henningsson)
- PulseAudio conference: Please speak up if you intend to come!
- From: arun.raghavan@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx (Arun Raghavan)
- PulseAudio conference: Please speak up if you intend to come!
- From: jaska.uimonen@xxxxxxxxxxx (Jaska Uimonen)
- How to mix streams?
- From: vperetokin@xxxxxxxxx (Vadim Peretokin)
- [PATCH 3/6 v3] core: Add stereo to mono special case remapping
- From: arun.raghavan@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx (Arun Raghavan)
- [PATCH 1/6 v3] core: Initialize ARM NEON code if available
- From: arun.raghavan@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx (Arun Raghavan)
- a question about audio synchronization between local sink and tunnel sink
- From: xisun@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx (Sun, Xiaodong)
- a question about audio synchronization between local sink and tunnel sink
- From: xisun@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx (Sun, Xiaodong)
- [PATCH v0 09/16] bluetooth: Move streams during shutdown
- From: mikel.astiz.oss@xxxxxxxxx (Mikel Astiz)
- Messing around with surround, also found a patch
- From: adriano.lols@xxxxxxxxx (Adriano Moura)
- a question about audio synchronization between local sink and tunnel sink
- From: dsonck92@xxxxxxxxx (Daniël Sonck)
- [RFC PATCH] bluetooth: Fix assertion failure (decoded == a2dp->frame_length)
- From: tanuk@xxxxxx (Tanu Kaskinen)
- how to troubleshoot bluetooth audio issues?
- From: bug-track@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx (Oleksij Rempel)
- a question about audio synchronization between local sink and tunnel sink
- From: tanuk@xxxxxx (Tanu Kaskinen)
- [PATCH v0 09/16] bluetooth: Move streams during shutdown
- From: tanuk@xxxxxx (Tanu Kaskinen)
- [PATCH v0 08/16] bluetooth: Use helper functions to move streams
- From: tanuk@xxxxxx (Tanu Kaskinen)
- [PATCH v0 00/16] Bluetooth cleanup and bugfixes
- From: tanuk@xxxxxx (Tanu Kaskinen)
- how to troubleshoot bluetooth audio issues?
- From: tanuk@xxxxxx (Tanu Kaskinen)
- Messing around with surround, also found a patch
- From: tanuk@xxxxxx (Tanu Kaskinen)
- how to troubleshoot bluetooth audio issues?
- From: bug-track@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx (Oleksij Rempel)
- PulseAudio conference: Please speak up if you intend to come!
- From: david.henningsson@xxxxxxxxxxxxx (David Henningsson)
- [PATCH v0 00/16] Bluetooth cleanup and bugfixes
- From: mikel.astiz.oss@xxxxxxxxx (Mikel Astiz)
- paid pulse audio support
- From: info1955@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx (info)
- a question about audio synchronization between local sink and tunnel sink
- From: xisun@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx (Sun, Xiaodong)
- [RFC PATCH] bluetooth: Fix assertion failure (decoded == a2dp->frame_length)
- From: david.henningsson@xxxxxxxxxxxxx (David Henningsson)
- [PATCH 2/2] module-ducking: Applying the ducking effect for specified streams
- From: flavio.ceolin@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx (Flavio Ceolin)
- [PATCH 1/2] modargs: New function: pa_modargs_get_value_double().
- From: flavio.ceolin@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx (Flavio Ceolin)
- [PATCH 0/2] Module for ducking audio effect
- From: flavio.ceolin@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx (Flavio Ceolin)
- re-mapping a sink/source module
- From: richard@xxxxxxxxx (Richard Bown)
- Odd behaviour on killing and starting PA
- From: richard@xxxxxxxxx (Richard Bown)
- Channel muted after every reboot
- From: fajwilson@xxxxxxxxx (Frank Wilson)
- Channel muted after every reboot
- From: paulepanter@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx (Paul Menzel)
- [PATCH] build: Add .gitignore files to EXTRA_DIST.
- From: tanuk@xxxxxx (Tanu Kaskinen)
- [PATCH] bluetooth: Remove ipc.[ch] files in the bluetooth module
- From: tanuk@xxxxxx (Tanu Kaskinen)
- [PATCH] build: Add a2dp-codecs.h to libbluetooth-util sources.
