Hi, We're planning an one day PulseAudio conference, AFAIK the first of its kind. The conference will be Friday 2nd November 2012, and colocated with Ubuntu Developer Summit and Linaro Connect, in Bella Center, Copenhagen. As we're piggybacking on these conferences, my assumption is that we won't take any attendance fee, but anyone with a UDS or LC registration (which are also free), and that would like to contribute to constructive PulseAudio discussions, would be welcome to attend. For travel information and registration, see http://uds.ubuntu.com or http://connect.linaro.org If you would like to attend, how about you write an email to this list with the topic(s) you want to bring up, and maybe a small presentation with your background and interests? -- David Henningsson, Canonical Ltd. https://launchpad.net/~diwic