On 07/09/2016 12:09 PM, arnaud gaboury wrote:
% dnf info postgresql
Last metadata expiration check: 2 days, 20:46:44 ago on Wed Jul 6
23:17:54 2016.
Installed Packages
Name : postgresql
Arch : x86_64
Epoch : 0
Version : 9.5.3
Release : 1.fc24
Have you installed Postgres from some other source then the package
Just trying to figure out where the 9.4 binaries are coming from?
postgresql-update Fedora package
3) List what is in the PG_VERSION file of each directory you are using.
% cat data-9.4/PG_VERSION
% cat data-9.5/PG_VERSION
So where are you getting the below directories from?:
I changed the name to 9-4 et 9-5 for convenience
Please don't do that, it just adds to the confusion. For instance I still do
not know what data-* maps to /db/pgsql/data*.
So please run the cat on the actual directories.
Here is my /db/pgsql :
data-9.4 (formerly data)
data-9.5 (formerly data.old)
So back to one of your questions from upstream:
"So aside this socket issue, it seems I am back again to the
initialization issue. Is there something wrong in the command I use ?
$ pg_upgrade -b /usr/lib64/pgsql/postgresql-9.4/bin/ -B /usr/bin -d
/db/pgsql/data.old -D /db/pgsql/data
-d datadir
the old cluster data directory; environment variable PGDATAOLD
-D datadir
the new cluster data directory; environment variable PGDATANEW
You have the directories swapped.
There is still the issue of the 9.4 binaries and which version of
Postgres you are running commands from at any given time. I would
suggest using full paths to the commands until this is resolved.
1) Did you run the Fedora postgresql-setup upgrade command at any
Yes I did many times against a /db/pgsql/data with my 9.4 database (If
I run the command with the 9.5 initialized data folder, I get ERROR:
Cannot upgrade because the database in /db/pgsql/data is of
version 9.5 but it should be 9.4).
Adrian Klaver
Adrian Klaver
Adrian Klaver
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