Squid Proxy Cache Users
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problem with basic_ldap_auth,
Re: https issues for google,
SSL BUMP, https interception, etc,
Alejandro Martinez
squid ipv6 outgoing addresses from ipv4 incoming traffic,
Ahmed Allzaeem
TCP_DENIED/403 after Upgrading from 3.4.4 to 3.4.7 (ssl_bump enabled),
Tom Tom
ntlmssp: bad ascii: ffffffab (Lan Manager auth broken?),
Victor Sudakov
need to implement Large rock on squid , but i need a squid3.head version dont hang !,
Ahmed Allzaeem
Squid, Kerberos and FireFox (Was: Re: leaking memory in squid 3.4.8 and 3.4.7.),
Victor Sudakov
- Re: Squid, Kerberos and FireFox (Was: Re: leaking memory in squid 3.4.8 and 3.4.7.),
Victor Sudakov
- Re: Squid, Kerberos and FireFox (Was: Re: leaking memory in squid 3.4.8 and 3.4.7.),
Victor Sudakov
- Re: Squid, Kerberos and FireFox (Was: Re: leaking memory in squid 3.4.8 and 3.4.7.),
Victor Sudakov
- Re: Squid, Kerberos and FireFox (Was: Re: leaking memory in squid 3.4.8 and 3.4.7.),
Markus Moeller
- Re: Squid, Kerberos and FireFox (Was: Re: leaking memory in squid 3.4.8 and 3.4.7.),
Victor Sudakov
- Re: Squid, Kerberos and FireFox (Was: Re: leaking memory in squid 3.4.8 and 3.4.7.),
Eliezer Croitoru
- Re: Squid, Kerberos and FireFox (Was: Re: leaking memory in squid 3.4.8 and 3.4.7.),
Markus Moeller
- Re: Squid, Kerberos and FireFox (Was: Re: leaking memory in squid 3.4.8 and 3.4.7.),
Markus Moeller
- Re: Squid, Kerberos and FireFox (Was: Re: leaking memory in squid 3.4.8 and 3.4.7.),
Victor Sudakov
- Re: Squid, Kerberos and FireFox (Was: Re: leaking memory in squid 3.4.8 and 3.4.7.),
Victor Sudakov
- Re: Squid, Kerberos and FireFox (Was: Re: leaking memory in squid 3.4.8 and 3.4.7.),
Victor Sudakov
- Re: Squid, Kerberos and FireFox (Was: Re: leaking memory in squid 3.4.8 and 3.4.7.),
Victor Sudakov
- Re: Squid, Kerberos and FireFox (Was: Re: leaking memory in squid 3.4.8 and 3.4.7.),
Markus Moeller
- Re: Squid, Kerberos and FireFox (Was: Re: leaking memory in squid 3.4.8 and 3.4.7.),
Victor Sudakov
- Re: Squid, Kerberos and FireFox (Was: Re: leaking memory in squid 3.4.8 and 3.4.7.),
Markus Moeller
- Re: Squid, Kerberos and FireFox (Was: Re: leaking memory in squid 3.4.8 and 3.4.7.),
Victor Sudakov
- Re: Squid, Kerberos and FireFox (Was: Re: leaking memory in squid 3.4.8 and 3.4.7.),
Eugene M. Zheganin
- Re: Squid, Kerberos and FireFox (Was: Re: leaking memory in squid 3.4.8 and 3.4.7.),
Victor Sudakov
- Re: Squid, Kerberos and FireFox (Was: Re: leaking memory in squid 3.4.8 and 3.4.7.),
Eugene M. Zheganin
- Re: Squid, Kerberos and FireFox (Was: Re: leaking memory in squid 3.4.8 and 3.4.7.),
Victor Sudakov
- Re: Squid, Kerberos and FireFox (Was: Re: leaking memory in squid 3.4.8 and 3.4.7.),
Eliezer Croitoru
- Re: Squid, Kerberos and FireFox (Was: Re: leaking memory in squid 3.4.8 and 3.4.7.),
Victor Sudakov
- Re: Squid, Kerberos and FireFox (Was: Re: leaking memory in squid 3.4.8 and 3.4.7.),
Victor Sudakov
- Re: Squid, Kerberos and FireFox (Was: Re: leaking memory in squid 3.4.8 and 3.4.7.),
Amos Jeffries
- Re: Squid, Kerberos and FireFox (Was: Re: leaking memory in squid 3.4.8 and 3.4.7.),
Victor Sudakov
- Re: Squid, Kerberos and FireFox (Was: Re: leaking memory in squid 3.4.8 and 3.4.7.),
Victor Sudakov
- Re: Squid, Kerberos and FireFox (Was: Re: leaking memory in squid 3.4.8 and 3.4.7.),
Amos Jeffries
- Re: Squid, Kerberos and FireFox (Was: Re: leaking memory in squid 3.4.8 and 3.4.7.),