- From: tanuk@xxxxxx (Tanu Kaskinen)
- From: tanuk@xxxxxx (Tanu Kaskinen)
- Messing around with surround, also found a patch
- From: adriano.lols@xxxxxxxxx (Adriano Moura)
- [PATCH 2/2] module-virtual-surround-sound: limit number of hrir samples
- From: niels_ole@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx (Niels Ole Salscheider)
- [PATCH 1/2] module-virtual-surround-sink: add silence to hrir if necessary
- From: niels_ole@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx (Niels Ole Salscheider)
- [PATCH 2/2] module-virtual-surround-sound: limit number of hrir samples
- From: niels_ole@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx (Niels Ole Salscheider)
- [PATCH 1/2] module-virtual-surround-sink: add silence to hrir if necessary
- From: niels_ole@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx (Niels Ole Salscheider)
- PulseAudio seems to hang in pthread_join() if the libc.so.6 is using linuxthreads-0.10
- From: tanuk@xxxxxx (Tanu Kaskinen)
- [PATCH] stream: Return error in case a client peeks to early
- From: tanuk@xxxxxx (Tanu Kaskinen)
- PulseAudio seems to hang in pthread_join() if the libc.so.6 is using linuxthreads-0.10
- From: croach@xxxxxxxxx (Croach)
- [PATCH] tests: make 'check' optional
- From: dzrongg@xxxxxxxxx (rong deng)
- [PATCH] tests: make 'check' optional
- From: tanuk@xxxxxx (Tanu Kaskinen)
- [PATCH v2] stream: Return error in case a client peeks to early
- From: david.henningsson@xxxxxxxxxxxxx (David Henningsson)
- pulseaudio lag at sound end
- From: superquad.vortex2@xxxxxxxxx (Raymond Yau)
- [PATCH] stream: Return error in case a client peeks to early
- From: david.henningsson@xxxxxxxxxxxxx (David Henningsson)
- pulseaudio lag at sound end
- From: tanuk@xxxxxx (Tanu Kaskinen)
- ARM NEON patches, status
- From: tanuk@xxxxxx (Tanu Kaskinen)
- [PATCH v4] alsa-mixer: Cache failure to open inputs/output mappings
- From: tanuk@xxxxxx (Tanu Kaskinen)
- [RFC PATCH] alsa-mixer: Cache failure to open inputs
- From: tanuk@xxxxxx (Tanu Kaskinen)
- pulseaudio lag at sound end
- From: tanuk@xxxxxx (Tanu Kaskinen)
- [PATCH] stream: Return error in case a client peeks to early
- From: tanuk@xxxxxx (Tanu Kaskinen)
- pulseaudio lag at sound end
- From: sam.carcagno@xxxxxxxxx (Samuele Carcagno)
- [PATCH] stream: Return error in case a client peeks to early
- From: david.henningsson@xxxxxxxxxxxxx (David Henningsson)
- [RFC PATCH] alsa-mixer: Cache failure to open inputs
- From: david.henningsson@xxxxxxxxxxxxx (David Henningsson)
- [PATCH v4] alsa-mixer: Cache failure to open inputs/output mappings
- From: david.henningsson@xxxxxxxxxxxxx (David Henningsson)
- [PATCH v3] alsa-mixer: Cache failure to open inputs/output mappings
- From: david.henningsson@xxxxxxxxxxxxx (David Henningsson)
- ARM NEON patches, status
- From: pmeerw@xxxxxxxxxx (Peter Meerwald)
- [PATCH v0 01/16] sink, source: Fix missing pa_asyncmsgq_ref()
- From: mikel.astiz.oss@xxxxxxxxx (Mikel Astiz)
- [PATCH v0 01/16] sink, source: Fix missing pa_asyncmsgq_ref()
- From: tanuk@xxxxxx (Tanu Kaskinen)
- [PATCH v0 16/16] bluetooth: Set to off instead of failing module load
- From: mikel.astiz.oss@xxxxxxxxx (Mikel Astiz)
- [PATCH v0 15/16] bluetooth: Set to off if transport removed
- From: mikel.astiz.oss@xxxxxxxxx (Mikel Astiz)
- [PATCH v0 14/16] bluetooth: Fix double free with reference counting
- From: mikel.astiz.oss@xxxxxxxxx (Mikel Astiz)
- [PATCH v0 13/16] bluetooth: Add hook to tell transport was removed
- From: mikel.astiz.oss@xxxxxxxxx (Mikel Astiz)
- [PATCH v0 12/16] bluetooth: Add reference counting to transports
- From: mikel.astiz.oss@xxxxxxxxx (Mikel Astiz)
- [PATCH v0 11/16] bluetooth: Check return value of start_thread()
- From: mikel.astiz.oss@xxxxxxxxx (Mikel Astiz)
- [PATCH v0 10/16] bluetooth: Check return value of init_profile()
- From: mikel.astiz.oss@xxxxxxxxx (Mikel Astiz)
- [PATCH v0 09/16] bluetooth: Move streams during shutdown
- From: mikel.astiz.oss@xxxxxxxxx (Mikel Astiz)
- [PATCH v0 08/16] bluetooth: Use helper functions to move streams
- From: mikel.astiz.oss@xxxxxxxxx (Mikel Astiz)
- [PATCH v0 07/16] bluetooth: Unlink sink-sources in stop_thread()
- From: mikel.astiz.oss@xxxxxxxxx (Mikel Astiz)
- [PATCH v0 06/16] bluetooth: Release transport in stop_thread()
- From: mikel.astiz.oss@xxxxxxxxx (Mikel Astiz)
- [PATCH v0 05/16] bluetooth: Don't find device if set profile is off
- From: mikel.astiz.oss@xxxxxxxxx (Mikel Astiz)
- [PATCH v0 04/16] bluetooth: Fix potential assertion failure
- From: mikel.astiz.oss@xxxxxxxxx (Mikel Astiz)
- [PATCH v0 03/16] bluetooth: Trivial function rename
- From: mikel.astiz.oss@xxxxxxxxx (Mikel Astiz)
- [PATCH v0 02/16] bluetooth: Ignore Device.DisconnectRequested
- From: mikel.astiz.oss@xxxxxxxxx (Mikel Astiz)
- [PATCH v0 01/16] sink, source: Fix missing pa_asyncmsgq_ref()
- From: mikel.astiz.oss@xxxxxxxxx (Mikel Astiz)
- [PATCH v0 00/16] Bluetooth cleanup and bugfixes
- From: mikel.astiz.oss@xxxxxxxxx (Mikel Astiz)
- [PATCH] match: Use the SINK_INPUT_FIXATE hook instead of NEW.
