Postgresql Users
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- Re: pg_archivecleanup - Increase time files are deleted, (continued)
- Re: [BUGS] BUG #14210: DB crash: system logger process was terminated by exception 0xFFFFFFFFwith exception 0xFFFFFFFF,
Long, Jie
- Updated RUM?,
Andreas Joseph Krogh
- 9.6 beta2 win-x64 download links still point to beta1,
Thomas Kellerer
- Concerned to discover DOMAINs can be the same as built in types with no escaping,
Justin Dearing
- Transaction serialization,
Dusan Milanov
- What Causes Access Exclusive Lock?,
Sameer Kumar
- client_min_messages and INFO,
Jason Dusek
- ERROR: missing chunk number 0 for toast value while using logical decoder.\,
- Postgres 9.5.2 upgrade to 9.6,
Michelle Schwan
- Help on recovering my standby,
Ramalingam, Sankarakumar
- pg_restore error-s after pg_dump,
- Protect a table against concurrent data changes while allowing to vacuum it,
Vlad Arkhipov
- optimizing a query,
Jonathan Vanasco
- does timestamp precision affect storage size?,
Jonathan Vanasco
- Regression tests (Background Workers),
- pg_dump from a hot standby replication slave,
Johan Thomsen
- Help with namespaces in xpath (PostgreSQL 9.5.3),
Allan Kamau
- Help needed structuring Postgresql correlation query,
Tim Smith
- Vacuum full: alternatives?,
- UUID and Enum columns in exclusion constraints,
Adam Brusselback
- OT hardware recommend,
Andy Colson
- PostgresSQL and HIPAA compliance,
Alex John
- Regression in query optimizer when upgrading from 9.4.5 to 9.5.2?,
Erdmann, Markus @ Bellevue
- Creating or modifying a tsquery from PL/pgSQL,
Tobia Conforto
- Hot disable WAL archiving,
- Pg_bulkload for PostgreSql 9.5,
- maximum "target list" (maximum columns),
Shaun Cutts
- Slony error please help,
avi Singh
- Comparing tsvector results,
Liza Sazonova
- Table ordering in pg_dump,
Jean-Francois Prieur
- Looking for a good programming reference,
Andrew Kerber
- Moving from PHP to Java: A result was returned when none was expected.,
Alexander Farber
- regarding schema only migration from sqlserver to postgres with,
Durgamahesh Manne
Question about RUM-index,
Andreas Joseph Krogh
random huge delay when recreate a VIEW or FUNCTION,
Catalin Maftei
PgQ and pg_dump,
Martín Marqués
Data ingestion failing when using higher Batch size,
Rupesh Choudhary
How to pass jsonb and inet arguments to a stored function with JDBC?,
Alexander Farber
Index seems "lost" after consecutive deletes,
Edson Richter
table name size,
Sridhar N Bamandlapally
pg_tune replacement,
Ivan Mincik
Question about performance - Postgres 9.5,
Patrick B
Sequences, txids, and serial order of transactions,
Christian Ohler
pgAdmin 4 beta not working on Windows 10,
Thomas Kellerer
Why are no NEGATORS defined in the standard operators,
Daniel Migowski
Converting Postgres SQL constraint logic to PHP?,
Ken Tanzer
What is the general opinion on use of tablespaces,
Rakesh Kumar
Changelog version from 8.1.2 to 9.3.6,
Yogesh Sharma
Online DW,
Sridhar N Bamandlapally
Retrieving comment of rules and triggers,
Alex Magnum
Optimise OR condiditions across multiple joins,
Andrew Beverley
Automate copy - Postgres 9.2,
Patrick B
Unregistered OpenSSL callbacks access violation,
Ranier VF
Using a VIEW as a temporary mechanism for renaming a table,
Ben Buckman
connection pooling, many users, many datasources,
Michael McInness
Full text search on Chemistry text,
Allan Kamau
[C-function] Can SET_VARSIZE cause a memory leak?,
Николай Бабаджанян
High availability and load balancing ...,
Sunil N Shinde
BDR Custom Conflict Handler,
Elijah Bitting
2 node bdr setup gives error in replication slots,
Re-sync slave server,
Patrick B
mobile apps: async repl/sync,
Wim Bertels
Why threads every 30 seconds?,
Bryan Henderson
Postgres Dropped DB have recovered files how to restore,
Whither recovery.conf?,
Richard Tisch
OUT parameter and RETURN table/setof,
Sridhar N Bamandlapally
ALTER TABLE and vacuum,
Rick Widmer
How SQL SELECT * statement works in Postgres?,
Sachin Srivastava
Actual rows significantly more than estimated during many joins,
Andrew Beverley