Victor Sudakov
- Re: Squid, Kerberos and FireFox (Was: Re: leaking memory in squid 3.4.8 and 3.4.7.),
Carlos Defoe
- Re: Squid, Kerberos and FireFox (Was: Re: leaking memory in squid 3.4.8 and 3.4.7.),
Eugene M. Zheganin
- Re: Squid, Kerberos and FireFox (Was: Re: leaking memory in squid 3.4.8 and 3.4.7.),
Carlos Defoe
- Re: Squid, Kerberos and FireFox (Was: Re: leaking memory in squid 3.4.8 and 3.4.7.),
Victor Sudakov
- Re: Squid, Kerberos and FireFox (Was: Re: leaking memory in squid 3.4.8 and 3.4.7.),
Victor Sudakov
- Re: Squid, Kerberos and FireFox (Was: Re: leaking memory in squid 3.4.8 and 3.4.7.),
Amos Jeffries
- Re: Squid, Kerberos and FireFox (Was: Re: leaking memory in squid 3.4.8 and 3.4.7.),
Victor Sudakov
- Re: Squid, Kerberos and FireFox (Was: Re: leaking memory in squid 3.4.8 and 3.4.7.),
Victor Sudakov
- Message not available
- Re: Squid, Kerberos and FireFox (Was: Re: leaking memory in squid 3.4.8 and 3.4.7.),
Eugene M. Zheganin
- Re: Squid, Kerberos and FireFox (Was: Re: leaking memory in squid 3.4.8 and 3.4.7.),
Victor Sudakov
- Re: Squid, Kerberos and FireFox (Was: Re: leaking memory in squid 3.4.8 and 3.4.7.),
Victor Sudakov
<Possible follow-ups>
Re: Squid, Kerberos and FireFox (Was: Re: leaking memory in squid 3.4.8 and 3.4.7.),
Victor Sudakov
Encapsulating proxy requests thru a proxy,
Ricardo Carrillo Cruz
RPM Packages,
John Gardner
Best OS for latest squid,
Douglas Davenport
transparent proxy https and self signed certificate error,
Robert Watson
Re: transparent proxy https and self signed certificate error,
Rafael Akchurin
Re: High cpu usage by re_search_internal,
Omid Kosari
Kerberos auth not working,
How to tell when Squid has finished setting up disk cache directories?,
Stephen Baynes
getting sslbump cert errors on major sites,
Jason Haar
[ADVISORY] SQUID-2014:4 Multiple issues in pinger ICMP processing.,
Amos Jeffries
[ADVISORY] SQUID-2014:3 Buffer overflow in SNMP processing,
Amos Jeffries
Squid 3.4.8 is available,
Amos Jeffries
R: Re: R: Re: detect 'youtube.com' url,
Riccardo Castellani
R: Re: Re: detect 'youtube.com' url,
Riccardo Castellani
R: Re: detect 'youtube.com' url,
Riccardo Castellani
detect 'youtube.com' url,
Riccardo Castellani
How to unblock a port,
James Moe
redirect all ports to squid,
301 Error in squid -> followed by 302,
Mr C K
Squid-cache.org won't redirect to www.squid-cache.org?,
Neddy, NH. Nam
Re: squid bandwidth saving optimization for specific sites,
Eliezer Croitoru
ERROR: URL-rewrite,
Alejandro Martinez
Digest auth DENIED/407 for notexistant user,
"Nils Hügelmann (anonymoX.net)"
squid bandwidth saving optimization for specific sites,
shellshock pattern ?,
Re: is there a way to hide squid from http://www.ip-score.com/ ??,
Nathan Hoad
Need confirm for external_acl_type + delay_access,
David Touzeau
Large rock optimization and saving bandwidth best practise,
is there a way to hide squid from http://www.ip-score.com/ ??,
Need best practise , for Large rock for bandwidth savings !,
leaking memory in squid 3.4.8 and 3.4.7.,
Victor Sudakov
Re: [Squid-users] Digest auth DENIED/407 for notexistant user,
"Nils Hügelmann (anonymoX.net)"
Re: Help setting up a custom captive portal,
out-of-band authentication (like ident but better),
James Harper
I was wondering about htcp and ssl connections.,
Eliezer Croitoru
SSL Bump and certificate pinning,
Steve Hill
error: #error .... is not 32-bit or 64-bit,
Santosh Bhabal
Re: error: #error .... is not 32-bit or 64-bit,