- From: tanuk@xxxxxx (Tanu Kaskinen)
- [PATCH] bluetooth: Unregister endpoints when unloading
- From: mikel.astiz.oss@xxxxxxxxx (Mikel Astiz)
- [PATCH] bluetooth: Unregister endpoints when unloading
- From: arun.raghavan@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx (Arun Raghavan)
- [PATCH] bluetooth: Unregister endpoints when unloading
- From: arun.raghavan@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx (Arun Raghavan)
- [PATCH] bluetooth: Unregister endpoints when unloading
- From: mikel.astiz.oss@xxxxxxxxx (Mikel Astiz)
- [PATCH v2 00/22] Revisiting Bluetooth modules
- From: arun.raghavan@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx (Arun Raghavan)
- [PATCH] bluetooth: Unregister endpoints when unloading
- From: arun.raghavan@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx (Arun Raghavan)
- [PATCH v2 00/22] Revisiting Bluetooth modules
- From: mikel.astiz.oss@xxxxxxxxx (Mikel Astiz)
- [PATCH v2 00/22] Revisiting Bluetooth modules
- From: arun.raghavan@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx (Arun Raghavan)
- [PATCH] equalizer: Don't cleanup u->sink in sink_input_kill_cb yet
- From: tanuk@xxxxxx (Tanu Kaskinen)
- [PATCH v2] alsa-mixer: Cache failure to open inputs/output mappings
- From: tanuk@xxxxxx (Tanu Kaskinen)
- [RFC PATCH] alsa-mixer: Cache failure to open inputs
- From: tanuk@xxxxxx (Tanu Kaskinen)
- [RFC PATCH] alsa-mixer: Cache failure to open inputs
- From: david.henningsson@xxxxxxxxxxxxx (David Henningsson)
- [PATCH v2] alsa-mixer: Cache failure to open inputs/output mappings
- From: david.henningsson@xxxxxxxxxxxxx (David Henningsson)
- [RFC PATCH] alsa-mixer: Cache failure to open inputs
- From: tanuk@xxxxxx (Tanu Kaskinen)
- [PATCH] flist: Increase default list size to 256
- From: tanuk@xxxxxx (Tanu Kaskinen)
- [PATCH] equalizer: Don't cleanup u->sink in sink_input_kill_cb yet
- From: matthijs@xxxxxxxx (Matthijs Kooijman)
- [PATCH] flist: Increase default list size to 256
- From: david.henningsson@xxxxxxxxxxxxx (David Henningsson)
- [PATCH v2 0/3] Suspending loopback
- From: mikel.astiz.oss@xxxxxxxxx (Mikel Astiz)
- [RFC PATCH] alsa-mixer: Cache failure to open inputs
- From: david.henningsson@xxxxxxxxxxxxx (David Henningsson)
- [RFC PATCH] alsa-mixer: Cache failure to open inputs
- From: tanuk@xxxxxx (Tanu Kaskinen)
- [PATCH] flist: Increase default list size to 256
- From: tanuk@xxxxxx (Tanu Kaskinen)
- [alsa-devel] Dynamic HDMI PCM creation
- From: superquad.vortex2@xxxxxxxxx (Raymond Yau)
- restarting pulseaudio
- From: richard@xxxxxxxxx (Richard Bown)
- restarting pulseaudio
- From: richard@xxxxxxxxx (Richard Bown)
- restarting pulseaudio
- From: brendan.jones.it@xxxxxxxxx (Brendan Jones)
- flushing dynamically loaded modules
- From: richard@xxxxxxxxx (Richard Bown)
- flushing dynamically loaded modules
- From: brendan.jones.it@xxxxxxxxx (Brendan Jones)
- restarting pulseaudio
- From: richard@xxxxxxxxx (Richard Bown)
- [PATCH] build: Don't enable BlueZ if libbluetooth is not found.
- From: tanuk@xxxxxx (Tanu Kaskinen)
- [RFC PATCH] alsa-mixer: Cache failure to open inputs
- From: tanuk@xxxxxx (Tanu Kaskinen)
- flushing dynamically loaded modules
- From: tanuk@xxxxxx (Tanu Kaskinen)
- [PATCH v2 0/3] Suspending loopback
- From: frederic.dalleau@xxxxxxxxx (Dalleau, Frederic)
- [RFC PATCH] alsa-mixer: Cache failure to open inputs
- From: david.henningsson@xxxxxxxxxxxxx (David Henningsson)
- [PATCH v2 0/3] Suspending loopback
- From: tanuk@xxxxxx (Tanu Kaskinen)
- [PATCH v2 0/3] Suspending loopback
- From: tanuk@xxxxxx (Tanu Kaskinen)
- flushing dynamically loaded modules
- From: tanuk@xxxxxx (Tanu Kaskinen)
- flushing dynamically loaded modules
- From: richard@xxxxxxxxx (Richard Bown)
- flushing dynamically loaded modules
- From: richard@xxxxxxxxx (Richard Bown)
- flushing dynamically loaded modules
- From: tanuk@xxxxxx (Tanu Kaskinen)
- flushing dynamically loaded modules
- From: tanuk@xxxxxx (Tanu Kaskinen)
- flushing dynamically loaded modules
- From: richard@xxxxxxxxx (Richard Bown)
- [PATCH v2 0/3] Suspending loopback
- From: frederic.dalleau@xxxxxxxxx (Dalleau, Frederic)
- [PATCH 3/3] sink, source: Really set the fixed latency in set_fixed_latency_within_thread(), always.
- From: tanu.kaskinen@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx (Tanu Kaskinen)
- [PATCH 2/3] Propagate the PA_{SINK, SOURCE}_DYNAMIC_LATENCY flag changes through a chain of filter sinks/sources.
- From: tanu.kaskinen@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx (Tanu Kaskinen)
- [PATCH 1/3] Propagate the PA_{SINK, SOURCE}_LATENCY flag changes through a chain of filter sinks/sources.
- From: tanu.kaskinen@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx (Tanu Kaskinen)
- [PATCH 0/3] Fix latency flag handling.
