Hi All, I've managed to write a script so I can use an application that uses jackdmp, jack2. it gets the Alsa card number, and then gets the module number for the module for the card I want to use and unloads the module, starts jackd and loads the jack-sink and jack-source modules. jack-dbus sorta works, it doesn't load the jack sink and source modules, but it does unload them when jackd stops, Hence the manual load of the jack sink and source modules. The minor problem I have is unless I reboot I'm left with 3 of the 4 audio devices available with PA. restarting PA with --kill and --start does not restore all 4 devices :( Is there any way I can restart PA so that it finds all four devices dynamically ? I'm only running PA V 1.1, which I think is pretty ancient, would it be worthwhile for me to download the source code and compile the latest release.. Also :Can jack-sink and one of the alsa sinks be combined ?? -- -- Best wishes / 73 Richard Bown e-mail: richard at g8jvm.com Mail now hosted by SimplyMailSolutions Please avoid using old e-mail address of richard.bown at blueyonder.co.uk nil carborundum a illegitemis ################################################################################## Ham Call G8JVM . OS Fedora FC17 x86_64 on a Dell Insiron N5030 laptop Maidenhead QRA: IO82SP38, LAT. 52 39.720' N LONG. 2 28.171 W ( degs+mins ) QRV VHF 6mtrs 200W, 4 mtrs 150W, 2mtrs 350W, 70cms 200W Microwave 23 cms 140W, 13 cms 100W, 6 cms 0W & 3cms 5W ##################################################################################