Eliezer Croitoru
squid 3.3.8 kerberos and ldap auth,
Victor Gusev
How big you want your cache? and what sites and what content will you try to cache?,
Eliezer Croitoru
Cache a site which is "redirected" by DNS manipulation,
Question about squid content modification,
Carlos R Laguna
Forward Proxy Mode HTTPS Connect with invalid server certificate,
Eduard Deffner
Fwd: access.log destinatin server ip,
Manuel Ramirez Montero
Open StoreID http interface from ngtech.,
Eliezer Croitoru
parent problem - TCP_MISS/403 from parent,
Dmitry Melekhov
Whether we can redirect video traffic to squid 2.7 via porting mirror,
Fresh Freebsd 10 and squid 2.7.9 "Try to set MAKE_JOBS_UNSAFE" error,
Soporte Técnico
squid yum install,
Santosh Bhabal
source address ip spoofing,
Squid 3.4.7 is available,
Amos Jeffries
[ADVISORY] SQUID-2014:2 Denial of service in request processing,
Amos Jeffries
Squid 3.3.13 is available,
Amos Jeffries
illegal instruction with 3.4.6 (no problem with 3.4.4),
Alfredo Rezinovsky
Very slow initial reply,
Bruno Guerreiro
ICAP: entry went bad while waiting for adapted headers,
Maxim Kulikov
ident authentication problem,
James Harper
FW: squid 3.3.10 always gives TCP_MISS for SSL requests,
Ragheb Rustom
does squid support aia Authority Information Access ?,
Dieter Bloms
Debugging Kerberos Handshake,
Jason Fitzpatrick
Fwd: New to FreeBSD, Squid experiencing request loops,
Heuristic Filter for Squid,
Only checking URLs via Squid for SSL,
Filter squid cached files to multiple cache dirs,
Nudity Images Filter for Squid,
Anybody using squid on openWRT ?,
negotiate_wrapper returns asteriks,
Melvin Williams
Re: squid_kerb_ldap issues,
Scott Finlon
problem with squid-users maillist,
Oleg Motienko
kerberos_ldap_group stopped working with subdomains,
Pavel Timofeev
blockVirgin Works for CONNECT but Custom Response does not work,
Jatin Bhasin
Does Squid send connection information of client and server to c-icap?,
m . shahverdi
acl limit,
k simon
Individual delay pools and youtube,
https://weather.yahoo.com redirect loop,
Jatin Bhasin
Poor cache,
Délsio Cabá
Exception handling,
Very slow site via squid,
what AV products have ICAP support?,
Jason Haar
Simple content "filter" by external program,
Proxy server Spec..,
Stephan Viljoen
CDN / JS 503 Service Unavailable,
Paul Regan
store_id and key in store.log,
Степаненко Сергей
Re: writing storeid.pl file,
Squid + Kerberos Auth,
Daniel Reif
what Squid access.log analyzer are you using?,
Eliezer Croitoru
Log Daemon (queue is too large),
Warren Baker
HTTP/HTTPS transparent proxy doesn't work,
Request Entity Too Large Error in Squid Reverse Proxy,
Robert Cicerelli
squid authentication failing,
Sarah Baker
How to configure Squid as Secure Proxy Server,
Sapan Shah
find the cached pages by squid?,
Mark jensen
Memory Leaks after OS upgrade,
"Nils Hügelmann (anonymoX.net)"
How to forbid squid from caching some websites?,
Mark jensen
Block https in Firefox does not work, IE and Chrome ok,
George Farcas
let squid to request the page using client IP?,
Mark jensen
Problem with a website...,
Forwarding loop on squid 3.3.8,
Karma sometimes Hurts
Squid as internet traffic monitor,
Babelo Gmvsdm
Quick question,
Lawrence Pingree
WCCP for ISP (urgent services),
Délsio Cabá
Re: ONLY Cache certain Websites.,
security.use_mozillapkix_verification and squid ssl bump,
Blank page due to 500 internal server error of embedded page,
Sebastian Fohler
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