- From: tanu.kaskinen@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx (Tanu Kaskinen)
- [PATCH v2 3/3] loopback: Disable adjust timer when suspended
- From: mikel.astiz.oss@xxxxxxxxx (Mikel Astiz)
- [PATCH v2 2/3] loopback: Cork source-output if sink is suspended
- From: mikel.astiz.oss@xxxxxxxxx (Mikel Astiz)
- [PATCH v2 1/3] loopback: Cork sink-input if source is suspended
- From: mikel.astiz.oss@xxxxxxxxx (Mikel Astiz)
- [PATCH v2 0/3] Suspending loopback
- From: mikel.astiz.oss@xxxxxxxxx (Mikel Astiz)
- device problem
- From: richard@xxxxxxxxx (Richard Bown)
- device problem
- From: stefan.saftescu@xxxxxxxxx (Ștefan Săftescu)
- [PATCH] combine: Keep the timer active in the null mode only when running.
- From: tanuk@xxxxxx (Tanu Kaskinen)
- [PATCH v1 1/2] loopback: Cork sink-input if source is suspended
- From: tanuk@xxxxxx (Tanu Kaskinen)
- [PATCH v1 1/2] loopback: Cork sink-input if source is suspended
- From: tanuk@xxxxxx (Tanu Kaskinen)
- PulseAudio Mini-Conference: Call for topics
- From: tanuk@xxxxxx (Tanu Kaskinen)
- PulseAudio Mini-Conference: Call for topics
- From: david.henningsson@xxxxxxxxxxxxx (David Henningsson)
- Announce: PulseAudio Mini-Conference, Friday 2nd November in Copenhagen
- From: david.henningsson@xxxxxxxxxxxxx (David Henningsson)
- Dynamic HDMI PCM creation
- From: david.henningsson@xxxxxxxxxxxxx (David Henningsson)
- device problem
- From: richard@xxxxxxxxx (Richard Bown)
- [alsa-devel] Dynamic HDMI PCM creation
- From: david.henningsson@xxxxxxxxxxxxx (David Henningsson)
- [alsa-devel] Channel map API patches: to be 3.7 or not to be?
- From: tiwai@xxxxxxx (Takashi Iwai)
- [alsa-devel] Channel map API patches: to be 3.7 or not to be?
- From: superquad.vortex2@xxxxxxxxx (Raymond Yau)
- Constant 6 % CPU usage when playing Ogg radio stream
- From: pierre-louis.bossart@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx (Pierre-Louis Bossart)
- PulseAudio on OSX
- From: dzrongg@xxxxxxxxx (rong deng)
- [PATCH v0 0/5] Bluetooth Media API and related
- From: maximlevitsky@xxxxxxxxx (Maxim Levitsky)
- [PATCH v1 2/2] loopback: Cork source-output if sink is suspended
- From: mikel.astiz.oss@xxxxxxxxx (Mikel Astiz)
- [PATCH v1 1/2] loopback: Cork sink-input if source is suspended
- From: mikel.astiz.oss@xxxxxxxxx (Mikel Astiz)
- [PATCH v1 0/2] Suspending loopback
- From: mikel.astiz.oss@xxxxxxxxx (Mikel Astiz)
- [PATCH] alsa-mixer: Don't use the mono path in the analog-stereo mapping.
- From: superquad.vortex2@xxxxxxxxx (Raymond Yau)
- [PATCH v0 0/5] Bluetooth Media API and related
- From: maximlevitsky@xxxxxxxxx (Maxim Levitsky)
- [PATCH v2 00/22] Revisiting Bluetooth modules
- From: gustavo@xxxxxxxxxxx (Gustavo Padovan)
- PulseAudio on OSX
- From: jared.sohn@xxxxxxxxx (Jared Sohn)
- [alsa-devel] Channel map API patches: to be 3.7 or not to be?
- From: tanu.kaskinen@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx (Tanu Kaskinen)
- [alsa-devel] Channel map API patches: to be 3.7 or not to be?
- From: clemens@xxxxxxxxxx (Clemens Ladisch)
- [PATCH 0/3] Suspending loopback
- From: frederic.dalleau@xxxxxxxxx (Dalleau, Frederic)
- [alsa-devel] Channel map API patches: to be 3.7 or not to be?
- From: tiwai@xxxxxxx (Takashi Iwai)
- [PATCH 0/3] Suspending loopback
- From: mikel.astiz.oss@xxxxxxxxx (Mikel Astiz)
- [PATCH] alsa-mixer: Don't use the mono path in the analog-stereo mapping.
- From: tanuk@xxxxxx (Tanu Kaskinen)
- [alsa-devel] Channel map API patches: to be 3.7 or not to be?
- From: tiwai@xxxxxxx (Takashi Iwai)
- [alsa-devel] Channel map API patches: to be 3.7 or not to be?
- From: superquad.vortex2@xxxxxxxxx (Raymond Yau)
- PulseAudio and Line6 Pod XT
- From: patrakov@xxxxxxxxx (Alexander E. Patrakov)
- PulseAudio and Line6 Pod XT
- From: 1001lists@xxxxxxxxx (George Roldugin)
- Constant 6 % CPU usage when playing Ogg radio stream
- From: paulepanter@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx (Paul Menzel)
- [alsa-devel] Channel map API patches: to be 3.7 or not to be?
- From: tiwai@xxxxxxx (Takashi Iwai)
- [alsa-devel] Channel map API patches: to be 3.7 or not to be?
- From: clemens@xxxxxxxxxx (Clemens Ladisch)
- [alsa-devel] Channel map API patches: to be 3.7 or not to be?
- From: tiwai@xxxxxxx (Takashi Iwai)
- [alsa-devel] Channel map API patches: to be 3.7 or not to be?
- From: tiwai@xxxxxxx (Takashi Iwai)
- [alsa-devel] Channel map API patches: to be 3.7 or not to be?
- From: superquad.vortex2@xxxxxxxxx (Raymond Yau)
- Dealing with Buffer Overruns, while using pulse "default" or "pulse" sound card.
