Postgresql Users
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- Re: Joining 16 tables seems slow, (continued)
- Perl script is killed by SIGPIPE,
Yogesh Sharma
- contrecord is requested,
Scott Marlowe
- pg_restore error -- missing pg table,
- Needing verification on instructions for streaming replication,
Dave Florek
- Final pg_dumpall should happen in Single-User-Mode,
Thomas Güttler
- BDR, limit number of groups in a cluster,
milist ujang
- pg_ident mapping Kerberos Usernames,
- Analyzing performance regression from 9.2 to 9.6,
Dave Peticolas
- Aquameta 0.1 - Request for reviews, contributors,
Eric Hanson
- SAP Application deployment on PostgreSQL,
chiru r
- B-tree index on a VARCHAR(4000) column,
Ron Johnson
- WAL & ready files retained after turning off log shipping,
Ron Johnson
- Message not available
Plans to lift no write limitation on parallelism?,
Alexander Stoddard
pg_rewind issue,
James Sewell
column names query,
hamann . w
pgcrypto encrypt,
Stephen Cook
logical replication API to read WAL file through replication slot,
Dipesh Dangol
Confused about max_standby_streaming_delay,
Robert Inder
Hot standby failing with page # of relation # is uninitialized,
Adrian Heath
Hot standby failing with page # of relation # is unintitialized,
Adrian Heath
Schema/table replication,
Marcin Giedz
Dealing with number formats when server and client are different locales,
Rob Northcott
Inconsistent Postgres error when installing our product containing PostgreSQL 9.3.4,
Postgres logs showing error after replication,
Vijay Chaudhery
BDR, wal segment has been removed, is it possible move forward?,
milist ujang
Accessiing database from inside of postgresql C function,
Yan Pas
Postgresql init and cleanup module functions,
Yan Pas
CREATE TABLE LIKE including all not including storage parameters?,
Milen Blagojevic
Not possible to compare regrole in a view query?,
Glen Huang
hidden maintenance_work_mem limitations of a Windows build,
What's the best way in postgres to use ANY() with LIKE '%'?,
Ryan Murphy
Surprising locking behavior with CTE, FOR SHARE, and UPDATE,
Seamus Abshere
Undefined Reference,
Stefan Wagner
ENUM type size,
Олег Самойлов
pgFormatter v2.1 has been released,
Gilles Darold
Numeric numbers,
Олег Самойлов
Re: Numeric numbers,
David G. Johnston
Strange SQL result - any ideas.,
Paul Linehan
Fields re-ordered on JOIN with * and USING,
Ken Tanzer
pglogical bidirectional replication of sequences,
Peter J. Holzer
Issue with json_agg() and ordering,
Bob Jones
RemoveIPC problem,
scott ribe
Problem with Lateral ?,
pgadmin - import a CSV with nulls?,
George Neuner
Try pglogical with postgres 9.6,
ERROR: Undefined Reference to,
Stefan Wagner
How to check streaming replication status,
Table create time,
hamann . w
clustered index benchmark comparing Postgresql vs Mariadb,
Veritas cluster management,
Ron Johnson
CTE in a Recursive Union,
Joe Wildish
Serializable Isolation and read/write conflict with index and different keys,
Luca Looz
Unlogged Crash Detection,
Create Action for psql when NOTIFY Recieved,
Jerry Regan
Installing 9.5 doesn't create 'postgres' unix account on Cent OS 7,
John Lawlor
Performance with high correlation in group by on PK,
Alban Hertroys
Logging the fact that a log was shipped,
Ron Johnson
Message not available
hrs, mins and seconds do not appear with to_char,
Peter Koukoulis
Log shipping in v8.4.7,
Ron Johnson
Using the dollar sign as a prefix for named parameter of prepared statement.,
Dmitry Igrishin
Problem during debugging,
Igor Korot
Immutable functions and cache invalidation.,
Tim Uckun
BDR replication port,
Zhu, Joshua
Get user defined type OID (PostgreSQL extension in C),
Fabiana Zioti
Invalid magic number 0000 in log file,
Moreno Andreo
Extension coverage,
Gabriel Furstenheim Milerud
Out of memory/corrupted shared memory problem on server,
Johann Spies
creating tables in tablespace,
Tiffany Thang
Change location of function/type installed from C-extension,
Dmitry Lazurkin
Cluster, repmgr, pgbouncer, pgpool, ha proxy, virtual IP, replication, failover and load balance,
Fadhel J Muhammad
plpython2.dll missing from Enterprise DB Postgres distribution,
Alan Millington
Explain analyse and toasted data.,
Benoit Lobréau
'value too long' and before insert/update trigger,
Kevin Golding
jdbc driver vis Release 10,
Rob Sargent
DROP [TEMP] TABLE syntax, as reason why not?,
David G. Johnston
Function not inserting rows,
Frank Foerster
install the oracle data wrapper extension,
Peter Koukoulis
PG and database encryption,
Re: PG and database encryption,
Re: PG and database encryption,
Retrieving query results,
Igor Korot
Martin Moore
Fwd: PostgreSQL 9.4.13 is facing issue in shutting down,
Abhijit Gharami