Partitioned postgres tables don't need update trigger??,
Londiste3 - Ubuntu 16.04 - Postgresql 9.3,
Leonardo M. Ramé
pgFoundry down,
Leonardo M. Ramé
[pg_trgm] Per-query set_limit(),
Greg Navis
[pg_trgm] Making similarity(?, ?) < ? use an index,
Greg Navis
psql remote shell command,
Partitioned tables do not return affected row counts to client,
Refresh materialized views recursively,
Bit Divine
dumb question,
Steve Clark
WAL's listing in pg_xlog by some sql query,
Alex Ignatov
Slave claims requested WAL segment already removed - but it wasn't,
Jeff Beck
Bertrand Paquet
RowDescription via the SQL?,
Dmitry Igrishin
PL/PGSQL + inserts+updates+limit - Postgres 9.3,
Patrick Baker
Change in order of criteria - reg,
sri harsha
postgres_fdw and Kerberos authentication,
Jean-Marc Lessard
plql and or clausule,
Row security policies documentation question,
Alexander M. Sauer-Budge
Log Shipping,
Joseph Kregloh
Checkpoint Err on Startup of Rsynced System,
Jim Longwill
Triggers not being fired with pglogical,
Jaime Rivera
Drop/Re-Creating database extremely slow + doesn't lose data,
Thalis Kalfigkopoulos
How to hide JDBC connection credentials from git?,
Alexander Farber
Switching roles as an replacement of connection pooling tools,
Silent data loss in its pure form,
Alex Ignatov
Deleting a table file does not raise an error when the table is touched afterwards, why?,
Daniel Westermann
- Re: Deleting a table file does not raise an error when the table is touched afterwards, why?,
Melvin Davidson
- Re: Deleting a table file does not raise an error when the table is touched afterwards, why?,
Francisco Olarte
- Re: Deleting a table file does not raise an error when the table is touched afterwards, why?,
Simon Riggs
- Re: Deleting a table file does not raise an error when the table is touched afterwards, why?,
Tom Lane
- Re: Deleting a table file does not raise an error when the table is touched afterwards, why?,
Alex Ignatov
- Re: Deleting a table file does not raise an error when the table is touched afterwards, why?,
David W Noon
After replication failover: could not read block X in file Y read only 0 of 8192 bytes,
Brian Sutherland
How to find business partners from PostgreSQL communities?,
UUID datatype,
Sridhar N Bamandlapally
plugin dev, oid to pointer map,
Attila Soki
recordings of pgconf us 2016,
swarm of processes in BIND state?,
hubert depesz lubaczewski
Re: swarm of processes in BIND state?,
Jeff Janes
Migrate 2 DB's - v8.3,
Jeff Baldwin
9.6beta, parallel execution and cpu_tuple_cost,
Thomas Kellerer
BDR to ignore table exists error,
Slides for PGCon2016; "FTS is dead ? Long live FTS !",
Andreas Joseph Krogh
Aborted pg_dump run empties existing archive file,
Ken Winter
Subquery uses ungrouped column,
Alex Ignatov
Permission Denied Error on pg_xlog/RECOVERYXLOG file,
Do docs miss information about timing of triggers?,
Thomas Güttler
full text search index,
Patrick Baker
gin index postgres 9.2,
Lucas Possamai
empty pg_stat_replication when replication works fine?,
Andrej Vanek
Igor Neyman
archive_command during database shutdown,
Jeff Janes
Timestamp with timezone output,
Arnaud Inovia Team
SPI returns error for SAVEPOINT,
ERROR: MultiXactId xxx has not been created yet,
Christophe Pettus
9.5 regression with unwanted nested loop left join,
Greg Sabino Mullane
Members in the Middle East?,
Umair Shahid
FIRST_VALUE: need to group by argument?,
Guyren Howe
postgres 9.5 create function plpthon3u resets connections to server,
Peter Crosbie
revert function for to_json ?,
Marc Mamin
postgresql embedded mode,
aluka raju
aluka raju
Postgresql-MongoDb foreigndata wrapper,
aluka raju
Fatal error "stack empty" on ROLLBACK,
9.5 CentOS 7 setting PGDATA for systemctl,
Tory M Blue
Enhancement proposal for psql: add a column to "\di+" to show index type,
Ivan Voras
PostgreSql Doubt,
aluka raju
.bash_profile replaced on software updates,
John DeSoi
How to know if SPI or some other API triggered an ERROR.,
No warnings or errors after same sequential revoke,
Alex Ignatov
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