- From: amar.akshat@xxxxxxxxx (Amar Akshat)
- gnome-shell hangs, waiting for pulse-audio
- From: bearcat@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx (Bearcat M. Şándor)
- gnome-shell hangs, waiting for pulse-audio
- From: henrik@xxxxxxxxxxxxx (Henrik /KaarPoSoft)
- [PACKAGERS] New dependency required for bluetooth support: sbc
- From: tanu.kaskinen@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx (Tanu Kaskinen)
- [PATCH 1/3] bluetooth: Remove built-in/static SBC codec
- From: tanuk@xxxxxx (Tanu Kaskinen)
- [PATCH 1/3] bluetooth: Remove built-in/static SBC codec
- From: luiz.dentz@xxxxxxxxx (Luiz Augusto von Dentz)
- [PATCH 1/3] bluetooth: Remove built-in/static SBC codec
- From: tanuk@xxxxxx (Tanu Kaskinen)
- [PATCH v2 00/22] Revisiting Bluetooth modules
- From: luiz.dentz@xxxxxxxxx (Luiz Augusto von Dentz)
- help with audio pipe / monitor
- From: stefan.saftescu@xxxxxxxxx (Ștefan Săftescu)
- help with audio pipe / monitor
- From: berteh@xxxxxxxxxxx (B Berteh)
- GSoC wrapup
- From: stefan.saftescu@xxxxxxxxx (Ștefan Săftescu)
- [PATCH v2 22/22] bluetooth-experimental: Fix race condition using accesstype "?"
- From: mikel.astiz.oss@xxxxxxxxx (Mikel Astiz)
- [PATCH v2 21/22] bluetooth: Add port availability transition policies
- From: mikel.astiz.oss@xxxxxxxxx (Mikel Astiz)
- [PATCH v2 20/22] bluetooth: Let suspend-on-idle request audio in headset
- From: mikel.astiz.oss@xxxxxxxxx (Mikel Astiz)
- [PATCH v2 19/22] bluetooth: Avoid suspend-on-idle for A2DP source
- From: mikel.astiz.oss@xxxxxxxxx (Mikel Astiz)
- [PATCH v2 18/22] bluetooth: Avoid suspend-on-idle for HFGW
- From: mikel.astiz.oss@xxxxxxxxx (Mikel Astiz)
- [PATCH v2 17/22] bluetooth: Do not set profile in bluetooth-discover
- From: mikel.astiz.oss@xxxxxxxxx (Mikel Astiz)
- [PATCH v2 16/22] bluetooth: Do not switch to HFGW automatically
- From: mikel.astiz.oss@xxxxxxxxx (Mikel Astiz)
- [PATCH v2 15/22] bluetooth: Release transport when not available
- From: mikel.astiz.oss@xxxxxxxxx (Mikel Astiz)
- [PATCH v2 14/22] bluetooth: Acquire transport when becomes available
- From: mikel.astiz.oss@xxxxxxxxx (Mikel Astiz)
- [PATCH v2 13/22] bluetooth: Do not acquire transport during profile change
- From: mikel.astiz.oss@xxxxxxxxx (Mikel Astiz)
- [PATCH v2 12/22] bluetooth: Set profile even if transport not acquired
- From: mikel.astiz.oss@xxxxxxxxx (Mikel Astiz)
- [PATCH v2 11/22] bluetooth: Config MTU transport after acquire
- From: mikel.astiz.oss@xxxxxxxxx (Mikel Astiz)
- [PATCH v2 10/22] bluetooth: Support port availability flag
- From: mikel.astiz.oss@xxxxxxxxx (Mikel Astiz)
- [PATCH v2 09/22] bluetooth: Provide dummy set_port callbacks
- From: mikel.astiz.oss@xxxxxxxxx (Mikel Astiz)
- [PATCH v2 08/22] sink, source: Support creating suspended sinks and sources
- From: mikel.astiz.oss@xxxxxxxxx (Mikel Astiz)
- [PATCH v2 07/22] bluetooth: Fix check if transport exists before acquire
- From: mikel.astiz.oss@xxxxxxxxx (Mikel Astiz)
- [PATCH v2 06/22] bluetooth: Fix using garbage memory
- From: mikel.astiz.oss@xxxxxxxxx (Mikel Astiz)
- [PATCH v2 05/22] bluetooth: Fix wrongly set "phone" role for HFGW
- From: mikel.astiz.oss@xxxxxxxxx (Mikel Astiz)
- [PATCH v2 04/22] bluetooth: Refactor parsing of signal PropertyChanged
- From: mikel.astiz.oss@xxxxxxxxx (Mikel Astiz)
- [PATCH v2 03/22] bluetooth: Refactor code to helper function
- From: mikel.astiz.oss@xxxxxxxxx (Mikel Astiz)
- [PATCH v2 02/22] bluetooth: Remove return value of setup_stream()
- From: mikel.astiz.oss@xxxxxxxxx (Mikel Astiz)
- [PATCH v2 01/22] bluetooth: Remove return value of bt_transport_config()
- From: mikel.astiz.oss@xxxxxxxxx (Mikel Astiz)
- [PATCH v2 00/22] Revisiting Bluetooth modules
- From: mikel.astiz.oss@xxxxxxxxx (Mikel Astiz)
- thank you all for a nice summer of code
- From: dzrongg@xxxxxxxxx (rong deng)
- [PATCH v1 00/18] Revisiting Bluetooth modules
- From: mikel.astiz.oss@xxxxxxxxx (Mikel Astiz)
- Multiple PulseAudio bugs affecting mplayer2 users
- From: tanuk@xxxxxx (Tanu Kaskinen)
- [PATCH] sink: Process rewind requests also when suspended.
- From: tanuk@xxxxxx (Tanu Kaskinen)
- [PATCH] sink: Remove an incorrect FIXME comment.