What is the proper query,
Igor Korot
pg_rewind - restore new slave failed to startup during recovery,
Dylan Luong
Porting libpq to QNX 4.25,
Selecting some schema not suported for libpq PQconnectdbParams,
A question on GIN indexes and arrays,
Wells Oliver
Postgres Log Message Translations,
Enis Inan
archive_command fails but works outside of Postgres,
make postgresql 9.5 default on centos 7,
Steve Clark
Results interpretation,
Igor Korot
Count column with name 'count' returns multiple rows. Why?,
Rob Audenaerde
Number of rows affected by ON CASCADE,
Deleting unwanted wal files,
no pg_hba.conf entry for replication connection,
armand pirvu
Logging failed connections,
Stephen Cook
optimize pg_tables query ( text vs varchar ) ...why ?,
pg_column_size strange result...,
Begginers question,
Alex Samad
How to delete default privileges,
Francisco Reyes
Corrupt index,
Daryl Stultz
WAL replication wrong collate,
Queries for Diagramming Schema Keys,
Development of an extension for PostgreSQL and PostGIS,
Fabiana Zioti
PostgreSQL used in our network engine (SLikeNet),
Stefan Hett
Adding a new Clause in the Source Code,
Stefan Wagner
cluster question,
Alex Samad
Help on Index only scan,
Ertan Küçükoğlu
Where is pg_hba.conf,
Igor Korot
How to make server generate more output?,
Rui Pacheco
Fwd: 2 process postgres -D for one instance,
Murtuza Zabuawala
Receive a string in Composite-type Arguments,
Fabiana Zioti
sequence used on null value or get the max value for a column whith concurrency,
could not find function "pglogical_table_data_filtered" in file "/usr/pgsql-9.5/lib/",
armand pirvu
pglogical repo,
armand pirvu
pglogical sync,
armand pirvu
Curious planning decision,
Steve Rogerson
foreign key with char and varchar,
Thomas Poty
pg_stat_statements -- Historical Query,
Isolation of schema renames,
Ben Leslie
streaming replication - crash on standby,
Seong Son (US)
About using IMCS moldule,
ErrorCode=-2147467259 storing a .net string,
How to ALTER EXTENSION name OWNER TO new_owner ?,
Colin 't Hart
invalid byte sequence for encoding,
pg_upgrade fails right after printing "Running in verbose mode",
Юрий Нелепко
Multixact members limit exceeded,
Peter Hunčár
Any thoughts on making a psql meta-command "hide (or show alt text) if no results"?,
David G. Johnston
Compiling libpq only on Linux,
Igor Korot
ZeosLib database components - uuid inserts using libpq,
Ertan Küçükoğlu
About using IMCS module,
Ora2pg estimation accuracy,
Venkat Ramkrishna
the "PgJDBC driver is not an executable" message,
scott ribe
[General] - Ora2PG estimation accuracy,
Venkat Ramkrishna
Audit based on role,
Redacting JSONB,
Paul Jones
Data checksum with pg upgradecluster,
PostgreSQL with PowerBuilder, and Identity keys (serials),
Dan Cooperstock at Software4Nonprofits
Type cast in PHP PDO (does not work like in Java?),
Alexander Farber
Lifetime of PQexecPrepared() returned value,
Igor Korot
Setting Variables within the PostgreSQL Service Process on AWS Linux,
Mark Street
cast issue in WITH RECURION,
k b
Check if prepared statement exist?,
Igor Korot
unexpected pageaddr,
armand pirvu
hot standby questions,
armand pirvu
select md5 result set,
Peter Koukoulis
[ADMIN] PostgreSQL 9.3 Uninstall error - Windows 2012,
Pankaj Arora
Would you add a --dry-run to pg_restore?,
Edmundo Robles
Do not INSERT if UPDATE fails,
Alexander Farber
bidirectional mapping?,
John McKown
org.postgresql.util.PSQLException: FATAL: terminating connection due to administrator command,
Problem compiling a C function on Windows - not finding _palloc0@4,
Dan Cooperstock at Software4Nonprofits
Shared Constants in PLPGSQL,
Tim Uckun
Not able to create collation on Windows,
Murtuza Zabuawala
PostgreSQL and Data Warehouse optimizations,
Daniel Franco
upsert and update filtering,
armand pirvu
standby database crash,
Seong Son (US)
Partitioned TEMP tables,
Ed Behn
Question about loading up a table,
Alex Samad
vacuum on streaming replication,
Alex Samad
partitioning question,
Alex Samad
Fwd: Planner oversight for GIN indices?,
Kurt Kartaltepe
Invalid byte sequence for encoding UTF-8 0xc3\n,
Igor Korot
Executing regex in C code,
Gabriel Furstenheim Milerud
Schemas and serials,
number of referencing and referenced columns for foreign key disagree,
Alexander Farber
tzdata timezone boundaries,
Jerome Wagner
tzdata version,
Jerome Wagner
Why am I getting doubles?,
Igor Korot
Vincenzo Romano
upsert: is there a shortcut?,
Daniele Varrazzo
Constraint exclusion involving joins,
Krithika Venkatesh
Question about paritioning,
Alex Samad
Interesting streaming replication issue,
James Sewell
ODBC driver issue,
Igor Korot
Developer GUI tools for PostgreSQL,
Tiffany Thang
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