On 26 September 2017 at 05:01, Abhinav Singh <abhinav.thegame@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
Hello,I am currently using PostgreSQL Community version 9.4.9 and then using this instance, I am doing logical replication(using replication slots). I have created the replication slots using the following query:SELECT xlog_position FROM pg_create_logical_replication_slot('cjkimqvfuvixqyjd_ 00016389_e6f7c975_a311_4067_ bcf1_a6accb57ab37', 'test_decoding')
3. So now I started my replication.
This is one of the MANY reasons test_decoding isn't suitable as the base for a replication solution. It has "test" in its name for a reason.
Your replication model, whatever it is, is broken, since it's not handling special cases like unchanged TOASTed values in UPDATEs. This is a bug in your replication tool.