- From: tanuk@xxxxxx (Tanu Kaskinen)
- regular user to open mpd user pavucontrol
- From: martin@xxxxxxxxxx (Martin Hamant)
- alternate sample rate
- From: sladjanri@xxxxxxxxx (Sladjan Ri)
- [PATCH v1 18/18] bluetooth-experimental: Fix race condition using accesstype "?"
- From: mikel.astiz.oss@xxxxxxxxx (Mikel Astiz)
- [PATCH v1 17/18] bluetooth: Add port availability transition policies
- From: mikel.astiz.oss@xxxxxxxxx (Mikel Astiz)
- [PATCH v1 16/18] bluetooth: Handle suspend in module-bluetooth-policy
- From: mikel.astiz.oss@xxxxxxxxx (Mikel Astiz)
- [PATCH v1 15/18] bluetooth: Avoid suspend-on-idle for HFGW
- From: mikel.astiz.oss@xxxxxxxxx (Mikel Astiz)
- [PATCH v1 14/18] bluetooth: Do not set profile in bluetooth-discover
- From: mikel.astiz.oss@xxxxxxxxx (Mikel Astiz)
- [PATCH v1 13/18] bluetooth: Do not switch to HFGW automatically
- From: mikel.astiz.oss@xxxxxxxxx (Mikel Astiz)
- [PATCH v1 12/18] bluetooth: Release transport when not available
- From: mikel.astiz.oss@xxxxxxxxx (Mikel Astiz)
- [PATCH v1 11/18] bluetooth: Acquire transport when becomes available
- From: mikel.astiz.oss@xxxxxxxxx (Mikel Astiz)
- [PATCH v1 10/18] bluetooth: Do not acquire transport during profile change
- From: mikel.astiz.oss@xxxxxxxxx (Mikel Astiz)
- [PATCH v1 09/18] bluetooth: Support port availability flag
- From: mikel.astiz.oss@xxxxxxxxx (Mikel Astiz)
- [PATCH v1 08/18] bluetooth: Provide dummy set_port callbacks
- From: mikel.astiz.oss@xxxxxxxxx (Mikel Astiz)
- [PATCH v1 07/18] bluetooth: Set profile even if transport not acquired
- From: mikel.astiz.oss@xxxxxxxxx (Mikel Astiz)
- [PATCH v1 06/18] sink, source: Support creating suspended sinks and sources
- From: mikel.astiz.oss@xxxxxxxxx (Mikel Astiz)
- [PATCH v1 05/18] bluetooth: Fix wrongly set "phone" role for HFGW
- From: mikel.astiz.oss@xxxxxxxxx (Mikel Astiz)
- [PATCH v1 04/18] bluetooth: Refactor parsing of signal PropertyChanged
- From: mikel.astiz.oss@xxxxxxxxx (Mikel Astiz)
- [PATCH v1 03/18] bluetooth: Always config transport after acquire
- From: mikel.astiz.oss@xxxxxxxxx (Mikel Astiz)
- [PATCH v1 02/18] bluetooth: Refactor code to helper function
- From: mikel.astiz.oss@xxxxxxxxx (Mikel Astiz)
- [PATCH v1 01/18] bluetooth: Remove return value of bt_transport_config()
- From: mikel.astiz.oss@xxxxxxxxx (Mikel Astiz)
- [PATCH v1 00/18] Revisiting Bluetooth modules
- From: mikel.astiz.oss@xxxxxxxxx (Mikel Astiz)
- Documentation for how rewinding works
- From: tanuk@xxxxxx (Tanu Kaskinen)
- open pavucontrol of another user
- From: martin@xxxxxxxxxx (Martin Hamant)
- ARM NEON patches, status
- From: pmeerw@xxxxxxxxxx (Peter Meerwald)
- Documentation for how rewinding works
- From: superquad.vortex2@xxxxxxxxx (Raymond Yau)
- [PATCH] resampler: Fix crash if 'auto' resampler chooses ffmpeg with variable rate
- From: dzrongg@xxxxxxxxx (rong deng)
- [PATCH] resampler: Fix crash if 'auto' resampler chooses ffmpeg with variable rate
- From: dzrongg@xxxxxxxxx (rong deng)
- Volume ramp
- From: flavio.ceolin@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx (Flávio Ceolin)
- [PATCH v0 18/20] bluetooth: Handle suspend in module-bluetooth-policy
- From: frederic.dalleau@xxxxxxxxx (Dalleau, Frederic)
- [PATCH] resampler: Fix crash if 'auto' resampler chooses ffmpeg with variable rate
- From: tanuk@xxxxxx (Tanu Kaskinen)
- [PATCH] sink: Remove an incorrect FIXME comment.
- From: tanuk@xxxxxx (Tanu Kaskinen)
- Software volume: linear vs. logarithmic
- From: jaska.uimonen@xxxxxxxxxxx (Jaska Uimonen)
- Software volume: linear vs. logarithmic
- From: arun.raghavan@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx (Arun Raghavan)
- [alsa-devel] How to define card specific pcm devices?
