We have a windows setup for PostgreSQL(Version 9.4).
Now we are upgrading Major version 9.4 to 9.6.
Total Database size - 421 GB
RAM – 16 GB
Core – 8
Size of Data Directory Drive – 500 GB
We have 3 database in 421 GB.
X database size – 12 GB
Y database size – 1 GB
Z database size – 408 GB
Now when we start pg_upgrade command it is started and also generating dumps but it is stuck when it is creating large database (408 GB size).
we have kept running pg_upgrade for 24 hr but it is not going further from creating large database dump.
Is it space related issue or something else? How can we deal with this Problem ?
Amee Sankhesara
Database Developer
R&D .Net Department
T / +91 (0) 94295 45266
amee.sankhesara@ /