- From: superquad.vortex2@xxxxxxxxx (Raymond Yau)
- [PATCH v0 07/20] Consider unknown availability in module-switch-on-port-available
- From: tanuk@xxxxxx (Tanu Kaskinen)
- [PATCH v0 19/20] bluetooth-experimental: Fake input-output A2DP ports
- From: tanuk@xxxxxx (Tanu Kaskinen)
- [PATCH 0/2] change pa_bool_t to bool
- From: dzrongg@xxxxxxxxx (rong deng)
- [PATCH 0/2] change pa_bool_t to bool
- From: tanuk@xxxxxx (Tanu Kaskinen)
- [PATCH 0/2] change pa_bool_t to bool
- From: kugel@xxxxxxxxxxx (Thomas Martitz)
- [PATCH v0 16/20] bluetooth: Remove profile argument from bluetooth-device
- From: luiz.dentz@xxxxxxxxx (Luiz Augusto von Dentz)
- [PATCH v0 05/20] bluetooth: Refactor hooks in module-bluetooth-policy
- From: mikel.astiz.oss@xxxxxxxxx (Mikel Astiz)
- [PATCH v0 12/20] bluetooth: Acquire transport when becomes available
- From: mikel.astiz.oss@xxxxxxxxx (Mikel Astiz)
- [PATCH 0/2] change pa_bool_t to bool
- From: dzrongg@xxxxxxxxx (rong deng)
- [PATCH] resampler: Fix crash if 'auto' resampler chooses ffmpeg with variable rate
- From: frederic.dalleau@xxxxxxxxx (Dalleau, Frederic)
- [PATCH] resampler: Fix crash if 'auto' resampler chooses ffmpeg with variable rate
- From: arun.raghavan@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx (Arun Raghavan)
- [PATCH] resampler: Fix crash if 'auto' resampler chooses ffmpeg with variable rate
- From: frederic.dalleau@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx (Frédéric Dalleau)
- [PATCH v0 12/20] bluetooth: Acquire transport when becomes available
- From: luiz.dentz@xxxxxxxxx (Luiz Augusto von Dentz)
- Software volume: linear vs. logarithmic
- From: lotan_rm@xxxxxx ("Günter Merz")
- [PATCH v0 05/20] bluetooth: Refactor hooks in module-bluetooth-policy
- From: frederic.dalleau@xxxxxxxxx (Dalleau, Frederic)
- [PATCH v0 07/20] Consider unknown availability in module-switch-on-port-available
- From: mikel.astiz.oss@xxxxxxxxx (Mikel Astiz)
- [PATCH v0 07/20] Consider unknown availability in module-switch-on-port-available
- From: david.henningsson@xxxxxxxxxxxxx (David Henningsson)
- [PATCH v0 07/20] Consider unknown availability in module-switch-on-port-available
- From: superquad.vortex2@xxxxxxxxx (Raymond Yau)
- [PATCH v0 07/20] Consider unknown availability in module-switch-on-port-available
- From: david.henningsson@xxxxxxxxxxxxx (David Henningsson)
- running in high priority
- From: sladjanri@xxxxxxxxx (Sladjan Ri)
- [PATCH v0 20/20] bluetooth-experimental: Fix race condition using accesstype "?"
- From: mikel.astiz.oss@xxxxxxxxx (Mikel Astiz)
- [PATCH v0 19/20] bluetooth-experimental: Fake input-output A2DP ports
- From: mikel.astiz.oss@xxxxxxxxx (Mikel Astiz)
- [PATCH v0 18/20] bluetooth: Handle suspend in module-bluetooth-policy
- From: mikel.astiz.oss@xxxxxxxxx (Mikel Astiz)
- [PATCH v0 17/20] bluetooth: Avoid suspend-on-idle for HFGW
- From: mikel.astiz.oss@xxxxxxxxx (Mikel Astiz)
- [PATCH v0 16/20] bluetooth: Remove profile argument from bluetooth-device
- From: mikel.astiz.oss@xxxxxxxxx (Mikel Astiz)
- [PATCH v0 15/20] bluetooth: Do not set profile in bluetooth-discover
- From: mikel.astiz.oss@xxxxxxxxx (Mikel Astiz)
- [PATCH v0 14/20] bluetooth: Do not switch to HFGW automatically
- From: mikel.astiz.oss@xxxxxxxxx (Mikel Astiz)
- [PATCH v0 13/20] bluetooth: Expose a single port for HFP/HSP
- From: mikel.astiz.oss@xxxxxxxxx (Mikel Astiz)
- [PATCH v0 12/20] bluetooth: Acquire transport when becomes available
- From: mikel.astiz.oss@xxxxxxxxx (Mikel Astiz)
- [PATCH v0 11/20] bluetooth: Do not acquire transport during profile change
- From: mikel.astiz.oss@xxxxxxxxx (Mikel Astiz)
- [PATCH v0 10/20] bluetooth: Support port availability flag
- From: mikel.astiz.oss@xxxxxxxxx (Mikel Astiz)
- [PATCH v0 09/20] bluetooth: Provide dummy set_port callbacks
- From: mikel.astiz.oss@xxxxxxxxx (Mikel Astiz)
- [PATCH v0 08/20] bluetooth: Set profile even if transport not acquired
- From: mikel.astiz.oss@xxxxxxxxx (Mikel Astiz)
- [PATCH v0 07/20] Consider unknown availability in module-switch-on-port-available
- From: mikel.astiz.oss@xxxxxxxxx (Mikel Astiz)
- [PATCH v0 06/20] sink, source: Support creating suspended sinks and sources
- From: mikel.astiz.oss@xxxxxxxxx (Mikel Astiz)
- [PATCH v0 05/20] bluetooth: Refactor hooks in module-bluetooth-policy
- From: mikel.astiz.oss@xxxxxxxxx (Mikel Astiz)
- [PATCH v0 04/20] bluetooth: Refactor parsing of signal PropertyChanged
- From: mikel.astiz.oss@xxxxxxxxx (Mikel Astiz)
- [PATCH v0 03/20] bluetooth: Always config transport after acquire
- From: mikel.astiz.oss@xxxxxxxxx (Mikel Astiz)
- [PATCH v0 02/20] bluetooth: Refactor code to helper function
- From: mikel.astiz.oss@xxxxxxxxx (Mikel Astiz)
- [PATCH v0 01/20] bluetooth: Remove return value of bt_transport_config()
- From: mikel.astiz.oss@xxxxxxxxx (Mikel Astiz)
- [PATCH v0 00/20] Revisiting Bluetooth modules
- From: mikel.astiz.oss@xxxxxxxxx (Mikel Astiz)
- running in high priority
- From: dzrongg@xxxxxxxxx (rong deng)
- [PATCH v2 0/4] Extend module-bluetooth-policy
- From: tanuk@xxxxxx (Tanu Kaskinen)
- [PATCH 4/4] object: Get rid of "warning: cast increases required alignment of target type"
- From: tanuk@xxxxxx (Tanu Kaskinen)
- [PATCH v2 4/4] bluetooth: Support HFGW in module-bluetooth-policy
- From: mikel.astiz.oss@xxxxxxxxx (Mikel Astiz)
- [PATCH v2 3/4] bluetooth: Generalize module-bluetooth-policy
- From: mikel.astiz.oss@xxxxxxxxx (Mikel Astiz)
- [PATCH v2 2/4] bluetooth: Trivial style fix
- From: mikel.astiz.oss@xxxxxxxxx (Mikel Astiz)
- [PATCH v2 1/4] bluetooth: Fix bluetooth.protocol property
- From: mikel.astiz.oss@xxxxxxxxx (Mikel Astiz)
- [PATCH v2 0/4] Extend module-bluetooth-policy
- From: mikel.astiz.oss@xxxxxxxxx (Mikel Astiz)
- running in high priority
- From: tanuk@xxxxxx (Tanu Kaskinen)
- [PATCH] memblock: Add pa_memblock_acquire_chunk().
- From: tanuk@xxxxxx (Tanu Kaskinen)
- Documentation for how rewinding works
- From: tanuk@xxxxxx (Tanu Kaskinen)
- [PATCH] virtual-surround-sink: Fix setting max_rewind.
- From: tanuk@xxxxxx (Tanu Kaskinen)
- [PATCH v2] virtual-surround-sink: Fix setting max_request and max_rewind.
- From: tanuk@xxxxxx (Tanu Kaskinen)
- Documentation for how rewinding works
- From: tanuk@xxxxxx (Tanu Kaskinen)
- [PATCH 0/2] change pa_bool_t to bool
- From: tanuk@xxxxxx (Tanu Kaskinen)
- Documentation for how rewinding works
- From: superquad.vortex2@xxxxxxxxx (Raymond Yau)
- [PATCH 0/2] change pa_bool_t to bool
- From: dzrongg@xxxxxxxxx (rong deng)
- [PATCH 0/2] change pa_bool_t to bool
- From: tanuk@xxxxxx (Tanu Kaskinen)
- [PATCH 1/2] bluetooth: Minor style fix
- From: tanuk@xxxxxx (Tanu Kaskinen)
- [PATCH v1 3/3] bluetooth: Support HFGW in module-bluetooth-policy
- From: tanuk@xxxxxx (Tanu Kaskinen)
- [PATCH v1 2/3] bluetooth: Generalize module-bluetooth-policy
- From: tanuk@xxxxxx (Tanu Kaskinen)
- [PATCH v1 1/3] bluetooth: Fix bluetooth.profile property
- From: tanuk@xxxxxx (Tanu Kaskinen)
- [PATCH v2 1/6] gccmacro: Disable printf-like format checking on mingw32 compilers.
- From: remi@xxxxxxxxxx (Rémi Denis-Courmont)
- [PATCH v2 1/6] gccmacro: Disable printf-like format checking on mingw32 compilers.
- From: kugel@xxxxxxxxxxx (Thomas Martitz)
- [PATCH v2 1/6] gccmacro: Disable printf-like format checking on mingw32 compilers.
- From: remi@xxxxxxxxxx (Rémi Denis-Courmont)
- Fixes for pulseaudio on Windows.
- From: wagi@xxxxxxxxx (Daniel Wagner)
- [PATCH v3 6/6] Windows/pa_cstrerror(): Slightly more helpful unknown error.
- From: kugel@xxxxxxxxxxx (Thomas Martitz)
- [PATCH v3 5/6] pacat: Replace read(), write() with pa_* equivalent.
- From: kugel@xxxxxxxxxxx (Thomas Martitz)
- [PATCH v3 4/6] Windows/pa_read, _write: Transparently handle non-blocking sockets.
- From: kugel@xxxxxxxxxxx (Thomas Martitz)
- [PATCH v3 3/6] Proper poll() emulation to fix pacat and friends on windows.
- From: kugel@xxxxxxxxxxx (Thomas Martitz)
- [PATCH v3 2/6] pacat: Enable binary mode on Windows.
- From: kugel@xxxxxxxxxxx (Thomas Martitz)
- [PATCH v3 1/6] gccmacro: Disable printf-like format checking on mingw32 compilers.
- From: kugel@xxxxxxxxxxx (Thomas Martitz)
- [PATCH v3 0/6] Fixes for pulseaudio on Windows.
- From: kugel@xxxxxxxxxxx (Thomas Martitz)
- [PATCH v2 0/6] Fixes for pulseaudio on Windows.
- From: kugel@xxxxxxxxxxx (Thomas Martitz)
- [PATCH v2 6/6] Windows/pa_cstrerror(): Slightly more helpful unknown error.
- From: kugel@xxxxxxxxxxx (Thomas Martitz)
- [PATCH v2 5/6] pacat: Replace read(), write() with pa_* equivalent.
- From: kugel@xxxxxxxxxxx (Thomas Martitz)
- [PATCH v2 4/6] Windows/pa_read, _write: Transparently handle non-blocking sockets.
- From: kugel@xxxxxxxxxxx (Thomas Martitz)
- [PATCH v2 3/6] Proper poll() emulation to fix pacat and friends on windows.
- From: kugel@xxxxxxxxxxx (Thomas Martitz)
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